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Dealer installed ICE pump fails what is their liability?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Priusyipee, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Priusyipee

    Priusyipee Active Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Upstate New York
    2005 Prius
    OK here it goes - On May 31, 2014 I brought my 2008 Prius to a local dealer (not the dealership where I purchased the car) to do some work under the certified used warranty. The car had 89,000 miles. At that time, both hub/bearing assemblies were replaced, as well as the ICE water pump and coolant. Fast forward to mid September 2014. My son Kevin now has the car and lives about 250 miles away. Upon visiting a few weeks ago, he inquired about a large oily spot on the driveway underneath the car. I pop the hood and notice that there is an obvious failure of the ICE water pump AGAIN less than 5,000 miles since it was replaced. It was a Sunday evening and he had to leave. I checked the coolant overflow reservoir as well as the radiator fluid. It was down about 16oz. Not having any SLLC and only having a new gallon jug of LLC and a gallon of distilled water, the mix was added to bring the level back up to where it should have been. During the 2 weeks while waiting for an appointment, he added another 16 oz. (1/2 LLC and 1/2 distilled H2O). The car was brought back to the dealership on Saturday. The ICE water pump was replaced at no charge but they DID charge him 109.00 for a gallon of SLLC coolant + installation.

    When I came home from work later that evening and was told of what had happened, I was livid since I believe that the coolant should have been changed at no charge since the pump was either defective or installed incorrectly. To add insult to injury, before he left for New Hampshire last night, I asked him to pop the hood so that I could take a look. I verified that the water pump was changed but the coolant reservoir was dry. I took off the radiator cap and noticed that the fluid was about 2" below the cap. Again, not having SLLC, I added LLC coolant/distilled water to bring the level up to where it should be.

    Since I do have another Prius (2005), it was very easy to verify that yes, there should be fluid in the plastic coolant reservoir. He left for home and called me when he arrived stating that the fluid level was where it should be when he arrived home.

    Now to contend with the dealership. I believe that he was charged for a fluid drain/refill that was not done. I called the dealership and spoke with the service manager. He agreed to refund the money for the coolant drain/refill ($109.00) plus give me a gallon of LLC to replace what was used in an emergency.

    The service manager also stated that there may have "been air in the system" and that the technician told him that "he pushed up and down and rocked it to get any air pockets out of the system". Huh? If it were that easy, DIYers would not be wrestling with this issue at home.

    Basically I was told that the coolant WAS changed (tech swears by it - I don't believe it) and that if it was low when I received the car then there must have been an air pocket. My opinion is that the low fluid level was due to the loss of fluid while changing the pump and that the mechanic put everything back together and neglected to drain/refill. After all, it was a Saturday. I was told that if I added LLC to bring it up to level, I am responsible for that and they will not replace the coolant again. My argument is that #1 - I am not to blame for the ICE pump failure #2 - I am not responsible for the coolant being low after the repair.

    If the coolant was supposedly changed under the certified warranty when the ICE pump was replaced the first time, why was it not done again? Am I being overly picky or should I take this incident to corporate and whine. Seems to me that the coolant should be full after a repair.
    #1 Priusyipee, Oct 6, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  2. frodoz737

    frodoz737 Top Wrench

    Aug 26, 2010
    2015 Prius
    It should have been, and you were lucky nothing bad happened, but the fact they reimbursed you likely means Toyota Corp will call this matter resolved. Good catch though. (y)
    #2 frodoz737, Oct 6, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  3. Priusyipee

    Priusyipee Active Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Upstate New York
    2005 Prius
    Had a "similar" issue a few months ago - same dealership. Received a coupon from corporate for a free front brake replacement on my '03 Highlander (58,000 miles - I supplied new OEM rotors bought online). When the job was being done, the cap for the brake reservoir was never opened before the calipers were pushed in. When the caliper was compressed... you guessed it. Cap popped open - fluid everywhere. By the time it was discovered, a few weeks had passed. It was obvious that the brakes were done and the hood was never popped. The service manager tried to BS me but I've done enough brake jobs in my day... I demanded (and got) a free brake line flush/fluid replacement. I threatened to go to corporate so they had no choice...

    I guess my gripe is that he should not have been charged
    the fluid should have been drained/refilled AND at level when the car was returned.
  4. jadziasman

    jadziasman Prius owner emeritus

    Jan 17, 2011
    District 6
    Other Non-Hybrid
    It is the owner's responsibility to check his/her vehicle after a stealership has gotten its greedy little mitts on it. Your son should have popped open the bonnet and made sure that the coolant levels were proper before driving off the dealer's property. Trust but verify should be the norm any time someone other than you tinkers with your ride.

    That's exactly what I did when a local stealership replaced the failed HV inverter pump on my 05 at no cost to me (with the AON LSC campaign). After they called to say they completed the repair, I opened the hood when I arrived and made sure that the levels were full, that there was turbulence in the reservoir, that they didn't leave any hose clamps on, and checked for leaks under the car. In my four years and 91K miles of ownership, this was the only time my Prius has been inside a stealership garage. Hate those b******s, I do.
  5. frodoz737

    frodoz737 Top Wrench

    Aug 26, 2010
    2015 Prius
    Not charged correct. So you know, they use clamps on hoses sometimes to reduce mess and anti-freeze refill. That's probably what the mechanic did, then just forgot to top-off. I would suggest you not use this Dealership anymore if you can avoid it. Your track record with them is not good.
  6. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    I say REPORT this stealership. Incompetency clearly demonstrated TWICE: two different cars, on two different occasions.

    Actually go old school and write a letter to Corporate Toyota about the incompetencies of this Stealership. Reason behind a physical letter, is that it allows you to indicate a carbon copy of the corporate letter was also sent to the Stealership. This is difficult to do via the Internet, as Corporate and the Stealership have separate IT systems. You will definitely get a response from both groups.

    You could highlight the obvious fact that the Stealership clearly is not an "expert" on Toyota vehicles. Experience 1, they couldn't correctly bleed the Prius after the water pump change? Experience 2, the Service Manager lying to you after the brake job. Helpful to include copies of the service invoices, or provide invoice number and date, so they know you aren't lying, and it allows them to verify with the Stealership. And to further agitate them, report the Stealership to the NY DMV, since this agency handles auto repair complaints/issues in New York. LINK

    A one star Yelp review of said stealership would be in order too.

    And avoid them. Who knows what that third error will look like.
  7. almostrice

    almostrice Atari Rocks

    Aug 13, 2009
    2014 Prius
    This is my procedure on every instance any grease monkey touches my vehicles. It is the owner's responsibility to know the work was done.
  8. 69shovlhed

    69shovlhed Surly tree hugger

    May 13, 2012
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    you shouldn't need to check the technician's work. it is unfortunate that that tech didn't do the job right. after working on the cooling system, your supposed to run the car with the heater on highest setting until it reaches operating temperature and burps, then top off the coolant again. when the system is drained, air gets into the heater core and the air won't always come out until after the thermostat has been open for a little while. I usually idle the engine a little higher to help it burp. sometimes, I have to put the front end on the rack and raise it way up so the air will all come out. never had to worry about it in the good old days.
    so the tech most likely did change the coolant, but didn't take the time to get all the air out. sloppy.