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Greetings and Salutations

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by LlamaJockey, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. LlamaJockey

    LlamaJockey Junior Member

    May 17, 2010
    Dallas, TX
    2010 Prius
    Hey y'all (gotta throw a LITTLE Texan in there I suppose).

    I've been lurking and soaking up knowledge for a few weeks now- I'm glad I found this place!

    I very recently bought a shiny blue Toyota Certified Used '07 Prius
    (which has somehow earned the name 'Domo' from friends. I guess it stuck)
    I've only been asked twice about the uncontrollable acceleration thing. I just told them both I think it's awesome- I get everywhere much faster ;). Maybe I'll install a parachute in the back!

    I'm not entirely sure what package it is..it's base, #1 or 2 perhaps. But it only had just under 32k miles on it, was previously leased, and was in excellent condition. It being Texas and already hitting the triple digits, I've already purchased one of those heat shields from this site. Hopefully it will keep things (relatively) cool.

    Other than a squeaky dash which has, after mashing around the plastic, vanished temporarily, everything is running great!
    I do, however, have a couple of questions that maybe someone in their vast wisdom can provide some insight.

    #1 The car was being sold as TCUV..it passed all the checks and yadda yadda. However, through a chain of events (long story short, this is my first actual car purchase and they were trying to cut the price to get me financed), I ended up buying it from the Toyota dealer 'as is'..without the certified warranty that usually comes with it. This wasn't any shady action on the dealer's part, I was aware of this and at the time, I wasn't too concerned.
    However, now I'm having second thoughts. If I had the chance to do it again, I would have insisted the warranty stay on and I would have scraped up some extra cash somewhere. Though I know how unlikely it is I'll have any trouble with the vehicle that would have been covered under the warranty..... I still feel a bit 'naked' now. I know the Prius is a bit more complex than many cars, and I'm not the car expert to begin with. And though unlikely to have to repair, it would be expensive if it did happen. Would anyone suggest buying some kind of extended auto warranty from any particular reputable company? Or just put some money back in a 'just in case' fund... Or some kinda hidden option C?

    #2 The plastic 'lens' that the speedometer and what not is projected up through is smudged and dirty...drives me crazy at night. Nothing I've tried so far as done anything but make it worse. I tried a little windex via microfiber cloth (I know, I know.. I didn't know any better at the time!) Needless to say it didn't help. I've heard about stuff called Plexus, would that work? Or any other special remedies?
    I've looked through the forums here, but, haven't found any definitive answer for that particular piece.
  2. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I think the self funded "just in case" option is the best one. You can earn interest on the money in the meantime.

    Re: #2 - http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...eshooting/59013-scmutz-dashboard-display.html and http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ctor-combination-lens-dash-board-display.html