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Passenger side outside mirror replacement

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by tmgrl3, May 7, 2011.

  1. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    I just cracked whole mirror assembly on my right outside/ rear/side view mirror, 2006 Seaside Pearl. Any idea if I'm best off getting this replaced at Toyota. Can't do it myself.

    Manual says 22PO59a.

    Grgghhh...always had trouble judging with this, but first time damage in 4 years, but just had cataract surgery in both eyes and my vision is finally 20/20. Who'da thunk???


  2. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Ask the dealer for both the part price, and the installed price. If the installed price is close: your call. OTOH, keep in mind the dealer will be rushing, and if they're disreputable, they may button things up without thoroughly putting things back properly. The door's vapour barrier in particular, often get's "overlooked".

    Also, phone several dealers if practical, you'll likely find some difference. Then again, check online, where you will likely be able to find the part cheaper. But be very careful to verify it's the correct part, and how much shipping is.

    I know this is apples/oranges, but last weekend my son and I swapped out a busted (passenger side) 06 Civic Hybrid mirror. The trickiest part was popping off the interior door panel, and dealing with the controls in the arm rest and door latch.

    We had the Service Manual for guidance, and it was still a little tricky. I had the driver's side panel of the same car off, about 18 months previous, for window glass adjustment, and yet still there was a bit of a learning curve. Alzheimer's taking hold ;)

    If the Prius is similar, there will likely be plastic ribbed fasteners on the interior panel. There are tools for prying those up, this is definitely a case of the more-the-merrier: I had a couple of styles of panel lifters (put masking tape on them, to avoid paint damage), various small screw drivers, a paint can opening tool that I find inespensible for push-in plastic rivets, and I still needed to borrow one of my wife's crochet hooks for one fastener (may borrow it permanently).

    The main, ribbed fasteners in the door panel tend to pull out of the panel and remain in the door (the opposite of what's supposed to happen). With a little finesse you can coax them out of the door without ruining them, and back into their recepticals in the door panel. You might see about picking up some spares for these.

    Under the panel there's likely a plastic vapour barrier you will need to peel partially off. On the Honda's it's attached with some very messy goop, you just pull it off the minimum needed, try not to touch it, and keep a bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol and lots of rags handy.

    For the mirror itself there's likely 3 or more mounting bolts, and maybe a clip or two as well. Access to the bolts may be tricky: on the Honda you have to fish a socket on an extension through an access hole in the inner wall, to the nut head at the outer wall. Then get the nut out without dropping it between into the cavity. Wish I'd had some sort of magnetic grabber.

    There's an electrical connector that needs unclipping, likely straightforward.

    Anyway, we got it done, in about 90 minutes. Think we could have got it done without the Service Manual, but it helps. You might log-on to Toyota's site and get the instruction. Or the dealership might be able to help you out with documentation.
  3. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Wow! Thank you so much! I will definitely use the dealer. Couldn't find part online, very few of the mirrors, period. Wouldn't attempt on my own. My dealer is really really good. We had the first Prius Club on Long Island. They hosted all kinds of dinnerrs at the service department inviting club members and new Prius owners. They have given me all kinds of free service. I will call my regular service person and talk with him about replacement part. I have that recall/courtesy replacement of Water Pump too. I appreciate the comment about the door's vapor barrier. I will mention that when I go in for service. Again, they have been nothing but wonderful. This is my fifth Toyota from them. They used to be Steven's Toyota in Huntington, NY and now are Huntington Toyota! Don't mind giving them a plug for sales and service!

    I may ask to speak directly to service manager, Nick. Better still.

    Thanks again for prompt reply.
  4. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    You gave me an idea. I just sent an e-mail to the Service Manager. Will see what it runs. Mentioned that I hope it isn't a problem to keep door's vapor barrier intact. Thanks again
  5. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006

    So much for break in price. I didn't think service was open today. Got a call from regular rep. $305 for part. $105 for service. I have little choice since I can't do this myself. They will put in the new hybrid electric water pump at same time while I wait. Done deal.

  6. tf4624

    tf4624 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    2008 Prius
    save money = junk yard with paint job
    not save money= buy from toyota then paint it
    if its just he glass pull it off melt the existing glue and get a piece you can cut to fit from local auto store=Cheapest idea

    Mirrir its self comes off easy 6 minute job
  7. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006

    Thanks. No energy to do this...and no, it isn't just the mirror. Whole part is bent and locked in place, so can't move it. I could buy black one, non-folding online for a lot less. This one will at least match, be folding, power operated. Rest of car is maintained so well, I might as well do this.

    Thanks for suggestions.

  8. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Just FYI, our 06 civic hybrid mirror set us back $390CAN through a dealership, part price only. Making a few extra calls got that price, down from an initial $430~. It wasn't haggling, just the parts person trying a few more sources. Similar mirrors could be found online for maybe $150, but they were US spec, likely would not be compatible (ours was heated, and had integrated signal), and shipping charges were dubious, there'd likely be additional fees for brokerage due to cheapy shipping methods offered.

    Also, just got a call from my son: the window on that side won't go all the way down, likely snagging on the cord for the mirror, groan. So, we've got to pop it open once more and rectify that. Pitfalls of DIY...
  9. snead_c

    snead_c Jam Ma's Car

    Nov 18, 2008
    2013 Prius
    Consider reputable body shop and used part. ;)
  10. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Mendel you are right! They have already ordered the part. I also found out, the whole assembly still works perfectly with the powered movement. Mirror, plastic, colored cover all broken.

    Point is. At my age, this is probably my last car. It's paid for. I want a factory replacement. I have dealt with this dealership for years. Often I get oil changes free...other services, too. So, I am going with this.

    The online replacements that are "universal" for this make model year are all black, smaller, not powered, do not fold back.

    Sometimes I shop around, but just don't have the energy to do it now. Just had three operations in less than two years. Getting back to normal and just want it done. It will work...or ELSE!

  11. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    I have great body shops and regular car shop nearby. When my regular battery died about a month ago, my service man half a mile from here, who has worked on our cars for over 30 years, came to my house, jump started the car, took it there, replaced the battery, drove the car back to my house and left it for me.

    He had another Prius same day but it was on 04 I think and he simply couldn't find a battery quickly. Don't know if he did eventually.

    I like to stick with certain services with my Toyota dealer....this time it works for me. The battery re-do was just so convenient and not that expensive!

  12. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    No matter what your mechanical skill level, it's worthwhile entertaining letting the dealership do the work. Much less headache, onus on them to get it right ;)
  13. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Exactly how I feel. Sometimes, doing all the work to save money, in the end, on some jobs, if they don't work out, saves nothing.

    This way, if anything isn't right, I can keep at them.

    Actually, my rear bumper has been slightly separate from the car since I bought it, on one side....fraction of any inch. They worked on it 3 or 4 times, then ordered an entirely new, complete rear bumper, put it in, and it was flush with car....for about a week, then the hairline separation occured again. It's still that way after five years.

    I may remind them of this when I take the car back for the mirror. Show them how they never REALLY fixed what shouldn't have been broken on a new car. It's interesting that through all these years, it has never separated more. Still the same. I'll bring it up.


  14. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    I decided to not give up the issue of cost completely. This morning I sent the manager of our Toyota service the following e-mail:

    Hi Nick..
    Made my appointment to have new sideview mirror installed and water pump replaced.

    I also mentioned to Chris that the "never fixed" right rear (and left rear) bumper trim is still separated from the car. I had 4 or 5 visits to have this addressed when the car was brand new, as you can see from my records.

    By 2007, after several attempts to use adhesives and eventually by your replacing the entire rear assembly, I let the issue go, since the right loosened up within weeks and the left side as well. Although, it has never gotten worse, it remains a "cosmetic" issue that was never solved. I asked Chris to put it down to look at it again.

    I try to keep the car looking good. Hope to have Toyota do detailing again this summer. Missed out last summer because it rained day I scheduled it and then I became ill.

    Just keeping you apprised, since this issue with the bumper has never been addressed and I was willing to let it go, but since replacing parts so that I have a Prius with factory parts is important to me, as you can tell from my willingness to set out $400 for the mirror, I thought we might revisit the bumper issue.

    As you know I have all of my maintenance and work done at your service department. I have had only one emergency service (a new regular battery) done by another service station because they picked up the car and returned it for me and I needed it, since the battery died.

    Thanks again for everything.

    terri bivona
    LI Prius Club member since 06!

    Let's see what happens. I have no complaints about any past service there in many years. There is a new owner of the dealership, however. I was willing to let this rear bumper issue go since they seemed to be unable to "fix it" and the car was brand new.

  15. striker308

    striker308 Three time Prius owner

    May 11, 2008
    Evans, NY (USA) / South Williamsport, PA (USA)
    2014 Prius
    I had a guy run down the side of my car last year and took out the drivers side mirror. I replaced it with one of these.

    replacing them realy is easier than it sounds. the hardest part is not busting off the trim clips on the door panel. the mirror is only held on with three 10mm nuts.

    now for the color............. the color part of the mirror if not damaged pops off and can be snapped onto the new one.
  16. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Thanks! I am not good at doing these things and even if I got the parts, I would have to find someone to do it for me. The pop-off part, the color trim, has broken clips and is pretty badley scratched and dinged. I go in tomorrow to get that done. Also I get a water pump replacement that was a courtesy, since there were problems with some. I get them both done tomorrow while I wait, enjoy their coffee and bagals and read a good book.

  17. tmgrl3

    tmgrl3 Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Also, I did go to my local body shop. The owner and I talked about the part and replacement. They wouldn't give me an OEM replacement and installation for that much less...he understood my wanting to have it done at Toyota as well. So I contacted the Service Manager at Toyota and told him this. They will take another look at the back bumper too. They have been giving great service for so long.
