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Runaway Prius C !!!!!

Discussion in 'Prius c Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by E B, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. E B

    E B New Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Driving at 9:30 pm when the car decides to go into high RPMs and shakes the car. Then my speedometer jumped from 70 to 74 and I tried to slow down. Then the vehicle shut off and the message on dash said problem with Hybrid Sytem pull over immediately. Its dark, 5 passengers including myself, no room on carpool lane shoulder to pull over so I had to coast across the freeway 5 lanes to the other shoulder. With the momentum we had I made it safely weaving and dodging trucks and cars. I tried to restart and after several attempts the engine started, for a second or two, then started knocking loudly and shut off never to turn on again. All of the dash warning lights came on and the fuel gauge read 2 bars, the battery 1 bar. I get about 500 plus miles per tank and the trip meter was in the mid 300's. I only have 4944 miles on the car and owned it 1 month. Toyota care will tow you to a dealer, local to the location of the vehicle, not your home, but they were all closed and could not accomadate me and my passengers including a child and 73 year old disabled grandmother. Triple A to the rescue. Next day Toyota Care said it would be 1.5 hours but did nto show up til after 2 hours with another car on the truck and passengers so I could not catch a ride to the dealer. Dealer picked me up, but no loaner available. I could wait until someone brings one back in the evening but no guarnatee but as it is it took them several calls and hours to get me to the dealer in the first place. I could not wait and I had to go work. So I asked for a ride home then from the shuttle they used to pick me up. The driver tells me I live too far to take me home though they just picked me up. They asked the manager for approval to take me home but the manager said no, I live too far (1.5 miles away from the cut off) even though they never mentioned that when they picked me up that I may be stranded. I left and called a cab and had to pay for my own rental. Customer relations was made aware and I waspromised a call. No call and it took a call to the operations manager, general managaer, district manager to get their attention. Then I also called Toyota direct. So far they said I ran out of gas though they confirmed the run away car, fuel on the fuel gauge and I have all my proof of mileage and fuel. After 4 days at the dealer they said the fuel pump is no good, they do not have it in stock, and they do not know when they will have one. Though the car is obviously unsafe and they do not know how to fix all of the problems I reported, they refuse to have open dialog and told me to go to arbitration or file a lemon lawsuit and would not let me get a word in with out them asking me to decide.

    Wow...This is my 3rd toyota, a new one every 2 years so I make sure they are reliable since I drive alot. This is the service and support I get. Nothing like what I would expect from toyota. Today is the 9th of september. I have filed a complaint with NHTSA and DOT. However it did not surprise me that after the complaint was filed I was directed to look at other complaints and the Prius again had multiple complaints on the same car and scenario. Is it going to take another media report to get their attention? Do they not care the vehicle poses a safety threat to its passengers? Imagine getting stranded in the desert or in the snow with kids and elderly in a new car when toyota well knows these problems exist. i thank God the situation did not get worst and that we did not get hit by traffic.

    Anyone else experience this?

    safecar.gov report numbers 10470699 and10472441 have similar compaints if you would like to verify.
  2. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Another great reason to not buy a brand new Prius, especially a Prius C, which seem to be reporting lots of problems compared to other models!

    It just boggles my mind that you can drop a huge amount of money on a brand new car and they treat you like this... And then have them blame it on a fuel pump? That makes no sense? I bet once they replace the fuel pump they'll decide something else is broken too...
  3. Zythryn

    Zythryn Senior Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    Other Electric Vehicle
    I'd be looking for a new dealer. They handled this very poorly.
    However, I would also love to hear their side of the story.
    Good luck with everything, I hope it all works out for you!

    DKTVAV Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    You own the car for a month and just registered today to have your first post about your horrible experience?
    WE0H likes this.
  5. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Are you implying something is wrong with that?
    Surrylic, RocMills and dellrio like this.
  6. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    After 6yrs on this forum you tend to assume posts like this are false/spam. None of the regular members have ever heard of nor known anyone legit to have such a problem. You have a couple people a year come in and drop a post like this then never return. If it's true then great. Get the car fixed and file a complaint. Until it happens to someone I can trust I don't take such posts seriously. Interestingly these posts only come from the U.S..
    GrumpyCabbie, WE0H and KK6PD like this.
  7. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Most car owners have no interest in these types of forums... Enthusiasts like ourselves of course love these forums... But it makes sense that someone who is not an enthusiast who is having a significant problem such as the original poster would show up here looking for help/ideas when faced with such a crisis/dilemma.

    And granted if the original poster doesn't communicate with us further you may have a point. But considering the level of detail and the fact this text has not been posted anywhere else on the web (I checked) I think it's unlikely that they'd just be blowing smoke? I mean maybe if they offered a link that led to spam or something and their was chronic misspelling and a lack of detail you'd have a point...

    And of course it'd be great if this post was bogus, because it makes Toyota look real bad... Hopefully EB will do some follow up posts to address your doubt?
  8. harleyjs

    harleyjs Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2006
    2011 Prius
    Good Luck on your buy back, I would get a left over 12 hatchback for a proven Prius model for about the same cost.
  9. Rob.au

    Rob.au Active Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    2012 Prius c
    For what it's worth, the first report E B referenced is here: ODI ID Number : 10470699. The other one was about a Prius plug-in and not a c - ODI ID Number: 10472441.

    The linked complaint about a Prius C was purely about unexpected fuel starvation. E B's description appears to be something else. The linked complaint about a Prius plug-in was about a hybrid system failure with no fuel starvation issue or "runaway" issue. Giving E B the benefit of the doubt and attempting to pick the "technical discussion" out of the passionate description, my interpretation of what E B seems to be saying is:

    • Their ICE unexpectedly became loud and vehicle vibrations increased.
    • Their car had an uncommanded and unexpected acceleration from 70 to 74mph.
    • They tried to slow down (but didn't say how or if this was effective).
    • The car shut down by itself and a hybrid system failure message was displayed, telling them to pull over, which they did.
    • The car was restarted after several attempts, but only for a few seconds, after which it quit and all the warning lights displayed. The fuel guage read 2 bars and the battery guage read 1 bar.
    • They say Toyota variously said they ran out of gas and that they had a faulty fuel pump.
    • As a sideline, the OP appears to have extraordinarily high mileage with 4944 miles in a month, which could be something like 60000 miles a year depending on how accurate E B is being.

    I must say that I find the hybrid system failure part more convincing than the "runaway Prius" part and I do wonder why the battery level was so low if they had been travelling at 70mph at the time.

    It would be good to hear more details - particularly what E B tried to get the slow car down initially, if this worked and how long this was happening before the hybrid system failure occured. It would also be good to hear about what kind of driving they are doing with the mileage that high and if a battery level that low seemed normal to them.
  10. Zythryn

    Zythryn Senior Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    Other Electric Vehicle
    Without more detail I discount the 70-74 acceleration as a simple surge.
    I have never heard nor experienced anything like this and yes, it is possible this is a one hit wonder type of posting.
    However, I also always prefer to give a poster benefit of the doubt.
    I do hope that the poster, if on the up and up, gets everything resolved.
  11. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    If the OP is getting 500+ miles per tank, he's really pushing it. Going almost dry every time. Putting a lot of stress on the fuel pump.

    Fuel pump quit. Battery quit shortly after. Engine got a lean surge. All stop.

    That's what I'm seeing... If the story is true, that is.
  12. jdcollins5

    jdcollins5 Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    Wilmington, NC
    2010 Prius
    If the OP's story is indeed true, it would be nice if he returned and kept us informed of his progress. Until then I write it off as False/Spam.
  13. Oldwolf

    Oldwolf Prius Enthusiast

    Feb 15, 2011
    2016 Prius v wagon
    When the OP said "Runaway Prius C" I thought he meant he couldn't stop the car on the highway or that the accelerator was stock WOT. But from his description I am still not clear what happened although it does seem that something is not working correctly with his HSD.
  14. ahmeow

    ahmeow Prius Lover

    Nov 11, 2010
    North CA
    2011 Prius
    I'm also suspect what the OP stated/reported is a spam!!
    Once in a while,those guys will try this kind of dirty tricks.
  15. Mik1

    Mik1 Member

    Apr 17, 2012
    Houston, TX
    2012 Prius c
    Bla, bla, bla... another BS story on the first day with the first post... Not even funny anymore....
  16. E B

    E B New Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Yaris pics 001.jpg Yaris pics 002.jpg
    Well I'd like to thank all of those who have read my entry and can understand how frustrating my situation has been. I would like to address all those who for some reason think this is a BS post. I reached out to the forum so that others can obviously be made aware of potential problems with the Prius and to see if I could gain support from others whom may have experienced similar problems on how to address this. I hope I have not wasted your time, since mine is also valuable I think it is fair to accept that some people would react this way. I did suggest to look at a link on the NHTSA and DOT websites and gave report numbers for similar incidents, not exact incidents of course since that would be too coincidental and everyone I am sure would understand that. however the message dispaly on those incidents is similar and both claim they had fuel in the car but was written off as running out of fuel.

    However, I have received updates from the dealer on my particular situation. The Toyota engineers have gathered enough data to conclude that the sending unit, fuel pump failed. It sent out incorrect fuel readings and therefore I ran out of fuel due to that. Refueling the car did not fix all of the problem codes, the Hybrid System failure, check engine and the brake light indicators. The dealer told me they could not address all of those things until they get the part that is defective. The car is currently disassembled and without the sending unit they can not run tests. I was told that on Monday, today they were expecting the part but that it is backordered until Wednesday. I will have to wait until then. The dealer has made it a point to keep me updated. They gave me a loaner with only 960 miles on it to demonstarte their commitment to treating the situation better than they originally did. That is exactly the type of service i expected and am thankful, jsut wish they did not strand me that day, but I'll live and the dealer is reimbusing me for my out of pocket for that day.

    As far as Toyota is concerned my first Toyota was a 2008 Yaris, I loved it and by far was the most economical car I owned and I enjoyed every mile on it and had many upgrades in it. I only got rid of it sooner than I needed because it was an in accident while going 55 into an SUV. Though the car was totalled the driver, my brother in law, got away with a bruise from the belts and the knee on the dash, other than that, took it like a champ at 98,000 miles of use!!

    The next car was immediately a 2011 Camry. Also a great car, great ride, and a great price. No problems but the typical brakes and tires and I traded that in at 93,000 miles. 2 of my neighbors and another friend bought one as well around the same time. All of them with extended warranty to 100,000 miles since I drive so much.

    The next was the Prius C since it had the best MPG around and the price was great as well as the reviews. I don't see why anyone woudl say I am bad mouthing Toyota or trying to post negative "BS". I sincerely enjoyed my Toyotas, but honestly, if you had the same experience would your opinion change? Would you buy another one? As for the dealership, I have found a replacement for them, much further away on my work route but worth the sacrrifice and still a Toyota dealer. Corporate Toyota is going to have to wait on my decision to pursue further action pending what they conclude was the problem with the car and if they can fix it in a reasonable amount of time. The loaner pulls 26 MPG average and the Prius C was more comfortable and gave me avg. up to 57 MPG on any given day.

    I'll check in more often and if I can figure out how to load pics of the Yaris I will.

    Attached Files:

  17. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Almost a sure money bet we don't get the DTC.
  18. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Thanks for clarification and update EB...
  19. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    If you intend to invoke your state's Lemon Law read up on the requirements. Hard to find parts may suddenly appear once that letter is received.

    What was the tank's average on the display? Did dividing the miles by the average produce a reasonable result?

    "However it did not surprise me that after the complaint was filed I was directed to look at other complaints and the Prius again had multiple complaints on the same car and scenario. Is it going to take another media report to get their attention? Do they not care the vehicle poses a safety threat to its passengers? Imagine getting stranded in the desert or in the snow with kids and elderly in a new car when toyota well knows these problems."

    Hyperbole like this draws the "Troll" label. THREE complaints out of how many thousand cars sold? Apparently from ONE bad sending unit "Toyota well knows these problems". Yes, new parts fail. That's what a warranty is for.

    Using one complaint on a PiP (which isn't the same car) doesn't help your credibility.

    I experienced ABS failure on my 2006. Drove it past a dealer to take it to mine. When I needed to replace it I bought the 2010. Within a month of purchase the shifter stuck. SC wasn't any help then & I eventually knocked the car into gear & drove it to the selling dealer. The problem could not be reproduced & has not returned. If the Model S didn't exist I would say if something happened to my 2010 today I'd start shopping for a new Prius tomorrow.

    IMO, you have every right for being angry about being stranded. Ask Toyota to pick up all of your out of pocket expenses, including the extra fuel since you aren't driving a Prius. Hope you didn't submit that Customer Satisfaction Survey.

    Best wishes for getting a prompt resolution--and get the DTC from the dealer.
  20. E B

    E B New Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Well thank you by the way for the well thought out evaluation. I slowed the car down by pumping the brakes before the car gave me a beep and shut down. As far as the accelaration it did not happen until the high revolutions first kicked in and the vibration. The runaway part lasted a few seconds until i noticed the speedometer go up and I pumped the brakes. Then after that it was all coasting. I drive anywhere from 3500 to 5000 miles per month depending on my route for work. I service all of the van conversion companies in so cal and all of the limo manufacturers as far as vegas. I will roughly put over 100,000 miles every two years. By the way the battery level for the type of driving I do rarley dips below the halfway since it is motly highway and the traffic I try to beat as much as possible.