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Blink Charging: Never Again!

Discussion in 'Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015' started by Rebound, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Rebound

    Rebound Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Portland, OR
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Never mind that Blink charges $1.00/hour for $0.20 cents of electricity...

    Never mind that they charge by the hour and not by the kWh...

    Once your car stops charging, Blink keeps charging as long as you're parked, in lots that are otherwise free. This company is notorious for selling faulty chargers, ripping off the government, and paying massive bonuses to the CEO and his son-in-law, and their utter lack of integrity shows in everything they do.

    No more Blink for me.
  2. Adam Leibovitch

    Oct 14, 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I have had good luck with chargepoint free stations. It seems like the only thing they want is a a few different pieces of info that they can database and sell later, which doesn't bother me.
  3. Rebound

    Rebound Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Portland, OR
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I like the free ChargePoint stations I've used. They are extremely reliable. I don't have my account set up for paid charging, but I notice that they charge by the kWh you consume, and not by how long you park.

    When I used Blink today, I charged for 45 minutes. I returned to my car after 1 hour, 9 minutes, and they charged me for two full hours. I called customer service to complain, and his first excuse was that he was only a contractor, but after the call ended, he forgot to hang up and I heard him talking about my call to a co-worker. He laughed about my request and said, "Of course I didn't offer him a refund. I didn't even bring it up." So they got their last dollar out of me.
    cwerdna likes this.
  4. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
  5. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    I want to preface below with this thought - I don't go on a rant but maybe once a year. I think it's time.
    So if I understand:

    1) Even though EVSE providers can easily pay OVER 50¢ per kWh that they then sell to Plug-in's ...
    2) Even though EVSE providers hope to recover the cost of of their EVSE through electricity charges ...
    3) Even though EVSE providers typically also have to carry liability insurance ...
    4) Even though EVSE providers sometime have to pay for vandalism and/or maintenance

    You're upset to pay 20¢ for juice - as though commercial rates are set at what your home rates get set at.
    You're upset having to pay - even though your charge is full.

    Why are you upset with the vendor who was pro active enough - that they installed a charger (of ANY kind of price structure ... some are more than $5/hour) that would otherwise not even be there? ... Shouldn't you be mad at Toyota for installing an on board charger that can't pull a full 30 amps? You DO understand that, right? ... that if the on board charger pulled more, you'd got more for that same fee?

    The EVSE owner ONLY has a chance to recover his investment (before (s)he even makes a single penny) if (s)he can have the stall OCCUPIED for PROFIT. Why are you mad that you can't just continue to BLOCK a charge stall to someone in need? ... someone that's left in the lurch, because you just leave your car there after it's charged and have to keep paying anyway? That's making you mad !?!?!


    Some folks ONLY have a plug (no gas) ... and when squatters just block EVSE's then those folks are hosed. I run into charger stations WAY too frequently where they're blocked ALL day long ... as though it's someone's personal parking space. No one else gets to use 'em - because they're either too darn lazy to move their plug-in when they're done ... or they're just too inconsiderate. Then, when it not free ... waaaah. Why do plug-in's just leave the car blocking a stall? because they're FREEEEEEEEE !!! Weeeee !! free stuff! Every leach in the world comes out of the woodwork for free. Here's a couple jerk-offs (BELOW) that have continued to block one of our local mall's 2 EVSE's, for FOUR of the last 7 days now. Why? Because they can ... the chargers are free - no penalty attached. Rudness shines:


    Yep ... these turds are finished each day charging by 1:30pm (or earlier) ... yet they just squat. No one else gets to use 'em. No one else can even COUNT on those spots for charging. It's as though these kind of folk never got taught by their mommy how to act right. I hope ALL chargers get set at high costs to get rid of the dead wood. And I hope they tow 'em off - than make 'em pay $150 to get their car out of impound ... after they pay a ticket, too. For cryin' out loud ... use your gas if you can't afford a few bucks for electricity ... if all it is - is just about the $$$ to you - wrongly comparing your great residential rates for electricity to someone who is trying to invest in a new charging infrastructure. Unfortunately - harshness is what it takes to get some PHEV drivers to do what they ought to be doing anyway .... move on!
    rogerv likes this.
  6. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
  7. Rebound

    Rebound Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Portland, OR
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I find your rant utterly baseless. Bottom line: Gas stations cost a lot of money, too, but they don't triple the price of what they sell.

    Blink's business model is nonsense: We sell you 20 cents worth of electricity for a dollar, and then we just keep charging you money.

    Scarcity of chargers? Really? Tough beans! The solution is to install more, not to make me move my car from one parking spot to another. These chargers shouldn't cost thousands of dollars, they should cost a few hundred.

    I'm just telling you the truth. Blink thinks we want to charge so badly that we'll pay quadruple. Well, we won't. We should be able to buy electricity on the go for only 20% more than we pay at home, otherwise, EV's are cost-inefficient.
  8. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    I suggest you look up PG&E commercial rates. Once you understand how high commercial electricity rates are (they can even run into the DOLLARS per kWh) your cost comparison to a Prius burning gas and its equivalent miles per BTU will fade. Remember also - in regards to Blink receiving heavy tax dollar payouts. Gas, even though it includes many state & fed taxes, gas too is ALSO is heavily incentivized - just as Blink is incentivized. Multinational oil companies pay virtually no tax. To be even handed you may want to complain more about why we can't all pay $8 or $9 a gallon, like much of Europe and Asia pays. You don't seem to complain about military costs either - not being factored into petro based fuel costss. We ought to bemoan the $3 or $4 cost that this SHOULD add to gas too. If that doesn't bother you - then doesn't that come across as being hypocritical?
  9. Rebound

    Rebound Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Portland, OR
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I don't see dollars per kWh, I see basically 12 to 20 cents:

    But my fundamental complaint was this:
    Meter stopped charging my car after 45 minutes, but they charged me for two hours. They should have charged me for only one hour. Their agreement says I pay $1/hr to CHARGE my vehicle, not to park it. They never indicated to me that I had to pay after charging stopped.
    lensovet and Adam Leibovitch like this.
  10. rogerv

    rogerv Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    Simi Valley, California
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    First, let me say that I don't have a dog in this fight. I charge at home, and don't expect to charge anywhere else, although it might happen some day. Anyway, I agree that if there is to be a charge for parking after the charge for charging (sorry, couldn't resist) it should be clearly posted as to what it will cost. Such a sign, in fact, might help get rid of the all-day parkers blocking the spot, along with ICE drivers parking in EV designated spots.
  11. John H

    John H Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I agree, they could be treated more like a parking meter. A vehicle that is not plugged in and being charged by the hour should be ticketed as if they didn't pay the meter, and if they are still in violation an hour later, towed to the impound.
  12. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    From the chart you provided I think I understand your mistake now. Perhaps you don't understand what demand fees are, on that chart. That chart shows (presuming this is near your service area) the demand fees in that service area can run some where between $400 & $500 per month. That's before the commercial customer uses any power at all ... it represents the mear potential to draw large sums of power. Incorporate demand fees across the kilowatts use per month and you have a large number. Consider yourself lucky ... Southern California charges over 30x that much for demand fees. So no ... it's unreasonable to expect EVSE owners to bear demand fees, all by theirselves. As for EVSE's charging after their users are full charged - that took me by surprise the first time I saw it on my bill. But you can be sure they don't charge unless they have it in the boiler plate - or on the chargers digital readout or somewhere. I simply didn't expect it - and I wasn't looking for it - but yes, it was there. Do I wish it was in bright red blinking lights? Yes, but it's not their obligation.

    SGH-I717R ? 2
  13. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    I'm no expert (not even an amateur) on PG&E's commercial billing and schedules but I did have to do a group project on a commercial building for an energy efficiency class. We got about a bit over a year's worth of PG&E bills and they had two separate meters, each on a different PG&E schedule (one for a set of a offices (on A-1) and another for the "house meter" that covered common/shared loads like the elevator, exterior and hallway lights, bathrooms, etc. (on A-10S)

    A-1 has no demand charge. I don't recall seeing any demand charge on the bills for the other (on A-10S). I believe the demand charges are only billed once a year, not every month. There are many schedules for businesses (Business Customers).