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Arctic Sea ice 2015

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by bwilson4web, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    Wait, what? Suez canal problem? Please specify

    The Panama (with accent on the last a) just dries (dried) up when El Nino shuts off the water supply. Upgrade coming soon.
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I was thinking of piracy in the Indian Ocean approaches:
    Live Piracy Map

    Bob Wilson
  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Final post for the 2015 Arctic voyages of YONG SHENG that docked today after sailing twice through the Arctic. This route saves 10 days, each way, avoiding burning 25T of fuel and labor for a crew of over a dozen.

    Since the start, I was mostly just updating earlier posts in this thread with later details and only adding something when new, significant events occurred. This was just under my threshold:

    YONG SHENG arrived at
    port BRAKE
    at 2015-08-21 00:28 UTC
    Time of arrival is the time the vessel approaches the entrance of the port

    Vessel Details Current position, if within range Position and trackShip's Photos

    This is the Chinese vessel that sailed the Northeast Passage (aka., Russian side) of the Arctic. They are planning to return before the end of season. Meanwhile, they are scrambling around the EU making deliveries and possibly picking up stuff for their return trip.

    I'm going to send a note to the marine tracking services to see what it would take to monitor traffic through the Arctic next year. The 'free' system use shore-based, radios to track ships, part of an anti-collision system. But the Soviets/Russians never implement any part of this network for their side the Arctic. I don't think the Canadians and USA/Alaska did on their Arctic shores. There just wasn't enough traffic to justify the system. However, there are newer, satellite systems that should give Arctic tracking.

    BTW, I stumbled across a description of how satellites non-optically track sea ice . . . wave motion. There are multiple satellites that use microwave (i.e., radar) returns to detect wave motion. Only ice has no motion. This also gives surface current and wave height. Clever!


    Return trip:
    • Sept 4, 2015 - Yong Sheng departed from Hamburg
    • Sept 8, 2015 - Yong Sheng is off the Norwegian coast, 13 knots, headed to Busan, S. Korea
    • Sept 9, 2015 - Course 66 degrees, gradually turning East, WNW of Nordkapp Norway
    • Sept 22, 2015 - Equinox, when ice begins to accumulate, again
    • Sept 29, 2015 - T-AIS tracking resumes off the S. Korean coast, ~20 days to transit NorthEast passage
    • Sept 29, 2015 - Docked


    Other data points:
    • Aug 28, 2015 - North Pole melt ice covered with ice and snow
    Other news:
    . . .
    The Snow Dragon paid several hundred thousand dollars to Russian maritime authorities, largely as mandatory fees for crossing parts of Russia’s exclusive economic zones and also for an escort in the form of a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker. Despite these additional costs, the voyage still worked out cheaper than the alternative.

    “One day shaved off the voyage means a great reduction in labor costs and a 27 ton saving on fuel,” said Li Jianxiong, COSCO’s board representative.

    The Northeast Passage has been a going concern in summer for at least five years, ever since two 10,000-ton German freighters traversed the route in summer without encountering difficulty.

    The 3,000-nautical-mile Arctic waterway off Russia’s northern coast, also known as the North Sea Route, is now navigable for about two months in summer due to the retreat of pack ice in the Arctic. Climate change is expected to increase this navigable window to four months or longer by 2020, boosting the commercial value of Arctic waterways.
    . . .
    Source: In Cold Water | NewsChina Magazine

    Well done China.

    Bob Wilson
  4. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Western Antarctica sea ice is thinning rapidly which will unblock the glaciers.

    Bob Wilson
  5. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Nice way to reach the end of this 2015 thread: Arctic Report Card

    Maximum sea ice extent on 25 February was 15 days earlier than average and the lowest value on record (1979-present). Minimum ice extent in September was the 4th lowest on record. Sea ice continues to be younger and thinner: in February and March 2015 there was twice as much first-year ice as there was 30 years ago.
    . . .
    Air temperatures in all seasons between October 2014 and September 2015 exceeded 3°C above average over broad areas of the Arctic, while the annual average air temperature (+1.3°) over land was the highest since 1900.
    . . .
    The 2nd lowest June snow cover extent on land continued a decrease that dates back to 1979, while river discharge from the great rivers of Eurasia and North America has increased during that time.
    . . .
    Melting occurred over more than 50% of the Greenland Ice Sheet for the first time since the exceptional melting of 2012, and glaciers terminating in the ocean showed an increase in ice velocity and decrease in area.

    Must be 'magic' to those who reject the CO{2} metrics and models.

    Bob Wilson
    #85 bwilson4web, Dec 17, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  6. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    There are two graphs from the same source:
    1. Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut - obsolete.
    2. Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut - complete.
    Here I've overlaid the misleading graph over the complete graph that agrees with other, independent sources:
    The chart with the misleading, lower, Arctic ice coverage blocks out the shore ice, ~3 million square kilometers. It appears to be a popular graph by anti-climate change, propagandists and their syncopates.

    Bob Wilson
    #86 bwilson4web, Feb 17, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  7. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    Sycophants. See the (latter) Disney Dalmatian movie:
    "What kind of sycophant are you?"
    "What kind of sycophant would you like me to be?"

    That is amazing dialogue for a kid movie, way more interesting than 1 year's ice, now you know me :)
    Trollbait, bwilson4web and ftl like this.
  8. mojo

    mojo Senior Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    San Francisco
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Below is quote taken directly from from DMI 30% sea ice page 2015.They are quite clear that 30% is the more accurate measurement.
    But you already knew that and prefer to use inferior data because it supports your inferior theory.

    “The total area of sea ice is the sum of First Year Ice (FYI), Multi Year Ice (MYI) and the area of ambiguous ice types, from the OSISAF ice type product. However, the total estimated ice area is underestimated due to unclassified coastal regions where mixed land/sea pixels confuse the applied ice type algorithm. The shown sea ice extent values are therefore recommended be used qualitatively in relation to ice extent values from other years shown in the figure.”

  9. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    However the next few year's Arctic ice go, I hope mojo attends equally to them whether up or down. I know BobW will - it invigorates him, even while the little airplane languishes inside some Huntsville shed. (Wake up call, ding ding ding).

    Look, youse guys, global warming is pitted against several large thermal sinks. It is slow now and to become the (feared) faster, those sinks need to lose influence. Climate models are not telling us how that will happen. My null hypothesis is continued slow increase, and there is not a lot of hard evidence for faster.

    The only weaker case is for a reversal. -T, and a lot of -T would be required for ICEAGENOW. I commend mojo (as always) for bravely asserting against evidence. It may be that he does not realize how brave that stance is?
  10. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    "Researchers expected to find some gaps between ice and bedrock at Thwaites' bottom where ocean water could flow in and melt the glacier from below. The size and explosive growth rate of the newfound hole, however, surprised them. It's big enough to have contained 14 billion tons of ice, and most of that ice melted over the last three years."

    NASA-JPL: Huge Cavity in Antarctic Glacier Signals Rapid Decay

    See also:
    SciAm: Huge Hole Discovered Beneath Fast-Melting Antarctic Glacier - Scientific American
    Here's How Much Ice Antarctica Is Losing--It's a Lot - Scientific American

    #90 fuzzy1, Jan 31, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
  11. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius