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Any advice welcomed, please. Brake stroke sensor/Coolant sensor/keyfob?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by That Prius Girl, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. That Prius Girl

    That Prius Girl New Member

    Sep 7, 2016
    Salem, Oregon
    2004 Prius
    So currently my Prius is on life support, what's not wrong with it? It's a 2004. I just got my left axel repaired, new brakes in the front (Were COMPLETELY worn, even the roaters were bad, got that replaced too) this was a month after an inspection by jiffy lube telling me they were okay.. after my suspensions. Oh, and my wheel bearing hub assemblies in the front were growling so loud you couldn't hear the radio. Repair bill so far? $1025.

    OK Now. This is where I even get confused and lost! I backed up onto a curb ( I know, please spare me ) and when I came down (Due to a lot of weight in my back seat, that I didn't tell to get out first!!) I hit the bumper SO hard on the curb it knocked off my bumper! On the passenger side. My brakes less then 3 minutes later slipped and I almost rear ended a car in traffic. I snapped back on my bumper once I got out to inspect it and drove 60 miles home, then another 15 miles somewhere and another 15 miles home.. Well maybe 30 minutes alter I went to go to the store I turned on my car and it was throwing me all sorts of lights. The (!) ABS and BRAKE. It seemed I lost all real power to my brakes..... I couldn't drive it. (I found out how to reset the codes myself and did so after a few days of it being parked) ANYWAYS I learned there is an ABS sensor on the hub in the passenger rear (what I hit so hard) but when I took the car to the mechanic they ignored me and went by the computer which said replaced brake stroke sensor..step 1. But I also recently heard that the brake stroke sensor can "think" it's going out because the brakes are so worn that they giving a warning?! Or something along the lines of that.. and my front brakes and roaters were shot. Since the mechanic reset the codes I haven't really driven the car.. should I wait to see if all the lights come back on or should I just not risk it and replace the brake stroke sensor?! I was quoted $490 for this. I haven't looked it up to see if I can do it myself just because of where he said the placement of that sensor was... but advice??? Anyone had this issue!?

    Also had an engine light on.. took it to get the codes red guy at auto zone goes "Uhh, idk what this means.. maybe put coolant in your car" Coolant was low! Filled it up.. Throwing out that I need to replace the coolant sensor.. I've seen people do this on youtube it's some clamps, pliers and the part that's about $70. Yet I was quoted $500, How bad could i mess up my car if I attempt this and don't do it right? ^_^ I replaced the 12V battery......................................... does this compare.. at all even a little?? I love this car but I'm human I want to do things the cheaper way.

    Speaking of cheaper way.. The only keyfob that went with the car is pretty messed up but the screws are stripped (YES IVE LOOKED FOR REPLACEMENT SCREWS) anyway the back won't stay on tight enough for the key fob to work and it's that important to me.. best prices on keyfobs? Can't find anywhere that will program with hardware for less then $300..

    Update! New question. After I got my car back and drove for a little while.. I took a right turn and it sounded like metal was dragging on the ground, then there was a constant grinding noise in the front driver tire. When I took the car back in they said that it was probably a backing plate to the brakes? I got new brakes, roaters and fixed the axle on that side. When I was called by a different guy he said that it was the backing plate.. :/ but when I went to pick it up they said there was some "tire rubbing" and that it happens when the car flexes? Either way I've never had the issue before. The grinding sound is less now, but still happens during turns. I don't want to take it back again.. but is there anything else it could be?? It wasn't happening until after the repairs I feel like it's something to do with them.. but my suspension squeaks too.. could it possibly be from that?
    #1 That Prius Girl, Sep 7, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2016
  2. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius

    For starters, it sounds like you have had trouble codes read on the car more than once, but you haven't said what any of the codes were in your post. The thing is, just because a guy at Auto Zone says he doesn't know what a code means, doesn't mean that nobody knows what the code means ... in fact, anybody with access to the repair manual can look it up.

    Sometimes people read the codes with a box that has a little display on it and gives a little brief fortune cookie or haiku about what the code "means", but that's no substitute at all for just taking the code and looking it up in the manual. The manual is going to have anywhere from a page to several pages of information on how to proceed in narrowing down what's really causing the code. The little fortune cookie shown on a reader tool is either going to make you just scratch your head, or jump to conclusions and replace something that might not be the real problem.

    So, other PriusChatters have a much better chance of helping if you post the actual codes that have been read from your car. It sounds like there might be multiple things wrong. Those situations can be extra puzzling, because sometimes the effects of different problems sort of intertwine.

    How badly you can mess up your car depends on how you are with attention to detail, studying and following directions, what tools you have available, and your access to the repair manuals. We don't all know you, so you have to judge your own strengths there. You probably don't want to use google for all your repair information, because google finds information ranging from very accurate to, well, hmm.

    Replacing brake components like the stroke sensor probably would not be a good starter project if you're at all unsure about it, because you will end up with air in the system and need to follow pretty finicky air bleeding instructions that involve Toyota's software on a laptop connected to the car's diagnostic port. If you want to build your confidence about working on your car, some other jobs would be less like jumping in the deep end.

    So does your post mean nobody ever checked the ABS sensor on the rear yet (you say the mechanic ignored you)? If that's true, it's a pretty easy check that you could do. There is an ABS sensor check procedure (involves driving a certain speed for a short distance after setting a test mode). There should be instructions in your repair manual for how to do it both the 'usual' way (with the laptop and Toyota software), or another way that only needs a short piece of wire or paperclip.

    About the fob, I am pretty sure there are places online that sell just the plastic case of the fob, you take your own fob apart and just move the circuit board over, so nothing needs to be reprogrammed at all, and it might be a total solution (to that problem, anyway).

    Hope this helps,
    valde3 likes this.
  3. That Prius Girl

    That Prius Girl New Member

    Sep 7, 2016
    Salem, Oregon
    2004 Prius

    So I don't know the exact codes, they might be on a sheet that I have somewhere with the vehicle, but long story short. I was told that the sensor replacements are what the codes meant. Part numbers and everything included. I've taken the codes to 3 different places so far and the advice has only differed once.

    I'm confident enough to replace the coolant sensor, the part is going to be ordered next week and I'm buying all the proper tools. I would never touch the brake sensor, just because of it's placement. I've watched about 20 youtube videos about how to replace the coolant sensor. I know this doesn't make me a master but it seems to be simple enough, and If I mess up I can have it towed and pay for my screw up. (lesson learned :p )

    And no :( Nobody checked the ABS sensor like I asked, they read the codes and inspected from there and because of the growling my car was making went to look at brakes/ etc. I will take your advice and look up how to check that.. I'm assuming it's something to do with the little white box underneath the steering wheel? The same one that I used to reset my ABS codes with a paperclip as well.. lol. I still have that paperclip in my car in a safe place since the codes have went off 3 times in the past month, when I was driving.. I would pull over, plug in the paper clip and do the steps to reset them. Next time I post I will try and have more information. Was trying to be descriptive, but I think I may have been confusing.
  4. That Prius Girl

    That Prius Girl New Member

    Sep 7, 2016
    Salem, Oregon
    2004 Prius
    And update.. got my car back. Yesterday was the first time I really drove it. On the freeway when I got off the freeway and to a friends house we went to go do something, the first turn I took I hear metal scrapping on the sidewalk, and now a grinding noise (Near my drivers side tire) every time I take a right turn and some grinding just by going straight. Going to take the car back in today to the same place since I have a warranty.. so all other work is on hold until I figure out what's going on now.. That's the same side the axle was repaired on, that's stuck in my head.
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    welcome! how many miles on him? and who is doing the repair work?
  6. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Excellent! There's good news, the same paperclip you're using to clear those codes can also be used to read them. When you connect the right two terminals there (the ones called Tc and CG), a bunch of the warning lights on the dash start flashing. Each light can be flashing out 2-digit codes for whichever car computer it's controlled by, so by counting the flashes of the brake/ABS lights, you find out what the brake/ABS computer is trying to tell you.

    Next time those lights come on, you can do that before you clear the codes. It's worthwhile because the very fact the lights keep coming back after you clear them goes to show that computer really, really has something it wants to tell you about.

    The details on how to count out those two-digit codes, and how to match them up with the five-character codes you would see on a scantool, are all in the repair manual (your primary source material!) and also somewhat covered in lots of threads in this forum.


    Edit: I should mention that not all the computers in a Prius can blink out their trouble codes on the dash; for some, you're out of luck without a scantool to read them. But the brake/ABS computer is one of those you can read blinks from (or at least it was in my Gen 1 and is in my Gen 3, so I'm betting that's true in Gen 2 also).
  7. That Prius Girl

    That Prius Girl New Member

    Sep 7, 2016
    Salem, Oregon
    2004 Prius
    Thanks! I have 168k on it, tire factory did the work that's already been done. Or point S tires. PM automotive might be doing the brake sensor if I can't find anyone else that can beat their price.
  8. That Prius Girl

    That Prius Girl New Member

    Sep 7, 2016
    Salem, Oregon
    2004 Prius

    Gosh! When I was resetting them it had said something about counting the lights, but it didn't tell me why I needed to count them :( So I stopped counting just focused on doing the little "dance" right to reset them. But I have my paperwork and I have Code #1247 and code #p1121 I will need to locate my manual, can't be hard since I know it's in the car. Thanks for that, if they come on again before I just break down and replace the sensor. :p I'll count them.
  9. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius

    The repair manual usually didn't come with the car (unless you bought it from a conscientious DIYer!). For a 2004, you could probably score a paper version if you wanted, or use the online version where you pay a little for a certain period of access but it's pretty cheap. But for starters if you just put your codes on PriusChat, there may be somebody who has access and has the time to look them up....

  10. jdenenberg

    jdenenberg EE Professor

    Nov 21, 2005
    Trumbull, CT
    2020 Prius
    LE AWD-e
    If anyone needs the 2004-2005 or the 2006-2009 Repair manual, just send me a PM.

    That Prius Girl likes this.