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1 year of rear brake problems

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Lumberjack Zac, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. Lumberjack Zac

    Lumberjack Zac Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2015
    2004 Prius
    started at 190k a year ago. Dealership said it was time to replace the original shoes on the rear. $400. I said no thanks. I did it for $50 following advice on priuschat. disconnect battery, pull abs relays. Worked great for a month and then ABS VSC and BRAKE lights.

    Take it to dealer and they said both rear pistons are froze. $300 to replace. C1044 C1043
    Month later same issue. They bleed the brake system $80
    week later Same issue. The bleed it again, no charge.

    After it happened again, i just started resetting the ABS code myself and seeing how long it would last. seemed like a couple times a month. The recall/warranty enhance was sent out. I take my car in for the ABS VSC BRAKE light issue. Toyota says the C1043 is specifically not covered by warranty and it's due to "improperly installed brakes." The dealership offers no solution but says my actuator is "likely" blown out and it's my fault. Here's your keys, no charge. sounds like they are butthurt over aftermarket parts on my car.

    I do not believe my actuator is blown at all. It quickly charges and discharges, I dont hear any popping sounds. The code again is C1043
    I keep resetting my ABS codes but have been hearing a grinding from the rear. I started thinking if they replaced the pistons, they had to disassemble the brakes right? I look at the Drum assemblies and one of my shoes isn't secured by a spring and stud. How do you miss that?

    All new springs and studs, shoes and drums installed today. I dont know how it's possible to install the shoes without moving the pistons around a lot. I noticed they leaked a bit but once cleaned up did not seem to be leaking.

    I immediately get ABS VSC BRAKE when the rear brakes engage. I keep resetting the code but it doesn't seem like I'll be getting any use from the rear brakes now. What to do next?
  2. JC91006

    JC91006 Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2013
    Los Angeles, CA
    2008 Prius
    There's an extended warranty on the brake actuator.....no charge
  3. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    You need to bleed the rear brakes. AIR entered the system, when the rear brake wheel cylinder piston was accidently moved, while mounting the rear shoes. AND, yes, other people I know (Prius and non-Prius owners) have never been able to mount drum shoes w/o accidently moving the rear brake wheel cylinder piston. Thus the need to bleed the effected wheel. You may have to bleed out a lot of brake fluid, to get the trapped air out.

    To easily bleed the rear brakes, you will need Techstream software. OR, if you are a glutton for punishment, follow the thread where someone figured out how to do it w/o Techstream; be warned, it is a major PITA to do it this way.

    Did anyone check the thickness of the rear drums? If they are below minimum thickness or OUT of ROUND, they need to be replaced.
  4. andrewclaus

    andrewclaus Active Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    Golden, CO
    2007 Prius
    I don't understand a) why those DTCs don't show up in my manual, nor in a Google search for Prius codes, and b) they seem to denote a wheel speed sensor problem in other cars, so why work on the hydraulics?

    Has anyone considered replacing the speed sensor(s) or hub(s)?

    Are the wheel bearings in good shape?

    I've replaced plenty of brake shoes as an amateur, and have never had a brake fluid leak at the slave cylinder. I was taught that's a big red flag.

    Also very worrisome is the missing hold-down. If a mechanic left that off, that's really bad. If it failed due to some other mechanical problem, I would not drive the car until that gets sorted out.

    You seem to be implying that you will drive the car without a fully functioning brake system. The warning lights are there for a reason!
  5. Lumberjack Zac

    Lumberjack Zac Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2015
    2004 Prius
    Thanks for the feedback. I've never really asked for help on the forums, just enjoyed the knowledge.

    I took it in for the warranty enhancement and Toyota refused to do it, @JC91006 . Didn't have the "acceptable code" for it. Like I said, they saw aftermarket and didn't even really look at the car.

    @exstudent I ordered a techstream mini over the weekend, and I'll get it Wednesday. Seems very straightforward and that's what I was thinking. I'm just so sick of working on these, I got all new everything.

    I replaced all the hub assemblys when I did the brakes originally. Maybe 20k on them. Yes it was absolutely ridiculous that a hold down was missing. But mechanically I put all new parts on correctly. The parts are working, all brakes are grabbing but now I have code 42 abs and no power assist when braking. It's driveable but no ABS. Traction control kicked in a few times, so that's working. I'll know more when techstream arrives