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Ocean Heat Capacity And Global Warming

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by iplug, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. iplug

    iplug Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    Rocklin, CA
    Other Electric Vehicle
    @tochatihu has brought up this topic before, so an intriguing article in the Science and Technology section of the Economist caught my eye today:


    ...Though the oceans are warming too, climatologists readily admit that they have only a rough idea how much heat is going into them, and how much is already there...

    ...Dr Tyler and Dr Sabaka, who work at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, in Maryland, observe that satellites can detect small changes in Earth’s magnetic field induced by the movement of water. They also observe that the magnitude of such changes depends on the water’s temperature all the way down to the ocean floor...

    ...Satellites, however, can look at the whole ocean—and, if they are properly equipped, can plot ways in which Earth’s magnetic field is deflected by seawater. This deflection happens because seawater is both electrically conductive and always on the move...And since the magnetic field originates from within Earth, it penetrates the whole ocean, from bottom to top. So any heat, whether in the deepest troughs or near the surface, contributes to the deflection...

    ...All this means that, if you know where and how ocean water is displaced, the changes in the magnetic field, as seen from a satellite, will tell you the heat content of that water...
    If this research makes any real progress, it will help to better understand a crucial element involved in the regulation of global warming and heat balance - the oceans.

  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    The last paragraph:
    We really need to read their paper or presentation. Right now, I'm dubious because of the effect of solar wind and storms on the magnetosphere. Also, there was no mention of salinity which effects conductivity and any magnetic distortions. For now, I would prefer direct measurements and the existing satellite missions.

    Bob Wilson
  3. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    Oceans are a heckuva thing. Here compared in 3 ways to Earth's atmosphere:

    Mass is 260 times greater.
    Heat content is 1000 times greater. Liquids are like that; they wiggle very well.
    CO2 (including carbonate and bicarbonate ions) are 62 times greater. Not infinitely soluble...

    These ideas help us understand that other fluid.
  4. walter Lee

    walter Lee Hypermiling Padawan

    Oct 26, 2009
    2010 Prius
    One of the things that can happen when the Oceans get really warm is that there is a risk it could trigger an Anoxic Driven Global Mass Extinction.... An Anoxic Driven Global Mass Extinctions is caused by a dramatic drop in the oxygen levels in the top portion of the ocean where most ocean life is and a dramatic drop in oxygen levels and a dramatic increase in the CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere. The dramatic drop in regional oxygen levels causes most animal and plant life that cannot run way fast enough to die from a lack of oxygen and or CO2 poisoning.. The lack of oxygen can be triggered by two things that basically shunts off photosynthesis down. The first is a lack of light - which shuts down Photosynthesis I cycle (kreb cycle). the Lack of light in previous Anoxic driven events have been attributed to meteoric impacts and or massive volcanic action - but it could also be caused by multiple nuclear explosions in the upper atmosphere too ( in scienfific community this event is often referred to a global dimming).. The second thing that shut off photosynthesis is if the temperature gets too hot - when photoplankton and seaweed which create most of the oxygen in the earth atmosphere is exposed to temperatures higher than 30 Centigrade degrees ( that's pretty hot at 87 degrees Fahrenheit ) photosynthesis II (dark cycle) stops because the enyzme which transport the energy molecules gets confused at higher temperatures and does not work. Anoxic driven global mass extinctions have happened on earth before. One of the by products of an Anoxic driven global mass extinction is fossil fuels - Anoxic Events prevent complex carbon molecules created by dead life forms from decaying into smaller carbon molecules so when they are buried and compressed for along time they create long strings of carbon molecules that hold excessive amounts of energy which can release excessive amounts of energy when burned. Even now there are regions of the ocean that can really hot but only for a short time and for a limited region but as the daytime for extreme heat get longer and the area that is exposed gets larger - it will start to effect the output of oxygen in those regions over the ocean - certain parts of the ocean life (especially the shallower parts like a coral reff) will just die off and look dead - if this is combined with global dimming - Anoxic Event would kill most life form in the immediate region that could not run away fast enough ( being a small bird might help here). Geologist believe that once Anoxic driven Global Mass Extinction is triggered it may last centuries and that a natural recovery may require tens of thousands of years. If we eliminate the risk of Global dimming - and focus on just global warming of the oceans as the sole driver of mass extinction then given the current rate of rising ocean surface temperatures then a linear trend analysis suggests that the average ocean surface temperature will be about 30 degrees Centigrade in 1700 years. When the average ocean surface temperature reaches 30 degree centigrade - an anoxic event driven global mass extinction event should be well under way and most carbon based life forms should be dead or gone into suspended animation (seed or spore form), Massive release of Methane gas from the Arctic Tundra could accelerated the time frame for the global warming of the ocean surface to 30 Centigrade much sooner (methane is 30x more effective than carbon dioxide at causing the earth to warm up). You can track CO2 and methane emissions with LIDAR geo synch satellites which I am pretty sure the USA NOAA and USA AF-Pentagon have. You can also track the surface temperatures of the oceans with satellite in real time too. . Mankind will die likely become extinct in 2000 years but Artificial Intelligence machines might be able to survive... ...so yeah we are all going to die but this thingy is has a very high risk of killing almost everything on land that cannot fly and most of the big lifeforms in the water. IMHo we should create some AI time capsule for the next intelligent life form to inherit the earth after humanity gone the way of the dodo bird to inform them how this global warming life cycle stuff works...
    #4 walter Lee, Jan 19, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  5. mojo

    mojo Senior Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    San Francisco
    2012 Prius v wagon
    This is intriguing stuff and has me thinking .I wonder if I can deduce the cause of climate change .
    Mojos hypothesis on Solar forcing of climate.
    Solar wind distorts earths magnetic field.Oceans are electrically conductive at varied amounts due to temp.
    At times of Solar sunspot minimum the ocean currents are effected magnetically in a manner which cools the climate.
  6. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    I wonder how this hypothesis could be tested.