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Tesla and negative press

Discussion in 'Tesla' started by el Crucero, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I was driving on the I-10 yesterday, a busy 8 lane freeway going eastward from downtown L.A. to Arizona and beyond. A large and prominent billboard caught my eye. "ToyotaTalk.Com Learn what Toyota isn't telling you" I was curious so I Googled ToyotaTalk.Com when I got home. This is a website by a person(s) with a serious agenda to discredit everything Toyota. I glanced over the topics, they go on for pages, and didn't read further. The issues are true in general but are given a spin that is subjective and negative. This all sounds familiar to me with something similar happening with another car company that begins with a "T" and ends with an "a".

    So why am I posting this on the Tesla forum? Because there are a number of forum posters that delight in posting similar hit pieces on this forum about Tesla from Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, YouTube bandits, etc. These are posters with a serious agenda to discredit everything Tesla. Just because someone posts something negative on the internet about Tesla or Toyota does not necessarily make it relevant or true. They are just hit pieces that someone is trying to generate personal income and they should be evaluated in that regard.

    If you really want to read a Tesla style disparaging website about Toyota, and learn what it is like when the shoe is on the other foot, then go to Toyota Safety Advocates - ToyotaTalk
  2. mikefocke

    mikefocke Prius v Three 2012, Avalon 2011

    Nov 3, 2012
    Sanford, NC
    Other Hybrid
    I browse several car brand/model related forums to see what real owners think of their cars, what their experiences with warranties and experiences have been. I see how manufacturers respond (or don't) when something turns out wrong in their product. I see how users help users, how some brands and forums have lots of DIYers and some don't.

    I also browse several EV focused web sites to see what is coming, who is able to produce at what volumes and what schedule. And at what price point relative to the competition. And where and when they will be sold and where and how they will be supported/serviced. And how conveniently they will be fueled.

    I read the short sellers sites and the fan boy sites too, but think I'm able to discount much of what they tout.

    I read quarterly reports and listen to conference calls.

    Then I look at my situation relative to those factors and any uncertainty surrounding them and I make my decisions. And sometimes that decision is to do nothing as it has been so far. Both as far as buying stock and buying a new car.

    Just as I read and listen to and watch red and blue leaning news sources. And thank every day that we have those sources. Some I subscribe to solely for the need to keep a vibrant press. And then I vote as I have in every election in the last 46 years.

    Be informed. Express your opinion. Be civil. Be open to other ideas. Verify where you can.
    #2 mikefocke, Feb 1, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  3. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I generally agree with your post. The problem is whether those who are participating on brand fora are in fact verified owners or a non-owner with a hidden agenda (fake news). Of course this manipulation of social media by foreign governments and locals with a political agenda had a disastrous impact in our last Presidential election and that manipulation continues even today.

    Don't be gullible about what you read, ESPECIALLY on the Internet. How do you know who is a "real owner?" How do you know for sure, I really own a Tesla and a Toyota? I am invested in $TSLA and I could be using my posts on this forum, if I were a non-owner, to boost my stock investments -and over the last year I have certainly failed if that were true. Honestly, I have never made anything on stock investments, but I have done quite well in real estate. $TSLA is a very volatile stock at this time and there are people who can make a lot of money if the stock yoyo's up and down in value. It is called stock manipulation to keep the stock volatile. In fact a couple of people who are heavily invested in the oil industry and consultants to big oil have been caught on a Tesla forum posting about all the troubles they have had with their Tesla when in fact they didn't own a Tesla. Elon is aware and has taken appropriate legal action. It has been reported that one of them is no longer employed and facing big debts. It appears that their are many more who have not been caught.

    I feel the same way about ToyotaTalk. This is a person(s) with a hidden agenda to make money and he must be doing well since he can afford to post billboards on major freeways with millions of drive-bys every year. I don't doubt that some of what he posts is true but he is presenting that information in the worst possible light. He is presenting Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt as a way to feather his personal financial nest. I will not click on his website again so that my click might add to his legitimacy.
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    two things:

    1) was it @JackTheNarrator ?

    2) do you subscribe to elon's mothers tweets?
  5. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    @MontanaSkeptic (he was really living and working in NYC)

    I do not do Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. I participate in 4 user fora: 2 Tesla, 1 Prius, 1 specific dog breed
    bisco likes this.
  6. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    she's fab, takes after her son