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To charge or not to charge?

Discussion in 'Prime Plug-in Charging' started by Alicewave, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Alicewave

    Alicewave Member

    Jan 16, 2009
    Ithaca, NY
    2007 Prius
    So I'm pretty happy with my new 2021 Prius Prime. I haven't had a new car since the 07 prius so i'm still getting accustomed to all the bells and whistles. This is the battery after one trip downtown to pick up groceries. It's about a 4 mile descent to the "flat" part of town where most of my errands are, and then 4 miles back up. in total this trip was probably 10 miles. So I assume the Trip total is referring to the trip odometer. I was actually able to make two trips down and back today without using up all the green. once with full climate control on and the other time just with the heated seats. So I would say I'm getting fairly close if not better than the advertized EV range.

    Sooooo should I charge it between short trips?
    Is it ok to leave the charger plugged in even after it charges? I messed up setting the internal calendar and set it to the year 2023 instead of 2020. Haven't been able to fix that so I'm not sure if I will be able to use the scheduled charging effectively.

    I've been reading other threads and I was just wondering what SOC stands for.

    IMG_3506 (1).jpg
  2. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    It depends on how often and how far you are driving. If you have enough charge to complete the second trip without charging, then I would not charge. But you know you will be needing more charge than what's left, then yes I would charge. The point is to try to use the fully charged battery as soon as possible, and maybe try to keep the charge cycle number minimum. The first part is clearly stated in the manual, but the second part is not. The charge cycle may or may not be a limiting factor in battery degradation.

    The manual clearly recommends not to leave the charge cord plugged in after the completion of the charge. Doing so will drain the 12v battery quicker. And also that means you are leaving a fully charged traction battery for a prolonged time which is not good for the longevity of the traction battery. Try to use the charge schedule to minimize the time the traction battery is fully charged.

    SoC= State of Charge The level of charge remaining in the traction battery usually displayed in %, but the display in PP's dash is not real SoC, but % of the EV mode usable charge. The real SoC is ~81% when the dash indicates 100% and ~14% when the dash indicates -- %(it never shows 0%).
    jerrymildred and Tideland Prius like this.
  3. Alicewave

    Alicewave Member

    Jan 16, 2009
    Ithaca, NY
    2007 Prius
    I did catch that in the manual but it also sounds like for the Remote A/C to work the cord has to be plugged in? I haven't gotten through the entire manual yet. I guess I have to figure out how to fix the calendar which is currently stuck on 2023 instead of 2020. I'm not commuting right now so scheduling when I want the charging to end and when I want to be able to use Remote AC is somewhat of an inconsistent target.
  4. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    There are two different functions of remote climate controls. One is the Remote A/C function using your key fob. For this to work, you have to be close enough to the fob range but the car does not need to be plugged in but requires a sufficient amount of traction battery charge is left. It does work while the car is plugged, but it does not have to be plugged in. The second is the Climate Prep function that is tied to the charge schedule. This is enabled on charge schedule with climate prep, and this will require the charge cord to be plugged in, But it only works 10min before the scheduled departure time after the charge has been completed. In both cases, the HVAC system uses exclusively pure electric heat pump (or air conditioner) to heat or cool the cabin using the traction battery. Thus in most cases, you will end up with a shorter EV range after the operation.

    For PP Advanced models prior to 2019, there was a third remote phone app that controlled the Remote Climate function, but this has been discontinued in 2020 and I think it is also disabled in 2021 models.

    As far as changing the calendar for the dash that is linked to scheduling, it is under setting on the MID and "Meter Customize" setting and you will see the Calendar setting. You need to get there by wheel button to the furthest right "Meter Customize" then all the way down to "Calendar".
    #4 Salamander_King, Dec 15, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    Tideland Prius and Alicewave like this.
  5. Alicewave

    Alicewave Member

    Jan 16, 2009
    Ithaca, NY
    2007 Prius
    Thank you so much, I really appreciate the tips. Work is slow so I'm trying to get through this beast of a manual. :ROFLMAO:
    Salamander_King likes this.
  6. Alicewave

    Alicewave Member

    Jan 16, 2009
    Ithaca, NY
    2007 Prius
    OK so I'm confused, the book says "When the vehicle is left with the charging cable connected, electricity consumption of the 12V battery increases..." so if I'm charging on a schedule, say 1am-6:30am, is it a problem to leave the cable plugged into the car ahead of that time? For example, get home from in-person work and plug it in at 5:30pm so I don't forget, charging doesn't begin until 1am, am I damaging the 12V battery in the meantime? This seems in conflict with the book's advice to use the charging schedule to be sure the charging is completed immediately before starting off.
  7. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    AFAIK, the connecting charge cord ahead of the scheduled charge time is fine. The manual statement is about leaving the charge cord connected after completion of the charging. In theory, you might be right that there is some draining of the 12v battery by having the cord connected well in advance, but yeah, if you have to get up at 1 am to plug in the cord, then what the usefulness of the scheduling. I used to connect my charge cord every day after I came home around 4pm and had the charge schedule charge my car nightly for 6am departure. Now, I am working from home, I am not using the charge schedule. I only charge the night before if I know for sure I will be driving the next day. Otherwise, I try to keep a 30-40% charge in the traction battery most of the time. The manual suggests running the traction battery down to 0% before a long period of non-use, but for my current infrequent use about once a week, leaving a small amount of charge is more practical.
    #7 Salamander_King, Dec 15, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    jerrymildred and Alicewave like this.
  8. jerrymildred

    jerrymildred Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Tampa, FL
    2017 Prius
    What Salamander_King said. I typically plug in every evening when I get hope from work and have the scheduler set to finish charging at about 5AM. What little gets drained from the 12V gets put back in while the traction battery charges because the charging system feeds 13V or so into the 12V system to maintain that battery during the charging process. The problem is when you charge it and leave it plugged in for days on end.
    Alicewave and Salamander_King like this.
  9. Alicewave

    Alicewave Member

    Jan 16, 2009
    Ithaca, NY
    2007 Prius
    Got it, thank you for chiming in. Leaving it for days is definitely a risk until I go back to work in person, so I'll try to be mindful and pull the plug in the mornings. Most of my elec comes from solar so part of my initial question is to make the most efficient use of my solar gen and avoid a real electric bill. I was able to fix the year in the calendar so that's a start. only 450 pages of the manual to go yay
    #9 Alicewave, Dec 15, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020