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Rear ended think it's fixable?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by ias61489, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    So little update for anyone interested. After that email from USAA I emailed a bunch more times with comps and questions. I did get an email back from the regular dept to call and they just wanted to issue me the check for the previous amount offered. I said no Im dealing with the specialty dept. Finally today 7 days later I got an email back from him saying he sent everything to the evaluation company he gonna also look over the report to look for issues. MHM! Just filed a complaint with the NYS insurance commission too. Gonna update that soon.

    I did speak to USAA about the rental car, enterprise called me on the 27th and they said USAA just called and said they had cut off the car the 14th so I needed to return it and pay $388 and some change so I wouldn't get anymore charges. Not so fast! I called USAA back spoke to a very nice and sweet girl with a nice southern accent that was until I pushed back and said no USAA will be paying for it and I was not told a date. She got nasty and while on "hold" CLICK! call disconnected. See I was told when I originally called on the 10th they would extend it to the 14th BUT when the settlement offer was made they would give me a cut off date for the rental, I was never given the cut off date.
    I called back.. got another nice sweet lady well at first anyway! she offered to pay it until the 16th and said thats all they are gonna do. I pushed back and said thank you but I will still be fighting this as based on what I was told. She then said ok hold on and put me on hold... 30 seconds later CLICK! disconnected. Getting annoyed at this point.

    Called back again and this time got Matt.. didn't really have an accent didn't really sound sweet but he listened to me lay out what I had to say and then he tried the same speech as the rest. I politely informed him that I have al my conversation with USAA recorded and I can play him right now the recording of the rep telling me I would be given a date once the settlement offer was received... He said oh ok please give me moment. Got back on the line and I must say he sounded very down at that point and bam! they covered all $870.xx of the rental. They insisted they gave me the cutoff date on the 10th when I called and that wasn't true. If I didn't have there recording I would been on the hook for $388.xx.

    My $40 recorder just saved me $388.xx just like my front and rear dash camera has saved me from 3 tickets over the years. They pay for themselves over time.
    JohnPrius3005 and bisco like this.
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    well done! how do you record convo's? i have used the 'please review your recording' tactic in the past, because most companies tellyou they are recording for 'quality and training purposes' :p

    i nailed fidelity good for a couple of grande many years ago.
  3. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    I just do all my phone calls on speaker in a quiet place and use a regular voice reorder. I had a cheaper model but it was not doing the job and I had issues getting the recordings off it. Its always nice to get one over on the insurance company which in reality is just getting what we are entitled to and just not letting them get one over!

    This is the one I use. Takes excellent quality recordings and has built in usb for easy transfer to the computer.

    Olympus Ws-852 Digital Voice Recorder With Built-in Speakers - Medium Silver : Target
    Merkey and bisco like this.
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    thanks! (y)

    exactly. that's how it was with fidelity. i called to transfer some stock, and they didn't do it. it lost money and upon checking the recording, they reimbursed me for the loss.
    Merkey and ias61489 like this.
  5. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Good tip.
    Merkey and ias61489 like this.
  6. pasadena_commut

    pasadena_commut Senior Member

    May 2, 2019
    Southern California
    2007 Prius
    Might be a state crime in some jurisdictions unless all parties are informed AND agree to the recording. (Not that I ever get a chance to opt out when calling a company and the computers tells me the conversation will be recorded. Probably in the fine print of doing business with them is text that they can record you without consent at each instance. Would not surprise me at all if some of them had the converse too - you cannot record them if they call you, unless you get it in writing before hand, notarized, by a supreme court justice.)
  7. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    Most states are one-party consent states which means as long as you are a party in the conversation you can record without the others knowledge. My state allows it. Ive been recording State Farm for my home owners claim also. They are a joke of a company too, after dealing with them speaking to few different public adjusters and lawyers I know I won't be staying with them when both my claims are over. Last week a manager in the claims dept for State Farm called their own field adjuster and my local agent incompetent smh!

    Very curious how USAA is gonna respond when they get back to me, I have my car and haven't answered if I'm keeping it or not so they can't do much and the claim is dragging on. I know they don't want it to drag on too long! Hopefully hear something by monday and they stop their games.
  8. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    So before i went to bed I decided to look again for some comparable's but this time I decided to look at all the dealership's that where selling the "comparable's" that USAA and CCC has sent me. Found 1. So Comp #10 was a 2008 with 114,141 miles. Says the listing was updated in 03/07/2022 which would be just in the 90 day period that USAA said that needs to be used. It was listed for $8,995 and they adjusted it up to $9,140 smh

    Last night found another one, 2007 with 104,050 miles listed for $10,495!! Actually showed a price of $11,495 but "now only" $10,495. I emailed USAA last night and asked them how one that it older with more miles is worth more than my car and how is one that's older with similar mileage worth more than one of their own comparable's at the same dealership?! I'm sure they will ignore me as they have with all my other questions.
  9. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    They responded as I expected they would. Said my comp's were reviewed and the settlement offer was not changed. I laughed a bit when when in his email to me it says our reports are an "exercise in accuracy" yet they didn't fix the report where they noted my car dint have features it does have smh. Just making themselves look bad at this point. I have sent a lengthy response to his almost bullying email plus alot of the stuff I sent before. Also requested a supervisor get involved and found 3 executive emails and sent it to them also.

    This should get interesting soon. Looked up reviews for USAA and many had similar experience and one recently had her car towed away before she got a chance to do anything and they charged her for storage and not removing her license plate! She was told the car was being towed for an estimate they towed it to an auction. They have been hounding me to do that since the day the totaled it.
  10. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Same advice from two weeks ago....

  11. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    Most won't take it because its such a low amount. I'm looking for a 3-4k diffidence and keep the car. I know all the steps to push back they are just trying to get aggressive and bully me is all. They tried it with the rental car and they ended uncovering it all. Once they learn of the NYS complaint they may be a bit more open minded. I also sent everything to executive emails. Next step is putting all my information on BBB, social media pages etc. That gets the attention of the higher ups.

    Now tuesday I finally see a spine dr. My hope is that he orders an MRI so I can see what's going on with my back. If I do find something that's abnormal I will be hiring a lawyer anyway and that will be included in the suit.

    Costs me nothing but time to fight back so why not try? Even the adjuster at the repair shop said prepare for them to get aggressive quickly and not to let them bully me. I'm honestly more concerned about my back and hopeful it goes away in time but I'm not so sure.
    This was a review I found last night same situation basically. Plus side for me is my car is at my house and I still have the title, I still have not told them if im keeping that car or not. I assume at some point they will assume I am and just issue a check but for now they are annoyed im not answering them.

    I will keep sending emails and comparable's to the rep and to the corporate emails now. Doesn't matter to me if they get mad its not my insurance company

    Original review: April 25, 2022

    Someone who had auto insurance through USAA totalled my car. USAA stole my car, saying they were taking it to a "local facility to be inspected" when instead they took it to an auction house outside of my county. Before towing the car, they said it was not totalled and was going to be looked at. And yet, hours before the tow truck came, I received notification by email that they had declared my car totalled. I called them before the tow truck came to ask about this email declaring my car totalled, and they told me that the email was a mistake, to disregard it, and that they were just taking it to be inspected. They then tried to fine me for not removing my license plate. They also tried to fine me for "storage" of my car at this auction place. They gave me an incredibly low offer for my car, so low that I am not able to buy a new car without taking out a loan.

    The comparable cars they sent me weren't cars that are available to buy, and are from "historical records," which does not consider the current inflation of used cars. The comparable cars that I sent to them were all denied and I was not told the reason why, and was told that I couldn't talk to someone who would know why. After a month of trying to negotiate the settlement offer they raised the offer 150$ more. I repeat,150$ more. Every person I speak to on the phone from USAA promises that I will be getting a call about new offers and no one ever calls, when I finally call the person on the line never seems to know about these false promises for new offers. Every person I have spoken to from USAA has lied and placated me. They also promised me that they would be sending back belongings from my car that were accidentally left, and they never did. I went through a traumatic accident, I lost my beloved car (thank goodness I'm safe) and all they care about is stealing my money.
  12. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    A lawyer's demand letter is a one hour job. USAA is out of Texas and is used to low balling and are very successful. If you were their client, things would be different. I saw a woman with USAA kill a guy while drunk and the USAA lawyers managed to pay the family nothing.
  13. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    Gotta love it. That is absolutely horrible. Luckily this accident didn't result in death just some back pain I hope goes away. I'm gonna keep pushing as long a I can, I wonder what lawyer I could get to just do that if need be. Most want the larger cases
  14. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    I have officially ruffled some feathers over at USAA! I received a call from an advocate from the CEO's office which has ben assigned to me. While he can't make prices or anything else he's gonna involved review the claim and get me answers to my questions that he wants to now the answers to also. He was also made aware of the complaint I filed with NYS Insurance Commission. He was very nice of course and hopefully even though he's there to help the and not me this results in a positive outcome. I'm not looking for 10k more just a bit more will get me away.

    He said he should be reaching out friday after reviewing everything. For anyone still paying attention please tune in friday for the next episode! lol
    ColoradoCrow and JohnPrius3005 like this.
  15. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    Ive been busy over here with many things, lots of pain from the accident that is not going away easily it seems. Fun times.

    Anyway for anyone still interested Ive ben fighting USAA for 4 months now and recently switched the claim over to my insurance company State Farm. They already gave me a higher initial value and i planned on going through the appraisal process.

    After no contact from USAA for over a month figured why not and last week I decided screw it and called them. Ended up on the phone for 2 hours and the guy was actually very helpful to a degree. Also had a CCC rep on the phone too for a bit. Fixed some errors in the report and the value went up a bit. She gave me some comparable's over the phone so I started my digging.

    Ended up on the phone with USAA and CCC again the next day, asked the same questions and got similar answers for the most part.

    Here's where it gets interesting the day before the rep gave me a comp that was posted 37 days ago, for $8,000 with 67,588 miles. Said it confirms my price of $10,2xx with tax etc. During my research looking for the car I discovered it on the dealers website but it said sold but the price was $10,900.. Hmm ok. That part I was able to point out to her over the phone and she kept saying her records area accurate etc etc.

    The next day I was armed with more info. Turns out this car was not listed 37 days ago it was listed on 08/16/2021! Over a year ago!
    I def throw the CCC rep off with this info and she looked it up again and she still see it has 37 days ago for $8k. I pointed out how can I trust the reports if they can even give me accurate info over the phone... Long story short the offer was bumped up over the phone to $12,262 plus tax and tag so somewhere around $13,333.28.

    Where it gets interesting again is the CCC rep sent it over right away to USAA but she was unable to see it... MHM... I called 4 more times that day and they said they didn't have it. Last call she told me to call the next day and I confirmed they were open she said yes which was Saturday. They were closed... So here I am waiting fr the paperwork so I can accept it. Something tells me they are trying to get out of it because they don't wanna pay that amount. Should be interesting.
  16. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Almost everyone at USAA headquarters in San Antonio is still working from home. They do work weekends, at least some of them. Of course they are working for the other guy, not you. State Farm should have been handling this negotiation the minute it was a problem. For my money they both are good but you have to realize who is working for you.
  17. ias61489

    ias61489 Junior Member

    Jun 7, 2022
    2008 Prius
    Oh I get it and I work for me which i why I've fought for 4 months. I know ive gotten emails on the weekends ive confirmed that little while ago but never any calls and calling in says closed.I did send email in but no response.

    State Farm wouldn't get involved said it was my job to work it out with them, they would only contact USAA if there was an issue with confirming who was at fault or if I ended up getting paid from State Farm they would contact them to get their money back.

    May have taken me 4 months but I got a more realistic price for the car now to just get the report sent over and actually get paid
  18. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Been with USAA 37 years now. Good outfit.
  19. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    As someone who has gone through this twice same damage I will bet its not bad at all damage wise. The hatch wont open because when the bumper gets pushed in it goes above the bottom lip of the hatch and jams the hatch. Just push the bumper down in front of the hatch it should open fine.

    You probably wont find a used bumper in a bone yard most G2's are picked clean its a popular car. You can get the bumper on ebay for $100 the 2 side clips that hold it on are $30. And many many screws under the bumper bottom lip.
  20. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Bumper covers for Gen2 Prius have gone way up in price. You're looking at near $400 with matching paint and over $200 without paint. Sure do miss those lower prices...
    edthefox5 likes this.