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So...what is an Auto Key Card and why should I care about them?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by ETC(SS), Sep 7, 2022.

  1. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The year was 1986.
    Renaldus Maximus was the President.
    Gas was under a buck.
    Top Gun was a top movie.
    The Chicago Bears actually HAD a winning season.

    AND.....you could build a no-kidding, for-real machine gun with a hacksaw, an inscribed serial number, and a $200 NFA stamp!

    The Biden Administration is FAR from being the first to make laws with titles that are the exact opposite of their intended purpose.
    AFTER the "Firearm Owners Protection Act" of 1986 was signed, serialized lightning links with the $200 stamp were suddenly worth thousands of dollars, but few people knew or cared about them.
    The VeetNam war was a relatively recent and bitter memory, and M16s were not a happy symbol of that unhappy time and place!
    Their civilian counterparts (AR15s) were about as popular as our current President....OR his predecessor (or both!) and a heckuva lot less divisive.
    People just didn't give a rats about them.

    Until 1993, when the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act became law.
    (see what I said about law titles?)

    Of course now, AR style rifles are the second most prolific weapon on the planet, and instead of being a finicky, expensive, ugly black jam prone rifle with a mouse sized caliber, they are very reliable, effective, and very cheap - even post pandemic and post defund.
    I just checked and you can get one for less than $400 if you know what you're doing.

    So WHAT does that have to do with Auto Key Cards??
    Florida resident Kristopher Ervin (where else??) came up with a unique business card.

    Unlike my goofy titanium Goldman Sachs card with an apple printed on it, Kristopher's card is brushed aluminum, and it had the outline of an "auto key" (Lightning Link) printed on it.
    The BATFE was not amused!

    They arrested Mr Erwin for illegally selling.........unlicensed, unserialized,....machine guns.
    AutoKeyCard Explained: Why Did the ATF Shut It Down? - Pew Pew Tactical

    SO?? Why do I care?

    Maybe you don't.
    Personally I don't know whether Kris Erwin is an idiot or a genius, but I do know he's in jail with thousands and thousands of counts of manufacturing and selling machine guns, so I'm leaning towards idiot myself.

    However (comma!!!)

    'Some people say' that this is sort of a FIRST Amendment thing, and this case will wind up in the SCOTUS, probably more quickly than Dobbs.
    They could (and may!) rule narrowly and just free Kris, and let him punch out his cards.

    They could strike down the NFA, which would have some interesting and immediate effects on ALL kinds of things like silencers(*) short barreled rifles and shotguns, aaaaaand!!!
    Machine Guns.
    *(they're really 'suppressors' but the LAW says silencers.)
    Trigger laws are already in place....pun almost unintended. ;)

    You still may not care, but at least now you know.
    #1 ETC(SS), Sep 7, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
  2. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid

    SO....I was wrong.

    Dobbs beat this to the Supremes, and now with a de-jurer criminal awaiting federal sentencing beef the system is very biased against even HEARING an appeal and if one of them does, the best (worst) thing that Ervin can hope for is a dismissal on some kind of trial technicality.

    Those who would look over their shoulders for the fainting couch when a thin-skinned, sanctimonious red-state governor "bans books" (prohibits porn in grade school libraries) beware.....
    This isn't a second amendment issue. ;)

    One of my subs on the YouTubes has words:
    They're attorneys but then, we ALL fall short....
  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Source: Illinois man using leaf blower in yard allegedly shot dead by neighbor | Illinois | The Guardian

    An Illinois man using a leaf blower in his yard was killed by his neighbor, local television reported.

    William Martys, 59, was reportedly using his leaf blower in his yard in Antioch when his neighbor, 79-year-old Ettore Lacchei, got into an argument with him then shot him in the head.
    . . .
    A neighbor told WLS, Chicago’s ABC affiliate, the two men had a history, and Lacchei had pulled a gun on Martys before.
    . . .

    With an auto key, Lacchei could hold off and even kill some of the police for a while. He could also go after more of his neighbors like the chatty one.

    Bob Wilson
    Trollbait likes this.
  4. sam spade 2

    sam spade 2 Senior Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    2017 Prius c
    I absolutely believe in the second Amendment......in the context that it was originally written.
    Every citizen should have a right to own as many flintlocks as he pleases.......as long as he is a participating member of the "militia", that is National Guard.

    Other than that, there are no "rights" involved.

    Except for everybody's right to be free from being hit by flying lead.
    hkmb, Zythryn and bwilson4web like this.
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Context is a everything
  6. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    That's a valid opinion I suppose, but it's been thoroughly debunked as a matter of 'text, history, and tradition.'
    EVEN before SCOTUS became so lopsided.....

    In case you run into another person with some passing knowledge of military history, you may want to lean away from the 'Flinchlock' argument.
    If you're just trading gossip with another civil rights opponent, then yeah....keep that one in your quiver. ;)
    Maybe try the "Deer wearing Kevlar vests" argument?

    @ Flintlocks
    They came in two flavors.
    Rifled and smooth-bore (or unrifled.)
    Our erstwhile oppressors used the latter because of faster reload times resulting in greater volume of fire.
    The rebels used rifles because of accuracy and insurgency warfare made them the better weapons for that task.
    If cap and ball pistols were technologically available in that time, 2A would cover those.
    Same with lever actions....bolt action....etc...etc....
    Weapons of war are WHY 2A was written and ratified, meaning the CURRENT technological standard.

    There WERE and ARE limits.
    Even then.
    Some weapons (cannon, mortars, bombs) were generally thought at the time to be what military people now refer to as 'crew served' instead of PERSONAL weapons....which is why they say KEEP and BEAR in the Second Amendment somewhere before SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    Even so.....
    STATES CAN (and some HAVE) made it illegal to possess some semi-automatic rifles, and some think that low capacity detachable magazines are more evil than standard capacity magazines and those have been banned as well - and so far those bans have been upheld in some cases at the federal level.
    EVEN the Article I branch of the federal government CAN (and has) banned non-crew-served weapons that ARE covered by 2A, the last one being signed into law by that well-known, bomb-throwing, leftist radical President Ronald Reagan!

    I believe that there is room for debate on some aspects of 2A.
    I believe ALSO that the current SCOTUS' recent 'text, history, and tradition' standard is somewhat sketch, being only marginally better than something like the 'Chevron deference.'

    If you do not think (like our current POTUS) that personal weapons can protect somebody from a nucular superpower gone rouge, then how do you explain the fall of Saigon or the formation of the Kabul Skydiving Club?

    Not in Illinoise.
    ARs are illegal there, remember? ;)

    Besides....lightning links don't work very well.
    There are about 900 licensed 'lightning links' in the US which is where the Auto Key Card thing came from.
    They're like bump-stocks - made illegal by an EO from the other moronic president that we've had lately.
    They both "can" work under very certain ideal circumstances but as a properly trained Marine, YOU above all people KNOW that a properly trained rifleman with a semi-auto rifle will fare much better in a standoff than somebody using the 'spray and pray' method.
    #6 ETC(SS), Apr 28, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
  7. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Context is everything
  8. sam spade 2

    sam spade 2 Senior Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    2017 Prius c
    It has been thoroughly bastardized by politics and an anarchist element in society.
    And other citizens without a warped sense of what is right and wrong are going along
    like sheep.
  9. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    I can probably go along with the idea that the kinds of weapons one can 'keep' and 'bear' were not intended to be stuck forever at flintlocks.

    To me, the most interesting part of the way Scalia's opinion in Heller made everything up through the second comma lose any meaning was how he invented new grammar to do it. He called the whole part up through the second comma the "prefatory clause", and the 14 remaining words the "operative clause".

    Now I've heard of main clauses and subordinate clauses. Independent clauses and dependent clauses. But nowadays, you can also look up prefatory and operative clauses:

    prefatory operative clause - Google Search

    and yes, you get a whole list of search results pretty much limited to people talking about the second amendment or the Heller decision, or study guides about 'prefatory' and 'operative' clauses that use the Heller text as the example, or students asking Wth is a prefatory or an operative clause, and getting answers about the second amendment.

    Perhaps more should be made of Justice Scalia's contribution here to the timeless edifice of grammatical studies.

    Still, I am thinking these days that we have too many new capital offenses of the form "leaf blowing while nonbulletproof", "turning car around while nonbulletproof", "basketball retrieval while nonbulletproof" and so on, and the beauty of Justice Scalia's grammatical innovations feels like a cold comfort to me at the moment.
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