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HV Battery temperature

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by TonyR, Sep 15, 2024 at 7:23 PM.

  1. TonyR

    TonyR Junior Member

    Feb 9, 2007
    My 2004 200k mile Prius has started to throw up warning lights - the warning triangle, the circle with the ! and VSC - on the dash after driving for a while. If I clear them after leaving the car overnight it will be fine for a while and then come back. It was starting to get down to a few miles before they cam on. I took the fan out and cleaned it and just did two 40 min journeys thinking it had solved it but they cam back at the end of the second journey.

    The battery looks OK - it goes to full charge, and the battery cells are all even voltages and resistances. So it doesn’t look like a cell failure. When the warning lights came on I read the data and its on Fan Mode 2 with a battery temperature of 38C/100F. Does this sound about right for the battery temperature warning to trip?

    The poblem is clearly a temperature one as if you leave the car to cool overnight it takes a while before the warning comes up. Would appreciate any thoughts on what is going on.
  2. Brian1954

    Brian1954 Active Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    South Central PA, USA
    2011 Prius
    Why are you clearing the trouble codes without reading them. The trouble codes will tell you the problem that the car is seeing.
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Since you can figure out how to clear them you should be able to figure out how to read them with a capable scan tool then that light bulb might go off and burn brightly how do you know your battery is getting hot who told you that? Or what determine that? The energy monitor on your multifunction display when you're driving the car how fast does it change from blue to green and back to red magenta and then back to blue and then back to green and maybe back to blue and not even see the magenta because you're driving how fast does that display changing? Do you hear the fan in the right rear quarter panel running like crazy You stop at a stoplight you hear a fan behind you running on near full tilt? No then probably not an overheating problem Why would you think it was a battery overheating problem Is it warmer in the car I mean just got to be a reason we're talking about temperatures because it's hot outside You don't drive around when it's 100° out with your air conditioning on and the windows rolled up that's the air the battery fan is sucking across the battery and then blowing it out the right rear quarter.