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The 35-40 Avg Mpg Club

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by markderail, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. markderail

    markderail I do 45 mins @ 3200 PSI

    Sep 13, 2006
    Pierrefonds (Montreal) Quebec Canada
    2010 Prius
    About time we had our own club !

    Let's brag about how we don't Pulse & Glide all the time, drive difficult routes in traffic, stops, lights.
    How we left lane drive and totally smoke those SUV's, how we don't EVER have a 20 yr old TDI or Civic driver riding on our rear bumper. We Flash To Pass.

    So if you drive "Sporty" and totally ENJOY the constant power of the VTT, here's your club !!! :D

    By driving for the shear pleasure of horsepower and getting from A to B in great time, taking even greater pleasure with the fact that even by driving fast - we're using way less gas than regular cars and the PZEV is still giving out low pollution.

    Please - no hypermilers post here. I want to share stories on how the day-to-day, to work & back, weekend highway driving, etc.

    How we enjoy this wonderful car without compromise B)

    Before someone tells me I'm wasting gas - whenever I see other Prius drivers, on roads or highways, they drive too slow "trying to hypermile" causing other cars to pass them !
    Causing inefficient cars to consume more gas so that the Prius driver gets a little better Mpg.
    By driving with the flow, and gliding to lights & stops, you make other drivers consume less gas, and be less of a road menace. :rolleyes:

    My average for the entire month of September is 5.8 liters/100 km = 40.55 miles/gallon(US)
  2. markderail

    markderail I do 45 mins @ 3200 PSI

    Sep 13, 2006
    Pierrefonds (Montreal) Quebec Canada
    2010 Prius
    So, first story. I was headed out of the city to a B & B over 450km away. Out of Montreal to a small town near Rivière-du-loup.

    Basically, leaving at 4pm on a Friday, some 45 minutes of traffic, then a good 400km of pure highway driving, two lanes on either side.

    So, FINALLY my chance to join the "High Mpg" club !!! I totally prepared for this, as it doesn't happen often.
    My daily & weekend commutes contribute to a personal RL average of 5.9l/100.

    So only my wife with me, minimal baggage, no rack on roof. My tank was naturally low for a Friday - I fill up every 2-3 weeks on average (low mileage per month user).

    So I put 34 litres, reset all the counters, and we're off! S L O W L Y, Pulse & Gliding in the traffic, nearly always in electric. The first 35 km to exit the city showed a real low graph, my average was 4.2l/100km. Awesome!

    Once on highway speeds, cruise control set to 103 KM/h - 65 Mph, the entire way! No stopping! 4.8l/100km some 300km later! Awesome!

    So I get to destination 456km later, a full half tank of gas left. Still at 4.8l/100km. Awesome!

    We drove around the small towns, always at 50-55 KM/h, the next day, then headed back home, with a stop at city called Levis (across the water from Quebec city). In downtown Levis, just before the Ferry Ride, I refill the gas tank.
    Still at 4.8l/100km, and the fill up uses....15.1 litres !!! w00t ! :D :D

    We stay for supper in Quebec city, in the old section. Discovered the Soap Store Called LUSH. Awesome!

    :angry: :angry: Heavy Rain !!! for the last leg. After five minutes in full rain at 103 KM/h, I'm at 7.0l/100km.
    So there goes my screenshot to hell, 250km to drive, at night, in a constant downpour.
    By the time I'm home, my average is now 6.5l/100KM.

    Now, if I had driven left lane the whole back & forth, following traffic, my average would have been 6.5l/100km, but my trip would have taken nearly an hour less time !!!

    So now, screw it! I have much more fun passing than being passed. I *hate* having over 50 large 18 wheeler's pass me on the left, because I'm driving at the posted limit.
    I rather follow the pack.

    Another trip I did was Montreal - Moncton, where I did not try for low mileage, but best speed. 3000+ KM in six days, my average was 6.5l/100km, with wife, one 16yr old son, roof rack LOADED plus cooler, and easily 30 pounds of chips/drinks/snacks.

    So this is plenty good enough for me. The car performs wonderfully even up steep hills to pass.
    I rather have fun, save hours in travel time, getting 6.5 instead of 5.0l/100km.

    So, who's with me? :lol:
    lar.smith42 likes this.
  3. brick

    brick Active Member

    Dec 10, 2006
    Upstate NY
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mark Derail @ Sep 29 2007, 01:32 PM) [snapback]519080[/snapback]</div>
    Not me, I don't think, but I'm glad the car does the job for you. So many people think that you 250+hp just to survive on the roadway which is complete crap. The Prius does surprise me the few times I do lead-foot it on the freeway, probably because of that high-torque grunt provided by the electric motors. It doesn't feel fast but the numbers on the speedo don't lie. It's much quicker than the uninitiated will believe. It may not be a sports car but at least it out-handles any of the behemoth SUVs that everyone seems to think are so great.

    That said, I still prefer to take it easy in the right lane. Everyone else can pass to their hearts content.
  4. AOV

    AOV New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
    Poughkeepsie, NY
    2007 Prius
    Not me either....but probably will soon, unfortunately...with the modifications I have done....damn.
    I am having a hard time maintaining mid 50's now...before it was a lot better. The mudguards, the hood deflector, the upgraded tires.... and the ever persistent tailgaters. :angry:
  5. vuapplepudding

    vuapplepudding New Member

    Sep 9, 2006
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(brick @ Sep 29 2007, 03:00 PM) [snapback]519146[/snapback]</div>
    Not me either.

    I drive and still have fun. Still I get 52 MPG city/highway with a 120 miles daily commute both ways. I can still engage any traffic situation and still get great numbers.

    I'll just save the extra money on the next generation PRIUS rather than continuing to feed the oil companies' pockets.
  6. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I have fun from time and time and yes that screws up my mileage but my lifetime is below 5.0L/100km.

    Must be the Quebecois' way of life ;). Just kidding.
  7. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Well I hate getting left behind at traffic light drags, so I don't! I'm always the first off the lights and I am always the first up to the speed limit, mostly half throttle gets me there too! I go through 40 sets of traffic lights each way on my daily commute, I'm not exagerating, from Woodcroft to Walkley Heights Adelaide Australia, look it up and count them. I get to work quicker in my Prius than I did in my Camry and getting home is the same story. My daily commute is about 34km each way so the engine is warm a lot. I never stretch the tank for the sake of it, I value the hybrid battery too much for that running out of fuel business, but I still get over 800km from each 40 litre refill! Oh there was one time I didn't make better than 5.0L/100km, that was when I went on a 650km round trip to Port Augusta and back. I traveled at the speed limit of 110km/h except when overtaking or through towns. Most people in South Australia drive at the speed limits which are enforced. When overtaking at one point I got up to 160km/h but normally 140km/h did the job. Still over 700km before I filled up and averaged 5.2L/100km.

    Pulse and gliders must be a pain in the bum for those around them, and as for following slow trucks to reduce consumption, have you read the threads about stone damage to the bonnet and windscreen of the Prius? Why would you do it to your self? Those fat tyres pick up every little stone and fling them back at you.

    Unfortunately I can't join the 5.5 to 6.5L/100km club because I always better 5.5L/100km! Even with my rev head ways, racing off lights and passing at up to 100mph I can't drive my average below 5.2L/100km even on a trip. I have never been one to race up to a red light, I have always tried to time the lights to keep the wheels turning even if it is very slowly. I don't tail gate so I have room to drive at a constant pace while others around me are always touching the brakes. Ny normal drive is mostly flat too fortunately, I have one good hill which I climb at 100km/h or a little more with power to spare. At half a tank this hill alone increases my average consumption by 0.1L/100km each time I climb it but by the end of the tank that affect is no longer evident due to higher km on the tank.

    It is my belief that people who drive slow to achieve high MPG figures are doing the Prius a dis-service. Displaying the Prius to the population as a slow car wont encourage uptake of hybrid technology by the masses, but only adds to the miss-conception that Prius is a 1.5 litre engine in a small/mid size car which equals slow and economical. The concept was suposed to be 2.0 to 2.4L beating performance with sub 1.0L fuel consumption. So why drive at sub 1.0L speeds and acceleration?

    Thanks for starting the high consumption thread but sorry I can't join your club, good luck and glad to hear you enjoy the hybrid turbine like performance! Gotta love it!
  8. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Sep 29 2007, 04:23 PM) [snapback]519215[/snapback]</div>
    Je me souviens.

  9. doubleex

    doubleex New Member

    Mar 11, 2007
    I'm in! I've been reading some of the crazy/rude driving tactics that it takes to squeeze every last mile out of a gallon of gas. Could you imagine the chaos if everybody on the road drove like that? I've played around on some back roads trying to see just what I'd have to do to get these high gas mileage numbers and there's no way I could feel good being such an obstruction to others (and I live in Amish country).

    I'm happy that we are getting about 50mpg and polluting a bit less just driving the car like I would drive my regular car. I bought this high-tech car to help me with this compromise otherwise I could ride a bicycle.

    On the other hand, I drive a bit nicer in the Prius. It's kinda gutless so undo acceleration is relatively pointless. I'll trim my desire to rocket off the line or race to the next light but I'll keep the goofy stuff to a minimum and never interfere with other drivers who are operating their vehicles legally.

    Cheers to the new club!
  10. markderail

    markderail I do 45 mins @ 3200 PSI

    Sep 13, 2006
    Pierrefonds (Montreal) Quebec Canada
    2010 Prius
    Part of this thread is also to show just how difficult it is to get low mileage.
    Even driving the w/o consideration to saving energy will still get you above 35 Mpg + PZEV emissions.

    I have the worst conditions, where most of the time I cannot pulse & glide, and my commute to work is less than 5 miles, meaning the ICE stays on for the entire duration of trip.
    1 person likes this.
  11. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Sep 29 2007, 04:30 PM) [snapback]519217[/snapback]</div>

    ahh you are correct BUT getting good mileage doesn't mean driving slow, it's incorporating the different techniques and moulding it into YOUR particular route.

    For example, I can almost NEVER P&G because of the hills and traffic in my area. However, the part of P&G that gets you the mileage booster is the gliding part so I glide whenever I can and I don't hold up traffic because after gliding for a while, you'll start to notice which roads are quite as flat as you think they are and gliding can actually maintain your speed (rather than slowing down) which means you can cruise with the rest of the traffic and they won't have a damn clue you're actually gliding. They'll think you're driving normally.

    Also, glide to a traffic light is another way of masking the gliding technique and making the one behind you think you're driving normally. It's all about how you incorporate the technique skillfully without letting the other drivers know.

    Hell if I drive like I drove our previous cars, I'd get 4.7L/100km (50mpg). Throw in gliding and I get it down to 4.3L/100km (55mpg). Add in P&G and I can reach 3.9L/100km (60mpg). It's basically "what do I feel like doing today with this tank?" haha.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Sep 29 2007, 06:06 PM) [snapback]519240[/snapback]</div>
    oui et ils se souvient la guerre.
  12. partipilo

    partipilo Weirdo

    Sep 28, 2007
    West Palm Beach FL
    2008 Prius
    My Prius is only 3 days old now, so its not really broken in, and I hear mileage improves upon breaking in, but I am driving this like a bat out of hell. I am REALLY getting a kick out of the MASSIVE torque of the electric motor. This car gets up and MOVES! And Even though I drive it like this, I cant get anything under 42 mpg!

    Edit: Editing just to not sound like im being wreckless. I dont floor it, I let the engine run at the RPMs that are typical of the ECVT, not flooring it. but man does the motor have insane torque. lovin it.
  13. partipilo

    partipilo Weirdo

    Sep 28, 2007
    West Palm Beach FL
    2008 Prius
  14. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    I read about people deliberately taking back roads to drive slow, people pulse to the speed limit then down to 2/3 the limit. This is a menace to others, then people who tailgate to slipstream or draft as I believe it's called there (USA) for a couple MPG (and a mass of stone chips).
    You can pulse and glide in a conventional car too, it's not a Prius or hybrid exclusive. I was getting as good as 7.0L/100km from my Camry across town using the technique. Yes I was turning the engine off coasting down hills and yes it's suprising how far you can get on a slight slope. You lose the power steering but that's no big deal and the brakes have a reserve of a couple of stops with the engine off. The HSD will often glide or run in stealth on it's own I have noticed.
    Enjoy the Prius and all the features that appeal to you. I bought my Prius after I was beaten at a traffic light drag on my way home from work, I'll stick to my 4.3L/100km bad habits even though I know how I'm missing out on a potential 0.6L/100km or 150 litres of fuel a year or $200AU a year extra for fuel. I'm still about 4.0L/100km better off than I was in the Camry or about 1000 litres of fuel or about $1300AU a year better off.

    If I had purchased a 2004 Camry instead of a 2004 Prius I would have spent about $8000 less on my purchase so my break even point is a fuel saving of $8000 which I will achieve in a little over 6 years completely disregarding spiraling fuel prices. I had my last car for 14 years so the Prius should do me very well indead. In 14 years this car will owe me next to nothing.
  15. benighted

    benighted New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    Westport, WA
    It is possible to get less than 45? I don't hypermile but average about 54mpg in the summertime going 3 - 5 MPH over the posted speed limit. I usually have to TRY to get less than 50.
    In the wintertime its a different story.
  16. gippah

    gippah New Member

    Apr 7, 2006
    Austin, TX
    It's pretty easy to get 30-45 MPG in the car. Just limit all of your trips to 5 minutes or less.

    This can be accomplished by having jobs such as a pizza delivery man, or just living very near to your work.

    Stuff like pulse & glide, driving like a maniac, and tire pressure are irrelevant when it comes to getting very poor MPG, as each of these factors only will shave off 3-5 MPG.

    The biggest key to great MPG in the Prius is to drive 10-15 minutes or more. The longer, the better. The second biggest key is tire pressure, which can lop off 5 MPG or more. Pulse and glide will only make a difference of about 3 MPG. Driving conservatively generally is not helpful at all, as pulse and glide dictates getting up to speed as quickly as you can and NOT driving like a grandma.
  17. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Sep 30 2007, 11:51 PM) [snapback]519729[/snapback]</div>
    Do you have the 2.0 litre Camry? The best I could do was 8.xL/100km (all city driving) in our 2002 Camry 2.4 that weighs 1,500kg (kerb weight). Of course on the highway, it does drop to 6.7L/100km as its best mileage (and coincidentally, the official highway rating)

    power steering would be useful to avoid something, no? On a regular car, the technique is pulse & coast (since they can't exactly glide). Doing that on a Jetta TDI PD netted me a best 5.7L/100km over a few km test route (that's 41mpg roughly converting)
  18. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Yes I HAD a 2 litre wagon. Power steering isn't all that important if you need to turn the wheel you will. There is no power steering on my 1968 Toyota Crown and I can live with that. Yes the steering is heavy with the engine off but I am a big strong boy. I only did the coasting thing for a tank of petrol or 2 to see how good I could get.
    Is driving with electric power called gliding or with no power to the ground? I thought the latter in which case coasting is the same as gliding. After all a glider is only gliding when there is no power just gravity and momentum.
  19. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Oct 2 2007, 06:21 AM) [snapback]520236[/snapback]</div>
    ahh I see.. we had the more "powerful" 2.4 litre as our base model.

    If there is an arrow from the battery, to the motor to the wheel, that's EV mode. Gliding is no arrows whatsoever showing on the screen.
  20. abq sfr

    abq sfr New Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    2007 Prius
    When I first got the Prius and had never even heard of the terms "hypermiling" or "Pulse and Glide", and TP was whatever low value the dealer or Toyota had put (I think it was 5 psi below the Toyota specs) my first and second tanks were both around 52 mpg from the mfd. I drove just like I did the Sienna. Months later with 42/40 TP, EBH, and P&G where feasible its up to 57. I'm usually first off the line at the lights (not picking my nose or shaving or plucking eyebrows or whatever all the others do) and try to P&G in an unobservable fashion. As some others stated, what effects your mpg more than anything else is SHORT TRIPS. My commute is around 30 miles each way, half freeway, half 35mph side streets. And on weekends my average mpg drops due to SHORT TRIPS. You could call your club the SHORT TRIP CLUB. But I think you are naming your club due to your mindset... and that's just fine, different strokes for different folks. I actually enjoy driving my Prius to get the best mpg without anyone around me knowing what I'm doing. It's like a new hobby!