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Gm's Volt: Made In China?

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by hill, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    First of all, you don't think Japanese consumers would want to buy any foreign cars? How about a chevy, or a bmw , or a vw, or kia, or mercedes? In relative terms there are NO foreign cars sold in Japan, American, German, Korean. Now you also say the trade deficit with Japan is ok because they are an ally? So as long as they say yea they have the green light to steal us blind? Several trillion dollars over the last several years? They only buy what they can't produce or are not allowed to produce.
    As for China, they are just copying the Japanese plan for the USA but the sheer number of workers will bankrupt us fast.
  2. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Let me ask other pc members on here? I only speak about trade deficit relating to Japan? It is true that is what I am the most familiar with, but the whole trade deficit is unbelievable. The only way this happens is over time, like water dripping on a rock. Eventually the rock is gone or has a huge hole in it!
  3. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Curious, are you changing HIROSE's subject re NO trade imbalance when factoring all the goods he mentioned ... or just accidently ignoring it. I see why you would ... because that way you bring it back to stricly being the imbalance towards GM. Last time I was in japan (1987) I saw quite a few forign cars ... but then again, that's just the subject changing thing, so never mind me.
  4. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I wonder where you were hanging out in Japan? Take a look for yourself and then tell me about how many foreign cars in Japan? do you think this is an "open market"? What obstacles and obstructions do you think exist?

    Motor Vehicle Imports by Year Industry Statistics. JAMA

    As for GM, there is only one major market where they are outsold by toyota, see above link and I thinkk you will be able to guess which one.

    Aug 8, 2004
    malorn, you are making total inaccurate assumption again.
    Japanese do buy foreign vehicles. Although they do look for quality, versability,vehicle's size reputation, re-sale value etc. The fact is: The Germans although very expensive in comparison to other import marques but do perform very strongly in Japan's market versus other marques.

    Years back, Toyota did implement and invested their own money to open up a dealership chain to promote and sell the GM's product but general public frawned up on. This is one example: Japanese do try to advertise and promote USA made vehicles but its products are inferior in comparison to other makes across the world.

    You see, you have to taylor your vehicle and strategy to sell in "that" market as Toyota has been doing here since the 60's. Japan's Auto trade-
    surplus hasn't been created overnight you know.

    Aug 8, 2004
    malorn, you are making total inaccurate assumption again.
    Japanese do buy foreign vehicles. Although they do look for quality, versatility,vehicle's size reputation, re-sale value etc. The fact is: The Germans although very expensive in comparison to other import marques but do perform very strongly in Japan's market versus other marques.

    Years back, Toyota did implement and invested their own money to open up a dealership chain to promote and sell the GM's product but general public frawned up on. This is one example: Japanese do try to advertise and promote USA made vehicles but its products are inferior in comparison to other makes across the world.

    You see, you have to taylor your vehicle and strategy to sell in "that" market as Toyota has been doing here since the 60's. Japan's Auto trade-
    surplus hasn't been created overnight you know.

    But America has greater windfall in the form of, selling all Military war fare to Japan. Plus all or most of, Food, Timber,High tech,Aeronautical has been imported to Japan, from America. NOT from EU countries...

    Trade-Deficit ? Watch out for mighty China. They are the real protectionist state, They have America by the ball! We call China,
    America's most favoured nation. It is one way street really....

    In order to do business with China: Example, US sends a delegate party to try negotiate entry to china's market. China brings all decision making party members ( So we thought )to the negotiation table. When America thinks all done and sealed, Not quite, that was the Dummy governments officials. the game just started!

    US just started with the lowest level Chinese officials. The "Buck" does not stop there, they have not reached the "real decision making top brass"

    That's is protectionism, Japan's $52 B with USA? Drop in the bucket.
    Wait when China comes in full swing.... We are going to need another Earth size planet to suffice China's growth appetite, USA beware,CHINA
    is the next economic power....
  7. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The facts say otherwise, in 2006 the Japanese market was 5,739,506 units. The number of importswas 280,995 units or 4.8%. In the U.S the import share was 46.2%. If the imports were limited to the same share as the imports enjoy in Japan the imports would have sold 6,737.025 fewer vehicles in the US in 2006.
    You are right the industry was not created overnight in the US, because it would have never been allowed.
    America has the greater windfall? How do you add that up? A 1.9 trillion trade deficit over the last 22 years is the greater windfall? Are you saying the US is better off financially ove the last 25 years because of the trade "partnership" with Japan?
    As for the military purchases, do you think that has covered just the cost of having hundreds of thousands of troops stationed there over the last 62 years? Do you know there are still more than 50,000 US troops on Japanese soil?
  8. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Uhh, I KNOW you can't stay on topic, but maybe this reminder will moot the distracter. U.S. troops were the U.S.'s idea after WWII and if / when your congerespersons decides otherwise, Japanese will be glad to wave byebye at them. The U.S. likes having bases all over, even where folks would just likely be glad if they pulled up stakes. Bottom line you have to factor in military sales w/ Japan, so your defict thing simply doesn't wash. Again, you need to worry about China goodies. GM simply doesn't sell as well because other auto manufacturers beat their quality. Sad to say, China will have better quality soon, too, if GM doesn't put more effort into it.
  9. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hill the imbalance of payments over the last 22 years is over $1.9 trillion with Japan and that includes all military purchases. Do you think this is just dumb luck? As for China, i am very worried about them too, they are just folowing the japanese blueprint. Start small and use lots of marketing.
  10. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I really can’t understand why you’re whining so much. You claim to have a lot of money, so whatever happens, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. You have the ability to move assets around, to have access to *very* favorable tax laws the average working person can’t even imagine

    I incorporated around 26 years ago and it remains the single best financial decision I have ever made. Given my income, my tax burden is so tiny it’s embarrassing. So unless you had Old Family money and managed to piss away every last cent, I just can’t see how any financial meltdown affecting the US or Canada could possibly affect your family

    Even talk of a budget surplus in the US or Canada was mostly hot air. It was courtesy of refinancing the enormous public debt held by both countries. Much like a homeowner stuck with a huge mortgage at 18% who refi down to 6%, suddenly they have this magic budget surplus every month. Despite the fact the total debt remains. In the case of Canada or the US, guess who primarily helped refi the debt? Not Japan

    I thought you were supposed to get involved in politics? What happened? Or did you find out that the Democrats and even your precious Republicans were both responsible for screwing everybody in North America. Unless you run as an Independent, nobody from the DNC or RNC will want to hear any talk of trade imbalance or – god help you – a balanced budget

    That said, I’m not in any way trying to discredit you or discourage you. It’s just that if you truly are independently wealthy, why would you even give one rats a** what happens to the economy. It can’t possibly affect you
  11. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hello Jayman, I am just sickened by the economic and fiscal mess this country is in. It seems to be getting worse by the day, week, and month with no real hope on the horizon. I am continually amazed by how little people know about what is really happening right under their noses. I guess as long as American Idol is in season and they have cash for Mcdonalds and Wal-Mart all is fine.

    On a personal note(I think we discussed this once a while ago) I have been preparing for a melt-down since 9/11(diversified and liquid). My ranting and raving is not about my situation as much is it is just about right and wrong. This country is pissing its future down its leg economically, and I really do worry what will be left or my kids and their kids.

    As for politics, the time is not right yet. I am a conservative in many ways but many of my stands on various policies do not fit the Republican mold(think george bush and wearing a bible on my sleeve). I think the US will probably make it out of this recession to an extent but the next down-turn will be a game changer., that will be the time. I do have a very "loose" campaign team assembled and will run for congress when the time is right. At this point I will probably run as an independent. My wife is terrified of the whole thing but I have convinced here it is the right thing to do.

    Aug 8, 2004
    malorn, you only state what you want to state. Remember, when Japan surrendered to the US after WW II, the pact was, Japan to not need to arm itself again, The Big Daddy, America said, we will station here and defend your country for free against the Red commy threat.

    However, Japan pays 1/2 of Americas army cost of doing business in Japan. You don't mention that do you. 50.000 troops in Japan is 'cause benefit to America.

    Why don't you get back in the roght track and discuss why Japan can not help sell American vehicles there? 'Cause GM and others do not make vehicles taylored to that country.

    Aug 8, 2004
    malorn, go and post yourself as candidate to become Americas leading politician, or better yet, how about Next President ?if everything goes your way, America will have nothing but trade-surplus, thus budget surplus....and happy, wealthy ever after..

    You sound as if were student not putting enough attention to his school grade earning effort but complains that you aren't gettin' any good grades..
  14. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Me too. It's a truly enormous s*** sandwich. However, I've been around long enough to realize it won't do any good for me personally to get involved. Read on

    Look, I'm sure you mean well. But you are going to have to understand that problem is ON PURPOSE. It is by design the sheeple are like that. We have had several generations now of this bulls*** "feel good don't worry about it" attitude that it is impossible to recover from the coming crash.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not running around like a wealthy person trying to screw people every chance I get. But I look after myself. That means:

    1. Zero debt
    2. Credit cards paid off in full every month
    3. Saving as much as possible

    I don't have a plasma widescreen tv, actually very few gadgets. I try to lead a simple life. I do have a BlackBerry - or "crackberry" as I call them - but that was provided by my client. No way I'd even own a cell phone if I couldn't write it off every month

    My folks have been preparing that way since they first married. It served them very well over the years. I didn't change anything post-9/11 because my house - so to speak - was already in order

    I completely agree with your comments regarding the future of the US, and that also applies to Canada. That said, again I have to reiterate this point, it is ON PURPOSE and by design!

    There is a huge difference between being a Fiscal Conservative, and the current incarnation of the Republican Party. Honestly, I can't even tell where the Democrat ends and the Republican begins, or even vice versa. Reminds me of a bunch of frat boys completely s***faced, staggering down the street, trying to remember where the dorm is

    I believe you are overly optimistic. I hope you have a fallback position, preferably outside the country. Something as self sufficient as possible

    Again, I'm sure you mean well. That said, your wife has good reason to be terrified. A college buddy tried to run for a local office in the early 1990's. Just that little adventure broke his spirit, the entire process is, well, sinister.

    Wishing you well
  15. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    While we're off topic with "woe is poor GM ... woe is poor deficit", were you also sickened with GM while they urinated down their own leg, a big lead with EV's ?? Maybe you were sickened when the Fed's, while over the last 20 years they gave GM & others, billions of dollars, through the US Advanced Battery Consortium and the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (aimed at high-efficiency vehicles,) without ANY EV results? GM lost its big lead to Toyota because it continues to push HumVee type land boats, while it smothered the EV1 in the cradle.

    The California Air Resources Board mandated zero-emission EV's by all OEMs selling in that state by 1998. GM and others weakly promoted them to only 3 states and offered them only for closed-end, three-year lease.
    All the while GM and company spent 100's of millions suing in Federal court to evade the mandate until CARB buckled, with a Memorandum of Understanding that left GM & others to determine EV market demand. An independent EV market study released in 2000 (based on respected auto-industry market-study firm Dohring's data) projected EV sales passing 200,000 annually in five years.

    But EV's don't break down like ICE vehicles, and GM gets over 1/2 their profit from fixing their land boats. Now it's time to pay the piper. You can couch GM's woes as "deficit beware" all you want. Peak oil looms, and GM et al now have to pay the piper. Bring on the EV's GM or China (or their joint venture for all we care) because after peak oil gets worse, it becomes a moot point. No one will be able to afford to ship stuff accross the world anyway, much less be able to afford the energy costs for manufacturing.

    Aug 8, 2004

    How much money did GM lost this time ?
  17. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So are you telling me that GM, Ford and Chrysler have been suffering in the market because they are not building a Prius(6.9% of toyota's US sales total), or because of customer perceptions because they don't build a Prius?
  18. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    It is not very good practice to let a country re-arm right after you have just spent 4 years defeating it.
    If you really believe the Japanese gave 100% to open their "home" market to US car companies I have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell to you to.
  19. Stev0

    Stev0 Honorary Hong Kong Cavalier

    Sep 23, 2006
    Northampton, MA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Base
    For those who are new here, I should tell you how to play the GM Troll game. It goes like this:

    GM Troll: Wah wah wah! The U.S. has a huge trade deficit with Japan! Big Gummint should do something about it to protect GM.

    Sensible person 1: Maybe if GM built cars people wanted to buy that wouldn't be a problem.

    GM Troll: Wah wah wah! GM is still the number one selling vehicle!

    Sensible person 1: Then what's the problem?

    Sensible person 2: The problem is GM is losing money like there's no tomorrow.

    Sensible person 1: Then that's the fault of bad GM management, they'd still be losing money even if Japanese cars were illegal.

    GM Troll: Wah wah wah! The U.S. has a huge trade deficit with Japan! Big Gummint should do something about it to protect GM.

    Not that I'm thinking of anyone in specific in the above examples.
  20. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I understand it is easy to sweep me under the rug, but what about all of the industires completely wiped out by the Japanese and now the Chinese. Do you think it is all just bad management? Remember our trade deficit is double our federal budget deficit. You seriously think it is just natural progression? Do you think maybe there is government support in the way of currency manipulation, tax incentives, transportation underwriting, protected markets at home, cost of goods supplementation and so on? You always hear about the cheaper cost of labor, what about the goods where the cost of labor is a non-factor? How about nails, or hammers, or even many toys? Do you think the labor factor is less than the cost of transport?