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enable nav/phone functions while driving

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by fwellers, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. fwellers

    fwellers Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2007
    Northern Virginia
    It's been a while since I've checked in here, and was wondering if there is yet any solution available for 2008 Prius so that I can get full phone and or nav functionality while driving.

    Thank you,
  2. anti-gas

    anti-gas Reduce, Reuse and Conserve

    Feb 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius
    While I have not purchased this product, there is one to enable the functions of your NAV & Phone so you can access these features while driving;

    2004 - 2005  Prius

    These are for the 2004-2008 Prius.

    Hope this helps. I plan on purchasing this product myself soon. I'm just waiting a couple of months for my New Prius to prove itself in terms of any issues before making any modifications etc. After all, I have only had it a week and 2 days and it has 480 miles on it with still 1/2 a tank of gas remaining. :)

    I sold my 1997 Toyota 4 Runner with 141K miles on it (Creme Puff Condition) to buy this. I was tired of feeding the car every other day with fuel! Average week was just over $200 on gas. It was killing me!
    13MPG City / 18.5+ MPG Highway traded for not less than 45MPG for both City/Hwy.
  3. fwellers

    fwellers Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2007
    Northern Virginia
    Thank you.
    480 miles with a half tank remaining ? How in the world did you do that ?????

    My max tank is something like 420 miles for a full tank. How can you be getting ~800 miles per tank ?
  4. anti-gas

    anti-gas Reduce, Reuse and Conserve

    Feb 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius
    I have no clue. I have only had the car a little over a week. Maybe the fuel gauge is not 100% accurate and it is going to take a big dip at the 1/2 way mark like my 4Runner did. Either way, thats where I'm at. I'm waiting till the tank registers almost empty before I fill up, as I want to see what special notification the car gives when you are almost out of fuel. I have spent about 3/4 of that time on the highway.

    I know my driving techniques maximize electric usage in the city, as I can go 1-1.6 miles at 25-35 in electric only mode and with driving in the city and residential areas, I try do force the car to do that often so I can save the fuel. Also, I try to time every light/stop so I either do not have to use brakes at all, or very minimally. This keeps the car rolling so I don't have to start from a dead stop. I get maximum electric regeneration doing this. Other than that, I am new to ownership, but not in driving technique. I used these driving techniques in my Toyota 4Runner for the last 5 years and have squeezed out 2 more MPG in the city and 3 more on the highway than I was getting originally. Oh, also, on the highway, I don't exceed 64 MPH as I see it gets much better fuel economy the lower speed you travel. Around here, most speed limits are 65 and when they turn into 70, I still go 64 in the Right lane. (People must hate me, but I really don't care) I'm saving fuel!
  5. fwellers

    fwellers Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2007
    Northern Virginia
    Well that sounds excellent. I'll be interested to see what you're getting. Maybe around 90mpg like the prius-pros. :)

    Good luck getting a low fuel light. I brought mine down as low as I dare, and still didn't get the fuel light. I think I put 9.4 gallons in the tank. So I was down to like .6 gal, and still no low fuel light. Maybe mines broke.
  6. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    anti-gas, the fuel gauges in Prius are nonlinear. They sit at full for a while, then start dropping. Still, it sounds like you are getting good mileage. As for technique, timing lights and trying not to brake work well. Your efforts to maximize electric usage, however, are counter productive. Electrical Vehicle mode, or EV mode as we call it, has many inefficiencies. Energy is lost generating the electricity, storing it in the battery, and converting it back to mechanical motion.Try to avoid that as much as possible, except when trying to impress friends. Use the battery only when it makes sense: creeping in heavy traffic, moving a short distance, or as a booster for heavy acceleration. You'll get better mileage that way.

  7. blamy

    blamy Member

    Sep 18, 2007
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    The indication will be the last fuel pip will start blinking. At that time it is imperitive that you purchase fuel! Running out of gas is a very big no-no in a Prius. It can damage the battery pack and void the warranty. Be careful since its your first tank and you are not sure what to look for as it creeps up on you quickly.
  8. Zagorfly

    Zagorfly New Member

    Mar 19, 2012
    sherwood OR
    2007 Prius
    I have a 2007 Prius. Even by tring my best I never hit the 48 mpg I was told that when the gas indicator flashes you still have 3 gallon ..I run out of gas testing the story and towed the car to the gas station with my 12 mpg land rover.... Asking the gas station people to kindly not laugh at us... I put in 11 gallons !
    Therefore: don't count on 12 gallons thank, don't exceed 450 miles without refueling, don't count on your battery in the morning when you run the heating system and are low on fuel. It will never happen to me again but it could happen to you if i don't confess here my stupidity.