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Gasoline could drop 50 cents/gallon by spring

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by malorn, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Perhaps the OP meant to title this thread "The STOCK MARKET" could drop 50% by spring! Just one more in a long string of failures lil junior has presided over.
  2. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    Now don't go giving the OP an opportunity for a do-over. The thread title clearly says gasoline....
  3. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I don't think he will ever come back to this thread now.
  4. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    Somehow, I think you are right. Unless gas prices magically drop by 50 cents. Then he could come back and say I told you so.... However, his full post contemplated something like $2.00 gas. I loved the part about: "There is a better chance gas prices will get to $2.00/gallon before they reach $5.00/gallon." NOT! Actually, there is a better chance gas prices will get to $5.00/gallon before they reach $2.00/gallon. But that is just a small detail.
  5. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    If the prices magically drop by 50 cents, then they will be exactly where they were when Malorn started this thread. But that ain't gonna happen.

    I paid $3.58 today at a Chevron station. Luckily I only needed a tad over 6 gal.

    The guy in front of me had a F150. He looked unhappy.
  6. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    I can't imagine why.... I wish I could get Chevron at $3.58/gallon too.
  7. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    I was going to say USA isn't always at war, then I had a little think.
    Hey Australian troops are over there too. Not in the number your guys and gals are but we are only a little Bush lap dog, um, ah, I mean nation.
    We also have troops in Indonesia helping with tsunami relief and peace keeping.

    Yeah I think you guys have been brain washed that any social spending is communistic. I believe your media might be owned by wealthy business people who believe anyone can be rich if they really want to be.
    For some reason America seems to believe if you have a health care system and reasonable minimum wages the next step is a dictatorship government.
    BTW our health care isn't free and is funded by a levy on income and most people have additional health insurance which they pay for themselves. Very very few have an employer funded health plan.
  8. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Interestingly, discussions about hybrids on the big GM forum have ceased.

    Not hearing anything at all for the last few days has been quite bizarre, a first since I've been monitoring for the last year and a half.

    I had no idea "stop gap" would end up meaning they'd stop when gas prices climbed above their worst-case scenario claims.

  9. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Gas dropping in price, is more likely than GM taking the easy road, and just re-tooling back up production of the EV1 in a 4 door version (aka the insight)
  10. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Gas prices could very well drop by 50 cents. When the price of gas hits $5 it could well drop back down to $4.50 for a month before climbing back up to $6. But since he made the mistake of naming the $2 figure, he can't use that as an excuse.

    The problem (for him, not for us) is that if he ever shows his keyboard on PriusChat again, regardless of which thread he pops up in, he's going to hear about his $2 gas prediction from about 20 people
  11. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yes, Sir, I believe you are entirely correct.
  12. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    But...but...but...I NEED that big truck to tow my boat and move all my other stuff (to the self-storage/park n' lock place). My "active lifestyle" (and my ever growing butt) DEMANDS an oversize vehicle!!


    We Americans are prisoners of our materialism. Pollution, poverty, avarice, the lack of self-sufficiency, and a host of other sins come from (dare I say) worshiping these false idols.

    It's not patriotic...despite what that guy in the monster truck with the (oversize) American Flag on the window will try to tell you.

    If we just sat down and figured out how many hours we'd have to work to pay for all of this stuff (80-hour week, anyone?) we might re-think our "just tell me how much the monthly payment is" mentality.

    The way I see it is, we can either do that on our own terms, or have it done for us by external forces not necessarily interested in our personal wellbeing...it's our choice.

    BTW, I'm not perfect, and am still working on this issue myself, but I will say that over the last five years I've worked to trim expenses a LOT and now carry absolutely no debt except for the mortgage.

    It was really a lot of small things that helped, like getting rid of the TV and its monthly cable bill; not replacing the printer attached to this computer when it broke (I hardly used it at all anyway); reducing my clothing budget and buying only things which don't need costly dry cleaning; doing my own landscaping slowly with plants I propagated myself (instead of hiring someone to do it all at once, at great expense), etc.

    As they say, watch the Cents and the Dollars will follow.

    It's a tremendous feeling of power and self sufficiency, not being beholden to anyone for anything. Worth more than ANY sacrifice. Hear me, America!!!
  13. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    Yep, that's where we are too. I don't like being in debt. Just hate it. We spend too much money on food. The problem is that we're really trying to avoid all of the processed shite that's high carb/high profit. The problem is that it's really not cheap and we're going to have to make some compromises. We have high medical expenses because I'm self employed and have Rheumatoid Arthritis. It's really amazing how strapped we are given that we have absolutely no debt aside from our mortgage. Bloody ridiculous. C'est la guere, I suppose.
  14. TJandGENESIS

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    I have no credit cards. I have my mortgage here in Texas, along with the bills that go along with a house, and I am still, almost nine months later, trying to sell my house in Florida, that is on the foreclosure block. I also have car payments. But I don't spend like crazy, at least not like a lot of folks. I live, paycheck to paycheck, and those are spread out over months. I am next paid in April. And I am going broke so fast, it's not even funny. I admire those who can not be in debt, and I work everyday to being as debt free as Pinto Girl is. She is a inspiration of sorts.
  15. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    yes, they used that trick so many times;
    drop .50 from regular price then when re-elected jackup the price for 3 times
    of initial "drop".
  16. sendconroymail

    sendconroymail One Mean SOB

    Feb 27, 2008
    Los Angeles, CA
    2008 Prius
    I hate to say this because I know I'll be flamed but I think gas prices should be about $4 a gallon and stay there. Why? Because our planet is warming up (please don't post a response denying this) and we need to do something to solve this. When gas was $2 a gallon how many people cared about driving a hybrid, how many people cared about electric vehicles, etc...? Companies like battery makers, car manufactures, power plants, etc... the list goes on and on would not take a serious look into alternate sources of energy when gas was $2 a gallon. If everything from buses, planes, trains, etc... were designed better and doubled there fuel economy and halved their emissions (which I think is a conservative number of what’s possible) the overall amount spent on fuel (at $4 a gallon for gas) would not change. In other words half the gas used, double the price, same amount spent. But we would have a huge change in the amount or crap put into the atmosphere. I can guarantee that is gas goes down to $2 a gallon this site and any other site dedicated to hybrids, etc... will have a huge drop in traffic and all the companies in the world will stop spending a lot of money on research on alternate forms of energy. If we can get everyone interested (even if they are forced to against their will because of high gas costs) in alternate sources of energy we have the smarts to make great advances. And maybe at $4 a gallon every time an auto maker figures out how to improve fuel economy by 10% they won't just increase the horsepower and keep the economy the same which is what they have done for the last 20 years. I remember when 140 horsepower was a lot for a 6 cylinder car. Over the years auto makers would find a way to increase fuel economy and instead of applying the improvement to increase the mileage they would just add an extra 10 horsepower to the car. Then put it in peoples heads that they needed the extra power. All well enough of my soap box. Flame away.
  17. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    It's already that much, in many places like here in south O.C. ... and:

    a whole lot higher in some places in san luis obispo county, CA
  18. coot

    coot New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
    Houston Texas
    2008 Prius
    Re: Gasoline could drop 50 cents/gallon by spring, and frogs would not bump there nice person every time they jump if they had wings :D

    Well hello all, just brought home last night an 08 black Prius option package #4.
    I have been in the fuel business for the past 12 years and any drops in the price are only at best temporary.
    While the company I work for does not refine fuel, we just deliver the stuff. The refining companies are boasting higher and higher profit margins and know that so what if gas hits 6 bucks a gallon, if you drive anything that requires petroleum based fuels the public is going to bitch and whine and just keep on buying if you want to move from point A to point B.
    Sadly we are a petroleum based economy and there is only so much of the stuff left in the ground. Most everything you touch or use comes from petroleum, medicines, plastics and to get any of it to the consumer requires more of it just to get what you need to us the consumer. Planes, trains trucks and ships just wont work on fairy dust.
    It is in part the fault of we the people and the large refining companies. Ethanol was once hailed as our saving grace but it while burning cleaner , produces less usable energy than gasoline alone and will if not already, will put a strain on the agricultural ability to feed us and livestock and oh the rest of the world has to eat too. It's food or fuel but one or the other is going to suffer. The Good ole USA should have been working on switching to a hydrogen based economy years ago but cheap oil and big money from oil producers and lobbyist have all but sty fulled this from taking place, it would cost billions and probably take ten years or longer to make the switch over to hydrogen which is every where.
    Sure an all electric car makes a lot of sense but unless you get the power from wind, solar, hydro thermal or nuclear it all comes back to either coal or natural gas fired generating stations.
    The USA will no longer be a super power when it can't procure enough fuel to run its war machine and it will come down to they have it and we need it and we are going to get it by whatever means necessary. :usa2: I guess being 52 I probably wont live to see it. Boom goes London, Boom Pare more gas for you and more gas for me, sorry Randy Newman for the use of a phrase from one of your songs.
    Last night when we signed the papers on the WIFE'S new Prius I asked the salesman why is it whenever I walk out out of a car dealership I feel like I have been gang raped by a bunch of burley sex starved convicts, he got a twinkle in his eyes and just smiled and with that cynical smile said enjoy your new car.
    Some of us are old enough to remember 26 cent a gallon gas and the lines at the pumps in the early 70's but that was in the past and cheap gas is just that, in the past. I laugh every time I hear of some fool trying to set up a national boycott on no one buying gas for one day just to punish the big oil companies, they have it, you need it and if not today you will need it the next day and at whatever price they demand.
    At least with the Prius my wife can drive almost twice as far on the same amount of fuel her 04 Hyundai Elantra burned and I'm still getting wet, hot and cold on my motorcycle which gets 52 miles a gallon on the highway but due to a heavy throttle hand to keep from getting run over in Houston traffic, 35 mpg in the city. And no it's not a crotch rocket, it's a big old heavy BMW K1200 Lt, which with the new Prius have dashed my hopes of a new Gold Wing for quite awhile now I guess.
    Guess I could give up motorcycles and buy another Prius. But I've been riding for 36 years now and will probably leave this world on one due to some idiot driving a car while talking on a cell phone, God I wish everybody used blue tooth. Which by the way I got my wifes Blue tooth phone pared up with the blue tooth option on HER Prius
    I can say I really like the car so far, but I only drove it home from the dealership.
    Just as we were leaving I asked the salesman where the hell is the ashtray and cigarette lighter? He told me I dont think it has either. Then with a satanic look his eyes took on a red glow and he offered to light my smoke with the tip of his forked tail, just joking of coarse about the eyes and tail thing.
  19. lumpy95

    lumpy95 Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Mojave Desert, Cal.
    2013 Prius
    I've been that way for many years. The first credit card I had was when I was about 20 yrs. old and they tried to screw me on the payments so I cut it up at thier front desk and never got another credit card.
    When I want to buy something, I wait until I have the money. My property was the only exception and I bought something that I knew I could pay off in 5 years and the owners carried the papers.
    I just stick with my checkbook and a Debit card and wait until I can afford what I want. When I bought my Prius, I plunked down the cash.
    I made life simple, I live within my means and refuse to support the credit industry.
    It certainly paid off in my case also since I became disabled 8 yrs. ago and had no debt to worry about.
    Some people like having all that credit can buy, personally, I don't. I just hate the feeling of owing anyone for anything, especially for what it eventually costs you for that "priviledge".:fish2:
  20. Spectra

    Spectra Amphi-Prius

    Feb 7, 2008
    S NJ
    2008 Prius
    "Gasoline could drop 50 cents/gallon by spring "
    (2 days till spring)

    Right, and I'm the Dalai Lama[​IMG]: