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Pulse & Glide vs Cruise Control - a study

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by Doc Willie, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Doc Willie

    Doc Willie Shuttlecraft Commander

    Jun 27, 2007
    Out there, somewhere
    2007 Prius
    Here's my first attempt with preliminary data from seven 10-mile runs. Details will be presented at HybridFest.

    Speed limit: 35-55 MPH 46.1 MPG 32 MPH Av
    P&G: 38-15 MPH 78.9 MPG 23 MPH Av
    CC: 23 MPH 67.1 MPG 20 MPH Av
    P&G: 40-25 MPH 66.2 MPG 27 MPH Av
    CC: 29 MPH 73.3 MPG 25 MPH Av
    P&G: 43-5 MPH 62.3 MPG 22 MPH Av
    CC: 25 MPH 76.6 MPG 22 MPH Av

    Summary: P&G in this range is more efficient only within a certain range (in my case determined by setting the pulse range by the IGN [ingition advance] readings on the ScanGuage. At the fifteen MPH and Max Pulses, cruise control is more efficient.

    This data is surprising to me, and I intend to make another set of runs.
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    You may want to check some of the data but this is my best guess at plotting it:
    Make sure your data shows: min<average<max -> MPG. For plotting, use the average mph and the Y-axis should be MPG and on the right, the min and max mph.

    This data is consistent with what I'm seeing:

    Good job!

    Bob Wilson
  3. KandyRedCoi

    KandyRedCoi S is for Super!

    Mar 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    great I have been using the CC per recomendations by another member here, I guess I'm going to keep on doing it

    P&g works better at slower speeds tho
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Any stops? What terrain? What kind of traffic did you deal with? Were all runs the same direction or did you P&G one way and CC the other or is it a round trip? What outside temps? Were all done the same day and approximately the same time? How did you deal with stops (if any)...did you coast to all of them?

    Was battery SOC taken into account at all..I'd like to see the exact beginning and ending SOC for each run...the thing is, with such a short run the MPG can be dramatically artificially inflated during the last 1/2 mile of the run by increased use of EV/stealth toward the end. The MPG only takes into account the amount of gas energy, but battery energy could be a factor too.

    I think you'd need to repeat each segment 3-5 times and get a better average. (for instance the P&G: 38-15 MPH run should be done 3-5 times and the CC 27mph should be done 3-5 times so you can see how consistant your numbers are). I'm not enough of a statistician to put it together, but I suspect there would be not nearly enough data here to show statistical significance for any of the numbers.

    If anything can be taken away here it might be that using CC is not significantly inferior to P&G. My experience here in hilly SW MO with no less than 14 stops during a 14 mile drive and modest traffic is that P&G is dramatically superior...minimum 10-15mpg kind of superior...I've only been doing that run for about 3-4 years for about 40,000 miles of my 72,000 on that particular stretch, but I'm pretty sure about my data!

    I'm not slamming your effort, I like it, I just don't want anyone taking anything definitive from it at this point. Someone else experienced with P&G can replicate your data I think we'll be able to see if there is any serious trend.:hail:
  5. bestmapman

    bestmapman 04, 07 ,08, 09, 10, 16, 21 Prime

    Apr 8, 2007
    Kentucky near Cincinnati, OH
    2021 Prius Prime
    Good testing Doc. I need to do something like this myself.

    The thing about P&G is it is very skill and technique dependent. We should be wary of claiming a definite results without further testing. Because of the skill and technique variables, I don't think we have a valid result yet. Cruise Contral on the other hand, takes the human element out of the equation. There may be differences car to car, but at least the human variances are negligible.

    If we had someone like DiamonLarry run P&G over the same route, we may get quite a different result. He and others are pulling out some astonishing numbers

    I know JimboK was thinking of coming up with a set of parametes and having several people replicate the exact detailed set of circumstances to validate the results. I don't know what happened to that idea.

    If we get a group of people all trying the same parameters, I would like to participate.
  6. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    It's still very much alive. I've just been waiting for a weekend day off with decent weather. It seems like it's been cool or rainy every day off since spring began. :(

    My goal is not only to compare P&G to steady-state, but also to compare two different P&G methods with one another. Finally, I want to compare various P&G acceleration rates with one another.

    For the benefit of Willie and other interested parties, here's some background. Bob Wilson and I first started talking about comparison testing last spring in this thread and on GreenHybrid. You'll see in the GH thread that I had a number of practical problems that cropped up during my testing. By the time I finally got into a rhythm, so to speak, I had to unexpectedly replace my tires, pretty much rendering invalid any comparisons of subsequent results to those already obtained. Between that, hot weather (I didn't want to run the AC for the tests); a house hunt, purchase, and move in the fall; and winter, I suspended testing. I'm now ready to begin anew.

    The test course and its traffic were part of my problem. (It is linked in either thread if you want to see it.) I think I found a new one a few weeks ago. It's 45 MPH, but traffic seems very light on weekends; it's in the area of some industry stuck in the middle of an otherwise rural area. And it's 4 lanes virtually the whole distance. Net elevation change and the difference between high and low points are probably pretty comparable to the old route, but overall it is flatter, with the changes less frequent and more gradual. From end to end it is 3 miles, so I figure to use about 2.5 of it for actual testing -- about the same as the old course. I will run up and back 3 times for each method tested, recording the MPG after each one-way leg. I will average the 6 numbers for the final result.

    As you can see from his test protocol, Bob compared P&G at a range of 25-43 MPH with CC at an equivalent average speed. His P&G technique is different than most of ours (to save space here, I'll just refer you to the links for a description). At a minimum, I want to repeat his test and then compare both results to a more conventional P&G. I want to do the same at other speeds and ranges between 25 & 40 MPH.

    As you can imagine, this will be time consuming. So I envision multiple phases of testing spanning multiple days. What I describe above will be phase 1 and will be to determine the best overall method. If P&G proves superior, phase 2 will be conventional P&G in the following ranges:
    • 15-25 MPH
    • 15-30 MPH
    • 15-35 MPH
    • 20-30 MPH
    • 20-35 MPH
    From those results I will pick the top two or three speed ranges, and then during phase 3 will use those to compare various acceleration rates as defined by ICE speed -- say, 1400, 1800, & 2200. Not sure yet which rates I'll use.

    We have to be careful to account for confounding variables. Weather in particular can be problematic. First, I want to test on a day with little or wind. It might seem that with an up and back test route, the wind's effect would balance out. But it doesn't. A tailwind coming from your 6 o'clock gives the best push, as you would expect. But wind coming from about 33 degrees off your front is worse than a dead-on headwind. And 90 degree cross winds from either direction hurt fuel economy. We have to control or adjust for temperature changes throughout the day and from one day to the next. Etc., etc. So to make adjustments for variables, I will use Wayne Brown's Prius MPG Simulator. I will have my laptop computer with mobile broadband on board to regularly check temperature and wind conditions throughout the test, and use simulator results to adjust for changes.

    Evan mentions state of charge. Bob also mentions its potential effect in his PC post. He didn't control for it in his tests, but he suggests force charging to a defined level before each test to eliminate yet another confounder. I might do this before the steady-state cruise control segments. CC routinely has the car running on battery power alone, and the beginning of one test segment could show a substantially different SOC than the next. I could also do it at the beginning of each overall P&G test, though I don't think it will be necessary for each individual segment -- a properly executed P&G is designed to keep you out of the battery, of course. I can use CAN-View to precisely monitor SOC, and I can either force charge or run a short segment of EV to nudge it up or down to the desired level.

    Willie, I agree with Evan about reporting your methodology in as much detail as possible. In my high-speed fuel economy study, I reported methodology and results in a format consistent with what I am accustomed to in medical journals (as you are too, I'm sure). Whether it fits the format of a technical paper like the engineering guys might author, I don't know. It works for me, and it documents the scientific method applied to the topic of interest.
  7. ericbecky

    ericbecky Hybrid Battery Hero

    Mar 12, 2004
    Madison, Wisconsin
    2005 Prius
    Doc Willie has contacted me about present the info at Hybridfest. I think this would be a good topic for the Sunday morning member-only technical sessions on at the hotel. Especially if others have info to present as well.
    What do others think?
  8. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    When I performed my P&G experiments, the initial ones used cruise control to handle the acceleration and "N" to handle the glide. I did everything I could to minimize human variables.

    My only other suggestion is to run the car for at least 30 minutes at speeds above 42 mph. This ensures the engine, transaxle and tires are uniformly warmed up and the battery should be pretty much at 60%. Also, I use randomly chosen runs with a spreadsheet random number generator. Then I run multiple tests recording the results.

    I've posted my results before (use search function) but the synopsis:
    • P&G (as I've described) requires a significant dV >= 15 mph at speeds under 42 mph
    • P&G around the maximum range speed, 18-20 mph, is measurably worse than steady speed of 18-20 mph
    There may be other techniques than accelerate under cruise control and glide using "N". But I haven't found any that are documented as independent of the individual driver. Until I have a programmable throttle driven by Graham scanner values, I won't have a way to test these other approaches.

    Bob Wilson
  9. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Eric, what about a panel discussion format. Sounds like we've got a couple people who are on similar thought processes...have them limit their data presentations to 10 min or so then have a panel discussion of techniques with them and other experts...Wayne Gerdes of course, Jimbo, Dan, Doc, maybe one or two more. Perhaps the sub-goal could be to create an 'ideal' study design that could be reproduced by multiple people at home and then that data compiled...
  10. Doc Willie

    Doc Willie Shuttlecraft Commander

    Jun 27, 2007
    Out there, somewhere
    2007 Prius
    One turnaround, one stop sign, two stops to enter turnarounds.

    Did round trip P&G, followed by round trip using CC attempting to match same av. MPH.

    Temps gradually rising 48-54 deg F over 3 hours.

    SOC not taken into account. First run done at speed limit to warm everything up.
  11. Dan.

    Dan. MPG Centurion

    Sep 7, 2005
    Houston, Texas
    2007 Prius
    OK... Jumping on board here.

    I usually don't do a 15 mph dV. My largest dV is about 22 kph. Dropping below 30 kph gets the gearing a bit to low for my likes (I know eCVT). In competition, I believe I slacked my window to a bottom out at 25 kph, but I probably unconsciously wiggled it back up to 30 kph pulse entry.

    My smallest dV is usually around 4 kph. As mentioned before pulse RPM, IGN, and TPS should all be noted. dSoC is also critical.

    As a side note I've emailed Texas World Speedway to see about securing some track time. I know they rent it out to speed freaks who want to zip around at 120 without fear of a ticket.

  12. nerfer

    nerfer A young senior member

    Mar 1, 2006
    Chicagoland, IL, USA, Earth
    Other Hybrid
    I thought the range in speeds was a bit wide also. P&G is best for rolling hills, from what I've read, CC better for the flats. I want to do some tests at some point based on terrain, when I get the chance (and nice warm weather so I know I'll actually glide).
  13. Dan.

    Dan. MPG Centurion

    Sep 7, 2005
    Houston, Texas
    2007 Prius
    TWS is interested if anyone wants to fly down to Texas. They haven't quoted rates yet. They are still just interested in finding out more about what our needs are. I have a MMH and a Prius. I can probably muster up a TCH and possibly an Insight if we wanted a broader testing. I could talk to some of the local dealers if anyone has some other models they think might be interesting.

    I'll report back with the rates. Pointless unless the rates are reasonable.

    TWS: Texas World Speedway

  14. diamondlarry

    diamondlarry EPA MPG #'s killer

    May 20, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    2007 Prius
    I have been playing around with deltas of ~5 mph or so and they seem to work best so far. Like Jim, I'm having trouble finding good weather on days that I'm off work.:rolleyes: Most of the roads around my area have a stop sign every mile with a few areas of 2-5 miles between stops. On the 1-mile stretches, I usually pulse to 35-40 mph(sometimes maybe only 30) and can glide to the next stop. The only time I like to go below 30 mph is when I know a stop is coming up. As for what little experimentation I've done with cc, I can't even come close to the FE numbers I get with P&G even on the flats. I just got back from my mom's(5.1 miles) and was able to pull into my driveway with 124 mpg showing on my SG2 by P&G'ing to a high of 40 mph and gliding to as low as 30 unless I was coming to a stop sign. A week ago this Friday, I had 132 mpg on a 5.2 mile trip from my Church to home. SoC was at 6 bars from beginning to end. Also, my SG2 is currently reporting my tank at 75.8 after 449.1 miles. Just in case you're wondering about the SG's calibration, my last fill showed at 5.85 gallons and the pump showed 5.9 gallons. Sorry for the rambling.:redface:
  15. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    Dan and Larry: What are your typical acceleration rates as measured by RPM?
  16. diamondlarry

    diamondlarry EPA MPG #'s killer

    May 20, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    2007 Prius
    I will have to start keeping a closer eye on the rpm's but, it seems to me that 1700 rpm's is on the high side. Probably closer to the 1500 range. I'll watch it tomorrow.
  17. Dan.

    Dan. MPG Centurion

    Sep 7, 2005
    Houston, Texas
    2007 Prius
    That's more of a battery maintenance question than a P&G question. If I'm planning an EV stretch in the next 5 miles I pulse slow (1400 RPM). If I need to bleed off some charge I'll EV. I will also use low speed pulses to heat up the engine if needed. On a deserted road I will usually pulse in the high 14k to low 16k range. Most of the time I'm chasing IGN. I always want to pulse with IGN at either 14 or 15 except in the cases noted above. Sometimes IGN will stick at 17 and you have to lure it down by dropping RPM way low (high 13k).

    In the end the RPM comes into the strategy part of the drive. Just depends on what I'm gonna need in the next 10 miles. When I did my HF run I had it pegged at 1600 RPM. I'd consider 1590 to 1610 optimal assuming a 30 kph to 54 kph window. To me it's pointless to go over 54 kph if your playing for high score.

  18. ericbecky

    ericbecky Hybrid Battery Hero

    Mar 12, 2004
    Madison, Wisconsin
    2005 Prius
    I really like the idea! Anyone wanna' volunteer to plan this?
    I have two hotel conference rooms (1 larger, one smaller) rented for Sunday morning from 8-noon and I'll take care of getting them set up.

    I just need someone to "take the bull by the horns" and line up the willing participants for the panel, as well as a moderator (in case things get too unruly. :))

    PM me email, or give me a call.
  19. ericbecky

    ericbecky Hybrid Battery Hero

    Mar 12, 2004
    Madison, Wisconsin
    2005 Prius
    Doc Willie is still offering to do his presentation.
    Does anyone else want to get in on being a part of a panel discussion on this Sunday morning at the hotel?
    PM me ASAP if you are.
  20. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Eric called me today and I'm going to be on the panel.