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Driving related Pet Peeves?? What are yours?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by freshmtt, May 15, 2008.

  1. rsforkner

    rsforkner Member

    Apr 11, 2008
    Boynton Beach, FL, USA
    2014 Prius v wagon
    Tom, I agree with you on all the points. This is what we were taught in driver ed classes in high school. (1960 or so).

    Here in south Florida a couple of years ago hurricane Wilma did its thing. The papers were full of how to handle intersections where the lights were out. (No power) State law says that any intersection where lights are not working is to be treated as a 4-way stop. (Not that most folks paid any attention...)

    In "theory" at a busy intersection, cars should go, front car only, in turn, counter clockwise around the intersection. Everybody gets a turn until some jerk thinks the rules don't apply to them. </soapbox>

  2. ZC1

    ZC1 Junior Prius Owner

    Apr 18, 2008
    Metro Detroit
    2008 Prius
    I agree with ALL the pet peeves, I've seen em all and some.

    Here some others:
    The guy so hotheaded that he must jerk himself out of the left lane, enter the center turn lane to speed on past the person in the left lane (whose at the speed limit already). I've seen him pass multiple people then finally pull back into the left lane. Where's a cop when you need em?

    Here's one that gets my goat:
    I'm behind someone who decides to turn left so they slow down really slow while in the fast lane and then only partially enter the left turn lane, then they STOP. Half their car is in the left turn lane, the other half is in my lane. Since cars are on my right, I do what I think is appropriate, I pass them so damn close I almost side swipe them. Thank God I'm not driving a tank, I'd rip the right half of their car out from under them. Idiots.

    I have a devious plan to stop all those assinine cell phone users who have the phone super glued to their ear.
    When approaching a cell phone abuser in the same direction, simply pull up so the front of your car is in line with their driver window. Then just LAY ON THE HORN AND DON'T LET UP, if they slow down, you slow down. When they look over angrily, mouth the words "G e t o f f t h e f ****ng p h o n e." Perhaps the other person on the line will get the horn hint and say "Maybe I better hang up". (but I doubt it).

  3. dwdean

    dwdean Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius
    Yeah, I can see all of these, though there are a couple that really get under my skin that haven't been touched on yet:

    · People who don't know what "Yield" signs mean.
    · People who drive up the shoulder to get around back-ups when the rest of us are waiting patiently (and then force their way back in when they encounter obstacles in the shoulder like a disabled vehicle.)
    · People who don't think ahead and dive across four lanes to traffic to get from the left lane to the exit they want to take. (Very similar to folks who make right turns from the left lane.)
    · And finally, the thing that I think is most aggravating: accelerating up to a red light or stop sign (as if it's not there) and then slamming on the breaks at the last minute.
  4. samiam

    samiam Antipodean Prius Poster

    Jun 11, 2007
    Enn Zed
    2004 Prius
    All the people queued up in "drive-up" windows for fast food, banks, whatever, their cars belching out toxins. Park the car and just walk inside you idiots!
  5. effwitt

    effwitt Paparazzi Magnet

    Jul 28, 2007
    Eagan, MN
    2007 Prius
    People who block movement in the parking lot waiting for a spot to open up just to save walking an extra 10 feet.

    I know a woman who'll drive around the parking lot at the health club for five minutes to find the closest spot, take the elevator to the second floor and then spend a full hour on the treadmill.
  6. Spectra

    Spectra Amphi-Prius

    Feb 7, 2008
    S NJ
    2008 Prius

    In Enn Zed too? Must be a global phenomenon
  7. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Most of us seem to place cell phone usage near the top of our list mainly because we have had to pick up the slack of the user since they are too incompetent to drive AND talk.

    How about those who are tooling down the road at 55mph, but come to their turn-off and slow all the traffic down behind them just so they can make their right turn from the left most portion of their lane thereby leaving no room for those behind to safely pass the one turning?

    Behemoths parking in the 'compact' spaces and either taking two spaces or leaving no room for the adjoining space.

    Those who think the safe following space I leave in front of my car is for them to duck into without even a turn signal, or the cop who once gave me a ticket for following too close after one of these asshats just cut into the space. When I protested the cop told me I should know to leave a safe distance between cars, completely ignoring the fact that I know the rules, follow the rules and when I protest, the cop only offers the lame blame game when he knows full well some think a space is an event to be filled.

    I live in a touristy area and on weekends the 'visitors' travel down the only artery in a 55 zone gawking at 35mph and ignoring the fact that some of us LIVE here and are not sight seeing.

    Drivers who move here form abroad and bring with them their old world driving habits. Don't you have to pass a driving test when transferring an out-of-country license to the state? Or do they just give you an updated license if your previous one was not expired with no expectation that you must learn OUR rules of the road?

    Why can't they make deliveries at night thereby freeing up the roads during the day from huge trucks which often double park?

    Finally, here's a planning pet peeve: They are on a crusade to replace all our 4 way stop signs with traffic lights. The 4 way stops work really well like a much practiced ballet leaving plenty of room for others to merge onto the roadway between traffic. The lights bunch everyone up in packs which might not be so bad but we are in a hilly region with very limited passing zones so the packs are forced to travel behind the slowest most incompetent drivers, and the packs force those wishing to enter the roadway to wait till the whole pack goes by.
  8. mingoglia

    mingoglia Member

    Oct 25, 2007
    Gilbert, AZ
    2008 Prius
    Yeah, but Friday night I was a bit lazier than usual and didn't even want to put my shoes on... so I ended up hitting the Wendy's drive-thru in just my socks. I would have gone in, but the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" came to mind. It's Wendy's fault that I burned precious dinosaurs while in the drive through. I take no responsibility for my actions. :D This is a true story, I really did hit the Wendy's drive-thru shoeless on Friday.
  9. ZC1

    ZC1 Junior Prius Owner

    Apr 18, 2008
    Metro Detroit
    2008 Prius
    Mingoglia, As long as you weren't pantless, we think you're okay.
  10. freshmtt

    freshmtt Dachshund Addict

    Apr 23, 2008
    Chicago Suburbs
    2008 Prius
    I really do hate all those people talking on the cell phones while driving, but the ones that really really piss me off more than anyone else are the ones driving around in very expensive fancy cars. Why??, well my thought is....

    Wth??? You can afford to drive a brand new Lexus or BMW or Mercedes, or whatever the car is, but you cannot afford a friggen $100 or less for a Bluetooth????? How F**ked up is that ?????????
  11. samiam

    samiam Antipodean Prius Poster

    Jun 11, 2007
    Enn Zed
    2004 Prius
    In your prius? No harm, no foul.