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fuel system uses only water and air

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by RobertG, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    You seemed to be attacking my assertion that only an idiot would believe the water for gas crap. Perhaps I misunderstood the thrust of your post.
  2. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    I like the concept that this might just be viable... because it is being surpressed? It is right there on YouTube! Ain't nobody trying to squash this. Nobody has to. You can't get energy out of water. (think of the cool boats you could run around the world forever though!)

    So here we see something that would be absolutely world-changing. Nobody is surpressing it - hell, it is being advertised to everybody! So there it is. Why doesn't somebody objective verify it? Why doesn't the "invetor" commercialize it and make a gazillion dollars? Or do the easy thing and just sell it to Toyota for a mere 100 billion dollars? Who is surpressing it exactly?

    We aren't surpressing it. We just know it can't work. And if it CAN work, it is criminal to keep it from us. Somebody should sue those bad people who are supressing it. If only they could be found and brought to justice.
  3. Mormegil

    Mormegil Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    2014 Chevy Volt

    I find it pointless to investigate something myself that not only is patently absurd according to the laws of nature, but also already thoroughly debunked.

    This includes perpetual motion machines* (water to water "fueled" car would be), "The Secret"**, and Homeopathy***.

    *It's been established the car in this article is probably fuelled by a chemical in the membrane thingy, as that is the source of energy to generate hydrogen from the water.

    ** "Wish hard enough for a unicorn that farts rainbows, and it'll happen if The Secret is true" - Rebecca Watson

    *** The real Homeopathy, where you dilute the "active ingredient" so far that you get less than one molecule per use.
  4. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    Oh you put some hunks of sodium in a tank, add water and you get plenty of energy :D
  5. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    How about water and calcium carbide. :target:

  6. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Once the audience takes into account the HUGE amounts of electricity it takes to manufacture the aluminum (which came from steam powered generators, most likely heated by fossle fuel), they will either begin picking up stones to throw at 'em or laughing 'till their guts hurt.
  7. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    H2O = 2 molecules of hydrogen and one molecular of Oxygen.

    oxygen is polarized negatively and hydrogen is polarized positively and there is a very strong bond between those two. So, in order to break that bond you need some force, either mechanical, chemical or electrical.

    you could make the hydrogen gas by using a 9v battery and some salt water. it is THAT simple.

    Just connect two wires to a 9V battery then stick the bare ends of the wires into a bowl of water and you'll get bubbles of gas coming off both wires. One is oxygen, the other is hydrogen.

    so, i do not understand your skepticism on this subject?!

    Stanley Meyer has discovered a very inexpensive/very efficient process to make hydrogen from tap water some 10 years ago when gasoline was really cheap. Think of how much his invention would be worth today and how could it turn on its head what would we use as our main source of energy?

    anyways, because his invention has threatened not only "big oil" but actually lot more than that -- the very power structure that not only controls the energy, but also controls the whole western hemisphere and is taking under control more and more non-western countries (as should be obvious by now) he had to be silenced. And, if you were PTBs you would do the same -- you would remove anyone whose invention has very good potential to destroy your centralized control or resources.

    because, what would happen to the oligarchs/PTBs if we, the people of the world) can remove our shackles of dependency on crude oil by having know how to extract energy from water or ether?

    yes, what would happen to the control of oligarchs when people are given knowledge to extract the energy from, say....water?
    Would oligarchs kill an inventor who came too close so that they can preserve their control?

    and we have been controled for so long by artificial scarcities and resulting dependencies, just like we were controlled by divide and conquer and Hegelian dialectic.
    those are the oldest tricks in the book!

    that is why PTBs are pushing the idea of earth running out of natural resources (by peak oil theory) and that is why they are pushing "climate change" (previously known as "global warming") B.S. and that is why fuel prices will keep rising all UNTIL people do not take a hint and substantially change the way of their living, downsizing and wasting lot less energy.

    And, BTW, i may not agree with the methods that PTBs use, but i do agree that Westerners, especially Americans should "downsize" as they are the greatest wasters of the resources.

    So, what better way to make them do so than to use the very essence of energy that they depend on, the only energy that they believe can sustain them by proven application of Hegelian dialectic? See how that works?

    Like i said, those are the oldest tricks in the book, but unfortunately the only way that most of the people can "think" nowadays is by plugging their brains into mas-media, in hope that that same media (that is controlled by the same oligarchs) will somehow be different this time and tell them the truth. And it is obvious that mas media will never tell them the truth, therefore people like me sound crazy and people like you who believe that
    certain things are impossible because so and so said that sound like those in the know.

    I suggest you do a bit reserch on Tesla and his energy from ether, then pay a visit to Tom Bearden's site and read about energy from vaccum (same thing, different name) then read about Eugene Mallow and cold fusion. That is apretty interesting stuff, an eye opener to say at least.

    "free energy" machines were constructed in human history by Bessler, Tesla, Morey, Schauberger, Hendershot, Coler, Gray, Mayer, Takahashi, etc.

    check this story out:

    what is really interesting is that most of Americans have not even heard of Tesla, or his inventions. here is WHY:

    it is evident that millions of people do believe whatever they are told, yet they cannot even notice how weather is being geo-engineered above their very heads and how skies are being sprayed almost every day now.

    so, if it was not presented by some "expert" on TV, if it is not in school books, if it is not politically correct to talk about then it must not exist.

    isn't it high time that people begin to think for themselves?

    now, how to make people do that is lot more difficult than splitting water to oxygen and hydrogen economically....

    and for the rest of you "know it all" and "it has been debunked" robotic repeaters i can just qoute the following:

    and those of you who say something can't be done - should stop bothering those who are doing it!

    how many people like you who are quoting "debunkers" (often paid whores of the same big oil oligarchs) would find Telsa crazy if you lived in his time?
    i bet ikt will be all of you robotic "debunkers"!
    why don't you prove that something does not work and why, using the same procedure?
    since you are know it all -t should be easy, shouldn't it?

    Ironically, you robotic radical "debunkers" are using his many of his core inventions (AC current, transmission of various information = the internet, wireless technology etc) to "debunk" those who are honestly trying to help us, by following great inventors like Tesla, Morey and rest, those who are trying to help us remove the shackles of enslavement by adding their honest efforts towards that noble goal of freeing the humanity from a major dependency, dependancy that keeps humanity in bondage with those PTBs.

    and if you are unable to understand that then you are no better than enslavers.

    essentially, you are to blame more for your efforts to "debunk" without any investigation.
    you are typical robot radicals that oligarchs must depend on and love, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    if it was for people like you, the humans will still live in caves, debunking the "outside world"
    as non-existant and uninhabitable.
    no wonder so many people today live in Plato's caves looking at the projected images
    on the cave wall thinking those things are real. Meanwhile those who are projecting those images are laughing their asses off, how gullible you are.

    and, a really great thing that makes me chuckle is when you robot radicals use the words "perpetual motion"

    first all all, it sounds stupid that you are using that as a dirty word, considering that all planets are in "perpetual motion" (like you refer to it) just like innards of an atom are.


    And, since you are people so debunk-smart, please explain to me how is it possible for an object to appear solid when 99.9 % of an atom is just empty space?
    thart means that not only your prius, but also you is just an empty space, yet you are arguing about what is possible, what not?

    why don't you "debunk" that one ?

  8. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Holy Cow! This thread has really driven off into the field of serious diatribe.

  9. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    Making oxygen & hydrogen is not where the skepticism lies. However how do you think hydrogen and/or oxygen produce power to make anything go forward?? (and I'll wait for your response to this before I continue on the subject)

    May I suggest an online dictionary? Debunk and Explain are two separate terms, while they may be similar on the surface they mean separate things, you can "explain" a phenomena in order to "debunk" falsehoods talked about it.

    But are you going to give Tesla credit for electrostatic repulsion now?
    (re: your question) ??
  10. Mormegil

    Mormegil Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    2014 Chevy Volt
    It's pretty clear the Tesla vehicle used a Tesla coil to transmit electricity wirelessly. That's not "free energy." That's conventionally produced electricity transmitted in an unconventional way.

    If you look up the real science on vacuum / zero point energy, you'll understand it's called "zero point" because it's the closest to zero energy you can get without violating the Uncertainty Principle, not because there's a lot of energy there (sorry Stargate fans).

    I'm also waiting to see where the energy from the H2 comes from? Bear in mind the energy to create it came from a battery.
  11. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid

    You crack me up man. You are so far out there.

    Electromagnetic force is your answer and it's over 99% of the atom is empty space. :)

    As for the earlier stuff.
    Humphrey Davy was one of the first to really experiment with electricity and many chemicals. Are you going to school us in Dirac's QED and Schrodinger's cat too? lol
  12. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    I think this is more an area for the application of Occam's Bludgeon.

  13. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid

    LMAO! Crabtree for sure
  14. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    No argument from me there, now run a motor or fuel cell on the hydrogen and oxygen that comes off to run a generator to charge the battery.
    Pretty soon you will have a flat battery due to heat losses.:frusty:

    Hey here's one. When you drive down a hill the car will coast down the hill with the engine off, when going down a hill the back axle is higher than the front axle. If you put big wheels on the back (sometimes done on race cars) and small wheels on the front the back axle will be higher than the front so the car will roll as if down hill on flat road saving hundreds of dollars worth of fuel.

    Here is one I prepared earlier,
    In drag racing every little bit counts as times are measured in 100ths of a second. This car has small front wheels so it rolls freely on flat ground which is worth 0.5 to 1.5 tenths.
  15. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
  16. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    it is true about current required to do the work. but, what would happen if you used Solar powered hydrogen generator. Or regenerative braking that would store electricity in a battery or supercap that would help feed the device that would extract the hydrogen?
    I am sure that you would agree that efficiency will be greatly improved and that current (A) demands will be lot lower, because of that. right? So, if you improve the efficiency oby 35 to 40 % then you will need that much less of energy, right?and, there are at least 2 other means of extracting the hydrogen from water; mechanical and chemical.
    what about combining them all to make the process lot more efficient?
    does "synergy drive" ring the bell?

    that is real funny. how about getting serious on this matter and posting some facts that can substantiate what you are trying to say?

    the reason why Don Garlitz' invention in picture above has tiny wheels on front is simply because of the reduced rolling resistance that those wheels provide and less aerodynamic drag. But, real wheels have increased rolling resistance due to the compound and width of tires.
    you only need those front wheels to be as wide as is safe to steer the vehicle at say 320 MPh. (it is not that you are actualy steering at that speed.. lol)

    since there are no brakes on front of a drugster you can use the wheels off of a bicycle (as original Garlitz's drugster have used)

    I think that you are underestimating the actual gains in those tiny and super light wheels, i do not think that you are getting only 0.5 to 1,5 tenths of a percent in performance improvements, more like a few percent of total output, that on a Top Fuel Drugster could amount to more than 150 extra horsepower to be delivered to the set of super wide and sticky drug racing compound that in turn rob the vehicle off by 10 % of total horsepower.

    so, what was the point that you were trying to make with this?
    that you can gain a lot on one place (front wheels) and lose a lot in other place (rear wheels)?

    isn't that exactly how hybrids work by combining and compromising towards best outcome/best output/best efficiency?

    i think that most of the people are stuck in a mindset that makes it difficult for them to understand that by using more intelligent aproaches and combining of technologies and methods the results are astounding.

    prius is probably one of the best examples of that, the synergy of methods and technologies coupled with intelligent component management, so why are we stuck in a mode that we think that we cannot build even more economical and very clean water powered vehicles that would bring on the new era for humanity?

    why is something that was/is already proven so difficult to grasp?
    again, when gasoline was about a dollar, in 1988, Stan Mayer was producing 1 gallon of hydrogen for less than that.

    how would you like to be able to use bunch of solar panels on your home to recharge your water...ops hydrogen tank?
    how would you like to have zero emissions out of your tailpipe?

    I sure would.
  17. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    Hey man I was just trying to figure out if you mean splitting hydrogen, only to reburn it basically making water again and thinking that was a net-energy gain. If you want to go the whole injecting hydrogen into a piston increases combustion strength then by all means go for it.

    Do you also have those magnetic clamps that go around your fuel line to boost efficiency as well?

    Actually the magnetic field strength, in SI units, is named after Tesla, any sort of force, whether gravitational or electromagnetic is named after Newton in "SI" units.

    A unit of temperature is named after Lord Kelvin too, he had some tidbits of knowledge he shared as well
    "Heavier than air flying machines are impossible"

    "Radio has no future"

    "There is nothing new to discover in physics. All that remains is more precise measurement" (Said in the year 1900, guess Einstein and all those other Quantum theorists were just blowing smoke out their nice person)

    But yeah, he was a genius, hell they named a unit after him! He must have known EVERYTHING about temperature and thermodynamics.

    Seriously, stick to the subject at hand, easiest way to pick out a potential nut job, is when they derail on a particular topic to say how some other "Genius" was held down "by the man". Did Tesla have some ingenious ideas? Absolutely! However there's also a lot of fantasy in some of his other ideas.

    I think it's "funny" how you're confusing any sort of magnetic force with an electric force, which is what's the dominate interacting force between atoms, which is the brain child of Michael Faraday (Came up with this before Tesla was born). Also I'd give more credit to James Maxwell for linking electricity & magnetism together over Tesla anyday of the week. But then again, I can understand your skeptism I've been "corrupted by knowledge in those books that they force upon people in school"
  18. Mormegil

    Mormegil Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    2014 Chevy Volt
    Zeeman, you should read that truck article more carefully.

    Hydrogen isn't the source of ultimate source of energy (the fuel). The article clearly stated hydrogen was produced by electrolysis of water, with electricity from the alternator, which is run by the ICE. The injected hydrogen simply increases the efficiency of the ICE. That's great, but that doesn't make hydrogen the fuel.

    The mention of using solar to produce hydrogen - fine. That's totally plausable, but we'll likely need those next generation solar cells with higher efficiency to make it at all practical. This also accounts for the energy source being solar, and not hydrogen.

    Nobody is saying hydrogen isn't more efficient than gasoline. You mention that Stan made a gallon of hydrogen for less than $1. That's great, but it still required electricity if it was made from water (maybe part of the $1 was the electric bill).

    These examples you gave show hydrogen/water isn't the source of energy. Water is the source of hydrogen, but it takes energy input to make it. More energy than you'll get out of it. I also hope that's a gallon of liquid hydrogen, because a gallon of gaseous hydrogen probably doesn't have nearly the energy density of a gallon of gasoline.

    BTW: To the conspiracy theorists who claim that fire didn't "melt" the steel in the WTC, that steel bridge that caught on fire (after a tanker truck spill), and failed pretty much proves that steel can get weakened in a fuel fire (as with the WTC, gravity did the rest). Link: Tanker fire destroys part of MacArthur Maze / 2 freeways closed near Bay Bridge
  19. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    If by efficient you mean energy density per unit volume, I would say gasoline is more efficient than hydrogen (at any sane density).

    Now how efficient the contraption that uses it (engine/PEM) is would be another story.
  20. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    in order to understand this subject you can't just read one article, it takes lot more than that. I am saying that you should read it and put your thinking cap on, if you have one.
    ha, ha... good one ...
    do you wear one of those thin foil hats by a chance?
    or, maybe you think you could become a comedian?
    or is this your way of "debunking" someone?

    I think that you need to be lot more creative buddy, read lot more and think for yourself, if you really want the answers.

    and, how was what i said is wrong?

    wrongopedia, huh?

    actualy it is more like this:
    The SI unit for magnetic field is the Tesla
    , which can be seen from the magnetic part of the Lorentz force law Fmagnetic = qvB to be composed of (Newton x second)/(Coulomb x meter). A smaller magnetic field unit is the Gauss (1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss).

    and this:

    Magnetism is the force that moving charges exert on one another. This formal definition is based on this simple formula.
    FB = qv × B

    and this
    The Electromagnetic Field

    Discovery of Magnetic Force Leads to Electric Motor Invention

    An electric current creates a curling magnetic field. When placed in an external field, a force acts on the wire. This magnetic force is what drives the electric motor.

    do you understand now that magnetism is the force?

    Einstein is being proven wrong by more and more scientists, so yes, i'd say he has been blowing smoke up his nice person.
    Furthermore, scalar waves are number of times faster than speed of light, so there you have it, right there, Einstein and his B.S. theory go down the drain.

    And, let's not forget that Einstein was a patent clerk who turned into a physicist literally overnight. When something does not fit his relativity theory then it is considered as an "anomaly"

    now, isn't that strange a bit, that a patent clerk with his theory of relativity that has done no benefits to humanity was promoted to level of apotheoses, while those who made great contributions to humanity were and still are silenced and erased?

    you do not see anything strange there, do you?

    read his patents and read what Lord Kelvin wrote to Tesla about that subject and then you will really feel like an idiot as what you said here.

    fantasy? like what?
    give me a patent name and number.

    ha ha, magnetic and electric force are essentially one force that is manifested and measured differently. of course, this contradicts Maxwells laws of EM, but hey that is why those laws cannot be applied any longer in explaining many of the "anomalies" like longitudinal waves

    any time you push a current through a wire a magnetic field is born, and magnetic field is force:

    "magnetic field is a vector field that permeates space and which exerts magnetic force on moving electric charges and on magnetic dipoles"

    how ignorant, but i am not surprised, because, like i said -- Tesla was taken out of your American schoolbooks, so you do not even know that many of the physicists today are QUESTIONING Maxwells theory.
    Your own physicists...
    Because, thanks to consensus western physics -- you cannot progress further in understanding higher aspects of science.
    basically, you are stuck in a box and that is why countries like India and Russia are working with lot more advanced subject matters that you seem to be unable to comprehend.

    Oh, need mention that without Tesla's inventions you would not have the internet, nor would you be typing now some nonsense, trying to sound smart while making your self sound like a total idiot.
    apparently you mind is working like the minds of those in Plato's cave, unable to perceive the reality, except the reality created for you by shadows on the wall.

    Western mainstream science cannot explain for example scalar waves, they are stuck with theories that are plain wrong or that have major holes in them. Only the scientists who work for "classified" projects are aware that here is whole different level of science, from professorship up.
    I bet you that you did not know that either.

    current Maxwell's EM theory does not explain what scalar waves (longitudinal, non-Hertzian, non-transverse) are. According to mainstream science those waves do not even exist or they "anomalies".

    No wonder Russians were using woodpecker signal against America, for so long.
    And, why wouldn't they? Americans like to stay ignorant.

    I suggest you do a bit more research into the matters that you apparently know nothing about, then you can make a comment, maybe.
    You seem to be stuck in your little box of what is possible, what not and all you believe in apparently is what is delivered to you by your "education system". Tesla was one century ahead of his time, but you seem 2 centuries behind in your grasping of the universe around you.

    Because if you did know a bit about abovementioned subjects, you would know that Tesla, Morey, Reich, Bedini and Bearden had/have it right, while those who follow the mainstream science are on the road of blind leading the blind.
    But hey, in the land of the blind, one eyed man is a king.

    Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature ... - Google Book Search

    you are absolutely right, for once
    American "education" produces blabbering idiots. plain and simple.
    and just how bad it is today in U.S. is evident when you compare American school system of 1895 and today.

    what follows is the absolute proof that Americans of today are dumbed down to a very low level where they are unable to see the truth even if it hit them in the head and word "truth" stays imprinted on their foreheads.

    Are you smarter than an 8th grader (from 100yrs ago)

    Are you smarter than an 8th grader (from 100yrs ago) (Bush, thought) - Politics and Other Controversies - City-Data Forum

    and if you would like to know WHY this is so and whom does this benefit then read what this lady who worked for U.S. Education Department under Reagan writes in her free e-book
    [FONT=Arial,Arial,Helvetica]Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt