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Trading my Prius for an Xterra

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by redhawks48, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Boring? LOL I'm surrounded by hard working individuals bent on making a positive difference in this world, beautiful nature and hot women. If that is boring then BMWs must be more interesting than I thought. Hahaha

    Won't give up your entertainment even at the expense of your countrymens health huh? Man, you should be deported for making them suffer!
  2. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    Statements like that are what people are taking issue with. Your assumption people who don't drive at tracks mph have a boring live. Newsflash: there are very few highways in the world that a person can drive that fast legally (and safely). There are some roads in the US with a limit of 80mh, but driving significantly Driving significantly above that speed limit is likely going to result in heavy fines and even license suspension. Driving fast is one way to have fun driving, another is to employ your skill and technique to improve your MPG on your trip. Getting to my destination with have raised by tank MPG (from several miles to just a couple of points....went up .7 on the way to work this morning) is a lot of fun. But in the end, driving is one of many options people can use to have fun.

    Others have posted official UK links, but should we just take your word for it?
  3. Lexus_Prius

    Lexus_Prius New Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Midwest USA
    Other Hybrid
    qfp, LOL

    If he wants to track his M3 why shouldn't he? It doesn't have any real impact on anyones health. (BTW many fellow hybrid owners in the US have their own toys...)
  4. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    How do you figure that one?
  5. drees

    drees Senior Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    San Diego, CA
    2008 Prius
    So the only way you can enjoy life is by spending it racing around a track?

    I'm sorry - and I consider myself someone who is an automobile enthusiast and do burn an excessive amount of fuel from time to time, but your world view is very short sighted.

    Where are you getting this information from?

    At least here in the states, the Corvette is fairly average in it's smog-forming pollution. Comparing it to other cars shows that while it's not as good as a Prius (it's about 4 times worse).

    But if I compare it to the last sold commonly found diesel here the states (2003 VW Jetta), it's smog-forming pollution score is 10 times higher than the corvette and 50 times higher than the Prius!

    Please back that up with numbers, because if your assertions as like your others, they will also be wrong.

    Where does the energy used to split a H2O atom in to H so it can be burned with the O? And how do you propose to get more energy out of that chemical reaction than you put in to it?
  6. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Price of BMW 125i here in Australia = $54,401
    Price for base Prius here in Australia = $37,400
    Price for iTech Prius here in Australia = $46,900
    Is the BMW 123 more or less than the 125i? What is the payback for the BMW premium over the price of a Prius?

    Australia is in neither the home of Prius or the home of BMW so provides a neutral ground for comparison. It also isn't the USA. Diesel is 20% more expensive than petrol here.

    I love the idea of a car which will provide competition for Lexus and I also welcome competition for Prius, I just haven't seen much yet from the diesel camp. Best I have seen is the diesel Ford Focus, the diesel Hyundai i30 and diesel Jetta. None of these match the Prius yet and all used more expensive, higher carbon fuel.

    USA and Germany are would leaders, that's why you need to reduce carbon emissions and pollution in general, you need to lead.

    Someone said, "if the rest of the world is going to increase consumption why should I cut back?"
    Answer, can one man without support of his team run the ball to the end zone alone? We play a similar game, you can be a member of a team and as a team we can push the ball toward the end zone.
    or you can give up and do nothing for your grand-children's future.

    We don't have another water for fuel fool again do we?
  7. Lexus_Prius

    Lexus_Prius New Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Midwest USA
    Other Hybrid
    The total output of pollutants from that car, once dispersed enough to reach the general population is not enough to cause any real harm. He uses one tank of gas a week on the track. In total he probably uses less fuel than the average forum user here hybrid or not since he said he uses public transport. Why shouldn't he use one gallon a week at the track? Why can people here take cross country road trips with the Prius for fun but he can't use one tank on a track simply because it's an M3 and that is how he prefers to have fun? If someone in a prius can drive cross country using several tanks simply to visit campgrounds and sleep in a tent then I think he can use his M3 once a week. Different strokes for different folks.

    A neutral ground? LOL

    Sorry but it appears that you are getting ripped off by BMW in Australia...because here in the USA the 128i is 26k invoice 28k retail......USD which today with the demand is around what you might pay for a prius - maybe very slightly more but lets face it it's built slightly more solidly and is a real performer (not to take anything away from the prius, they are different types of automobiles but your price structure is different from ours)

    also consider your proximity to the sources for the cars

    Also what sort of carbon emissions are you talking about - C or CO2? America may be a world leader but with costs/inflation rising we may need to ramp up usage of Coal. Clean coal methods will surely be used but surely there will be people hurting in winter - especially if natural gas keeps rising in price and we aren't allowed to drill offshore. I'd hate to see people struggling to afford natural gas while we have tons of it off of our own shore :( We'll surely need coal and nuclear plants if EV's become popular - which they will unless gas goes below 2.50 a gallon again
  8. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I disagree with the first half of your reply as it is all about accumulation. If he was the only person doing it (using fossil fuel) then yes, there would be no real issue. In reality he is contributing to the problem.

    The second half of your reply I c annot form a good arguement for. :(
  9. Codyroo

    Codyroo Senior Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Pleasanton, Ca
    2010 Prius
    I think you stated your parents were returning around July 4th, so, what did the think of your "small" car after driving it for 3 weeks? Are they ready to trade in the Xterra for a Prius?