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Using IPOD in Prius..THANKS GUYS!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by cyberprius, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. cyberprius

    cyberprius Mtn Bikes don't need foglights

    Feb 5, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Long ago, maybe back in January??? I think I made my first post here, because my niece wanted to use her IPOD in my Prius and we could not figure it out.

    Someone suggested an adapter cord from an online place for a TOTAL of like $3.50.

    I had my doubts, but ordered it. It works fine for my niece and we have enjoyed it ever since. Well, I was doing a "superfine cleaning" of the car and was cleaning the "gunk" off the adaptor cord when I thought it was ONE OF THE BEST purchases I have ever made -- esp. since she and I seem to have (somewhat) the same tastes in music.

    At times, the sound is a bit fuzzy, but I suspect that is more from where she "acquires" the song, than from anything else.;)

    If anyone cares, here is the original thread....I can vouch for the cheapy adaptor!!

  2. viking31

    viking31 Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    West Central Florida
    2006 Prius
    That "fuzzy" sound you are hearing may be a ground loop. Here's what I recommended and did to connect my Ipod to my Prius. It costs a little more (probably $40 in parts) but there is no ground loop and the BIGGEST plus is the Ipod is always charged.

    Cut and paste below:


    I just bought a Prius last night. It was a bit of a spur-of-the moment purchase (I totaled my beloved 97 Jeep Cherokee and figured my penance would be to go more environmentally friendly).

    I'm trying to figure out how to best set up my iPod for use with the Aux input in the center console. I previously had an FM transmitter and I just left my iPod on the passenger seat. It was easy because I could easily get in and out, and advance to the next track with one hand while driving.

    I did find some other threads in here recommending the Belkin or Monster units that plug into the docking connector and offer better audio through the Aux connection, but what's the easiest way to handle things with the connector in the console? Do you leave it in the console and open and close the lid every time you need to change a track or leave the car? (I usually take mine with me when I leave the car, its a Nano) Can a cable hang over the side of the console with the lid closed?

    I'm pretty comfortable with most of the operations so far, but this little daily habit for getting in and out of the car with my iPod has me stumped ;-) I guess I could consider sticking with my FM transmitter but I hate problems with interference here in the Phoenix area.

    Hi Andrew,

    Below is a cut and paste of how I set up my Ipod using the aux input. I find it very satisfactory while avoiding the expense of a DICE unit. A few questions which you asked that I did not address in my original post on the subject: Yes, you can leave the cable hanging out of the console and it still closes fine without pinching or stressing the cables. I route it out (I leave the isolator box inside the console) through the passenger front corner of the lid. The cable stays out all the time. When I park at a store or such I just disconnect the Ipod (takes about two seconds!) and put it in the console out of sight. Or you could leave it connected and put the entire cable assembly and Ipod together in the console.

    With regards to the cables, the Monster cable is coiled and usually your 1/8" stereo cable is straight. Just route the stereo cable inside the coiled cable and they "stay" together nicely. One end of the 1/8" cable connects to your Prius's aux input and the other connects to the bottom to the Monster jack (which is connected to your Ipod).

    Forget the FM transmitter route. I too have had very poor results with that setup. Also, just using a 1/8" stereo cable without the Monster charging/line out input cable will work in a pinch but is also a pain primarily because you have to continually monitor the charge of your Ipod AND always adjust the volume output on the Ipod to get a satisfactory input level to the head unit.


    I also used the AUX cable for a while but I too got tired of constantly adjusting the volume control to properly drive the Prius head unit and more annoyingly having to constantly remember to charge my iPod.

    I found using the line out (the fancy connector on the bottom of your iPod) is the way to go. Monster Cable sells a connector (I got mine at Circuit City) for about $25 to $30 that will both charge your iPod and utilize your line out connection. But the problem there is you will get a ground loop which will introduce some hum in the system. If you are not too discrete of a listener you may be able to live with it but I found a ground loop isolator (they are sold at Wal-mart in the car stereo section for about $12 bucks or so) does the job.

    Just be aware when connecting the ground loop isolator (which uses RCA type connectors and that hooks up between your line out jack from the Monster Cable connector on your iPod and your Prius under the console AUX input jack) you will have to get a little creative with matching the "genders" of the RCA plugs to the 1/8" phono to RCA connectors (of which you will need two). Just go to the audio/visual rack (where all the VCR/DVD and TV hook up cables are) and you will find all the cables and connectors you will need.

    BTW, the line output level produced by the iPod (which is not user adjustable; it is also not affected by the volume setting on the iPod) seems to be matched quite well with the Prius's head unit.

    #4 2006
  3. mrblaise

    mrblaise Go Lakers!!

    Mar 2, 2008
    Southern California
    Other Hybrid