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The Prius Waiting List Support Group.

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by TravelBliss, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. abcdefgary

    abcdefgary New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
    2001 Prius
    Then I guess we have to wait longer...

    We specified a Magnetic Gray or Super White with Tan/Bisque leather, and we specified that we wanted only a Touring.

    Apparently Magnetic Gray w/Bisque are already rare and the addition of Touring makes it even more rare.
  2. abcdefgary

    abcdefgary New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
    2001 Prius
    wait, is there even an option of magnetic gray with bisque interior? I know there isn't, according to Toyota.com, but the salesman said there was. I would be mad if there wasn't, because he hasn't notified me and that means he didn't check for me.
  3. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    I really don't like being the bearer of bad news, but your suspicions are correct. Bisque is not available in cloth or leather with the Magnetic Gray Metalic. However, many of the leather interiors are installed at POE and you may be able to work something out with the dealer. Although I doubt it with the demand. :sorry:
    P.S. Best make sure your salesperson isn't waiting for one to show up on the allocation list.
  4. abcdefgary

    abcdefgary New Member

    Jun 28, 2008
    2001 Prius
    yes! you always bring bad news. just kidding, thanks for the clarification. I best email the dealership tonight.
  5. Son of Gloin

    Son of Gloin Active Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    Lafayette, IN
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    ( i've not been around for a while, but i believe i can get all caught up in one fell swoop .... )

    i'm truly VERY happy for you, scooter ... and yet; how DARE you only have to wait six days! ( enjoy your new Prius!!! )

    your encouragement, optimism and sense of humor, i'm sure, are appreciated by MANY who frequent this thread, kittykat! i'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you - and my hairs ... since that seemed to work for TravelBliss! - that your lengthy wait will, in fact, be behind you very soon!

    that's wonderful news, SBrine ... and thanks for sharing! by the way, is there a thread that explains how to "link" photos the way you did in your post? i might try to do that if-or-when i have similar news to share ... snicker ....

    it seems you've been waiting longer than most. i wonder, are you absolutely "dead set" on what you want ... or ... have you considered opening yourself to other colors or different packages? many around here have managed to get cars a bit more quickly by "accepting" a second, third or even fourth choice.

    best of luck to you, PriChik ... that a) the coming few days will NOT bring along any unexpected surprises, and b) that you'll have your very own SPM / #2 in your driveway in the near future ....

    i'm very sorry to hear of your automotive loss, tlaine and hubby! still, who knows: IF gas prices continue to drop as they have in recent weeks, a) fueling the Explorer might not be QUITE so terrible, and b) could reduce the current demand for the Prius. your wait may not be quite as long as you imagine ....
  6. SBrine1971

    SBrine1971 New Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    Monterey, CA
    2008 Prius

    I was in a similar situation, and you won't regret sticky to your guns and waiting for the one you really want. Hopefully it won't be too much longer! Good Luck!
  7. SBrine1971

    SBrine1971 New Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    Monterey, CA
    2008 Prius
    Son of Gloin - No special tricks, just hit the paperclip in the full reply screen and uploaded the files from my pc. I would love to know how those who have BIG files attached to their replies do it. I REALLY want to show her off!!

    How much longer is your wait??:frusty: ??

    P.S. I Love the interior shot, click on the thumbnail and you can see my neighbor's reflection in the dash marveling at the back up camera!!

    Attached Files:

  8. wolfrunner

    wolfrunner New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    Kirtland, Ohio,USA
    2008 Prius
    Nice thread, but I'm depressed, even more so after reading this thread. We put $500 down on a pkg.2 with silver or white choices for color on May 15th 2008. We have been to the dealership twice (discovered our original salesperson went back on the wagon) and called three times to get an update. I called the dealer today, he thought I wanted a red pkg. 5! Glad I called.
    Hey how about taking bets on eachother's delivery dates? Kind of like the bets they put on which star in Hollywood will take thedive 6 feet next.
  9. Son of Gloin

    Son of Gloin Active Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    Lafayette, IN
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    as a matter of fact, SBrine1971 ... our wait has FINALLY ended as well!!!

    just last Monday, we got "The Call" that officially removed us from "The List" ... a list we had been on since May 28th ....

    we've had "Mithril" - our Classic Silver Metallic / Pkg #3 - on the road quite a lot already: on Wednesday, we had to go to Dayton, Ohio. that gave us plenty of time to test out the 6-disc CD changer and the Bluetooth technology. in fact, just on Tuesday, i bought our FIRST-EVER cell phone JUST for that purpose ... i'm just SO "mid-20th century" at heart ... snicker ....

    anywhooo ... we're all QUITE pleased in the early going of Prius ownership. the ride and the seats were more "comfortable" than i had thought they might be for a longer trip - based on some comments i've read from some people around here - and, on the first tank of gas, we covered about 465 miles and averaged nearly 47 mpg; that was with three people in the car, perhaps 50 pounds of "stuff" in the cargo area, and running the AC most of the time.

    three photos below ... "Mithril" and "Stone White"; the '97 Stratus we bought new in September, 1997 ... which now has nearly 115,000 miles on it ....

    oh #1 ... and thanks for the info on how to do the photos; yes ... QUITE simple, really ... if one only knows how ....

    oh #2 ... and yes: the expression on your neighbor's face is priceless!!!!

    Attached Files:

  10. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    To post higher resolution pictures, you have to use the html syntax to get bigger pics like my prius below. HOWEVER, you must upload the pic file to some other website first in order to use the IMG syntax. There are some free photo posting sites out there.


    The jpg above (prius_side_112k.jpg) is posted on a separate website. The IMG syntax I used here (in the "reply to thread") looks like this:


    Caution using IMG: Too big (dimensions) of a file will foul up the thread and the moderator won't be happy. "Preview Post" first. If it is way too big, delete it by editing the post.
  11. SBrine1971

    SBrine1971 New Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    Monterey, CA
    2008 Prius
    Congrats and Enjoy!!
  12. SD PriusProductConsultant

    Jul 24, 2008
    San Diego, CA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Anyone in SoCal still waiting for a prius that they'll be paying over MSRP for and/or have a long wait for?
    My dealership has, by far, the largest allocation of incoming Priuses in the San Diego region. We're expecting about 110-120 of them this month! We were allocated 54 on the first of our 2 monthly allocations and I currently have about 8-10 without deposits on them, due to arrive over the next 2 weeks. Mostly silver, white & even 3 spectra blues. We sell them at MSRP + tax, title & license. Not a penny over what is stated on the factory window sticker. No markups or add-ons. Just stock from the manufacturer w/ floor mats. Send me a private message if your interested in coming down to SD in person and putting a deposit on one of these as we currently do not take deposits over the phone. :)

  13. acidburn517

    acidburn517 New Member

    May 31, 2008
    PA moving to WI
    2008 Prius
    Congrats Son of Gloin! It gives me hope that you now have your car finally. I am still waiting for mine unfortunately and am going on over 12 weeks now. I did talk to my dealer today and they have already started getting my information for financing and to get the licensing/registration issues sorted out. I think that's reassuring news. *fingers crossed* that I will be getting my car soon as well.
  14. abqwalt

    abqwalt New Member

    Jun 10, 2008
    Albuquerque, NM
    2008 Prius
    I'm off to pick up my new Prius--Silver Touring pkg 6! My dealer (Karl Malone Toyota) in Albuquerque called yesterday afternoon, exactly 10 weeks after I put down my deposit. His delivery projection at that time--10 to 12 weeks.

    Been counting Prii on every trip around town since I placed the order. Highest count so far: 6 in one trip out and about. Now we'll see whether a Prius attracts other Prii: goal is to see one of eafch color on one trip out.
  15. realale

    realale Junior Member

    Jun 17, 2008
    St. Louis
    2008 Prius
    Congratulations! Great name too. We're now almost a month in and still trying to decide.


  16. jmmbass

    jmmbass New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Pine Island, MN
    2008 Prius
    I am posting here for those of you in the support group so you know there is hope out there. I ordered a Prius package #2 any color at the beginning of July when my beloved red 1993 Corrolla wagon died. We have been getting by with our 2001 Sequoia the past month- really frustrating having to run the card twice every time we fill up. The last update from the dealer at the end of July had us waiting still a month or two. On Monday my sales guy called with a Black #2 somebody passed up- I got it Wednesday and love it. I have already disabled some of the annoying warning sounds thanks to valuable posts on this list. Just a little over a month of waiting- I feel very lucky!
  17. sorka

    sorka Active Member

    May 9, 2008
    Merced, CA
    2019 Prius

    Careful, there's another dealer floating around here who claims allocations of Prius's are down 90% in the last month:


    Since my dealer is also claiming to currently have a 100+ per month allocation, I just find it hard to believe that before the 90% drop that it was 1000+ per month :D

    It's nice to see other dealers selling at or below MSRP. Just a suggestion, you might want to consider taking credit card deposits over the phone with a signed faxed order form. There are a lot of folks on this board that will assume that if they can't do the deal over the phone that isn't legit and that they'll find out that they've been baited and switched either by higher than MSRP, or by useless packages such as paint protection when they come to do the deal on site, rust protection, wheel locks, and other low cost high profit port add-ons.

    I'm sure you're not one of those dealers :)

    Dumb question, I'm assuming your second allocation this month is '09s as they are scheduled to hit por ton 9/16?
  18. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    Attention! I'm not sure but I think there was an event of some type that happened this week. :noidea: I have no idea if I'm just being jumpy or there's something afoot, but here are some of the incidents/posts that triggered my red flag.
    1. Wednesday while on the phone with my sales person he was called into a meeting. when he called back, while there is nothing that I could put my finger on, there seem to have been some kind of shake-up. He said they had lost they inventory man, and they had held off on releasing the allocation as usual last week because it was the end on the month. :noidea:
    He would not be specific as to were I was on the aloocation list or how many Touring were ahead of me.
    2. Just playing around I found a new site for Southeast Toyota, "Butatoyota.com". And there, at my dealer, was my exact configuration, that I put my $500 down on in May :shocked:, with the last 6 digits of a VIN# and available 08/26/08.
    3. I called my salesman to find out what's going on. His cell phone number has been discontinued. Call dealer, he had been there but had to leave. O.K. so far, all dealer specific incidents.
    4. Learned from PC that the expected $500 increase went into effect 08/01/08. Salesman did not mention this when I specifically re-confirmed the pricing. Still possiblly saleman shortcoming. But the 08/01/08 is an event.
    5. Read in PC post the Dallas dealer evidently had big meeting on same day my salesman was called into his meeting. Still could be all coincidental.
    6. Just read post that a dealer told buyer their allocations had been reduced by 90%.
    O.K. I'm not panicing,and I'm not trying to cry "the sky is falling". This could all be the usual BS that goes on with autu dealers. However, I called My AutoAdviser at my CU to have him see if he can get the straight scope. If I find out anything worth passing on, I will do so. If it a false alarm I'll let you know that also and apologize for overreacting.
    The reason that I decided to go ahead with this post was let you know that something may, or may not have happened at the Toyota level, since Dallas and Tampa are in different regions, that could affect the allocations as we understood them. And, that you may want to follow up with your salesperson to confirm nothing has changed.
    Again, please, please, please, as you can see I have absolutely nothing even flimsy, let alone solid. But timing is so critical in this market, I felt I needed to post my concern, however weak, to give others a heads up.
    Good luck and I apologize in advance if I unnecessarily rattled anyone's cage.
    I definitly will post an update as soon as I know anything more..
  19. sorka

    sorka Active Member

    May 9, 2008
    Merced, CA
    2019 Prius
    It is all BS, the MY 2008 did not increase another $500. It does with MY 2009, so in a few weeks, when the 2009s show up as status A, they will be $500 more even though those vehicles won't make it to port for another month. I'm not sure which two Thursdays dealers get their allocation, but if there was already one this month, then the next allocation will probably be '09s.

    Sounds to me like the dealer has your '08 already. Do you have a signed contract? If you do and the dealer has the car matching your order sitting on the lot, they have to sell it to unless it's promised to someone else who is on the waiting list before you.
  20. kittykat

    kittykat New Member

    May 19, 2008
    Austin, TX
    2008 Prius

    Congratulations!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Great news for you. I know that you have been waiting a long time also. My wait has been extended a little bit by "tropical storm Edouard". They had to shut the assembly lines down at the port in Houston & even though it wasn't much of a storm it takes awhile to get things going again. At least according to my salesman. Hopefully, I will be getting it by sometime next week:rolleyes:.