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Disappointed in the dealer and Toyota

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by Corellon, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. Corellon

    Corellon Junior Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    2023 Prius
    Limited AWD-e
    First I guess I should start off by apologizing if I'm violating any rules by naming names or if this is in the wrong section however I feel I should tell my story both for my own sake to get it out there but to also warn others who might look at the same dealer.

    Here after follows the horror story of my (attempted) prius purchase:

    In mid September I began looking at what would be my first car purchase and being honest here I looked at all different makes and models but really fell in love with the prius, and having only heard good things about Toyota's quality and customer service I thought I couldn't go wrong. I was aware that the prius is not a car you'd usually find sitting on a lot and it was recommended that I try Erin Park Toyota (in Toronto) due to their size and volume they claim to sell.

    After a final test drive sat down to work out the final price based on the Premium Package (without nav) and was told financing was at 8.5% and I knew I could get a better rate at my bank so informed him that I would have to take some time to arrange the financing but I would be back, I was informed that they were to have an allotment of Prius's arriving throughout October and that they were unspoken for and it could be arranged to have the color and package I order to be part of that allotment.

    Unfortunately arranging matter with the bank between the shift work I do took slightly longer then I anticipated and I wasn't able to make it back till Oct 18th at which time I was informed that the arriving allotment was already sold and that they couldn't give me date till a purchase agreement was signed and processed by their system but that I shouldn't be looking at no more then 4 - 6 weeks (which he confirmed with me the following business day after the agreement was processed)

    In November I called asking for an update on the order. I was informed that due to a manufacturing slowdown orders were being filled slower then normal over all, and that he was only then beginning to fill September's orders (making a point to mention that if I had signed a agreement the first time I visited I would likely be getting my car now) but that things have been selling at that pace stably so that I'd be on track for a Mid December delivery as the previous orders were all at 8- 12 weeks from order to delivery. I questioned the delay and was told it was just simply that out of stock everywhere and that there was no one even to trade with and said "but if you could find one on the lot anywhere, I'll snatch it up in a instant for you" referring to performing a trade between the dealers.

    Come December I'm awaiting a call with a delivery date and VIN number so I could start the insurance process and prepare the money order however I heard nothing, I leave for vacation for a week figuring it might just be delayed longer and I'd be looking at late December early January. Returning from vacation I still have heard no word, no messages were left on my machine so I once again was left to call for update, only to be told that I was now looking at the mid-end of January but still with no actual confirmation or guarantee on the date, however I could go there and get a Camry Hybrid for $1000 less and it was on the lot right now.

    At this point I was beginning to feel like I was being steered to completing a sale even if it wasn't what I originally intended, on questioning the delay I was told again that it was simply sold out everywhere, that I wouldn't find a prius sitting on the lot anywhere in north America because if I could have he would have already have snatched it up for me. I knew for a fact that in the US there were a ton of them "on the lot" and after pointing out that fact he claimed those were different from the Canadian prius's (understandable, but side-stepping the "anywhere in north America" issue) and once again re-iterated that they simply are not available in Canada (this time), and once again stated "If you can find one anywhere in Canada, I'll get it for you".

    He did make mention of a blue (I ordered silver pine mica) 2009 prius premium "C" package they’ve received in a trade and offered that to me instead, stating it would be delivered early January, given that mine was to arrive just shortly after I declined wanting instead the color and package I chose.

    At this point I was looking at a delivery from all accounts more then 100 days from when I signed my purchase agreement and that was only a big "IF" and that I've just been given date after date to keep me in the sale. Out of curiosity (and frustration) I decided to take up the dealership's challenge of locating a Prius, to which I found not only one, but the same premium package (without nav) AND color that I ordered. I myself called long distance to Alberta (where the dealer was located (after confirming from Toyota's website that they were an authorized dealer) to confirm its availability (available), its condition (new, < 20 KM, in the showroom) the package and color. I then called to report on my findings which he said he's have to take care of Saturday (the next day) because the trader didn't work Fridays, only to be told Saturday that a trade wouldn't be arrange (Contrary to everything the dealership has been telling me for the last couple of months) because it would cost $1400 to ship and would take up to a month to arrive anyways so it wouldn't be worth it since "your order will be arriving within that time anyways".

    At this point I was more then a little frustrated and disappointed, my bill of sale clearly states $1370 for "Freight" which should have covered the cost to ship it from Alberta, I'd even offered to pitch in the extra $30 if that's the issue. I was also irked by the comments of it not being worth it as it would arrive at the latest mid-January compared to "Late January" to which I still did not have a confirmed date on and might be no more then a date pulled out of a hat, a matter which I stated to both Jacques and his manager, however they still refused to arrange for the car to be transferred.

    Two days later I got a call from saying that the manager "pulled some strings and put in a special request" and that my order was confirmed for a January production, by January 26th and I had still yet to receive any information order, or confirmation of production or status update, on top of the poor customer service I have received in terms of my having to hound them for information on my order as well as their bad faith bargaining by promising to obtain a vehicle if I were to find one within Canada, they also stand in breach of contract with it now being 100 days since the date of signing and I have yet to receive any information either in writing (as required) or even verbally as to the reason for the delay..

    I was frustrated because over the course of those 3 and a half months I had been lied too and toyed with bound by a contract to give that dealer 90 days to deliver a vehicle even though it's been clear they do not feel it a requirement to uphold their end of the terms and conditions, I have lost out on the ability to have purchased the car and package I ordered twice now, the first because another dealer much closer to where I live but who had previously told me it would take 8-10 weeks to deliver has confirmed that in the course of this time he has sold and delivered a similar vehicle and the second because while forced under contract to try and negotiate with my dealer to honor his promise to
    obtain the vehicle, the vehicle in Alberta was sold, having not been contract bound (again by one the dealer does not feel the need to respect on his end) the dealership in Alberta which I had spoken to the phone was willing to conduct the sale though fax/phone/e-mail and even arrange shipping to Ontario, I was even willing to fly out to Alberta to complete the sale and drive the car back to cut out the shipping time.

    After trying to take the matter up with Toyota of Canada all I got was a run-around being referred back to the manager at the dealership and then back to Toyota of Canada before finally just having my case dismissed without much care or concern. It is my hope that perhaps someone from Toyota might see this post and put a little more thought and effort into the matter, into thinking about how the actions of the dealership reflects on the company image as a whole rather then just answering with a generic "thank you for your concerns" letter (which I had to wait 5 days to arrive in the mail, since they apparently were not allowed to tell me that over the phone) and filing it away never to see the light of day again.

    While my order did eventually arrive over 4 and a half months later (From time of ordering) by then it was too late and the damage done by the dealership was too severe, they even tried to stick me with a price increase since the price went up $300 over that time period (and conveniently forgot that I had ordered a B package, and were delivering a C package instead (15" instead of 16" wheels, and $270 cheaper) I ended up declining to accept delivery both on principal and for practical reasons.

    Please don't get me wrong, I do not post this in the hope of getting something out of this, I simply hope that perhaps I might be able to save someone else from having it happen to them, my chance at a 2009 prius is gone, now it's only left to see if I can hold on and wait for a 2010, I needed a car 5 months ago and have had several plans put on hold while I was waiting for my order, being able to wait 3 more?. While I did attend the 2010 Canadian reveal, and even gave testimonials to the car (appearing several times in the video) much as I would still love to go with a prius I may no longer be afforded the luxury of waiting, at least I was able to tell my story to some of the marketing team from head office there (to which they were shocked and appalled) and they said they would look into the matter I guess I'll never know what or if anything comes of that.

    Some facts that came out during my "interrogation" of the manager:

    My order was originally slated for a March '09 production a fact which was known as soon as my order went into the system and only got pushed up because of the slumping sales in the US.
    The Manager is calling the sales person a liar and the dealership in Alberta refused to trade, while the sales person is calling the manager a liar.
    There was no unallocated October allotment and there was a known back order.
    The dealer tried (unlawfully) to back out of the contract in February.
    The blue prius I kept being offered was actually from a order placed in August and got canceled because they (orderee's) car broke and they needed a replacement and couldn't wait (they took the offered Camry Hybrid)
    After a month both cars are still sitting on the lot unsold.
  2. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    There is some blame on both sides of this deal. It sounds like you picked the wrong dealer. Dealers are independent, so why not shop around.

  3. Corellon

    Corellon Junior Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    2023 Prius
    Limited AWD-e
    Blame?!? I'm sorry but I can't agree with you there, perhaps if you goto a hospital and end up waiting 8 hours in the ER for a serious condition it's your fault too?

    I did shop around, several dealers had already sold their allotments or wouldn't take orders, others offered 3+ months. So presented with a dealer who had (supposedly) unsold cars in their allotment wouldn't you have picked that one too? This isn't just some small out of the way car lot, it's a rather large and high volume dealership.

    Did I end up making the wrong decision, in hindsight yes, but how exactly would you call it shared blame? Believe me if I had the chance I would have been out and at another dealership in a heartbeat, but (At least here in canada) the standard purchase agreement (for all/most dealers) has a 90 day clause, so I was stuck for 90 day unless I wished to forfit my deposit.
  4. dr_d12

    dr_d12 Member

    May 26, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Hi Corellon,

    Right or wrong, you aren't going to get any satisfaction on this one.

    If you still want a Prius, go to Toyota on Front, sit in the Prius and play with it until a salesman comes up to offer you some help. Then ask him how quickly he can you an x color x package Prius.

    Good luck,
  5. Prius 07

    Prius 07 Member

    Jun 6, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    2007 Prius
    Since this is your first car purchase perhaps you would like to hear some advice from a more seasoned buyer. When purchasing a car always separate the 3 components: purchase; finance and trade-in. If you mix the 3 then the dealer is liable to play a shell game with you. Get the best deal on each part of the transaction by separating them from each other.
    If you're willing and have the time you can do a lot of the sourcing on your own and do it on the Internet. Go to the various dealers' web site and try to display their inventory; or e-mail their Internet Specialist and/or call them.
    The "largest" dealer is not always your best choice for price or availability. When I was looking for a Prius in 2006/7 Erin Park only had one Prius at the dealership for a short period of time. BTW I assume you're referring to Erin Park Toyota in Mississauga (they are not in Toronto). I phoned around and sent e-mail messages and found that Toyota on Front St had 2 Prii and also found that dealers had access to some common depot. I test drove the car there, but did not buy from them because of price.

    Once you've done your research and test drove the car find out about pricing - again you can do this on-line. You can make a deal on-line or now that you're alarmed with information you can visit dealers and ask them for their best price. I've found that when they see you that you're educated with the information and know what exactly you want (including all the options) they'll give you a better price.

    For much more detailed info on buying cars and tools visit this web-site: CarBuyingTips.com new car buying guide, avoiding dealer scams, new cars, used car buying

    It is nice to see that you're so dedicated to buy a Prius there must be very good reason for it. Please don't forget that and good luck with your search :)

    BTW I've my Prius serviced at Erin Park and overall I'm satisfied with them. They're not perfect, but if you work with them it is a win-win.
  6. bedrock8x

    bedrock8x Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2008
    Other Hybrid
    It is usually 2-4 hour wait in an ER if you don't have a life threatening condition.
    Don't expect too much especially a car salesman, you know the saying. I sympathize with you on your bad experience.

    You should have flown out to Alberta and pcik up the car you want and cancel the order in Toronto.

    My experience with Toyota dealers is not different from any other dealers. The best I ever have for buying a new car is when you can find a first time car saleman who haven't learned all the tricks of the trade yet.

    Added: Dealers don't trade cars when they are in demand, this is a fact. I was lied to too many times.
  7. grand total

    grand total Member

    Sep 9, 2007
    ON, Canada
    Other Hybrid
    I'd much rather buy from an experienced salesperson. You can get down to the detail much more quickly and you don't have to suffer endless trips by the salesperson to the sales manager, sometimes none at all.
  8. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    When we purchased our Prius, they were much harder to get than they are now. I contacted dozens of dealers all over our state, researching prices and availability. We found a dealer that we liked, but even then we didn't lock ourselves into a binding agreement. Several dealers would call as allocations became available, and we said yes or no. When the right one was on the way, we locked it in.

    Many PriusChat members extended their searches over several states. You do what you have to do.

    If you sign an unfavorable contract, you can whine and complain, but ultimately you signed the papers. Unless it was done under duress, you don't have any legal recourse.

  9. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Yeah, I should have driven myself to Presby instead. I have nothing nice to say about the ER staff at Lourdes in Willingboro.
  10. Corellon

    Corellon Junior Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    2023 Prius
    Limited AWD-e
    I had seperated them, the first time I went only because they (Erin Park) were the only place with a Prius avaiable for test driving at the time, I returned after securing financing (though my bank) and then got into the delivery times and price. At the time they were also the only dealership willing to sell below MSRP with most wanting a premium above MSRP. I wanted the premium package which wasn't avaiable anywhere (again at time) with dealers only having the base model in stock.

    I would have if I could have, but the dealer wouldn't release from the contract, not only would they (Alberta) not want to do business when I already had a outstanding contract but the last thing I wanted was to end up with the one from alberta then on the hook for the one in toronto too.

    In canada we're in a bit of a disadvantage since most dealers do not post online inventories of thier new cars, only thier used ones but I made tons of calls both withen the city, province and even outside province without finding anything (Canada recieved far fewer Prii then the US) 2 Months was the lowest time I was quoted (other then by erin park which was a month to month and a half)

    That's true and I don't dispute that fact, however it's supposed be legally binding to both parties, a fact the dealership did not care to honor, and hence my main complaint.
  11. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    It stinks when the dealer doesn't want to play by the rules. What are you supposed to do then? Sue them? That would cost more than it's worth.

    You have my sympathy. Hopefully the next dealer will be better.
