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ZENN Motor Company Confirms EEStor's Third-Party Certified Permittivity

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Fibb222, May 21, 2009.

  1. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    Y'know while they aren't the majority, there are a number of skeptics and poo-pooers that post on EEStory.com. (Their posts don't get deleted by the way).

    What I find interesting is that here in this thread, the biggest problem naysayers have is about the lateness and bad estimates on when yada yada...

    On EEStory, which I've only been reading for the past month or so, the skeptics certainly don't emphasize that aspect. It's more about the technology being improbable. We have had some of that here too of course.

    I don't know which way this is going to go but after soaking in all the opinions/arguments either way I'm still hopeful.

    Yes, maybe I'm gullible. Maybe I want the ICE to die so badly that I'm desperately latching on to the idea that EEStor is for real.

    Or maybe I'm just greedy and want ZNN stock to go up.

    I'm certainly not being completely objective.

    But most of the time I don't believe the skeptics are that objective either.

    It does appear to me though that we'll be finding out one way or the other this year, even though some of you think there will likely be ongoing delays as "the scam" continues.

    One last thing.... practical H2 fuel cells in cars and nuclear fusion power plants are also always 10 years away.... I don't consider them scams, just really tough engineering challenges - could be the same thing here.
  2. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Speak for yourself Fibb222. Unless you are the blogger with the bag over his head you don't know what he does. He calls skeptics names, he only deletes skeptic accounts, and he blocks their IP. He has the audacity to ridicule and mock skeptics who are not prevue of INSIDER INFORMATION he receives from EESCAM's Dick Weir which he admitted to on his blog. He did delete my post on his blog which I have posted on this site...the EESTor Put up or Shut up message.
  3. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius

    Well all I know is there are lots of regulars that have nothing good to say about Zenn and EEstor and I see their posts all the time. Apparently there is a line and you crossed it.
  4. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The line I crossed is telling the truth on EESCAM...the blogger with the bag over his head can't deal with it.

    Pretty soon his party will be over :focus:.
  5. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Personally, I consider fuel cell cars to be a scam. The technology is real, but the promise to commercialize it for personal transportation is a scam because it is inherently several hundred times more expensive to produce the cars, and no energy is saved. But it successfully kept public attention away from practical EVs for several years.

    As recently as a few months ago, I had a conversation with a woman who believes that because hydrogen is abundant in water molecules, it is a free source of energy and fuel cell cars would cost nothing to operate. I explained the energy equation of splitting water to obtain H2, and her reply was a very huffy "Well you can believe that if you want to!"

    Can you be surprised if I sometimes say that the average American is an idiot of magnum proportions?

    Nuclear fusion for power I would not call a scam, because I believe the folks working on it genuinely want to commercialize it. They would profit from it, unlike GM and fuel cell cars: GM would not profit from them because they could never sell them to the public; they profit by delaying EVs. But fusion power presents technological hurdles which I do not believe will be overcome in less than 50 years. This is not a reason to quit the research, but it is a reason why it will not solve our immediate energy needs.

    Steve: You and I hold the same opinion about EEStor, but you express it in an intensely angry, and even insulting manner. Always referring to EEStor as "EESCAM" is not the way to get people to pay attention to you. That sort of needless aggression is permitted here on PC, but might be considered to be over the line on another site, especially one that is friendly towards EEStor.

    I'll bet I could re-write your "put up or shut up" message in a way that preserves the entirety of your message, but puts it in courteous language that would get it accepted over at eestory.com.
  6. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Daniel, I believe "an eye for an eye...". When I was called an idiot by the blogger with the bag over his head, all bets were off.

    I am on several message boards where I respectfully disagree with the adminstrator's and message boards view point...I have never been called an idiot, had my posts deleted, and or my IP blocked. I also never had an administrator send me an email asking me for my private cell number. The blogger with the bag over his head tries to convert skeptics opinion by playing the childish game, I know something you don't know. He is prevued to insider information about EESTOR which he receives from Dick Weir CEO of EESTOR...he admitted to this on his blog. So much for EESTOR is a secretive company under an "NDA" (non disclosure agreement), what a joke.

    My IP was blocked at the story.com site. I posted the "PUT UP OR SHUT MESSAGE" on his blogger.com site which he deleted. The only difference from that post and the message I posted here was the addition of the following: I suggested to the blogger with the bag over his head since he claims there are SME's who claim EESTOR is possible (like it's possible we will win lottery, S321), why not have Dick Weir deliver one of the ceramic batteries which meets the patent claims to one of the SME's for verification? Sound reasonable to me. The last sentence I wrote, "I don't want to lower myself to your level so I will not call you a name". The post was deleted.

    Now getting back to the topic. This whole permittivity announcement stinks. Dr. Golla who witnessed the "permittivitty" test for EESCAM was hired by Zenn to witness Zenn's "permittivity" test. This to me represents a conflict of interest. Are we suppose to believe there were no other scientists in the great state of Texas to witness the test for Zenn? I guess that expains why it took EESCAM 8 years to witness the permittivity test :).
    Another cloud over EESCAM's public press announcement of the permittivity test results was Dr. Golla admitted to several people he performed the test 8 months ago for EESCAM. Why did EESCAM wait 8 months to make the public announcement of Dr. Golla's permittivitty test results?

    BTW-I am a realist in this EESCAM story.
    There is not one evidence this ceramic battery exists. Everything is based on hope and belief. If I am wrong, please prove to me I am wrong. Don't tell me EESCAM should be, could be, would be, and iffy, that does not prove anything. If EESCAM does have a ceramic battery which meets it's patent claim, please let me know where I could purchase one. I have been waiting since 2001.

  7. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    Steve, do you want EEStor to be a scam? It seems you're acting like a jaded lover who has been cheated on. Were you one of the faithful or at least hopeful back in 2001?
  8. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I see you learned very well from your leader "Baghead" the blogger with the bag over his head.

    Were you able to comprehend my last post with an open mind? People could see your sides true colors. Your side had nothing to prove so you resort to attacking anyone that questions the existence of EESCAM's ceramic battery. If you really believe I am "acting like a jaded lover who has been cheated on" that's your problem. There is nothing to debate/discuss with you Fibb222.

    Read my last post.
  9. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    I wasn't attacking you. You read into it something that wasn't there. Again, your response was another example of you getting very emotional about this, lashing out like a wounded animal. I was seriously curious. Were you one of the faithful/hopeful in the past?
  10. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Steve: A blog is different than a chat board. Basically, a blogger can say what he likes (barring libel) and veto what other people say on his blog. Is EEstory.com a chat board or a private blog? Again, I repeat, you come off as extremely hostile. Nobody's opinions will be changed when the arguments are presented in the tone of yours.

    The way you lashed out at Fibb is another example. I disagree with Fibb on several issues, and we have argued these points. But he is not a scam artist. He is an honest person who disagrees with me about a particular proposal for electrification of the transportation system, and who disagrees with you and me about EEStor. That's no reason to take the tone you do with him. You can present your arguments and your facts without accusing him of having a closed mind or being a follower of the person you call "Baghead."

    Calling names accomplishes nothing. And the moment you do, your entire target audience (the undecideds who you want to convince) will just turn you off. I'm telling you this, because I agree with your position on EEStor and you are doing more harm than good to your own position.

    I say it again: Calling names accomplishes nothing!
  11. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
  12. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Fibb, Why do you care what my belief was in 2001. It's not going to change the fact if a ceramic battery meeting EESTOR's patent spec ever existed. You should place your energy in asking Ian Clifford and Dick Weir questions, not me. I did not make a claim in 2001 that I have a battery which is going to revolutionize the world. But I will answer your question. I was around 20 years ago when Martin Fleischmann's & Stanley Pons announced their Cold fusion findings to the world. There was euphpria Cold fusion was going to solve the world's energy problem. End of fossil fuel usage. You know what happened. The scientist's were disgraced. Ever since then I learned if there is any claim of new science, invention, it must be verified by a reputable 3rd party, which we know EESTOR's ceramic battery for a fact has not.

    Daniel, I believe "an eye for an eye...". When I was called an idiot by the blogger with the bag over his head, all bets were off. I have no respect for him for the following reasons as I previously posted:

    He has the audacity to ridicule and mock skeptics who are not prevue of INSIDER INFORMATION he receives from EESCAM's Dick Weir. He plays the childish game I know something you don't know based on the insider information, and he has called me an idiot after I stated to him EESCAM was not going to deliver the EESU in December 08. I was right and he was wrong.

    I never called Fibb24 a scam artist. I did not appreciate how he lashed out at me with the following, "It seems you're acting like a jaded lover who has been cheated on". It is SOP of the followers of the blogger with the bag over his head to attack a person who asks a question they can't answer with facts personally, but I find it unbelievable that not one of these believers criticized or questioned the credibility of Ian Clifford CEO Zenn or Dick Weir CEO EESTOR.
    It's very easy to see how Madoff had a following.
  13. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    But that's not the end of the story.....

    Check out this thread and all the articles attached to it... enjoy..

  14. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I never said it was the end of the story. 60 minutes did a segment recently on Cold Fusion and it sounded optimistic. If you seen the episode they stated it might take another 20 years to understand cold fusion, that will be forty years. Keep the hope up.
  15. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    "An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind!" The tone you take is counter-productive. Meeting hostility with hostility just tells the onlookers that you are no different from the people you are arguing against.
  16. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    a lot of "discussions" initially take on the appearance of personal attacks and that is only because of the imperfect method of communication on this forum and the strong beliefs by people here in what they believe.

    now either they stay that way or information is exchanged. now usually no one changes sides, but a deeper understanding of the other side results.

    i find this option unlikely with you
  17. Steve321

    Steve321 New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    New Jersey
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Getting back to the topic.

    Does anyone believe Zenn will have initial introduction of the CityZENN in late 2009 and commercial availability in 2010 as stated by Ian Clifford?

    Daniel, no need to reply, your position on this hasn't changed since last year :).
  18. Fibb222

    Fibb222 New Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    2004 Prius
    I really don't know if the cityZenn will be released in less than 12 months, but in that recent BNN interview, I think IC hinted that he would go with Lithium if he had to so there might be a cityZenn even if EEStor doesn't deliver.
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i also think they will have a product as well. now with what charge storage, that seems to be the only real question. obviously, if is Li, the price will be higher or the range will be lower since there is no way they can make it for the $25,000 price they were shooting for. Clifford did state that if eestor was not ready, they would use "current technology"
  20. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    So I will...

    Certainly the City Zenn won't be available with EEStor capacitors this year or next, but end of next year could be done using lithium, if Zenn decides they can market the car. That's the big question: Will Zenn decide that people will pay the price? Presently LiFePO4 is around $4 per ah for 3-volt (nominal) cells. So a 72-volt, 100 ah pack would cost a little under $10,000. I think the Zenn is lighter than the Xebra, but that pack in my Xebra provides 40 miles to dead empty, or 32 miles, conserving the battery pack by retaining 20% charge.

    However, that pack does not provide much oomph. I think that to have mass appeal for the market, the car woud need double the batteries. That's $20,000 for batteries alone. Li-ion are less expensive, but require sophisticated cooling.

    There is no technological reason they could not have the car on the market by the end of 2010. But its market potential depends a great deal on the cost of energy storage. Gasoline stinks, makes our air filthy, contributes to global warming, and funds terrorism, but it stores a lot of energy in a small weight and volume.