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USB and Safety Connect Are Almost Here!

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by Prius Team, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. ggood

    ggood Senior Member

    Jan 17, 2004
    Houston, TX
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Whatever happened to all the promises over the last 2 decades that we would soon be able to custom order cars (like the Japanese customer does) on relatively short notice, due to robots and automation? Even the Japanese customer is way more limited than has been predicted in the past. Dealers make much higher profit on service than sales anyway, and holding inventory is a huge and unnecessary expense, so you would think they might embrace a model where they were more involved in customization and less involved in inventory management, especially in this new information age, where it is getting to be much more difficult to sucker people into overpaying (with the possible exception of the nutcases who buy the Prius! :D).

    Any response to the idea of simplifying by moving towards much greater modularity in the cars and pushing the Scion model even further? I can imagine a world in which several possible stereo/nav units pop in or out of the same dash opening, where upholstery and carpeting can be customized and easily swapped out, where all the wiring is there to do every possible configuration (foglights, safety connect, homelink), where even the entire roof can be swapped out for a sunroof model, and where the steering assembly and stops are the same in all models, so wheels and tires are fully customizeable! How about regional assembly plants, which on a lower scale is what is already happening at the vehicle distribution centers for each region?

    People will wait a month or 2 to get the car they really want, as long as it is easy to see multiple colors and go for test drives.

    1 person likes this.
  2. cpatch

    cpatch New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    Carlsbad, CA
    2010 Prius
    OK, I've updated my previous post to include a second video that was shot during the day and therefore lets you see the USB/AUX port. It also uses an iPod Touch.
    1 person likes this.
  3. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I can only tell you how I feel. My original approach to purchasing a Prius was I was going to for the first time really, "treat" myself to a few "extras" or a more equipped model. The way the package pricing and structuring is on the Prius, it almost becomes impossible. I actually think Prius II, and III are very good "deals" because they come with so much standard. That being said, if I consider the leather interior, bigger wheels, radar cruise control or sunroof all things I would want and be willing to pay more for, I'm trapped into paying so much more for so much I really do not want. It's frustrating.

    What I'd really want is Leather, Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, Bigger Wheels and a simple Sunroof san's Solar Panels. That isn't going to happen.

    I know it's a demand/production balance. I know there is a balance to be struck between complexity of product offerings and flexibility of package offerings. I know Toyota is a large automobile producer whose aim is to offer the most popular product to the largest amount of consumers.

    Here's my suggestion. I think Toyota is underestimating the potential of build to order. Yes, most Americans want to purchase ASAP, but not all. A lot of consumers, I feel if given the flexibility to "create" the exact automobile they want, would be willing to pay a premium and wait for production to get something they felt was unique and fit exactly what they want for themselves. Sometimes anticipation is more fun. People in this forum seem to enjoy tracking their "orders", they sometimes become impatient but if I knew my "unique" built just for me Prius was on the way? I think a lot of people would be more than willing to wait.

    I think it's more the dealerships and salespeople who are used to the business practice and model of getting X number of cars, equipped Y number of ways and then selling them ASAP to the public. Which is fine, that is the majority.

    I'd use the Mini-Cooper, and The Mini-Cooper website as an example. Mini-Cooper at least creates the illusion that you can create and order your car EXACTLY as you want it. With an incredible number of options and extra's, or conversely lack of options or extras.

    I'd be willing to wait. It would be great if I could "Build my Own Prius" in a similar manner. I think build to order would be more popular than a lot of people think, infact that might be the problem, it might be too popular and hinder sales of existing automobiles on the lot's. It could be asking to change the entire way automobiles are sold. That's a tall Order. But why couldn't Toyota experiment with offering both? Let the majority purchase the way the majority is used to purchasing. That is let them chose from packages and available inventory, but for those that would like to build to order? Why not that as an option?

    I'm dreaming, but it seems a lot of people hate dealing with dealerships. I'd almost like it if all auto's were simply order from the factory. I'd almost rather have pricing, product and purchase all be factory direct with simple chose and pay pricing and the "dealership" simply be the place I buy aftermarket supplies or extras and have maintenance done. I know that would scare the hell out of dealerships and salespeople but the reality is so many people love The Prius but hate the purchasing process. Consumers might like the "instant" convienence of walking on a lot and being able to drive off that night or the next day, but also people often end up calling them "stealerships" and much of the feedback (not all) but much of the feedback about dealerships is negative.

    Mass production and Assembly Line probably limits what can be done. Competition limits what could happen. I'm sure Toyota would be afraid that if you offered build to order with a 6 month or more waiting period, they would lose a lot of customers who would walk over to Honda and drive away with a slight compromise but something in the driveway that night. I do think long term build to order could become a much bigger deal. I think it would be popular and I think if you offered being able to configure the exact product you want VS. compromise and drive off today, more people would be willing to wait than many people think. Anticipation can be a selling motivator. Anticipation can actually be fun.

    However the reality is with mass produced automobiles being offered to the masses the current build and distribute business model needs to exist, and that includes structure as to what products are produced and available. I understand this. I just wish there was at least the "speciality" option of build to order. That's something I'd be willing to pay a premium for, and wait for.

    It is interesting to compare the way automobiles are presented between Toyota and Mini-Cooper. Mini-Cooper because they don't have a HUGE world-wide network of dealerships severely slant's the selling approach to "Build to Order" uniqueness.

    Toyota as large automobile manufacturer with a huge number of dealerships world wide, is forced into the mainstream way of producing, distributing and selling automobiles. I've gone on way too long, but bottom line, I'd hope for more flexibility with packages and options, there has to be a happy medium between the piece by piece choices of building your own Mini-Cooper, and the "If you want a Sunroof, you have to also accept X,Y and Z at this cost" that currently exists.

    Because of the cost and inflexibilty of the current package structure of The Prius, I've had to rethink my original decision to "treat" myself to a higher end model. It get's too quickly to the point where I feel I'm paying too much for too little more I really want and throwing away the "good deal" I feel II's and III's currently offer.

    I might throw another additional $680.00 dollars into the wind, just so I can get some sunlight on my head. I'm hoping that maybe some or a lot of the options I don't think I want or would like, I actually might find myself appreciating a lot more later. But as a consumer, hoping that I might end up liking what I'm paying for? I'd surely wish I could just pay for what I'm sure I'd like.
    2 people like this.
  4. Prius Team

    Prius Team Toyota Marketing USA

    Sep 15, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Yes, I think that trend will occur. But keep in mind the current system is excellent for keeping costs down, which I'm sure is pretty much what everyone wants. For example, all the upholstery combinations take extra design resources, additional suppliers, etc. Prewiring for every electronic function means ALL cars have the cost of the prewire, which is not inexpensive, even if none of them use it. Modifications to structural parts and wheels/tires mean each must be thoroughly safety tested. Regional assembly plants mean reduced economies of scale (even if logistics may be improved). The list of cost issues goes on and on.

    The point is that there are opportunities for improving customization, but it usually is only done if it's worth the increase in cost. Hopefully in the future, it will be, due to increasing demand for it, and reducing cost through smarter design and processes. But it's going to be a slow evolution to that new model because so much investment - capital spending, technical knowhow, cultural commitment, legal support - has gone into the current model for the past who-knows-how-many-years.

    Doug Coleman
    Prius Product Manager
    Toyota Motor Sales, USA
  5. indianagreg

    indianagreg Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    NE Indiana
    2010 Prius

    First, let me say "thank you" for frequenting PC and reading and responding to our concerns. What I read from you are much more detailed responses than I get from the Ask Toyota people.

    I would second the call for being able to order; however, if the distribution operational plan were tweaked a bit, it might accomplish the same thing as far as I'm concerned.

    Let me elaborate. I "ordered" a Ribbon Blue IV w/Nav two weeks ago. At that time I was told I would have to wait 12 weeks for delivery. I'm a patient guy and I figured that I could save some extra cash during that time anyway. I really don't want to wait that long, but a combination of factors that I won't go into make it impractical for me to go a great distance to pick up my Prius from a dealer I don't even know. Besides, if there were any issues, I would feel more comfortable going back to the dealer from whom I purchased my car to have them addressed.

    Meanwhile, a certain unnamed dealer, who is well known on PC and very highly regarded (I wish I lived closeby!!!) has numerous Prius, some of which are exactly what I want. Those vehicles were not sold before they were delivered and may set on the lot for a few days before sale. Meanwhile, my local dealer gets a couple here and there and he struggles to find me a car; he says it's still somewhere in Japan and not yet shipped, but he knows nothing else. I don't doubt that other dealers are scheduled to receive the same car that I'm trying to buy, yet they don't have immediate purchasers.

    It would seem that Toyota could adjust how these Prius are allocated to dealers and give the customer greater consideration than the dealer. If the Prius were here today, I'd pay for it today. But it doesn't matter. Toyota has them on a ship somewhere, destined for some dealer who may have no idea to whom they will be sold; yet I'm ready to buy the specified car now and can't.

    Bottom line: At least during these times of exceptionally high demand for the Prius, Toyota ought to make an effort to more carefully balance the interest of the dealer with the interest of the customer. The dealer might be told: "If you have an unsold Prius onboard a ship that is supposed to go to you for delivery, and another dealer in your region has a customer who is ready to lay claim to that vehicle, then the dealer would lose it." (Make the deliveries to the dealer tentative; if they lose one to an outside sale, allocate to them another. Or at least limit the number of unsold Prius that they can receive as unsold.)

    Please give those of us who live outside of Metropolitan USA a little help.

    Thank you for listening!

    (Comments in blue added in edit)
    3 people like this.
  6. quantumslip

    quantumslip Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Sugar Land, TX
    2010 Prius
    well i went to Fred Haas Toyota Country (my local dealer near work) about the part while getting my state inspection, and they had the part in their system. It was 256 or so. However, since I was the first one to ask for this installed, my service rep said they would install it for the cost of only one hour of labor. I should have this done next week so we'll see how it goes.
  7. browe83

    browe83 New Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Los Angeles
    Thanks so much for the videos and scans, cpatch! :)

    Quick question: Can you use the iPod and iPod touch/iPhone itself to select audio tracks, or does the iPod's screen "grey out" when connected via USB (forcing you to use the Prius's audio controls only)?

    Thanks in advance,

  8. royrose

    royrose Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    Foot of Pikes Peak
    Other Hybrid
    But you are responsible for putting the packages together the way they are. I was at the dealer recently and looked at a Camry sticker (I think it was a Camry Hybrid). Leather was a separate line item. So was sunroof. Both at very reasonable prices.

    Be honest, as long as demand stays high, you are selling a lot more nav units because people want a sunroof or because a IV or a V doesn't come to their region without it and they don't want to wait for preferencing/swapping. Isn't that a factor?
  9. swich2mac

    swich2mac Go Hard or Go Home!

    Apr 24, 2009
    Franklin, TN
    Other Non-Hybrid
    What does this have to do with the topic, "USB & Safety Connect Are Almost Here"?
  10. royrose

    royrose Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    Foot of Pikes Peak
    Other Hybrid
    Because it introduced the info that the package cost goes up and people responded and Doug responded to them and I responded to Doug. That's what.
  11. swich2mac

    swich2mac Go Hard or Go Home!

    Apr 24, 2009
    Franklin, TN
    Other Non-Hybrid

    Well ok. I should have read your signature line earlier as it says it all!
  12. jay_man2

    jay_man2 jay_man_also

    Jun 11, 2009
    Manassas, VA
    Other Hybrid
  13. cpatch

    cpatch New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    Carlsbad, CA
    2010 Prius
    My pleasure!

    Good question, and something I forgot to mention in the videos. Unfortunately you lose control over the iPod while it's connected via USB. This is annoying, because the sound through the interface is slightly better than that through the headphone jack.
  14. equake

    equake Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    Los Angeles
    2010 Prius
    Any idea when the price will be reflected on Toyotas build your toyota site?
  15. cpatch

    cpatch New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
    Carlsbad, CA
    2010 Prius
    So what's the deal with this? Doug's team confirmed with me that MSRP of the part is $240. You're getting quoted $256 and I got charged $268. Can the dealers charge whatever they want for parts or do they have to stick with MSRP? I'd like to know before I go in and bitch about it, because it's not worth $28 to me if I end up on the parts department's bad side!
  16. jay_man2

    jay_man2 jay_man_also

    Jun 11, 2009
    Manassas, VA
    Other Hybrid
    I just use the BT streaming with my iPhone. What's your opinion of the sound quality aux jack vs. usb vs. bluetooth?
  17. dk2463

    dk2463 Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    San Francisco
    2010 Prius
    thank you so much for taking the time to do this, really helped me to set expectations. and I have to comment on the truly diverse music you have, from Chris Rock to Ukelele...awesome!

  18. stream

    stream Senior Member

    May 12, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    2010 Prius
    The majority of dealers are independent business, so the manufacturers can set an MSRP, but can not--by law--tell the dealers how much to charge.
  19. rstark18

    rstark18 Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Los Angeles
    2010 Prius
    First off thanks for this thread. I was really looking forward to this interface but after seeing it I will not be installing it.

    So what are the alternatives?
    There is the Bluetooth streaming. The problem for me with this is sound quality. I use an iPhone 3G with the latest firmware and have some serius issuses with it. See the following thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-audio-electronics/65947-bluetooth-audio-problem.html
    Also, there is no track control etc. with Bluetooth although this could change with a firmware update from Apple for the iPhone.

    Next we have the original iPod interface from Toyota. This unit disables the Sat functionality. I don't really know much more about this unit. I'm not interested in Sat antway so I would consider this if the functionality is very good.

    There is also the SL2i-UP from VAIS (Video,Audio Information Solutions for Toyota and Lexus (iPod integration,XM and Sirius SAT radio integration,MP3 integration,Auxiliary input)). Does anyone have any input on these units? I would really consider this if the functionality is really good

    What do you guys think? Any other interfaces that are good?
  20. LoraJ

    LoraJ Active Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    May car should be arriving the last week of August. I'm wondering if it will be one of the first on the East Coast with the new features or not. I guess I will know more when it gets closer.