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lech auto air conditionin

another body shop.jpg

1 of 3 photos showing why you never got to a repair shop that dose not have a refrigerant analyzer or if it dose have a analyzer but the shop has a bonus or commission program for pay and how fast and how cheap they pump out the work out the door is all that counts. You the customer are just a #number $$$. It gets worse if the owner of the shop never worked on cars themselves. Remember body shops are under the gun with their insurance company, especially if they're a direct repair shop AKA " sleeping with the devil !". There is a lot that every customer should know about your GOOD insurance company, that you are not always in GOOD HANDS, or that e-insurance that dose not have high over head cost is looking after their customer to keep their rates down BS. In all three shown here photos 1-3 the customer was the original owner, all three left the shops with a smile and good hard earned cash out of their pockets, all three of the cars a/c were cooling just fine for over a year until they started to notice the a/c was not cooling so good or not at all. Now flash forward and I do not see big smiles on theirs faces when I tell them they now need a new compressor, new expansion valve, new condenser, flush out all the lines and hoses and flush out the evaporator, and the cost will be over $2000.00. Who has the big smiles and counting their customers$$$ money$$$ all to their bank, " the good ol boys with the big long time in business repair shops that did that good job in the first place ! . It is shops like this that give the whole automotive industry a bad name that should be eliminated from society like cockroaches in a kitchen or Hepatitis C in a blood bank supply. Now think of the big picture, its not just these three cars, It is every cars these three shop hook up their RRR recovery recycle recharge machine to your car and every other car they touch, now lets take this a little further. Most all the cars at some point will need the refrigerant recharged or most likely with these ones some major work. They will go to other shops " that do not have or use their refrigerant analyzer" most do not HAVE. That new shop that receives that car will recover that contaminated refrigerant into their 30lb or 50lb recovery tank and pump it back into many other cars like a STD "sexually transmitted disease !". The owners of these shops are a STD in our society that need to be stamped out!!!..... I even trusted someone in the repair business I thought I could trust two of them, when I went on vacation to have my work go to them. When I came back had to spend two months re-redoing most all their work because of contaminated refrigerant , charging known leaking a/c system for a quick buck, did not install refrigerant leak trace dye in the system, ect ect. When I ask how can you do business like this . They respond you do not understand our customers want a CHEAP price and fast , easy not a high repair bill or we may lose the job. We have to lower our price and keep it lower because the other guys will do it CHEAPER!!. We can not afford to repair or replace our old refrigerant analyzer or our RRR recovery/recycle/recharge machine because we charge so little we do not make enough profit to buy new equipment. I know who they are and most of the body shops and repair shops know who they aer because they use them for the GOODER PRICE, GOOD DEAL . and they will go back and redo their work for free to keep the customer quite so they don't complain, and who going to second guess or double their work or what they say, (" they are supposedly the Air conditioning EXPERTS !!!"). Who has a refrigerant analyzer to come behind them to actually test and check their work !?. HMMM It's fummy over the last few decades the shop owners who got their own air conditioning recharge machine or TECHs that do their own A/C recharges for work, when it comes to their own cars, or close family or friends cars I get a call to come over and do it ??? " whats up with that???... THAT'S A KODAK MOMENT LOL. So in the end game with all that money saved for the insurance company , body shop, auto repair shop, not paying fora/c schooling, a/c classes, short a/c seminars, not flying out to the a/c trade shows. When I ask why I do not see you at any of the classes, trade shows or seminars, the most common answer it it cost too much, or we learn here in the shop on the cars. (" At who's expense ??.".) For all that money saved, who really saved money?.

another body shop.jpg