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Firmware development on the boat, anchored at Beaver Island.

qbee42, Jul 7, 2008
    • izza2me
      I am impressed. Wow. Thanks for breaking up the mob. You see, I did ask for help but they didn't see the post. It's a funny thing; all my driving life I got mad when a driver would give me a jesture or cut me off. I wondered if they would do that if we were on foot. I called a few of them out and they changed their tune face to face.

      My wife is calling me senior citizen baby. She is right of course because I read... (Prov 29:11 NASB) "A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back." So I have.

      I was an Electrical Contractor on Long Island and the Commonwealth Of Virginia. I see you are an Electricl Engineer. Well More power to you. :clap2:
    • jayman
      You look vaguely sinister doing that
    • big apple
      wow,you must be such fun!!!!great pictures ,seems that you are busy considering more,that sounds all the great sound around you,that is working ...wow!
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