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lech auto air conditionin


A/C additives, (!" THIS IS A BAD THING IN THE WRONG HANDS, INCLUDING AUTOMOTIVE AND BODY SHOPS!!!!!"). Many DIY, and shops use this to fill up a A/C system or top off, adding way too much universal oil, sealant, a/c performance boost and what ever the chemical CO will use to increase sales. Only in a few cases and used the right way can they help. The little BS gauge they put on top of the can with the red, yellow, green to tell you if the system is FULL or LOW can and dose easily over fill or under fill most A/C systems. Its only a ball park range, and often way out side the park. Its so sad to see a customer with a burnt compressor, blown out front shaft seal because of too much oil or any thing other then refrigerant in it, bent or broken reed valves because the service port is just in-front of the compressor intake and they put liquid in it. This is a good one, the sh!$y valve they give you leaks many time or vary hard to push down so the customer stop and gives up only getting a little in just enough to start the compressor but not enough to to return oil back to the compressor so unknowingly the customer drives on and later burns up a compressor. !!!" WHATS WORST OF ALL IT'S THE WANT TO BE SHOP THAT DOSE EVERY THING TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AND KEEP THE CUSTOMER IN HOUSE BY LEARNING FROM SCREW UPS ON THE CUSTOMERS CAR AND HAVING THE CUSTOMER PAY A SO CALLED PROFESSIONAL. AND NOT SENT THEIR TECH TO CLASS, OR SCHOOLS FOR TRAINING !!!!!. I'v only listed a few thing that go wrong, I left out many but you get the Idea, I hope. The new ultra high efficiency, vary small capacity ( 12oz to 14oz ) I have been seen this many times too many. and it can make a shop tech miss diagnosis a problem and start replacing parts and start guessing and waist lots of shop time and customers time. If you are a customer and have installed 1 or more cans of this stuff tell the shop you go to when they try to fix your car, if you don't you may end up paying for a lot of unnecessary parts!!. Thanks to these products I have lot of business!!!. IT'S TIME TO USE MY CAR AS A GUINEA PIG?. My 2009 Toyota Yarus, 81,000 miles, I got this car new and the day I first sat in the seat the vary first thing I do is turn on the A/C and never turn it off, "NEVER!!!" all my cars from 1983. #1: I recovered the refrigerant #2: I pulled a vacuum to below 500 microns for 1 hour. #3: I used 1 can of R134 with A/C boost ICE32 and it had 1oz of oil in it to + 12oz of refrigerant. I always drive with temp gauges in my dash, and always get 37F to 40F hot day, cold day, idle, highway driving. Only on vary hot days and under some conditions dose my temp go up to 45F to 49F. I know how to adjust my dash setting to get the coldest the fastest and keep it there. NOW AFTER adding that nice can with the big words a/c boost, Ice32 and oil. after three months of driving my car can only get to 40F on highway driving on a cool day, most of the time highway is 43F to 53F, on hot days 60F at idle now it's 55F to 60F that SUCKS!!!. But I know this from all the cars I came across with this same problem. TIME TO COMPLETELY CLEAN AND FLUSH OUT MY A/C SYSTEM INCLUDING THE COMPRESSOR !!!!. Add Toyota Denso oil ND8, recharge with R134a, BINGO what do you know. 37F to 40F all the time idle and highway, vary rarely going above. Yes in some big capacity A/C systems this can work good or do no harm or on some older systems. THINK OF THIS IF YOU KNOW TWO STROKE ENGINE. Gas to oil mix ratio. #1: Too much oil to gas you get poor power (a/c less cooling) fouling plugs,(in a/c blow out front shaft seal in some compressor) (in some a/c bent or broken reed valve, broken rods and crank from trying to compress oil, " can't compress a liquid) #2: Too little oil in the gas of a two stroke engine and you get metal to metal contact from piston to cylinder wall, get hot , seize and burn up. ( same with a A/C compressor!!!)...
