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Question from wrecked Alaskan Prius owner

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by lemonade, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    I am new here and am not sure where to post to ask my question, if somebody could be kind and tell me. Or can a moderator move it? I apologize in advance.

    First, I am NOT trying to sue anybody, but my Prius was in an accident that cost over $10K to repair - I was making a left turn (have photos of myself over the arrows) and was behind a commercial delivery van which was also turning left. FWIW, this was BEFORE all the recall publicity (late last summer).

    I was almost at walking speed when the thing just took off and hit the truck (Ford Econoline van, big enough to hold my prius inside) - twice. It hit it hard enough to bounce back and hit it again. I should probably be grateful for that because at least it stopped me and I didn't go hurtling off into a 4 lane road at high speed.

    BuI now have a car I can't sell because of its history, I had to pay a high insurance deductible, and I am afraid of the car. The dealer changed the clips on the floor mat, but insists the 2007's don't have electrical or braking problems. I'm also a little disturbed that the air bags didn't deploy, but if the computer is messed up - I worry about this happening at a higher speed and killing me. Luckily, since I was going so slow and the delivery van stopped me before I could build up too much speed, no injuries. The dealer took over a month to fix it and I got no explanation when I brought it in for the floor mats after the recall.

    I've also had the dash lights not work when it is parked outside, but they are always fine in my garage in the morning (Alaska is cold). They usually come back on after I've driven about 20 minutes or so, or the next morning after a night inside my heated garage.

    I bought this as a certified Toyota used vehicle just over a year ago, the accident happened 7 months after I bought it, and I did get a safety recall for floor mats. The dealer is insisting nothing else is wrong but I have finally nagged them into looking later this week. Toyota ignores me. This is my third Toyota and I absolutely loved it until this happened. Now I just want them to undo my trade-in, give me back something equivalent to my old vehicle, and I believe they have been stalling until the 1 year was up because my state has a lemon law.

    MY QUESTION: How credible are the reports about it being either a braking or a "black box" problem? Even the police officer said he couldn't see how floor mats could cause an accident like I had. I wish the insurance had just totalled the thing because I am afraid of it. I was standing on the brakes when it happened and the car would NOT stop. Before anybody asks, I didn't think to step on the emergency brake because it happened so fast I didn't believe it was happening until impact. I was almost at a standstill because I was turning and I try to keep a healthy distance from vehicles like the van in front of me at the time because of the laws of physics. So the accident happened very quickly.

    My best hope is that the dealer (a) checks out the car and will tell me IN WRITING on their letterhead that it has no defects, so I can either keep it or get rid of it with a clean conscience or (b) rescinds the purchase so I can get another car - preferably one old enough not to be "fly-by-wire". I've had an older Corolla and a Toy truck, so I am not a Toyota hater. I am just really scared of this particular car.

    Sorry this is so long, I hope it has all the relevant facts. I wish I'd discovered this forum before I bought the Prius.
  2. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Hello Lemonade,
    Sorry to hear this happened. Guess you are not alone. I don't have much to add other than keep really good records of everything. I suspect the only other thing that will get what you want is to join the classaction lawsuit coming down the pipeline.
    1 person likes this.
  3. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    Sorry about your accident and I'm glad you are OK.

    As far as I know there is no objective evidence that supports a "sudden acceleration" or any kind of brake failure problem in the Prius. There is a brake recall for the 2010 Prius (none for the 2007 model) but that is more of a brake pedal "feel" issue than a loss of brake problem. Which is not to say that no such problems exist, it's just that there is no verifiable quality evidence to support the allegations, at least not at this time.

    The question that must be ask, no disrespect is intended, are you absolutely sure you did not have your foot on the wrong pedal? In my opinion a lot of the "runaway" Toyota incidents are caused by this, just as the Audi through the garage wall incidents years ago were. So you are going to be ask that question by others as well.

    I think your Prius is safe to drive. The air bags probably didn't deploy because the severity of the accident coupled with the speed you were traveling were not sufficient to trigger them. (see post by Politburo below) Dash lights I'm not sure about, be sure the dimmer is all the way up. I don't know how the displays behave in the kind of cold you have up there. Spiderman may be able to shed some light on that. :)
    1 person likes this.
  4. Politburo

    Politburo Active Member

    Feb 15, 2009
    2009 Prius
    Can't help you much on the cause of your accident. But note that the airbag computer is wholly separate from the engine control system. It is highly unlikely that you suffered from two independent faults. The airbags will only fire if the computer thinks it is necessary. Based on the speed, it doesn't sound like this was the case.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Bob64

    Bob64 Sapphire of the Blue Sky

    Apr 9, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Were you in the middle of braking when the car took off?
    Were you driving downhill?
    What weather conditions were in place? Ice? Snow? Black Ice?

    Bouncing back and hitting it again implies that a force was still providing acceleration. (Gravity or the accelerator) You can't change directions (bouncing backwards) to moving forwards again unless something was applying a force to your car.
    1 person likes this.
  6. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    Thank you for the sympathy. I didn't know there WAS a class action suit coming - I think the lawyers are the only ones who will profit from that. I'm more concerned with having a car that won't kill me.
  7. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    Thanks for the info about no objective evidence. That is why I have been nagging the dealer to look at MY car, in particular.

    Nobody can be 100% certain of anything, but my pictures combined with the police officers', and the fact that as I said, both of us were making left turns into the same driveway got me a "not guilty" in court. I also took pictures from the rear which show that there were two impacts - the front bumper was behind my car (it fell off after I hit it the first time) and you can see rubber tread marks on the road.

    I am 99.9% sure I was standing on the brake and not the gas. The pedals don't feel the same, I was inching my way forward until he turned and the pedals do feel different. But it is a reasonable question. Also, I slightly sprained one ankle (better next day no doctor) and I think it was because I was leaning towards the window as I would have been with my foot on the brake. The officer saw me limping, but I didn't need medical help -- I just think it indicates my foot likely to have been on the correct pedal.

    The dimmer was my first thought and that is an intermittent problem that only happens when it's around zero outside. Thank you for the air bag info; I didn't know that. I feel slightly safer. But I've gotten to the point where I rarely listen to the stereo any more because I am so focussed on engine noises. It hasn't happened again, and I hope you are right about it being safe to drive. Thank you for the information.
  8. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    If I had to guess (which is all anyone here can really do) here is what I would say probably happened.

    Acceleration from a stop while turning is a prime candidate for triggering the traction control / stability control system, particularly if there is any grit on the road or bumps. This makes the car accelerate a lot slower than you think it should. A natural reaction to this would be to press down on the accelerator harder. Once the TC/VSC system recovers you will begin to accelerate much more quickly. If your acceleration in TC/VSC was enough to keep up with the slow moving vehicle ahead, you could easily plow into the back when it disengages if you were following too close to react to the change in acceleration. It would also be very natural to react to this situation by pressing down on the accelerator harder, thinking that you had moved your foot over enough to hit the brake. In those split seconds of panic with the adrenalin rushing its very easy to make a mistake.

    This is not an accusation, or indictment of your driving skills. Merely the sort of event that happens to people all over the world every day.

    There is basically zero evidence for their being anything wrong with these cars. There are people who have had frightening experiences who would say otherwise, but there has yet to be a case to my knowledge where something was actually found to be wrong with their car. Unfortunately, the people who tell these stories often fill them with a lot of details that make no sense and/or are physically impossible, making it very hard to draw any conclusions from them. I liken it to the research that's been done on how unreliable eyewitnesses to a crime are. In a traumatic situation, there is a lot going on in your body that really messes up your ability to accurately remember what happened. Add to that our incredibly strong urge after the fact to believe that we acted rationally in that crisis, and that is wasn't our own fault and you have a recipe for a lot of error in recollection, sometimes even on a subconscious level.

    There are hundreds of thousands of car accidents in the US alone every year, resulting in about 40,000 deaths per year. At the end of the day these cars are far more reliable than the people driving them.
    1 person likes this.
  9. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    1. I was making a left turn into the same driveway as the delivery van, so I was hanging back alternately feathering the gas and brake and inching my way up. Was not tailgating because I am paranoid about how little my car is. What I remember is all of a sudden, the car took off and I braked and my only really clear memory is "oh, #&^%". See above for whether I was on the right pedal. Plus, if I was switching pedals anyway awaiting my turn to make the left turn, I don't think it makes sense that I would have mixed them up. I had just given it a little gas to move up a little, but it moved up a LOT so I switched to the brake but it didn't stop the car.
    2. No - level ground.
    3. It happened before first snowfall on a sunny day with clean, dry pavement.

    I had no idea things like this were even happening until all the publicity and the recall notice months after my accident. But the hitting him twice is what leaves me baffled - either I was standing on the gas or the car took off. And I'm reasonably sure I wasn't standing on the gas. I'm also glad it didn't happen close to home because little kids play in the streets and we have speed bumps in my subdivision.

    Just want to know if I have a safe car. It was still under warranty when I bought it and I thought it was a little strange that there were no maintenance records available when I asked to see them, because the car had been trucked up from Oregon and had been used in a rental fleet. Looking back, that should have set off some red flags in my mind and I wonder if that info is obtainable at this point, or if it's been shredded.
  10. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    As far as improving your confidence in the car, I would go out somewhere where its safe to do so and try this experiment. Floor the gas pedal, and then jam on the brakes with the other foot. The brakes in the Prius (and most all cars) are much stronger than the engine. Even with the gas pedal pressed all the way down the brakes will quickly bring the car to a stop. While the Prius does have an electric braking system (regen), it also has a complete traditional hydraulic brake system that is independant and directly linked to the pedal. Its more or less impossible to imagine a scenario where an electronic failure causing sudden acceleration could also somehow cause your hydraulic brakes to stop working.
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  11. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    I didn't know that about the traction control system. There were no bumps on the road but there was grit. Plus, we'd had a volcano erupting off and on last year.

    I was keeping up with the other vehicle, both slowly, but I was not close to him - see above. I'm a cowardly driver.

    And I am almost absolutely sure I wasn't on the wrong pedal, although I concede your point about adrenaline, memory, etc. and trauma. But I'm trying to find out if it WAS my own fault (the judge didn't think so after my trial and almost nobody gets a not guilty verdict up here) or the car's fault. The officer even asked me if I was speeding and I said "no - it was a nice sunny day and I wasn't late for anything" - and he probably has a lot more experience with accident investigation than I do"

    Bottom line -- like I said in my OP -- I just want to know if I need to get rid of this car, or if I can get the dealer/Toyota to guarantee me there is nothing wrong with it. Don't want to die. I will ask the dealer about the TC/VSC though because I've never even heard of that.
  12. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    If I do that, will it conclusively prove my car safe? I just want to make sure I understand you: Floor the accelerator, get up to highway speed, then jam on the brake AT THE SAME TIME. The snow is melting now and there are some places I can safely do that on dry pavement.

    Will that damage the car? What is my plan B if it doesn't work? I don't want to end up on TV for the world to laugh at or kill myself.

    I used to manage contracts for military avionics and the hardest things to deal with were the pilots who reported problems and then the mechanics came back with RTOK & CND (retest OK and Can Not Duplicate). I am not a mechanic, but was the one who had to decide whether to pay the contractor or not. Learned a lot of new swear words when I had to go back and tell the pilot he had a perfectly good airplane :) because the intermittent failures were the hardest to track down. Maybe that is part of why I am so scared of my car.
  13. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    You can never conclusively prove that anything is safe. This is the nature of all such problems. To prove that something is not safe, you only have to demonstrate one failure. To prove that something is safe, you have to test all possible uses and situations, and then guarantee that these uses and situations will always be the same for the future. It can't be done.

    All we can do is show that the design of a system allows for most failure modes, and sufficient thought has gone into recovering from an unforeseen failure. After that, testing and experience give support to the design.

    Testing your brakes now will help you feel better, but it won't prove much. All you will prove is that your brakes are still operating in the fashion for which they were designed.

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  14. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    Thanks again. I think before I do that though, I'll find somebody to follow me so they can call 911 if need be.
  15. usbseawolf2000

    usbseawolf2000 HSD PhD

    Sep 22, 2004
    Fort Lee, NJ
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Do it at low speed since your accident happened at low speed. Prius is very safe and well designed.

    How did your car stopped after the second hit (after the bounce)? Did you let go the brakes?
    1 person likes this.
  16. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    usbseawolf2000 - That is a good idea about low speed. Maybe I should try it slowing and turning too. However, we sand the roads up here vs salting them and we use steel studded tires, so I think I might wait until I put my summer tires back on if the friction thing is an issue. I actually don't feel comfortable doing it at highway speeds anyway.

    After the *second* hit, I really don't remember clearly enough what I was doing. After it bounced and I saw that it was going to do it again, the front end was already crumpled,the hood smashed, (not trying to be melodramatic) but I figured I was just going to die anyway, so just prayed and waited. Sorry, but I don't know if I let go of the brakes. I stood on them before the first impact and fought with the car, then my brain just shut down like "what's the use?" when I realized it would hit again no matter what I did.

    That impact did stop me and once I realized I was still alive, I vaguely remember somebody shouting at me to shut off the engine because all the fluids were draining out and that's all I remember. Plus this was last summer too, and it's not really a cherished memory because I really did think I'd just killed myself.

    Some maybe good news - Toyota has completely blown me off by phone and email, but the local dealer was nicer and finally agreed to take the car in for a complete safety check - maybe just to get rid of me, but at least it's being done. They gave me a loaner instead of a rental because they are so busy they didn't know how long it would take, so that was kind hearted of them.

    I just want to know. If it's something intermittent,don't know if they'll ever find it. But if they feel comfortable telling me in writing I have a safe car, I will work on getting over it.
  17. a_gray_prius

    a_gray_prius Rare Non-Old-Blowhard Priuschat Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    It's unfortunate that they blew you off. Good to hear that the dealer was nicer (for a change). Good luck with the car.
    1 person likes this.
  18. Rebound

    Rebound Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    Portland, OR
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Have you had the car repaired yet? Because, if you don't want the car anymore, you can sell the wreck and keep the insurance money. You aren't obligated to have your car repaired.
    1 person likes this.
  19. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    Yes, I did. The accident was last summer before I knew anything about the problems. If I had, I would have probably insisted that the insurance company total it for safety reasons. So . . . I drive it and pray.

    A friend of mine sent me an interesting YouTube though about how to use a Prius as an emergency generator in a blizzard or extended power failure to keep your refrigerator and furnace running (although not the whole house). He's more mechanical than I am, but I guess there is a bright side to everything.

    I am also going to ask the dealer to look at everything that has been mentioned here, so thank you to everybody who responded. Now, I get to just wait, which is OK because I would rather have them be thorough than fast.
  20. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    lemonade, I believe you are expecting too much from the dealer. NOBODY is going to put in writing "this car is safe" for ANY car. (Would you have given the complaining pilot a letter stating that the aircraft is safe or that no problem exists?) The best I would expect is a list of everything they checked & how they checked and the results. Expect lots of entries like: Brake pedal resistance in spec.

    The dash lights appear to be a thermal problem. Loose solder connection not making contact?

    What is your estimation of the collision speed? From a relatively "square on" collision on a highway my '06 suffered a crumpled hood and the fenders crumpled enough to rub the tires & jam the front passenger door. No fluids spilled.

    I can take make a turn at speeds up to 25mph or so but do that only when there isn't another vehicle. I can't imagine going that fast following a truck into a lot.

    Take the car & practice in an empty lot. At your estimated speed stomp on the accelerator & notice the increase in speed. Keep it pressed & stomp on the brake. Lots of space & low speed is the key. When you are comfortable with the performance, increase the speed.

    So far I have had minimal success with the parking assist. I practice several spaces away from the only car in that section of the lot. I'm not about to try using it closer to another vehicle until I'm comfortable that I can get it to work regularly.

    What you are feeling is normal & understandable but you need to overcome it. It'll take some time but you can do it.