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Where are all the Prius Haters?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by kirbinster, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. kirbinster

    kirbinster Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Morris County - New Jersey
    Don't get me wrong, I love my Prius. I find it very odd that there are few if any people here that bitch and moan about their's. If you go to any other car forum or forum on almost any product they are loaded with people complaining about problems and how bad the manufacturers are. Is the Prius really that great, or what?
  2. kirbinster

    kirbinster Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Morris County - New Jersey
    I found ONE on another board -- here is the issue:

    Don't buy this car if you want to own it for more than a year or two!!

    I have had nothing but trouble with my prius since the day I bought it. When it goes in for repair it takes days to weeks to get resloved.

    Once you are out of warranty-- you are going to pay, pay pay!!!

    My vehicle was towed to the local dealer. It has had several issues in the last few months. In November, the catalytic converter went-- I've had cars that were almost 15 years old and the catalytic converter never went.

    I paid $1500 to have this fixed because it won't pass pollution inspeciton with a bad converter-- this is a green car!

    Recently a warning came on for my power steering. When i had the converter replaced they said that there was a recall for the power steering. When I brought the car in I thought it would be part of the recall. They said it wasn't and that it was the rack and pinion steering. They also said I needed another pollution control device an inverter.

    Then stupidly, I left my door open and the dome light stayed on and the regular battery went. When the dealer send the battery to my local service station they sent the wrong battery. The local service station called them twice to confirm that the battery they sent was indeed a change from the original battery. When they installed the battery that Toyota send them the car would not start.

    I then had to have the vehicle towed to toyota. They are saying that the large hybrid battery now needs to be replaced.

    Total cost of repairs ( not including the catalytic converter.) $13,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, I did type $13,000-- you could almost buy a new car for that price.

    When I contacted corporate toyota they said they would give me $1000 toward repairs or $2000 toward a new purchase.

    Neither deal is really great for me as I still owe money on this vehicle.

    The $1000 for repair won't even cover the cost of the new hybrid battery-- it costs $3000.00 to replace.

    So, my advise to anyone who wants a hybrid don't buy one now!!! Wait about 15 years when the price of parts are more reasonable.

    Back to top


    Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 10:45 pm Post subject: My 2002 Prius


    Hello there, Jesse here from Hingham MA. I used to own a 5sp 2000 Honda Insight. It was an awsome car. I bought it with 13k miles for 12.5 grand. I drove it trouble free till 71,000 miles when I decided I wanted more passenger carrying capability. I purchased a 2002 Prius for 10 grand at a used car dealership. The car had just over 84k miles on it. Now just over 14 months later the car has almost 170,000 miles on it and I have had no problems. The only thing I have done so far is routine oil changes every 3-4 thousand miles and a rear brake job at 130,000 miles. Thats it. THe car has taken me to FL and back 4 times, as well as CALIFORNIA. Also two other round trip west to NM and recently just got back from the grand canyon. No batt probs yet and the car easily conquered the rocky mountains. If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected].
  3. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    [font=Comic Sans MS:dfbaa16fc1]I think we could all find quibbles. I wish the doors would lock and unlock automatically. The JBL sound isn't that good. The view out the rear window isn't great. SO WHAT???

    YES, the Prius is really that great![/font:dfbaa16fc1]
  4. Lefty

    Lefty New Member

    May 19, 2005
    Covington, WA.
    I can't speak for anyone but myself and my wife, but so far we've put almost 2500 miles on our new 2005 Prius. We've had it for 3 months. It has comfortably taken us and our belongings everywhere we've needed to go. It has never felt underpowered even going over the mountains. AND we're averaging over 49 MPG even though we make a LOT of quarter mile trips which don't allow the Prius to get warmed up when we go to the nearby stores in our area. It's true we haven't had it that long, but so far we haven't had one problem and - - What's not to like????

    So far, we couldn't be happier :D 8) .
  5. kirbinster

    kirbinster Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Morris County - New Jersey
    I feel the same way about my '02 that I have only had about 6 weeks. We have put almost 3,000 miles on this lightly used car and it is a charm. I was just surprised (and happy) that this board is not filled with people with problems like most other car boards are.
  6. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    When I read the subject, I thought you were talking about in general. And maybe I'm not paying attention as much, but I have to say that - in my opinion - with each month there seems to be fewer and fewer people writing scathing articles about the Prius and hybrids in general. I know they're still out there.

    It seems to me that a year ago, before the Prius was selling like hotcakes, when there was an average 9-month wait, when SUVs were still selling heavy, it was easy for disgruntled writers to try and use scare tactics to steer poeple away from this "untested and potentially dangerous technology."

    These day, though, hybrids are picking up, the Prius is proving itself every day, and I'm seeing fewer negative articles.

    Though I'm sure that in true Orwellian style, those who originally wrote the negative articles would proudly proclaim that they've always loved hybrids and that they have always been at war with SUVs. The sad part is that they might actually believe it to be true.
  7. djasonw

    djasonw Active Member

    Jul 13, 2004
    Coconut Creek, FL
    2004 Prius
    I don't understand why people can't mind their own business. If I own a Prius no one should criticize me for my purchase. That's the problem in this country! Everyone cares about what everyone else is doing! You would not believe some of the posts on the Edmunds hybrid forums. I really think some of the posters take "stupid pills" in the morning. I love this car and I'll repeat what I've said before. I've owned Mercedes, Audi, Lexus and the Prius is my favorite car. I've owned it since 11/03 and still enjoy driving it every day.
  8. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!
    Human nature... look at all of us here on Prius Chat who are quick to bad mouth GM, american cars in general, Hummers and their owners...

    I could go on and on and on and...
  9. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    its not hard for me to understand a 14,000 hundai owner criticizing me for my purchase, but to hear it from a 30,000 SUV owner??...

    u may need some major repairs for your glass house buddy...
  10. agile pagile

    agile pagile New Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Benicia, Ca
    Kirbinster, Don't worry. At least you were smart enough to get the extended warranty. Wait a minute, you did get the warranty, correct?
  11. kirbinster

    kirbinster Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Morris County - New Jersey
    I just about never buy extend warranties nor service contracts - in the long run the only ones that make out on those are the ones selling them. It is just like a casino, in the long run the house always wins. I prefer to self insure.
  12. Robert Taylor

    Robert Taylor New Member

    Oct 13, 2004
    Rocket City
    Over 16,000 wonderful miles. Keeping the thing out of the hands of a dealership service department likely helps, the stories on here of dealer departments overfilling the car engine oil are too numerous to ignore. I take mine to places where I can keep a close eye on all work being done.

    There really isn't much to do for a dealership anyway, Walmart Supercenter does the oil changes and the tires are handled by my top rated Tire Rack store.
  13. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I was starting to feel the same way too, until my latest Car and Driver arrived this weekend, which has a very scathing anti-hybrid editorial by Brock Yates. (Car and Driver, September 2005, Vol. 51, No. 3, p. 26). The piece is entitled "Hybrid issues and a riding star at Indy" and has a highlighted piece of text reading "The dark side of the hybrid miracle is now beginning to surface."

    I looked for a copy of this article online to link to, but couldn't find one, so here are a few choice quotes to get your blood boiling:

    "Of cours, if we pay attention to the Cassandra-like fulminations of the liberal media, we might be led to believe that hybrid vehicles are our only hope to save us all from ozone asphyxiation and indentured slavery to the Arab oil barons. To ignore their PC incantations and to continue our binge buying of conventional internal-combustion engines will, according to these all-knowing scribes and electronic chatterers, doom civilization to a dark age embroiled in a heat-soaked Sahara. Yeah, maybe. Then again, maybe not."

    "The Pious -- oops Prius costs about $5000 more to manufacture than a conventional Corolla and retails for about three-grand extra."

    "Now let's jump ugly about the whole situation and talk a little reality. The guys at Edmunds.com, who run hard numbers about the car business as well as anyone, estimate that a Prius owner would have to drive at least 66,500 miles anually for five straight years, or gasoline would have to soar to 10 bucks a gallon, to equal the cost of operating a cheaper, conventional Corolla."

    "Then we have the battery pack, that heavy lump of nickel-metal hydride juice boxes that presumable improve fuel efficience (but not that much, according to our road tests). ... battery replacement will cost $5300 for the Toyota and Lexus hybrids, and the Ford Escape replacements run a whopping $7200."

    "Moreover, the industry types aren't talking about total battery life. Will they actually last 100,000 miles? How will this affect resale?..."

    "And now comes word that the computer brain inside the gas-electric grids in some Priuses is tending to go nuts. This causes instant blackout stalling at either 35 mph or 65 mph -- the latter possibly in the fast lane of an interstate where 50-ton semis running 90 mph can crush compacts like beer cans."

    "[Batteries] are hardly biodegradable items like spoiled vegetables. They are in fact self-contained toxic waste dumps. How and where millions of these poisonous boxes will be deposited in the new hybrid nirvana has yet to be considered, much less resolved."

    "And speaking of the environmental component (the glamour issue centered on the brave new world of hybrids), a number of EMT and fire crews have announced that they will refuse to rescue victims trapped in such vehicles, opely fearing electrocution or fatal acid burns."

    "Says a dealer friend whose immense franchise network includes several brands offering hybrids: 'There is no advantage to owning a hybrid in terms of fuel mileage when the extra cost of the vehicle is added in. Period. Do the math. This is a feel-good purchase.'"

    I really don't know why I'm still bothering to subscribe to that rag. I used to respect it as a source of objective information about things automotive. However with these kinds of editorials I can't do that any more!
  14. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF

    thanks for the heads up. as usual, the printed version will always be released sometime before the online version just so the people that have paying subscriptions will have an advantage over all us tightwad internet lookie-loos.

    the link will appear soon enough and i agree, the article is nothing but the opinion of a single writer who is stuck with 12 mpg $400 a month SUV payments who has only recently realized that his gas credit card payments are higher.

    if i was in his shoes, i would be upset too. so dont be too hard on the guy, he is having a bad year because he had to live with his dumb nice person decision
  15. craigcush

    craigcush Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sedona, Az
    Thanks for the excerpt, really boils my blood. But Dave's post calmed me a bit.
    When it is available online we need to make the facts a little clearer and the extreme spin in his writing (90 mph semis??) rebutted.
    I have been a fire chief for decades and no firefighter would "refuse" to rescue a victim in extrication. They are trained and use their head. The Prius is actually BETTER marked for "hot" areas!
    I better stop before I send this to all the chiefs in the country.
  16. tleonhar

    tleonhar Senior Member

    May 8, 2005
    Belle Plaine, MN
    2006 Prius
    It looks like the Car and Driver writer is giving the typical gear-head response to something changing on his beloved set of wheels.

    Remember when no-lead gas was mandated? The gear-heads knew someone who's neighbor's wife's ex-husband's brother-in-law put only one gallon of no-lead in the car completely fell apart, doors laying in the street and the engine blew up with a piston taking out a boy scout and the little old lady he was helping across the street.
    Then there's the time metric parts were showing up on cars, that was suppose to make the country turn communist...
    All we can do is when we get into the gas station next to his land yacht, pull out that can of Sta-Bil and ask him "How much of this do I have to add so my gas doesn't go bad before next fillup?" :D
  17. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Oh I'm sorry. I thought the Prius was Car and Driver's Top Ten? Maybe not. Unless he was the one who voted against it ;). hehehe
  18. EricC

    EricC New Member

    Jun 28, 2005
    Renton WA
    2010 Prius
    Just look at the front page for car and driver. I guess anyone who can't afford a Porsche or Bugatti is not worthy of reading the words of wisdom they offer to us normal people. They used to be a great source for general car info that also had articles about high end cars but not anymore. They seem to think any car that cost less than $60,000 is a piece of junk. Makes me glad I canned my subscription years ago. With the new tax credits kicking in next year the $3000 price difference he mentions won't even be a factor considering the credit for a Prius will almost equal three grand. The last time I checked a base Prius had features on it that aren't even offered on a Corolla so it really isn't even a fair comparison anyway.
  19. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    ...the haters

  20. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I know it was Motor Trend's "Car of the Year" for 2004. I also distincly remember that it was not on Car and Driver's list of "Ten Best Cars" for 2005. I don't remember off the top of my head if it was on that list for 2004, but I want to think that it wasn't.