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Warning 01-03 Prius EPS steering recall hassles

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by backbob, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. backbob

    backbob Junior Member

    Jul 22, 2011
    Western NC
    2003 Prius
    I got the recall letter for 01-03 Prius steering EPS Pinion Shaft Nut

    I called the dealer to schedule the recall fix. Their service dept. said they’d never heard of this recall. I’d heard about it on national news before I got the recall letter. They looked it up, and yes, their was a recall. I was to bring it in in a few days at 8am. The recall letter said expect it to take 4 hours or so.
    I was nervous, though, and so called Toyota’s National Customer Service 800 number and complained “shouldn’t my dealer know there was a recall?†They thought they should, and “opened†a customer complaint file and told me to let them know if I had any problems with the dealer.
    When I got to my dealer at 8am the service guy said “I’ve never heard of this recall, I don’t think we’ve ever done one of theseâ€. He looked it up and agreed there was a recall. I went to the lounge. He soon came in and said it was gonna take more than 4 hours…not sure how many more…was I sure I had the time to do it today? Told him I drove 60 miles already to get there and about had to do it.
    I did some research on their free internet computers, then took their shuttle to go shopping, and came back about 1pm. Not done, time for mechanic to take lunch break, gonna be a while. So I did more internet research, tried to read my book, wandered around the dealership, etc.
    By 4:30 I was beginning to lose faith. I went outside and called the Toyota number I’d called before to complain. They told me to talk to the dealership customer service woman. I asked to talk to her, but she was with customers, so I waited outside her office.
    An important-er looking guy came out of what looked like the main office and asked how I was doing. I said not so good. Told him I’d brought in a perfectly fine working car and been waiting 8.5 hours for a 4 hour job and was afraid I’d never see my car again. He was a manager, and invited me to his office.
    I told him my fears and frustrations both for that day and my last visit and that I had to have real doubts about this dealership. We talked a long time. He went and talked with his head mechanic who was working on my car, his very best mechanic, he assured me. He came back and said he believed Toyota had no idea how difficult this “change one nut†fix was, that his mechanic had had to take the whole front end suspension and steering out, but they would get it done today. He agreed probably his service people should have heard of this recall and he would look into that, but I was the very first person to bring a car in for this repair and it was much harder than Toyota seemed to think.
    He said he’d give me a gas card to buy gas for my trouble, and assured me he try to make sure other customers didn’t suffer my fate. By now it was 5:30pm and he went to check on my car. He was gone a long time.
    He came back and said the mechanic had finished, but when he hooked the car up to the computer it said the car wasn’t safe to drive, some error message. He said he’d give me a loaner car to drive home and when my car was done he’d have it brought to me full of gas for all my trouble. I told him, well, I guess that is as fair as I could expect.
    They had a nice 2010 Camry waiting for me to drive home, I just had to sign the papers. The papers said I was assuming responsibility for all damages, etc, on my insurance. I told him, wait a second, I only have liability on our cars, cause comprehensive insurance will only pay $3,000 for totaling the Prius cause we have a lot of miles on it and we quit paying Comp. So they had to call the manager back.
    He switched plates on the car and put a dealer plate on it so that I was now “test-driving†a car instead of getting a loaner car. Test drive cars are under the dealership insurance. So, I drove the Camry home. They promised to call the next day, they had to call CA about this error message in the morning.
    They didn’t call all morning. It was 1 minute to 1pm when they called to say it appeared a sensor on the steering column was bad and they’d have to replace the whole rack and pinion power steering. Parts would take at least 5 days to arrive, they’d call me then with an estimate for when it might be done.
    At least they can’t charge us any money, and we have a 2010 Camry to drive until they bring us our 2003 Prius back. But, it is very hard not to believe that technology is changing too fast for humans to keep up with, and that the headquarters of big companies are so far removed from their actual customer service providers that the left hand has no idea what the right hand is really doing.
    I still wonder if we’ll ever see our little Prius “alive†again.
  2. seilerts

    seilerts Battery Curmudgeon

    Mar 7, 2010
    Santa Fe, NM
    2005 Prius
    One of the biggest problems with warranty work is that the labor time is already discounted. Particularly for recalls, there is an assumption that a technician will do several if not dozens of the same job. The third or fourth time a technician does this particular job, it will take 4 hours. The first time? He's got to read the service bulletin; he's got to find the special tools; he's going to make mistakes; he'll have to figure out how some things come apart. That 4 hours of warranty work, which, if not warranty work, would have a labor guide time 6 hours, might well take 8-12 hours the first time through.

    It was irresponsible of the service department to not insist that you leave the car at the beginning of the day and provide a loaner.
  3. Gurple42

    Gurple42 New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
    Santa Monica, Ca.
    2011 Prius
    Your lucky it's a Toyota, not a Ford. Seems like they are trying hard to please and your getting a lot of new parts on an 8 year old car. However I understand your hassle factor is great. Hope all turns out ok.:)
  4. idwho

    idwho New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Imbil, Australia
    2002 Prius
    Toyota issued a recall on my 2002 Prius. I was not going to worry about it as we don't do lock to lock racing. My wife worried so put the car in for the recommended 4 hour rectification. 2 days later she got the car from them (they had not "seen one before" so took some time. Now the cruise control does not work (or continues to speed up she reckons) and the heater is permanently on trying to blast her to hades. So the thermostatic temperature control is jiggered.
    Why is the computer upset with the heater?
    I will bet they do not recognise the cruise control in re-assembly because this model did not have one fitted. It has been installed by me thanks to this forum.
    Any ideas about how to advise the repair of the repair?
  5. fthorn

    fthorn From gas hog to greenie to gas hog

    May 30, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Did any of you get a letter extending the steering 'shudder' warranty coverage through 2013?
  6. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Me, me, meeee!

  7. fthorn

    fthorn From gas hog to greenie to gas hog

    May 30, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    great. I see you're in IN, too. Central IN? Who is your preferred dealer for repairs?
  8. oldasdust

    oldasdust Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    2011 Prius
    Unfortunately your experience is the norm across the industry. In the last 15 years i have brought back 2 chryslers, 1 chevrolet and 2 hondas for recalls, the hondas three times. Only once was the car fixed correctly and in the time the dealership advised.
  9. jamesearthdrum

    jamesearthdrum Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2008
    2002 Prius
    Yes, it came with the recall on the steering pinion shaft nut. When I went to Atlantic Toyota in Lynn, MA. They had already done several of the recalls. They were out of the kits to do the recall so the car was there overnight. When I showed them the letter about the extended warranty on the steering box they were a bit confused. They called later in the day to tell me that they were instructed by Toyota to do the recall first and see if my shudder went away. It's not very bad at the moment. I only feel it first thing in the morning when I back out of the drive. I'll wait and see if it gets worse and the extension is until 2013. I've instructed my wife that if I die in a firey crash on the highway in the Prius, that she should collect my life insurance before sueing!!:eek:
  10. elendilmir

    elendilmir Member

    May 13, 2008
    western maryland
    2002 Prius
    I'm in a bit of a different spot. Mine went out about a month before the recall. My dealership quoted me about 3,500 for the fix, so I told them to piss off, found a remanufactured steering rack and had it installed at a local shop. I then got the recall notice. I took it in, they looked at the new rack, tightened the nuts and declared it acceptable. When I got the letter, I went to Toyota and they told me that I should be eligible to have the costs covered. I sent in my proof of ownership, the invoices and whatnot and should have an answer in a few weeks. Cross your fingers.
  11. HNDRICKS10

    HNDRICKS10 Junior Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    2002 Prius
    Brought my 2002 Prius with 235,000 miles to my Minnesota dealer for a 8am
    reservation, got a call about 3:15 pm same day that all the work was completed.

    The total toyota bill was $3044.00, as far as i can tell electric power steering , nuts
    and a new steering rack was installed. total cost yo me was: zero

    I have been a customer with toyota for over 30 years and have yet to be disapointed by their service and honesty.

    Tom Hendricks
  12. Cleo

    Cleo New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    Hi Backbob,
    Have you gotten your car back yet? Is it working?
    I took mine in 3 weeks ago and they have put in 3 new steering columns and replaced the computer as well.
    Still the car will not steer properly even after the alignment.
    Just wondering what ended up happening for you.....

  13. Cleo

    Cleo New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    My local dealership has had my 2003 for 3 weeks. They have done the recall 3 times and still my car is not aligning and now they need to bring in a specialist to consult.
    Any other similar tales or words of wisdom?
  14. dabard051

    dabard051 Tinkerer-in-Charge

    May 19, 2009
    Rochester, NY USA
    2002 Prius
    My dealer has required multiple trips... trip #1 to "inspect and decide what work is needed", then a delay to "order the parts", then trip #2 "to perform the work"... never mind that I made an appointment specifically to get the work done well in advance of the appointment date.

    So far no performance issues, but we will see...
  15. seilerts

    seilerts Battery Curmudgeon

    Mar 7, 2010
    Santa Fe, NM
    2005 Prius
    Cleo, please do post the name and location of your dealership. If they are not capable of making a factory level repair to a Gen 1, then this is a good place to share that information.
  16. bjorkmae

    bjorkmae New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    2002 Prius
    Getting mine repaired under the recall tomorrow. They are doing the steering recall and also a TPS recall. Providing a courtesy rental too. The 1st dealer offered a reduced cost rental while they did the recall work and I told them it was crazy to pay for another car while yours is being fixed because of their mistake. The 1st wanted to schedule the appointment and then see if maybe the service writer could arrange something. So I called the 2nd dealer and they were more than willing to provide the free rental. The 2nd dealer, if they do the work right, earned my business in the future.
  17. bjorkmae

    bjorkmae New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    2002 Prius
    WOOHOO! The dealer got both recalls done today. I got a free 2011 camry with TRD wheels as a loaner and gas provided for free too. They aligned it afterwards, which is great because I needed an alignment anyway after the bearings and struts I just replaced. Way to go to Naperville Toyota in Illinois. They earned my business in the future!
  18. MartS

    MartS New Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    2003 Prius
    My wife and I had a similar problem in our 2003. We were aware of the problems in left-hand turns existing in the 2002s when we purchased our car new, so when we started getting the "shudder" in a left hand turn, we knew what the problem was. That was around 18k miles, and the EPS unit was replaced under warranty. It's been fine ever since--until the recall.

    Our car was in the shop at Herrin-Gear Toyota in Jackson, MS getting other service performed on items which had worked fine before the car got into their hands. This had prompted a call to TMS out in Torrance, and a resolution from the case manager. TMS authorized the dealer to perform the EPS recall, since the car was already in their shop. The car was released to me noting that, "The steering doesn't return to center from left hand turns." In other words, without wrenching the wheel back to center, left hand turns take you directly into oncoming traffic...

    Another issue, so another call to TMS. The case manager bumped the issue up the chain, while we took the car to another dealer, Gray-Daniels. Gray-Daniels told us the only way to fix the problem (couldn't tell if Herrin-Gear "caused" or "exacerbated a pre-existing condition"--which didn't exist) was to replace the unit. We paid about $3,200 to fix a problem we didn't have before the work. TMS balked at covering the expense, saying the work they authorized "shouldn't" have affected the steering in this way. This throws the dealership under the bus for either performing work in an authorized way, or doing something else to the car.

    Anybody have an English version of this diagram? I have heard over torquing the replacement nuts can cause issues, but have no idea what they should have been torqued to. I've got the old EPS: Now to pay for a lawyer too.
  19. jzolot

    jzolot Junior Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Chicago, IL
    2001 Prius
    My 2001 Prius is getting the EPS Pinion Shaft Nut Recall work done for the second time now. It was in for something else and the mechanic, Greg noticed that the recall work was not done properly the first time. It is a huge job to reach that little nut and this time I got a free loaner too. It just really sucks that the mechanics lose so much when doing warranty work. I feel fortunate to have a competent dealer nearby. (Chicago, IL)
    SteveWlf likes this.
  20. SteveWlf

    SteveWlf Old-on-Hold

    Oct 20, 2012
    Montesano, WA
    2007 Prius
    Not sure why they are "Still" replacing the pinion nut when the whole rack assembly can be replaced in 2.5 hours and under the 'current' Warranty Enhancement Program. As stated earlier in this thread, was extended and is available until Dec. 31, 2013.
    It seem most dealers are only be aware of the Pinion Nut Recall and insist on going forward by "Putting Lipstick on the Pig", when if the just look up your VIN under the Customer Support Program, they will find this steering vibration addressed there.
    Since I first experienced the vibration problem about a month ago on my 2002, with 276,000 miles, I contacted the local small town dealer and intially they scheduled an appointment to. Upon arrival I found they only had the pinion nut replacement kit on hand and hadn't followed through on my request that they look for the above mentioned Warranty Enhancement Program. Service manager (early 30s) claimed he had never heard of this problem in 12 years with Toyota. I cancelled the appointment and went home and did more research and a couple calls to Toyota and found plenty of info, referances and Toyota support and confirmation that the complete replacement of the rack assembly was still covered and I should just refer the dealer to the Customer Support Program and search my VIN. They still resisted, questioning if the vibration or jitters had to be confirmed. I again reminded them that all of my research indicated that the vibration problem has existed or has a strong potential to exist in all Gen1 Prius since 2001. And that the earlier warranty enhancement ran until Dec. 2011 and has since been extended to Dec. 31, 2013.

    They called me back within and hour without further question offered to order the replacement rack assemble and followed up a couple days later to let me know that they now had the rack and want me to make an appointment for replacement.

    I have yet to follow up, with the holidays rush, etc.. but will call them back today and see if they can do it in a half day.

    I'll let you all know and when I get a chance will post all of the research links or PDF files I have downloaded on this topic.

    I thank all who have contributed to this thread and feel my journey "may" be coming to an end (assuming that the replacement rack has the Pinion Nut properly installed) ;)
