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Broken Car, Bluetooth, or Temp? All three?none of the above?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by daves, May 4, 2004.

  1. daves

    daves New Member

    May 4, 2004
    Dayton, OH
    Great site!! I've been reading for months prior to purchase. All questions answered so no post before this :)

    My very new 2004 prius (550 miles total ) has changed its behavior in terms of using the battery and initiating/staying in stealth mode. MPG (i assume from this) has dropped drastically (approx 10mpg real, not screen). The only thing that has changed is my new acquistion and use of a bluetooth phone (ericsson t610) and a drop in temperature. However the temperature on the last tank of gas was only in the lower 60s, sometimes (1 day) very low 70s.

    -Outside Temperature (while driving) between 48-54 degrees since refill. A fairly steady 54 degrees when I noticed 'bad stealth behavior'
    -driving is consistently non-agressive, posted speed limit or lower, long regenerative runs and braking. I'm seeing 'bad stealth behavior' now repeatedly on same route where same driving techniques produced excellent stealth results
    -engine now almost never switching to battery in parking lot at work. Used to be able to traverse entire lot under battery power,up to 12 mph. now cannot even go any distance at even 3-4 mph without engine running constantly, usually in conjunction with motor/battery.
    -battery is usually at 'green' (one segment before full charge) or only one bar below when noticing stealth problem when driving. In parking lot, when then battery refuses to engage, battery is blue, only one bar below first green segment.
    -noticing warm-up idleing engine slightly 'rough'
    -No warning lights or alarms after startup

    Any opinions? I'm worried that drain on the battery from bluetooth is causing this, but would have an _extremely_ hard time accepting that. Haven't had a chance to shut it off. Also worried that my car has already developed a problem. yucky.

  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I doubt that there is a problem. If you are using your AC to warm the car in the cooler weather the increased demands probably account for the lower percentage of 'stealth' mode. I certainly don't think the BT has anything to do with it.

    I would do a few things...check tire pressures and make sure they're all still where you want them (I keep mine at 42f/40r). Check the oil level and make sure it's where it should be (not over filled). Consider turning the AC off and switching to 'vent' (*to do this you have to turn the temp to "Max Cold" then, on the climate screen turn the AC off (touch the button). You can then turn the fan off (off button) or set a fan speed and which vents you want open. I have stopped using AC except when very cold or very hot due to the dramatic impact it has on MPG.

    You really don't have enough miles on the car to determine if there's a problem. Keep driving, keep careful records of mileage and conditions and see how it goes. Getting a good feel for feathering into stealth, dead-banding, and gooseing every possible mile out of a gallon of gas takes some time to figure out.
  3. daves

    daves New Member

    May 4, 2004
    Dayton, OH
    thanks for the help and advice efusco!
    I'll keep all this in mind and continue to practice driving. I had forgotten about tire pressure. I did make the A/C connection BUT...I've scoured the manuals several times (something i'm fond of), and must've hit overload...just the other day I was frustrated at the apparent lack of a 'vent' setting. Operator error strikes again!

    I'm pretty sure my engine is overfilled, at last check. Any advice for telling my dealer how to 'Not Do That'? hehe

  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    You're welcome, and you didn't miss anything in the manual, this information is not in there...trial and error and experience.

    Good luck with the overfill issue, I take my own (synthetic) oil and intend to empty about 1/2 quart out of one bottle before I go next time so they don't have enough to over fill! You can ask them to be sure not to over fill, and I always check the oil level before leaving the dealership so that if it is over filled I can immediately have them drain some and save myself a trip back. Others have mentioned using a small pump and tube to drain the oil through the dip-stick tube when over-filled.