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Help me convince my boyfriend!

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by VeganFlower, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. drinnovation

    drinnovation EREV for EVER!

    Dec 10, 2011
    Other Hybrid
    Well if he likes the power/looks of a charger getting him a prius could be very very difficult. In a situation where it looks like either he wins (charger) or you win (prius), a third choice may be the only chance where he does not feel like he caved in and let you win.

    You might have better luck with a Volt. If you test drive it in Sport+L he might find it acceptable compared to a charger. One of my engineers, a regular motor head, made fun of the Volt when i got it, until I let him take for a drive... after which he said "wow its a real car" There are many volt owners that used to own Caddy CTS, BMW, etc. Even a few prior porche owners.. And of course it is the car Jay Leno, who can afford anything, drive daily.
  2. Keiichi

    Keiichi Active Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    2012 Prius v wagon
    The thing I understand about human nature is that people will always play the "It's my money, I will do what I want with it." Unless asked for your opinion, and mind you, opinion, you will be hard pressed to change a person in most regards.

    As one other pointed out, the other problem will simply be that "What could have been...", or the "Midlife Crisis" type thing. Yes, it sounds stereotypical, but there will always be that sort of "What could have been..." moments and this is one of those times.

    The important thing is, don't push it on him. While what you believe is the wise decision, human nature is all about the 'learning from experience'. Which means, first hand. Our own history has proven this time and time again, despite how many times we tell ourselves we have learned from the past, yet still repeat some of the same basic mistakes.
  3. ralleia

    ralleia Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    Omaha, Nebraska, United States
    2012 Prius
    You've made your wishes known to him. The best thing now for you to do is to be silent about your wishes and let him decide.

    When you go on the test drive of the other car, do not criticize ANYTHING about it. Be agreeable, and open, especially to any comments that he makes.

    By not escalating, then he won't have to escalate either. Nor will he be put on the defensive, feeling that he HAS to defend his pick of the car or lose face! There might be things that he decides he doesn't like about the car, but unless he feels "safe" to express those things, he could choose to buy a car that he doesn't really like just because he feels to do otherwise would be capitulation.

    Keep us informed of how it's working out, please! And remember--no arguing or criticizing about the cars from this point! Be agreeable--I'm rooting for you! :cheer2:
  4. ghosteh

    ghosteh Member

    Dec 22, 2010
    2012 Prius
    Hate to burst the bubble on your MPG calculations, but you will NOT be getting 22mpg with the Charger, despite the EPA rating.

    The reason is that the Charger is a musclecar. It encourages you to accellerate hard, rev the engine, squeal the tires, etc. No one ever bought a Charger with the idea that they were going to have a great, fuel efficient car with a low operating cost.

    The Prius on the other hand... well, I floored it once & now I'm over it. That's just not what it's about, and I enjoy the "mpg game" that it plays so much more than anything else that car can do.

    Believe me, I'm a HUGE car nut & have been having a mid-life crisis for the last 30 years. Both cars that you're considering appeal to people on very different levels. And the Dodge's appeal is more towards the direction of heavy accelleration and lots of aftermarket mods to increase performance. The Prius... well, I've had very little interest in doing anything to mine except breaking into the next "level" of mpg.

    So what I'm saying is that your real-world costs are going to be much different than your EPA-based estimates.

    So what do I think? Let him get the Charger. It's what he wants.

    Ever see that Harley commercial where the old man is sitting on the porch with his grandson & a harley races past, and he starts talking about "his" Harley. The grandson says "Wow Grandpa, you had a Harley?" The old man looks at him & says angrily "No, your Grandma wanted to get new aluminum siding for the house instead!"
    Kyle Cornette likes this.
  5. Eoin

    Eoin Active Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Long Island
    2010 Prius
    Repeat after me: "Gas is over $4.00 a gallon, gas is over $4.00 a gallon......

    That should do it.
  6. VeganFlower

    VeganFlower New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I've been doing my best to hold my tongue. It's hard. I know the mpg differs on everything. But Prius beats all. I understand the whole let him have it, but I'm looking at the future rather than on "I'm young and should be free and happy with this muscle car". We're not sure if we're gonna have a cushy job with his step-dad in the next 5 years or not. He's very unhealthy and we know his rich family wouldnt give it to my boyfriends mom despite the fact they've been together 20 years. And yes if we had a decent car the whole amount would go to savings rather than getting a new one with the rest in savings. He liked the prius before anyone said something about the prius looks.

    We went to see the charger again today... Its a damn boat I can't see myself driving that worry free. Despite the power seats I still dont feel like I can manuver it that well. We started it up, (the non hemi of course) its as loud outside the car as my run down neon. The prius is sooooo quiet. We still need to test drive the charger, I'm a safe confident driver but I don't think I can drive it to my liking. Especially park it properly without having to park a mile away from other cars... Idk when we get home I'm gonna make sure that I express all those feelings to him. I don't feel its right that I, who drives a majority of the time, have to be stuck with a boat because his ego needs to be inflated until the shine rubs off or the gas prices kill the car. :/ idk...
  7. ewilke

    ewilke Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2012
    2011 Prius
    I have had all types of cars and trucks I have had fast ones luxury ones and large trucks my last car was a range rover that I only had for 18 months.I now drive a regular prius 4 and love every minute of it. It is not the fast car not the luxury car or the manly car but it does everything well and is way less expensive to drive than all other cars.Buying this car has freed up a lot of money that I was wasting on gas. at the end of the day he is not going to impress anyone with a charger and it is a dodge and will fall to pieces right after the warranty runs out. the toyota will last a long time.
    good luck
    ps sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders at a young age.

    Except for the no meat thing.
    1 person likes this.
  8. macmaster05

    macmaster05 Senor Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I think it's really cute that he wants a Charger of all things. I didn't know people actually buy those. What gave him the idea? He must watch a lot of football commercials or something.

    If he wanted American power I thought he'd go for a Corvette or even a Mustang. If he had a sense of class maybe an M3. Again who buys a Charger? Weird. Sorry...
  9. KK6PD

    KK6PD _ . _ . / _ _ . _

    Mar 24, 2008
    Los Angeles Foothills
    Other Hybrid
    I would have gone for the Challenger. The new version looks and sounds really nice. Sucks gas like a pig! Still love the car!
  10. VeganFlower

    VeganFlower New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I just hate knowing in the end I will win after we already have the charger. It's a proven fact with him. As far as why he wants the charger.... um idk other than his mom saying its ugly. He's a 100% geek (so am I lol) and he plays pc & xbox games. He's not into sports, cars, tv, or any of the 'normal' manly stuff. He always has to have the best of the best tech, so do i and this whole thing is strange to me. Lol
  11. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid

    If your BF is as young as you sound like you are, relax and let him enjoy his new car.
    I’m sorry….but quite frankly, it sounds like you're just a bit of a control freak, at least on this issue which is an unfortunate position for a girlfriend to be in. I don't know to what extent you guys co-mingle assets, and frankly it doesn't bear very much on this situation, since I know a lot of married people who have "his" and "her" money.
    It really doesn't matter.
    It's difficult to judge a person by what they write without spending time and space, so I might be a little off...but that's how I'm reading things.

    OK....so you didn't get the Prius.
    Keep reading and posting.
    You're both young and working…and it sounds like you’re DINKS (Dual Income – No Kids)
    Sooner or later one of the Dodges is going to go TANGO-UNIFORM. That means Toes-Up. BTW...and you're going to need another car.
    Or......it could be that the "new" will wear off of the Charger in time and you guys could do a two-for-one swap, and revert to a one car family.
    When (if) you decide to start punching out kids, the Prius (v) may win out by default both for utility and economy.

    It's tough to say...but one things is for certain.
    You lost this one.
    Put a chalk mark down on his side of the scoreboard. Try to resist the urge to needle him about the car, and the next time that the "change car" light gets illuminated, you can gently remind him that he got his dream car last time, and now it's your turn.
    I’m not telling you to be a doormat on this one, I’m suggesting that if you go to war over this one possession, it might cause him to bond more firmly with the car…even if it turns out to be a POS.
    I mean….it’s a Dodge. :rolleyes:
    We guys are a quirky bunch sometimes where cars are concerned.

    Good Luck to you both!!!
    Like I said. Keep reading and posting.
    THAT way when the time is right, you'll get YOUR color, YOUR car, and you'll be more knowledgeable about all things Prius! ;)
  12. MrBillTulsa

    MrBillTulsa Member

    Sep 16, 2011
    In the hills west of Tulsa
    2012 Prius

    Tell him to buy the Prius - I love mine; and I am a Wild Willy!

    (Click on the pic to enlarge it)


  13. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm going to respond, then read all the replys -

    Let's talk about some of the 'emotional' type of things that make Prius so great ....

    Imagine a car you walk up to with key tucked in your pocket or purse, reach for door handle, bam, it unlocks for you, that's Prius.

    You sit down, push brake and a power up button, 2 seconds, it's ready to go. No waiting, you put it in gear immediately, how convenient is that? That's Prius.

    Feel like a little more responsiveness out of your car? Hit the PWR MODE button (even while driving) and the gas pedal becomes more responsive within about 5 seconds or so.

    I pulled in garage last night with MPG gage showing about 58 MPG. No lie. Granted the gage is optimistic, it's probably 55 or 6 actual, but 55 MPGs including a lot of city work?? :eek: I know of midsize motorcycles that can't get that.

    Before I bought 2011 Prius, I thought at times, I do not know, it looks just ok next to that Mazda3 hatchback. Prius looks a little utilitarian. But, after buying it, tell ya what .... it looks more than fine to me.

    Comfortable, reliable, so practical and efficient. I would not want anything else (well, of course I'll have the hots for the next great Prius... 4th gen, etc...but I don't need to make a habit of buying cars and losing $$$) . My 2011 is my car, and that's that. I'm set for the next 15 years or more. Knock on wood for no big accidents.
  14. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Did he try PWR MODE when he drove the Prius? Make sure he does that!
  15. Eoin

    Eoin Active Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Long Island
    2010 Prius
    Let him have the charger. You're only young once. You can always trade in in on a Prius later.
  16. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Welp, the Charger may look good to him for the first few days and week that he owns it, then it will just look the same everyday. What's inside? Where's the technology? Does it have mulit-info gages to play with? Does it even have an MPG gage?

    I've owned a lot of used cars, too many actually - VW Jetta, Scirocco, Mustang GT, bunch more, new Accord Coupe, many sportibikes Yamaha R1, CBRs, GSXR's ... for gettin' around, daily driving, I'll take Prius, TYVM.

    When stuck in nasty Bay Area traffic, (20 minutes to go through downtown Hayward yesterday), I'm awfully darn glad I'm in a full hybrid.
  17. jabecker

    jabecker driver of Prii since 2005

    Jul 7, 2005
    Portland, Oregon
    2012 Prius
    Honestly, your best bet here is to say something like, "Honey, I know that this is your decision. I'm sorry that we seem to have gotten into a bit of a disagreement about this. I know this isn't an easy decision, but I have confidence that you will make the decision that's right for you. I want you to know that I will support you 100% no matter which way you go. Please let me know how I can help."

    Then stop talking about it. It is his decision. Let him make it. He's way more likely to ask your advice and opinion if he can see that you are supportive.

    If you lose this one... so what? Hopefully your relationship will last way longer than a car. Who know, you may learn to love the Charger. :D
  18. Keiichi

    Keiichi Active Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Or, you can also go with some of the suggestions that Raellia got when she was trying to convince her husband... Deny him sex.


    Apr 23, 2012
    Albuquerque, NM
    2008 Prius
    Here is a couple ideas to jazz up the the Prius....

    Attached Files:

  20. VeganFlower

    VeganFlower New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Not that I need to defend myself, I will just gladly put certain people in their place. Sad that people believe that we need to get married before our relationship is real. TODAY is our 6 year anniversary. Everyone we know around us are NOT good role models for marriage. If we wanted to get married today or any day, we'd go down to the court house and do it, we don't need a big wedding or anything special, that is not what matters. WE DON'T CARE if we're married or not, we are HAPPY either way! We have shared bank accounts from our 3rd month together and we have lived happily together ever since our 3rd month too. Neither of our parents share banks and they are not happy with each other, they just tolerate it because getting a divorce is to costly. And for us to work together at the same place for the last 5 years, working with family TOO (meaning TOGETHER 24/7 non stop) that means we're here to stay. That's a real test for a relationship. Not “oh you're not married than that's not a real relationship and you as a girlfriend have no ground to stand on”. That's BS and everyone knows it.

    ETC (SS): I am not a control freak, I just hate throwing away money on something that is wasteful. No one can convince me that this Charger is not wasteful. In the long run it'll cost us more money than we may or may not have. I'm looking at the future. Will we be working at a job that is run by his step-dad and we get as many hours as we want earning what we want or will we be working at Walmart. Of course I'm optimistic about the future, but I want to be ready for it too. And remember we share everything, so of course I feel like I should have a 50-50 pull. I've said it before, just because its a new car I highly doubt after its shine will run out. He will be willing to chauffeur me around where ever like he claims to be willing to compromise, just because it was his choice, but I know its just a band-aid on his flawed reasons to get the car and to try to make me happy with it. I drive more than him and I take care of the car and all the errands, he doesn't do anything.

    MrBillTulsa: So sexy, I want so bad!

    Cycledrum: Unfortunately the Charger has the same key fob and all those bells and whistles. Despite the fact that we turned it on, I didn't notice how fast it started. The prius is so nice and sexy, the touch I noticed was more responsive on the prius. And when we test drove the Prius he just drove down the 20mph street and back. I got at least up to 40 and loved it, he didn't want to go on the highway. With either car he's just scared to open it up on the road because it's not his car. That's the problem I have with him wanting the charger because it has so much (unnecessary) power and he isn't even gonna fully try it before he gets it. I told him to ask if he can take it to our work and back just so we know what a DAILY drive will be like, but he found excuses out of it “oh I'm sure they don't want to waste all their time and money on that, wear and tear...”. If they want you to buy the car they shouldn't f-ing care. I know the novelty of the Charger will wear off and I'll be stuck driving it more. I just hate knowing that we'll be losing money by trading it in, in a few months. Ridiculous!

    Eoin: I'm so tired of this “you only live once”, stuff. Yeah you do only live once, and getting a car that's gonna go “faster” or look sexier doesn't not convince me to get a car with all that power and nowhere to use it. At most he goes is 65, maybe 70 if he's not paying attention. He's got 2 speeding tickets and he knows better. So not sure why people keep trying to convince him or me about the “power”. It's a cherry on top, but I'm sure the Prius can get going if you want it to, too. So the only “you only live once” leg he has to stand on is it looks better. THAT'S IT!

    Jabecker: It's not about learning to love the Charger, I love it, I just don't like it. And I'm not gonna fully enjoy being stuck with the same car just upgraded. On paper its the same as our neon, in person it just looks better and its longer. The Prius, on paper and in person looks totally different. And no, our relationship is not so shallow that we will breakup if someone loses. We both know in the end it's just a car.

    Keiichi: We've both pulled out all the stops on both sides of the road, going above and beyond for getting the car and then totally stopping everything if we don't, (that goes for sex, house work, even stuff at work). LMAO! Yeah we're both going thru the “I'll do anything for my car and I'll do nothing if you get the car.” Lol its really funny because he got caught telling me all the stuff he doesn't do but knows he should (food shopping, house work, etc). :D

    3RDTIMESACHARM: Sexy! I would do anything to make that car more appealing to him. I offered that he could put batwings on it if he could find a way, but no dice. Lol

    macmaster05 & Keiichi: Thank you!

    As someone who is not a wasteful person, I cannot morally deal with the charger over the Prius.
    We wouldn't be having this conversation if:
    *people didn't tell him its ugly
    *I had anyone important in his family on my side (his mom), in fact I have NO one on my side, so YES I feel like I need to fight harder
    *it was our money, not just 100% his – he wants to pay off OUR bills but he doesn't want to let me have a say in the car that I drive ALL the time?! Married or not, I'm not someone he just met or hasn't been with that long. I should have more of a pull than anyone out side our relationship.

    IDK, we're hopefully going to go test drive the boat today and hopefully he honestly finds something wrong with it, rather than calling it “so flawless that it could have fell from the sky”, sure honey lol. Hopefully when he can tell that I'm HONESTLY having a hard time driving and MAINLY parking it, he'll realize that it's not fair. We're going from a small neon to a unnecessary large sedan. It's got more trunk and front end space than extra interior room. The Prius is the same size. He has admitted that the Prius looks great, its just not a muscle car. Good job for telling on yourself that its just your early midlife crisis. Lol

    Oh and a side note, the smog for the Charger is 5, greenhouse is score is 4. The prius smog is 9 and greenhouse is 10. For each car those numbers could be switched around, but either way the Prius wins. I found those stickers on each of the cars.