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Scratched tint job...advice on fair resolution?

Discussion in 'Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015' started by Coyotefred, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Coyotefred

    Coyotefred Member

    May 2, 2012
    Western Nebraska
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I recently had my 2012 PiP tinted (3M's CM30--very nice!) . Although most of the tint job was done well, the installer carelessly scratched the outside rear window. Although tinting film is obviously applied on the inside of windows, many tinters apparently make a "rough cut" of the film first on the outside of the window, cutting the film generally to shape/size before installing on the inside. While some tinters apparently use a protective layer between the film and the glass to prevent scratching like this, many don't, (I gleaned all this from info on tintdude.com) and I guess it's an issue of the skill of the installer using the right amount of pressure, using a clean blade, etc.

    In any case, I have about a 14" scratch down the left side of the rear window. The scratch continues around the bottom left (driver side) corner along the bottom edge for another 3-4". And there is another short (2") scratch on the opposite side of the window (passenger side).


    The scratches are deep enough to be clearly visible--particularly since that rear windshield glass is tempered so the scratches show up as white/light against the dark tempering. Some are light enough that you cannot feel them very well with the finger. Other portions--like the section near my finger in the photo--are deep enough to clearly feel them as you run your fingernail across the glass.

    The tinter is 3 hours away (he was the closest tint shop carrying higher-quality films like CM30). He insists these "small scratches" can be easily fixed with a "special buffing mix" and technique he learned from a "glass guy" friend of his. He offered to do this "repair" work, but that's a 6-8 hour round trip for me including gas (although not much with PiP!), time, hassle, etc.

    I had my local SafeLite Auto Glass take a look at it this morning. They said the scratches were "there to stay" and that there was nothing you could really do to "repair" them (because of the tempered glass), although he said there might be buffing/coloring techniques that could "hide" them somewhat. That was not work they did, however. Replacing the whole rear windshield would run about $600.

    So the question is how to settle this in a way that is fair to me and the tinter. I paid the tinter $500 for tinting all windows but the front windshield (this $500 also included CM30 and for ClearBra applied to the front 15" of the hood and 2 rearview mirrors, as well as a 15% discount overall for getting the clearbra/tint together). Replacing the windshield seems excessive to me (I didn't even notice the scratches for several days until I was washing the car), but I'm also not inclined to just settle for his "special buffing mix" and hope that works on a brand new car that was damaged because of carelessness/incompetence...

    What would you do?
  2. gbrown

    gbrown New Member

    May 5, 2012
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I would insist on a replacement of the damaged glass. A good tint installer / shop does not cut on the car itself but of course its still out there obviously.

    If you paid with a credit card I would look into the protection that card provides also.
  3. Tracksyde

    Tracksyde Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    So Cal
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I pretty much agree with gbrown. The window was fine when you took it in and now its not due to carelessness, lack of experience, etc.

    However, you sound like you are somewhat willing to work with the guy. So I would probably tell the guy I'd be willing to let him try his buffing method even though its a 6-8 hour round trip. But if the scratches are still visible AT ALL (he needs to keep in mind the glass was perfect when you took it to him the first time), then he'll need to pay the $600 for the rear window replacement and you'll be getting it done in your area due to the long drive. I'd probably also want that in writing with some kind of metric.. like if you compared it to a new back window, would the repair be noticeable or not. Of course, this is also assuming you're willing to make the drive to his shop again. I don't think I would be as understanding.

    I think thats the only compromise you can come to. Ideally, yes, the guy admits he made a mistake and pays for new glass. But, if that becomes the sticking point and you guys cant agree on a resolution and the guy says he's not going to pay, then your only option would be to go the credit card chargeback route.
  4. Coyotefred

    Coyotefred Member

    May 2, 2012
    Western Nebraska
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base

    I did pay with my credit card and I've disputed the charge...I e-mailed him and didn't hear back for a week so I assumed he was just dodging the problem; he says he was out of town for a family emergency...he did get back to me fairly quickly once the credit card company called his shop... He seems genuine, but I'm more concerned about his competence than his genuineness at this point. I told the credit card folks I would try to work out some kind of resolution before moving forward further with the full chargeback.

    I see what you're saying as far as driving back, but unless we can agree on some figure as a "refund" for the damage and "call it good" with that, I don't see how I avoid making the drive again since he has to re-do the tint once the window is replaced. Or I'm tracking down 3rd parties to do both the window replacement (I don't trust him to do it) and then another tint. I can get the window replaced locally, but I'd be making that drive (or further) for the re-tinting since no one offers the better 3M films around here :unsure:

  5. Allannde

    Allannde Just a Senior

    Jan 7, 2006
    Washington State
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    An issue here is that tempered glass may be weakened by the scratch. That is, the glass may now be more likely to break under the stress of heat, pressure or a blow like a flying rock. So cosmetic treatment may not be a suitable repair. I would get the advice of a glass expert if you haven't.
  6. Paradox

    Paradox Prius Enthusiast / Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    2014 Prius v wagon
    On my 2010 the tinter did the exact same thing, but it was maybe a 4' scratch on the rear glass, left side. Quite similar to yours. I did nothing and lived with it as it wasn't visible unless I went looking for it. Never had an issue. If it bothers you of course they should not have done it and you should be compensated somehow. Just how and at what trouble if any I wouldn't even care to make a guess.
  7. Coyotefred

    Coyotefred Member

    May 2, 2012
    Western Nebraska
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Well...this car is going to get scratched and dinged in the future (I live in a rural area on a gravel road), so unless the scratch might somehow weaken the glass it seems excessive to switch out the whole windshield and get re-tinted (which will take more than a day of travel and my time to do it). But I don't feel it's right to just ignore it either...'seems we should be able on something between $0 and $500/$600 as some kind of reimbursement for my "loss"/damage... ?
  8. Paradox

    Paradox Prius Enthusiast / Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    2014 Prius v wagon
    I thought about that but in the end I was happy with the tint job (the color was great and the work they did other than the scratch was excellent) so I figured why bother looking for reimbursement when in the end it really didn't matter much since it wasn't highly visible and it would probably create trouble with a business i would probably want to use again, but warn about scratching the glass. BTW, I used them again on my 2012 and did mention about being careful when 'tracing' the tint and it went problem free. it's up to you ultimately in the end of course. If overall you are happy with the rest of the job, live with it and enjoy the car or challenge them and see what you can get back.
  9. bielinsk

    bielinsk Gremlin

    May 4, 2012
    2013 Chevy Volt
    I would offer him a few things in writing.

    $100 rebate, and if the window breaks in the next 3 years, he pays for 50% or the replacement cost. (Fair and he takes some liability)

    $250 refund and all is forgotten. (This is what I would push for, but thats just me. Hell, I only paid $320 for all windows except winshield with Modoco ceramic)

    If you demand him to replace the window, and you are in your right for that, then you will have a new window that you will have to get tinted to match. (He may want to go this route cause he could simply claim it on insurance and he isn't out any money our of pocket.)

  10. bfd

    bfd Plug-In Perpetuator

    Mar 19, 2009
    Close to SDSU in the Far Southwest Corner of Cali
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    That's an unfortunate occurrence. And the physical distance between you and the installer is what makes this even more unfortunate. One of you is going to have to drive 150 miles in order to make it right. I'd also try to get some kind of repair estimate from someone closer to your home. Then let the installer know how much it's going to cost to fix their mistake. So they can either pony up for the repair or come out to your place and fix it. I wouldn't make another 300 mile RT unless they offer to pay for your time and mileage.

    And make sure you Yelp! them, too.
  11. Coyotefred

    Coyotefred Member

    May 2, 2012
    Western Nebraska
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I think this sounds pretty reasonable to me, particularly offering him the last 2 options since they resolve the issue right now and then I'm done with it. It doesn't "stiff him" for all the work done and does give him an option as far as whether he wants to go with an insurance claim or not, etc.