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My 06 Prius 5 biggest surprises... what are yours?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by jrlittlejr, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. jrlittlejr

    jrlittlejr New Member

    Mar 19, 2005
    Jackson, WY
    2006 Prius
    Picked up my 2006 Package 8 Barcelona Red Prius yesterday! :D I was "upgrading" from a 2002 Prius... so I've had several years of driving a first-gen Prius. Here are my 5 biggest surprises so far:
    1. High Res Nav Screen: I REALLY like the high resolution navigation screen. It is a huge improvement over the viewability of the prior screen in my 2002. The icons look nice, when you change from one screen to another there is a nice dissolve effect, and a lot more. I waffled on the nav system decision. I wasn't sure it was worth the ~$2500 premium. That would buy a nice laptop with GPS and map software. But I went for it and am happy with the decision.
    2. Pulse & Glide: I tried doing pulse and glide for a long time with my 2002 Prius. It was possible, but there was a very narrow margin between accelerating and braking. I never managed to convert that into a significant increase in my gas mileage. But the 2006 it is MUCH easier, and on my first tank, I'm now running well over 50 mpg so far! Very happy with that.
    3. Visibility: A couple of comments here. I like the backup camera so far. It doesn't replace the need for using the mirrors, but will be very useful when backing into a tight spot, and to make sure none of my kids toys (or kids!) are behind the car. But I don't like the visibility out of the split-rear window. I suppose I will get used to it... but it is distracting. I also can't see the front of the car from the drivers seat. This car brings "cab forward" to a new meaning. The windshield is so far forward you can't see the hood... and I'm a tall guy. Again, I'll probably get used to this, but was a surprise. My 2002 Prius I could see where the hood ended.
    4. Smart Key: Cool, but do you ever get used to this? :p I love how the car lights up and doors open for you, but I'm worried I'm going to forget to shut the car off some day and just get out with the engine in "ready", or forget to lock it. It just doesn't seem "normal" to not use a key :D
    5. Voice Recognition: You have got to be kidding me! :huh: The voice recognition SUCKS! I mean... You push the button, listen to "after the beep, speak your command", then have to use very rigid set of words. And for many of the commands, you need to use multiple steps. For example, dialing a phone number: Push button, wait 4-5 seconds while it says "After the beep speak your command", say "Dial by phone number", wait 4-5 seconds while it says "Dial by number. Push the button then say the number". Push the button, then speak the number, then wait 4-5 seconds while it repeats the number, then push the talk button or voice command button again. I'm sure I've skipped a couple of steps... it was actually longer than that. I'm not kidding. I can do the same thing with push of a single button on my phone... and toyota thinks this is a safety feature? The voice recognition is a total flop. Toyota should give us all some money back. This is like 1980's voice recognition technology... poorly implemented. Thank god you don't need it to drive the car... I can just see it... "Computer.. brakes... BRAKES... BRAKES NOW!!" I use voice recognition for medical dictation and can dictate complicated medical histories with 99.5% accuracy... Toyota should be able to do better than this.
    6. Accessory Audio Port: OK... one more... I like how they put the accessory audio input and an extra power outlet inside the center console... so I can keep my iPod in there, out of sight, and keep it charged up. A nice touch! It would have been better if the stereo/touch screen could control the playlists, but I'm happy.
    Overall... I'm VERY happy so far. Can't wait to see how the mileage does after I'm done breaking it in.

    So... what are YOUR biggest surprises about your 2006 Prius?? Share your list...
  2. AlphaTeam

    AlphaTeam Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    2006 Prius
    my #1 is the Navigation. I am so surprised how much I use it and how handy it is. I wanted the MP3 stereo more than the NAV. I thought the NAV would be fun, but not very usefull. I've lived in this city my whole life. I know right where everything is and don't need someone to tell me. Visitors to the car really dig it more than I do I think. Just yesterday my wife and I came back from vacation. We flew to an airport 2 hours away. We were hungry and didn't know where to go or how to get there. We saw an ad at the airport for what looked like to be a very good burger joint (Halo Burger). I typed the name in and it found several. Drove there and was dissapointed to find it was a drive thru only. There is no food eaten in Birdo. Grabbed something else on the way and it told me how to get home. No stupid Mapquest that gets you lost or have to keep the print out hanging out in the car making a mess.

    I do agree...the voice sucks the big one. Especially with proper names like roads and citys....it needs to be WAY more precise. Most times it doesn't really pay to use it. I have never even attempted to try and voice dial. I'd rather just grab my phone. Way less hassel.
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I don't know. Come back in a few months and you'll say it doesn't seem normal to use a key :p
  4. HyDee

    HyDee New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
    2006 Prius
    whats the hurry? isn't that what gliding is all about? you don't always have to use the voice activation..... I've been really happy with the whole NAV system and learning to search poi's while driving and finding the phone number there most of the time. If you are in such a rush go buy a porshe B)
  5. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    I made my peace with it in 3 days, got to love it in a week. B)
  6. tunabreath

    tunabreath New Member

    Aug 18, 2005
    Southern California
    2006 Prius
    Day 4 for me, and I'm still finding it difficult to overcome my 20-year habit of never, ever getting out of a car I've been driving unless I'm holding the keys in my hand.
  7. eak354

    eak354 Member

    Dec 18, 2003
    2004 Prius
    :p i don't have an '06, but i do have the SKS and it's the feature i love the most! (well, aside from it being a hybrid). i've gotten so used to it, i feel awkward when i get in and start my old celica. :lol:
  8. tzung

    tzung New Member

    Jan 6, 2006
    Hey, have had my 06 prius for a few weeks now (early delivery). Agree with the voice recognition problem you mentioned. Also like the smart key but the problem is not knowing where the remote for the gate is (attached to key ring with prius key in my bag) when I'm ready to drive off, then fumbling around to find it...am considering switching the smart key off (unless I'm trying to impress my friends!). Only ordered the car after confirming with Thule that they made roof racks to fit (two kids and their paraphenalia will NOT fit into the back for a trip away) but was horrified when the specified racks didn't fit! Toyota UK seems to have factory racks but the only options available in Australia are floor mats (and I'm still waiting for those to be delivered). Has anyone successfully fitted racks to theirs? Otherwise I LOVE the car and even my wife who is a technophobe thinks the sat nav is cool...although she's worried that reversing out of our driveway in 'stealth' is going to result in some pedestrian casualties!
  9. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)

    I have inadvertently left the engine running two or three times. I think it happens becase I hit the park buton rather than the power button.

    The Prius will NOT let you lock the doors with SKS if the car is still on, and beaps to let you know something is not right.

    Incidentally, the car does the exact same thing for a number of condittions. It ends up being something of a game to figure out what is wrong. The Prius has caught me doing the following:

    Leaving keys in the car (multiple times, when both my wife and I have keys)
    Door incompletely closed

    Needless to say, I have wished more than once that the Prius would throw up a message on the MFD.
  10. jfschultz

    jfschultz Active Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Germantown, TN
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Uh key? What's a key? Oh yeah its that metal thingy I need to use to get into the house.
  11. jfschultz

    jfschultz Active Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Germantown, TN
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I sometimes have trouble with the voice recognition. For example last night. "Home" ... "Setting 82 degress."

    Maybe you were a bit too late in getting the car. The 04 & 05 Prius just had a quick beep for the prompt.
  12. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    If you get your windows tinted darkening the upper portion of the split rear window really helps balance the 'picture'. I don't even notice the split any more, but rather see the whole view when I look in the rear view mirror. It's just different but agree that it was very distracting and your brain tends to pick one or the other rather than looking through both at the same time initially.

    We had many of the same voice recognition complaints initially. I still have issues occasionally but all in all there are only a handful of commands I actually use and they seem to be recognized pretty well. The usual hints are do NOT try to enunciate...it's actually better to run the words together more like you'd do in natural conversation. Speak toward the microphone (near the eye-glass holder) fairly loudly, but don't yell.
  13. BertinNC

    BertinNC New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Moyock, North Carolina
    Got my Prius on Sunday, Jan. 1 and love it.

    SKS - Love it! I got used to it in a matter of a day. So great not having to fumble around for keys especially in the rain.

    The gear shift toggle and Park button takes a while to get used to. I did find myself using the toggle to put it into park a few times but that ended too.

    I turned off the back-up beep and the seat belt beep. I drive around our nursery and get in and out a lot to take pictures and that fast beep got annoying quick. Was so glad I could turn it off.

    The rear gate is easy to open with just a slight touch as long as you have your FOB (remote) in your pocket it works just great.

    I have thought about turning my door locks to passive so they lock on their own after 30 seconds if I forget (which I do a lot) but here so many camplaints on here about so I am still unsure.

    The two things that I really haven't gotten used to yet is 1. I, like another poster, can not see the front end and always end up parking a long distance from where I want to be and 2. The brakes make a little "stop stop stop" and the end of breaking I almost ways take my foot off the brake a little just before stopping to avoid this.

    I wish the song title info on the audio screen displayed a few more letters than it does. It's not like there is not enough room for say twice as many characters. I know it's minor but still would like it more if it did.

    I also wish there was a better sized compartment to store a few CD's a little better than stacked on top of each other in the center console or only two or three tilted in in the little spot under the stereo.

    All in all I am so enjoying my Silver Bullet and also enjoying averaging 48-50 MPG on my 70 mile roundtrip commute every day. I love it!
  14. sbregman

    sbregman New Member

    Dec 9, 2005
    Massapequa, NY
    Have any of you used voice commands for:
    radio? CD? Satellite Radio? Changing from AM to FM? Saying "COMPASS" when you want to see a compass on the screen? Increase temperature/decrease temperature? These all work, and they are VERY impressive.
  15. notsure

    notsure New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    To turn off the voice command

    This is from another prius user, I don't have a car yet so have not tried it

    go to the 2nd or 3rd page of options (I think 3rd)
    it is called something like "voice recognition prompt" or maybe "assistance"
    turn this off
  16. ThunderJon

    ThunderJon New Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    San Ho, CA
    Ummm... for me thats my finger. I have biometric deadbolt on my house, SKS for Prius and RF badge at work. Only time I use a key now is to get my mail.
  17. BertinNC

    BertinNC New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Moyock, North Carolina
    "Wow, like a bionic figure. NANANANANANANANANA"
  18. GraphicArtist

    GraphicArtist New Member

    Oct 23, 2005
    Suffolk, VA
    The drawer in the center console! (I didn't know there was a drawer here!)

    The Homelink! This is great.

    The reaction of my co-workers!!

    It rides better than my 2001 Chevy Cavalier.

    SKS. Just touch the handle and the door unlocks! (I wish women worked like that!)
  19. Wynder

    Wynder New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
    Bear, Delaware
    IS this available on an '06 #6?

    I don't have a Menu button or a setup button on the MFD... I'd *love* to turn off the voice prompts for the phone, any tips?
  20. QED

    QED New Member

    Nov 10, 2005
    Sunny Hawaii
    Had my '06 for a day or so.

    After reading about the SKS for 4 months, I am surprised how nicely it really works! Great engineering.

    It's amazing, I don't find myself obsessing over the MFD as much as I thought I would. :p

    Little surprises:

    The drawer in the front of the console.

    The clever use of space in the rear storage area.

    A light and mirror on the drivers side

    The adjustable shoulder anchor height of the seatbelt.

    How quickly I would get used to having the steering wheel controls.