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Not all Costs and Benefits are Measured at the Pump- Traded 2012 Prius Level 5 for a Truck

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by 2ndAmendment, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    I'd agree with that: driving on wet road (melted snow) in brilliant sun, I pretty much gave up trying to see how fast I was going, could not read the dash.
  2. 4rnr

    4rnr Junior Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    2005 Prius
    This have been true in the past, but I think it may be changing.

    I just recently went through the process of selecting a low-cost of ownership commuter, and at the price range I was looking ($10,000), the used Prii and Civics were very comparable in age and mileage. Add in the fact that the average Prius gets 15-20 MORE mpg than the average Civic. At $4 gallon gas, that 20 mpg starts to add up pretty quickly.. For my yearly commuting mileage, it came out to be a difference of about $1,000 per year.
  3. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I drive a G3 every day.
    I also have a Pickemuptruck.

    Both vehicles are pretty dang good at what they do. Neither are perfect at anything that they do.
    The truck is an 09 Sierra base model extended cab w/tow. I paid (new) about exactly what aG3 costs, and I got it at just about the exact time that the company got my G3.

    Since I live < 10 miles from work, gas isn't an over-arching concern for me.
    Like I said. Each vehicle is really great at what it does, and the strengths and weaknesses of each have been (over) emphasized time and time and time and time again in these hallowed halls.

    If you're reading this, you either drive a Prius, or you're at least a Prius fan.
    That's great!
    The Prius is a great car.....much better than I had anticipated when they threw one in my parking lot.
    If you're reading this and you're just thinking about a Prius....drive one.
    You might be pleasantly surprised as well, and chances are pretty good that it will be a really great car for you.
    However (comma!) there really are aspects of the Prius driving experience that should be fully explored before you pull the trigger on one. Like my dumb old pickemuptruck....it's far from a perfect car, otherwise there would be a helluva lot more of them on the road, but I'm thinking that there ought to be more of them out there anyway.
    Many people have negative perceptions of the Prius that are (IMHO) driven by equal parts automotive cultural inertia and the negative stereotypes of the Prius driver. The former will go the way of the Allosaurus on its own.
    After all, cars don't weigh 6000# any more, and they no longer have large fins on their sterns.

    The latter?
    That's on us. ;)

    Happy Labor Day!!
  4. MisterCrispy

    MisterCrispy Junior Member

    Sep 3, 2012
    2012 Prius
    I don't own a Prius, but I am seriously thinking about purchasing one. The OP raised a few points that I had not been aware of (the 800 lb limit for one). Most of the other issues that he had would have been the same with any small car. It's really difficult to compare a small care to a truck. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

    IMHO, you should do some research before you buy any care. Evaluate your needs, consider all of the options, look at the forums for cars your interested and see what others are saying.

    I was pleasantly surprised when I drove one at a dealership last week. I still want my wife to drive one and see how she likes it. I'm a bit concerned about climbing hills and what it's going to be like with my wife and 2 teenage kids though. This will be our "small" car. We also have a small SUV that we take on long trips. So far, it looks good though.

    I think I prefer buying new because the used ones cost almost as much as new, so why not get a new one and make sure it's maintained in tip top condition right from the start?
  5. 4rnr

    4rnr Junior Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    2005 Prius
    The 800lb payload capacity isn't great, but it's not that bad for the size of the car. Payload capacity for most smallish-midsized cars is around 850lbs.

    The Honda Civic 4 door, Honda Accord, Toyota Corolla, are all 850lb, for example.
  6. John H

    John H Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I think the Prius shines as a one or two occupant vehicle for 100-200 mile trips. For shorter distances I would advocate a Plug-In, and for more occupants the choices tend to be driven more by passenger comfort and safety.

    If you use 150 occupant miles per gallon as a benchmark, you have lots of choices.
  7. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I think you'll be fine. I drive up and down the Sierra Nevada range (8,000ft.) all the time and have zero issues with hills. Sure the engine sounds like it is working hard on really steep sections but the gas mileage is still remarkable so who cares. Engine wear is a non-issue with the Prius. I would just ensure your teens can fit back there. Our 20yr old is 6'2" (i'm 6'3") and he fit back there but he is thin like I am. The real problem would be weight in the rear. 2 really large people may cause the rear to sag. It's not so bad in the GenIII but the GenII it was terrible!
  8. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid

    Hills are going to be a non-issue. The G3 has something like 125 bhp on tap and it's actually quite spritely from zero to 20....largely due to the torque from the HSD system. Even with 3 pax...like I said. It's a non-issue.
    As far as the rear pax? Well....they're teenagers. It's something that you're going to encounter with any Eco/Econobox. One thing that might be a problem with the Prius...or a benefit, depending on how you exploit it. The Prius has more blind spots than a Congressional inquiry. You're going to have to be careful when you teach the kiddos how to park the thing.
    Safety? That's a hotly contended argument. Many of the crossover SUVs on the road today have the advantages of both the additional ride height and the mass of a truck, along with the stability (against rollover) and unit body construction of a smaller car. The Prius seems to do very well for a car its size with the crumple zones, big pillars, low ride height, and (now)industry standard multiple air bags.
    However (comma!) if I knew I were about to take one for the team?
    I'd grab the SUV or truck every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
    The Prius is a small car. The fanatics always yell at me when I say that, but the classification of a Prius as a midsize car is based on interior volume. Dimensionally? It's a Corolla. The Corolla has a trunk. That's not considered interior volume.
    In a wreck?
    Sir Isaac Newton doesn't give a crap about the Napoleonic complexes of the car's driver.
    It's obviously not a deal breaker for me (I have 2 motorcycles :) ) and as I said before....it's a very hotly debated issue.

    If I were buying one now? I'd go for a base model, and try to cut a good deal on a new base model G3. The used car market for the Gx is really REALLY tight, and there's not as big a delta between new and used for the buy in....and as you say, you'll be assured that the car is assiduously maintained....IF you DIY. This wil be very important if one (or both---depending on age separation) of the kiddos will be using the car as college transportation. If you're going to be keeping the car well past 100,000 miles? Pay a little more up front and get a new one.

    The Prius has just as light a maintenance schedule as any other small, FWD car. Out to something like 150,000 miles? It's mostly fluids and filters. If you live in a CARB state, many f the Hybrid components are covered past the OEM warranty. Look that up if you need ammo to convince your CFO to add a Prius to your driveway.
    I think that one each: Prius and Truck/SUV make a very flexible vehicle combo. The benefits and limitations of each complement each other as a total package.

    Best of LUCK with your coin toss!
    Good luck with the kiddos!!
  9. massparanoia

    massparanoia Active Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    2011 Prius
    I had a Jeep Grand Cherokee that I traded in for the Prius. I didn't really lose that much interior volume from the JGC to the Prius, and I don't have a need for the 4x4 as I am out of the snow belt now. The change from 16mpg average to 50mpg average was enough to sell me on the switch.
  10. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    What statistics are you looking at? Here, I guess I will do your homework for you. Take a look at the Bureau of Transportation Statistics government website: RITA | BTS | Table 2-1: Transportation Fatalities by Mode. Transportation Fatalities by Mode. According to the statistics, if you're only looking at rates of death as a guage of safety, you would choose a truck over a car, and a motorcycle over a truck. Statistics are funny, and bicycle fatalities are even lower than simple pedestrians. So, tell me how I will fair when my truck hits a bicyclist head on? Based on your use of statistics to guage your mode of transportation in an accident scenario, you might say the bicyclist stands a far better chance. Please, don't think you'll convince people that a Prius is safer in accident with my large pick-up truck. Here's anecdotal evidence: I watched a college kid with no external injuries get covered with a sheet after having a head on collision with a Dodge 2500. The college kid was making a left turn against a yellow, and the truck was coming through the intersection. The truck was doing 40 mph and the car 15 mph. Both drivers got out. The boy was dead in 15 minutes from internal injuries (both wore seat belts). The car absorbed the majority of the energy. The truck was able to drive away.

    A better argument would be that a car corners better and is less prone to roll over, making it a safer vehicle for high speed cornering. To that I would agree.
  11. ahmeow

    ahmeow Prius Lover

    Nov 11, 2010
    North CA
    2011 Prius

    Well,you may regret one day.
  12. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Totally, agree. My original post was meant to highlight this. What I see in this forum is guys and gals trying to get their Prius' to do it all. Sure, in a perfect world you would own one of everything. There have been posters asking how to put a tow hitch on a Prius, trying to put extra luggage racks on them to carry canoes, and even using them as an RV. Not only is this ridiculous, but they have not taken the time to read the manual cover to cover. So, if you are only going to own one vehicle, here is what you do to see if Prius works for you.

    A truck and a Prius can be compared. You can compare any vehicle, but you need to know there is more to compare than MPGs. They are both vehicles. What do vehicles do? They transport people and things, using fuel (money). To understand if a Prius is better for you, you will want to complete a list of all the possible places you would go and all the things you would like to do, and how many people you will have with you. Here are things to compare in addition to mpg:

    Seating capacity, seating room, cup holders, combined capacity of stuff and passengers, amount of storage space for stuff, towing capacity, combined storage area for both passenger and people, ride comfort, road handling in various conditions, types of terraine that can be traveled on, how both vehicles fair in heat.... etc., etc.

    Now, if all you do is go back and forth to work, and you aren't into dirt bikes, camping, shooting, picnics, sunsets, the beach, boating, skiing, fishing and the outdoors, then your choice may be different. If you have the money, get a SUV or Truck and a Prius. Get the Prius to save you money at the pump (although the time to break even for the cost is years away, if ever). Let's see, 28k for a Prius, and gas is $4.00. Hum, that is 7000 gallons of fuel. The Prius gets 50+ mpg, so it will break even in 350,000 miles. What a weird way to save money.

    I'm not saving any money trading in a Prius for a truck. But, I can only afford a Prius or Truck. Sorry, I do not have the luxury of having multiple vehicles, so this is not a solution.

    I hope you and every Prius owner enjoys there vehicle as much as I enjoy my truck, now. I don't miss anything about my Prius, except the great gas mileage. The Prius is great at getting high fuel economy; everyone can agree. However, my Prius never could do all the stuff I enjoy doing, making me seriously unhappy with it. In the end, I will drive my truck. As a side note, I figured out a way to not have to drive as far to work as I used to. This has greatly decreased my fuel costs, and allows me to get out on the weekends with all the things a truck can do.

    Again, hopefully, you enjoy your Prius a lot, and it works for you. This was never meant to slam Prius or their drivers. For my personal transporation demands, Prius was not the right fit. The original post was meant to get people to think about more than MPG, because I didn't realize how important many other vehicle factors were before I made my decision to buy a Prius.

    Best of success to you...you can do it, you can BUILD IT! You can help others! You don't have to have another hand out, another bail out, another entitlement, and you do work hard. Thanks for all your hard work! Happy labor day!
  13. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid

    You know you're about to collide with...say, a Ford Tarus in 60 seconds and you can't avoid the wreck.
    You get to choose either a Prius or a truck to do it with.
    Same model year for each.
    Clock is ticking.....
    Make your choice. ;)

    There's a saying in the M/C community. There are two types of riders...those who have gone down on a bike, and those who are going to.
    I wear a helmet. Every time I throw a leg over.
    Somebody in the "Cyclists Against Helmet Laws" could massage the accident data rates and probably conclude that by not wearing a helmet, you're much more likely to avoid an accident by not having your hearing and/or visibility reduced by the aforementioned helmet. Statistically....it could be a valid argument.
    I'll keep putting the helmet on.

    The Prius is as crashworthy as they can (currently) make a 3200#, low-slung car.
    That should be enough for most people.
    If you think that a Prius is "as safe" a vehicle as an SUV?
    Well.....Like the CAHL crowd..."statistically" you might be correct, but I'd be more willing to take the crash that I talked about earlier in the truck if I got to do a coin toss before the accident.
    Again….YMMV. :D
  14. Paradox

    Paradox Prius Enthusiast / Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    2014 Prius v wagon
    2nd, I removed your paragraph about all the political stuff. Save that for the political forum, we don't want political crap discussed in the open forums since it always gets out of control.
  15. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Thanks. I totally agree with you. Our other vehicle is the Sienna. It's a great van. Like you said, it transports grandma and grandpa with our family, when we get out around town. If we only had one vehicle, it would be the Sienna. Truck and Sienna is perfect for us. However, like you said about a larger vehicle, the same can be said about the Prius. There may be emotional ties for some in the Prius. We will all justify why one vehicle is better for them than another. So, that said, I hope all the Prius owners here enjoy their vehicles. If you see me on the road, please don't tail gate my truck just because I have a truck (I'm joking, because I used to be tailgated a lot in my Prius until I put my Vet plates on). Too bad people can't have respect for one another, regardless of the type of car they drive.

    Anyway, all the best to you and Prius owners out there. Be safe.
  16. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Thanks, believe me, I wanted to break stereotypes more than I wanted a car that would work best for our family. I was such a dork to do this. I hope you will enjoy your Prius for many years to come, or whatever car you have in the future.

    Okay, I was reluctant to mention the model of truck, because people will point out that I could have made a better choice in trucks, etc., and it really didn't matter what truck. However, I did my homework and I picked my truck based on not one particular specification but rather best all around value for the money.

    My truck is a Dodge 1500 Crew Cab with the 5.7 liter Hemi. I will not tow all that often, so I didn't figure I needed a turbo diesel, or I would have got one. In addition, I live in Phoenix, AZ, and turbos (I have heard) don't do all that well down here in the summer heat (although, you will see them). I don't know if this is true, yet, that the turbo would have been a problem, but I can tow a boat with no problem, anyway. Yes, it can go 0-60 in 6 seconds, but so what? Yes, I did not get the top of the line model, because the lower model doesn't have the large center console, so it does seat 3 very comfortably in the front bench seat and 3 in the back row. The Crew Cab is very very roomy in the backrow, like the megacab. One of our boys is 6'2" and he can stretch his legs out. I don't have a back up camera or navigation, or I would have ended up only seating 5. Plus, I've backed up plenty of semi trucks in the past, so I don't need a camera-- yes, I used to be a truck driver, so I don't mind getting out if I have to and checking how close I am. I was a fuel tanker driver (ice road), and hauled milk for the dairy. I'm a PhD student, now, so all the stereotypes don't fit me too well.

    Anyway, now everyone can say I could have found a better truck. Maybe, but I'm very happy with it. With all the rebates this Labor day weekend and the dealership trying to get rid of 2012 models, I managed to trade my Prius in for what I bought it for (if you add the rebate to the trade in value), so I am not out anything except the higher cost of fuel. The solution to higher fuel costs for me was a different solution: I don't drive as far to work anymore, so my truck doesn't really cost me anymore than my Prius did.

    Good luck to you.
  17. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    No, it's not a gun rack, like you would envision it. Gesh, we have to get past the stereotypes for products, too. You can use these behind the front seats to store water bottles, Klennex boxes, wet wipes, etc. Seat Back Gun Rack, Behind Seat Gun Rack, Gun Racks for Pickups, SUV Gun Rack, Vehicle Gun Rack. The photo doesn't show the pockets well, but next time you're in walmart, check it out. :)
  18. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    I got a little sarcastic, so my posts were deleted. I was borderline being a jerk. I thought I hadn't crossed the line, but perhaps I did. Again, Prius is a great vehicle. What is humorous is when someone is asking how to turn their Prius into a truck or SUV, i.e., put a tow package on it, haul a boat, etc. I guess that's what makes America great though. When one of you come up with a truck or SUV getting the same MPG as my old Prius, I will probably trade my truck in. I was responding sarcastically and could have hurt someone's feelings about their Prius. Oops, I hope this doesn't get censured. Anyway, I have a problem with political correctness. I do hope you all enjoy your cars. I sure liked my Prius for the high gas mileage. I will miss that. Someone is going to get a nice Prius, and join this great forum. Good luck guys and gals.... you won't be tailgated by my truck. Be safe out there.
  19. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Okay. Sorry about that.
  20. ItsNotAboutTheMoney

    ItsNotAboutTheMoney EditProfOptInfoCustomUser Title

    Jul 18, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I believe it was the IIHS' numbers. They report age-adjusted fatalities across different vehicles types.

    Example: http://www.iihs.org/externaldata/srdata/docs/sr4605.pdf

    Despite the supposed advantages of increased visibility and weight pick-ups are apparently not safe vehicles.

    I was wrong in my wording, since depending on the model of pick-up it might be a bit safer than a Prius, just that overall the statistics don't really indicate that pick-ups are safe. If you want safety, pound-for-pound SUVs and minivans seem distinctly better.