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some questions from a new 2010 II owner

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Matthew Cornell, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Matthew Cornell

    Matthew Cornell New Member

    Dec 4, 2013
    2010 Prius
    Hi folks. We are excited to join the used Prius club, and I'm new here to the forums. After driving the car for a week I have some questions. It would be great to get your thoughts on these, or at least a pointer to a FAQ/etc. Thanks!
    • Flashing red key light on dash: This is a small icon that looks like a key and lock, and flashes quickly. I'm guessing it's a smart key indicator of some sort?
    • Defrost plus recirculation: The front defrost button always switches the recirc off. Sometimes I like the non-fresh air, esp. when I'm behind a polluting vehicle or driving through somewhere smelly. Is there a way to have both? I understand that breathing makes it moist inside, but I'm curious. Does anyone else wish for this?
    • Driving modes (Normal/none; EV, Eco, Power): Which do you normally use? I read a little about 'stealth' mode, but I didn't quite understand it.
    • B-mode (transmission): I understand what this does (braking without using the brakes), and I read that "Under most normal conditions, you should never have to use B gear at all," but I'm curious if there is an economy benefit to using this rather than the brake pedal. Do you use that mode much? (I also read "The job of "B" mode is to help stop the car, not to save or recover energy. In fact, it largely throws energy away.")
    • Auto headlights: I was surprised that the lights don't turn on and off automatically with operation. Unfortunately, because there is no aural warning about lights on, I find myself forgetting to turn them off and having to re-enter the car. I read that they go off after 30 seconds (?) and come back on with the motor (?). How do you use the lights - just leave the switch on all the time?
    • Drive-by-wire: Is the Prius a drive-by-wire system, i.e., pedals being control inputs and not mechanical ones? It looks like it is, but I wanted to ask. I assume steering is still mechanical :)
    • Technical details: I'd like to learn more about the various components in the system. Do you have a good introductory read for me?
  2. xpcman

    xpcman Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2009
    California - SF Bay area
    2008 Prius
    Lots of questions! I will answer a few and you will get others with differing opinions:
    Driving mode - I like Power but I have a light foot and like the quick response - others like Eco for city driving. There is a fourth setting "normal" with none of the buttons pushed. You might want to use this setting until you get used to the car. EV is only good for moving the car around a few feet into the garage.
    B-mode - useful for 1,000+ foot elevation changes to save the brakes and not max out the battery regen in the first few minutes. You are probably not going to out smart the car so it has little or no use for increasing MPG. B-mode uses the engine as an air pump. In 40k miles I have never used B-mode.
    Auto headlights - Yes the lights will go out after you close the driver door. If you run with the lights on all the time you might need to replace the low beam bulbs every year. The bulbs are a bitch to replace and the dealer may charge $100 to do it.
    Drive-by-wire - Yes steering is still mechanical and the brakes have a mechanical fail safe also.
  3. ksstathead

    ksstathead Active Member

    May 1, 2007
    2010 Prius
    I use ECO almost exclusively since it gives finer control of throttle at low speeds, as well as dialing back the AC when stopped. On the highway, it wouldn't matter to me, just easier to leave it in ECO. To each his own.
  4. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    welcome aboard and enjoy the ride! great questions.
    ECO mode for me. depending on how you turn on the lights will effect how they turn off. did you get a manual?
  5. JimboPalmer

    JimboPalmer Tsar of all the Rushers

    Apr 14, 2009
    Greenwood MS USA
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Flashing red key light on dash: This is a small icon that looks like a key and lock, and flashes quickly.

    Engine immobilizer, make the car harder to steal

    Driving modes (Normal/none; EV, Eco, Power): Which do you normally use?

    This is entirely driver preference: some like a lot of response right off the line, some like a lot of pedal travel so they can fine tune their cruising. Set it however you like, there is the same amount of power by the time the pedal hits the floor.

    B-mode (transmission): In fact, it largely throws energy away.

    It throws energy away so you do not need to ride the brakes going down long descents. I would guess that 95% of the folks who try B in other scenarios lose MPG.

    Auto headlights: How do you use the lights - just leave the switch on all the time?

    I do. There is a customization to delay 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, or 0 seconds. I prefer 0 seconds, but I am an older male who parks inside. If I was a young female parking on the street, I might prefer 90 seconds of bright light

    • Technical details: I'd like to learn more about the various components in the system. Do you have a good introductory read for me?
    The third Gen Prius is improved, but harder to visualize (for me)

    Toyota Prius - Power Split Device

    Toyota | Our Point of View: Atkinson Meets Otto: Why the Prius is So Efficient
  6. Matthew Cornell

    Matthew Cornell New Member

    Dec 4, 2013
    2010 Prius
    Thanks for your replies, everyone. I just watched a video about "pulse and glide," and read about optimal tire pressure. I think I'll try 40/38 front/back. Enjoying the car.
  7. engerysaver

    engerysaver Real Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2011
    Tyler, Texas ; USA
    2011 Prius
    :) Congrats on your new 2010 Prius, and welcome to PRIUSchat; where you can find answers to all of your questions.(y) ...... Happy driving!!:cool: