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Multiple contact transfer application for Motorola MPX220

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by hclyatt, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. hclyatt

    hclyatt New Member

    May 4, 2004
    Owings Mills, Maryland
    I have created this application for the Motorola MPX220 so that I can transfer multiple contacts at one time to the Prius. I am giving this to the community for free .

    I have the MPX220 and it works well with the Prius. The only issues I have with the phone is that it could only transfer one contact at a time, and you could not choose which phone number in the contact record to transfer to the car. This is no longer a problem now that I have written this program.

    When making a call you will also hear a tone for about 1 second or less before the phone starts ringing, this may annoy some people I don't have a problem with it. You won't see signal strengh on the Prius display. The phone doesn't ring through the Prius speakers, it does however ring through the handset. Since the phone is theoretically in the car with you, I don't have a problem with this.

    It has been stated on this forum before that when the phone is set to the silent profile and a call was received that the call would automatically be muted, I don't have this problem perhaps it has been solved with the 1.3 firmware which the phones are now shipping with.

    I have only tested the program with my MPX220 and using emulators. It should theoretically work on any Windows Mobile Smartphone 2003 or newer. If you phone does not come with the .Net framework already installed you will need to install it for this program to work. You can download the .Net framework here: MS .Net download site. If you have the MPX220 this will already be installed in your phones rom.

    I have included the Readme file for my application below for a better description.


    BTConTran 1.0 Read Me.

    BTConTran is a SmartPhone 2003 application created to overcome three shortcomings with the Windows Mobile 2003 SmartPhone operating system, it allows you to:

    1. Select and transfer more than one contact at a time.
    2. Has the ability to select which phone number in the contact record is transferred.
    3. Removes all non-numeric information from the phone number.

    It has been created specifically for transferring contact records from the Smartphone to on-board Automobile BlueTooth systems such as the one in the Toyota Prius.
    A few of the problems with transferring contacts to the on-board BlueTooth System in the Toyota Prius is that if a contact has more than one phone number you have no control over which number is transferred to the car. Another problem is that if you have non-numeric information in the contact phone number for example: (888)555-1212 the Prius will not recognize the phone number and just display ||||||||||||| instead. BTConTran overcomes these limitations.
    BTConTran only transfers the contact name and phone number. No other Contact data is transferred.
  2. bbq_sean

    bbq_sean New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    Where is the app? :D
  3. H2OSkier

    H2OSkier Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    Los Angeles, CA
    I also have the MPX220, so where is the beef ... err ... app ? :)
