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Colorado Going Smoke Free! Awesome!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by naterprius, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius

    I dont blow smoke in others faces but if it wafts their way due to weather conditions oh well cant do anything about that....

    Enjoy! ======}}
  2. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Pack of cigarettes, 1955: $.20 (by the carton); today: $3.50. Let's call the average over 50 years $1.25, as most of the ballooning in price has taken place in the last 15 years (sin taxes, payments to lawyers and governments).

    Pack-a-day = 365 x 50 x $1.25 = $22,812.50.

    Almost exactly what I just paid for my '06 (taking into account tax break).

    Edit: How much have others spent on their "vices"?:

    1. alcoholic beverages
    2. cosmetics
    3. unnecessary shoes (factoring out basic costs for needed footwear).
    4. fashionable clothes (factoring out "needed basics")
    5. entertainment (recorded/live music, electronics, movies and other tix, etc.)
    6. eating in restaurants (factoring out basic "home-prepared" costs)
    7. vehicles (factoring out necessary costs for "basic transportation")

    Get those calculators out. We all have our "buzzes"/pacifiers. :eek:
  3. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yes, you can. You can put out your cigarette.

  4. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    I have to disagree. You've just removed all sense of personal responsibility from the smoker/crackhead with that statement. The smoker kills himself... period. Same for the crackhead. The seller is an enabler, yes, but not a murderer. I hate this victim BS. These people are victims of themselves, nobody else.

    And yes, I'm all for the bans. I hate the smoke. Ruins the taste of food and beer and it utterly disgusting to have to breath. However, if people want to off themselves in a location that doesn't bother other I don't care. That is, if they pay all of their medical bills. I'm not gonna subsidize their stupidity though.
  5. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    LOL good one.. :D
    1. alcoholic beverages
    2. cosmetics
    3. unnecessary shoes (factoring out basic costs for needed footwear).
    4. fashionable clothes (factoring out "needed basics")
    5. entertainment (recorded/live music, electronics, movies and other tix, etc.)
    6. eating in restaurants (factoring out basic "home-prepared" costs)
    7. vehicles (factoring out necessary costs for "basic transportation")

    Get those calculators out. We all have our "buzzes"/pacifiers

    Again if your going to tax tobacco they should also tax alcohol at the same rate..

    for the pot heads out there..

    1. pot (legalize it) tax 300%
    2. alcohol tax 200%
    3. tobacco tax 200%
    4. prostitution (legalize it) tax 200%
    But even if they did do these things, they the (goverment) would surely find some were else to spend the money other than paying the countries debts.. (no matter what party is in office).....

    There Im off of my soap box.... And Im not going to argue anyone elses points as there are many rites and wrongs depending on who's looking at it..

    Peace~ :)
  6. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Hey, Priusguy, why so hard on the poor potheads, wanting to tax their drug at a higher rate than everyone else's?

    Also, from a practical point of view, it would be harder to put a percentage tax on prostitution than on drugs. Legal drugs are sold in stores that have retail tax licenses and can be audited fairly easily. Prostitution is a one-on-one service, where it would be very easy to declare a price much lower than the real price. It would make more sense to establish legal houses where the patrons pay a flat tax going in, plus a fee to the house to cover medical testing, and then negotiate a price with the service providers. (I almost said "ladies," but there is no reason the providers would have to be all female.) -- Alternatively, the fees might be assessed only if the patron accompanies a provider to a room, thus taxing only those who use the service.
  7. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)
    I was reading not to long ago on prostitution in oh so puritanical Singapore -- the country that kills people for illegal drug offenses.

    The state makes money by regulating whorehouses, so all is good, including trafficing aka bondage/slavery in young women from other parts of Asia.

    Give the state a revenue stream, and watch the legal system adapt.
  8. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    LOL my bad don't want to victimize anyone , even the pot heads. Maybe even legalize all drug types and have them availible in a brothel type bldg then you could tax that too. Ref. Prostitutes yes put them in monitored brothels... ;)

    copy the movies Escape from NY & LA and convert a city into a prison and put a wall around it and let the inmates grow their own food ... ;)
  9. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
  10. espoafd

    espoafd New Member

    Dec 31, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM
    Gotta love stupid people.
  11. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    I am just glad that my dad cared enough about spending more time with his family and decided to quit smoking. It is so very hard to believe that people would choose to smoke when it is such a nasty habit. There are much better things to enjoy in life and cigarettes usually decrease the intensity of all of them.
  12. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
  13. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    What began in 1971 as a minor inconvenience to air traveling smokers has turned more recently into one of the wildest feeding frenzies for lawmakers and attorneys everywhere and an erosion of liberty for all Americans.

    In 1971, United Airlines introduced seperate sections for smokers and nonsmokers on their airplanes followed by the first federal restriction on smoking in public places in 1973 when the Civil Aeronautics Board required all airlines to create nonsmoking sections. Fifteen years later, in 1988, Congress banned smoking on domestic flights of less than two hours. Today, not only is smoking banned on domestic and international flights, smoking is also banned inside most airports.

    The Federal government extended it's reach in the fray, supported by trial lawyers, with their eyes on huge repositories of money to extend the reach of government and fund their big government programs. It has now become politically correct to discriminate against smokers socially with isolation and ridiculing behavior, and economically with higher taxes and other costs.

    The result has been that smokers have systematically been stripped of their civil rights, denied their employment rights, and reduced to second class citizens as smoking has been made illegal in most public places.

    Smoking Aloud will attempt to clear the smoke from the controversial issues while probing the various claims made by the Socialist led anti-smoking movement. We will also consider the longer-term consequences of the ensuing legislative and litigative activity as well as develop the thesis that ...

    The ongoing anti-smoking campaign is not about public health, drug abuse, or teen smoking. What it is all about is money, control, and jurisdiction.

    Deception #1: PUBLIC HEALTH.
    Central to any socialist movement is the idea that whatever a bureaucracy does is for the "public good." Hence, we have seen the rise of phrases like, "health care crisis," "pediatric crisis," and some of their most persuasive rhetoric, "it's for the children," and "it's the right thing to do." More recently we've seen the rise in popularity and effectiveness of the phrase, "war on terrorism."

    It's been said that if you tell a lie often enough, people will eventually believe it. Today, a growing number of uninformed and simple minded Americans have bought into the lies.

    There may be a health care crisis, but not the kind these Socialists are wanting you to believe. Rising costs in our health care system and the drain on Medicare is not caused by smokers... it's caused by the explosion of an AIDS epidemic among the homosexual and intravenous drug user community. Insurance rates aren't skyrocketing because of health care costs for smokers... it's caused by out of control health care costs of homosexual domestic partners with AIDS. In the US, AIDS is the number one killer of African American men ages 25 and 44 and the second leading cause of death for black women of that age group. (US Department of Health and Human Services 10/28/98)

    Major corporation after corporation has begun extending health care coverage to homosexual couples in the battle against AIDS.

    With acontrived crisis as its centerpiece, government and social propagandists have sprung into action with elaborate public relations campaigns whipping the public into a frightened frenzy where they willingly and blindly submit themselves to a money and power hungry cadre of statists. Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress have passed sham legislation that does nothing for public health, does not address their stated goals of reducing teen smoking, but rather raises taxes on the middle-class and extends the size and authority of government over private lives.

    What's been their rationale supporting their grab for money and power? Fear, fear, and more distorted fear! It's the same process the govenment used in an earlier time with their "Reefer Madness" propaganda campaign. Like then, nearly all the recent tobacco legislation has been based on bogus and discredited research.

    In the '60's they told us that taking a toke off that marijuana cigarette turned people into sex crazed murderers. Today they tell us that people who light up in public and puff on their cigarettes not only put themselves at risk but also is causing cancer in those non-smokers around them.

    Well, the fact is that marijuana smokers were not transformed into sex crazed killers in the 1960's and passive or secondhand smoke is not causing cancer in anybody today.

    So, why are we being told these lies?

    Read on and I'll try to explain it to you.

    Agenda #1: MONEY.
    The current propaganda campaign being waged against the tobacco industry and smokers amounts to extortion by the U.S. government at both the federal and state levels, trial lawyers, insurance companies, and many others in the health related professions. They are simply coercing your money from you through the spreading of fear and in many cases lying to you in exchange for higher taxes, huge legal fees, higher insurance premiums, and higher medical fees. Not-for-profit public health organizations have their hands out as well, seeing an almost endless supply of money to fund their research grants.

    Make no mistake about it -- MONEY is the foundational issue. Take money out of the equation and these bleeding heart liberals will tuck their tails and abandon your children.

    Deception #2: DRUG ABUSE.
    Illegal drug use increased substatially under the leadership Bill Clinton - without considering tobacco as a drug. The increase considered only highly addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin, or Clinton's favorite, marijuana. In the wake of the governments failed policies concerning dangerous addictive drugs, President Clinton pulled a SLICK maneuver and successfully "redefined" tobacco as an addictive drug in a deceptive ploy to make it look like he is doing something about drugs. But, drug use is not reduced -- only new federal regulations are imposed on legal businesses through an expanded Food and Drug Administration.

    Agenda #2: CONTROL.
    The rise of the anti-smoking sentiment in America coincides with society's move from personal responsibility to attaching blame for just about everything on someone or something else other than where the true blame resides. Along with abandoning personal responsibility, "enlightened" Americans have renounced reason and truth and have handed over the control of their lives to a power hungry conglomerate of rich politicians, lawyers, and doctors.

    Relishing the idea of broader government reach into private lives, lawmakers have gladly provided the structure whereby government becomes the savior and caretaker of the people. Using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as its propaganda arm, the federal government has used sham research to empower state and local authorities to restrict smoking in public places, including offices, restaurants and commercial airliners. Along with expanded government control of private lives comes the associated bloated budgets and rising taxes to pay for it all.

    Deception #3: TEEN SMOKING.
    To win your hearts and minds, anti-smokers have launched massive deceptive public relations campaigns much like the "Reefer Madness" campaign and are manipulating public policy in the interest of big government. Several years ago they discovered through focus group studies that people react positively to their message if the emphasis is more on children - hence the "It's for the children" propaganda.

    Agenda #3: JURISDICTION.
    Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes - be they fascist or communist in nature - have always sought to destroy the traditional family unit by severing the bonds between parents and their children, thereby increasing the power of the government. Adolph Hitler understood that if he were to control the German people, he had to first control the children. He started by first taking charge of the children and educating them to follow his racist view and teaching them that it was ok to kill and torture Jews, and anyone that shared different ideals. Before it was over, Hitler's youth were even turning in their parents if they shared other values.

    Today, the target of their Socialist agenda is still the children and the intact family is still their greatest enemy. Our kids minds are being filled with every imaginable distortion of reality by the NEA led public school system and it's not too far off before "child welfare" officials will find the legal precedent to remove children from their homes if their parents are smokers. After all, in Hillary Clinton's words, "It takes more than a family to raise children."
  14. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Sooo... all of my lobbying to my state legislators, taking a stand in front of smokers, complaining about smoke to everyone that will listen for the last two decades or so, is all about money? Every time I refused a rental car that had just been smoked in, refused a smokey hotel room, complained to my bosses about people who smoke around me while I'm at work, is all about money? Every time I had to change tables at a restaurant, is all about money?

    The answer, is no. The truth is, we the people, are sick of the smoke. Period. Take your cigarette outside, 15 feet from the doors, as per the law, and keep your shit away from me. That's all there is to it.

    As for gays with AIDS draining the health care system, my employer's number one health care cost is Lipitor. Not cancer, not AIDS for gays, not even smoking, but Lipitor. 90,000 employees, same-sex benefits for those who request it, and the number one cost is Lipitor. That's why all of us are required to have cholesterol tests and maintain monitoring with our doctors. I don't have high cholesterol, but I support their efforts.

    By the way, straight people get AIDS, too. Pretty, white, hot girls get AIDS from normal straight guys.

  15. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    I see you got the money end of the reply.

    No its not just about money, its about money, control, and jurisdiction
  16. bgdrewsif

    bgdrewsif New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
    Phoenix, Arizona (formerly Bowling Green, Ohio)
    2006 Prius
    Gee, are you a smoker priusguy04? I absolutely laughed my head off at that insane post... My father is a 2 pack a day chain smoker who refused to pay for the rising cost of cigarettes so he now makes his own. My mother will not let him smoke in the hose so he spends all his free time on the back porch instead of interacting with his family. My stepmother smoked for nearly 40 years until it nearly killed her two years ago. She now only has 40% of her lung capacity, and cannot even be around the slighest hint of cigarette smoke without ending up in the Emergency Room. Most everyone in my family is/has been addicted to cigarettes until it killed them. As far as I know I am the ONLY person in my family over the age of 18 who has never smoked (and never will) so I have see first had just how wonderful tobacco is, as it has killed off my entire family.
  17. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    Good news,

    It's always such a relief after coming back home from other parts of the world where smoking still dominates.

    In one place I almost got into a fight with few jerks smoking deliberately around my table after finding out that I come from the states. I was furious!

    Smoking ban is one of the shinning examples to the world that we Americans can lead the world in many aspects of human evolution. Europe is following us with anti-smoking agenda. :)
  18. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    pruis04guy that was the biggest line of malarkey and button pressing neocon hit piece I have read in a really long while. Thanks for the entertainment and shparening my discerning reading skills. It's textbook propaganda, and shows how the Clintons really DO scare the Cons down to their toes. Intelligence sure is threatening to the leaders of the sheeple isn't it? This post should be required reading in all english classes as a demonstration of demonization at it's best.
  19. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bgdrewsif @ Apr 6 2006, 07:14 AM) [snapback]235762[/snapback]</div>
    Yes I am a smoker :) I wouldnt smoke in my hose either.. By my choice I smoke outside (makes the hose stink)

    I have had 7 reletives die from cancer, guess what they never smoked.. I have one uncle thats in his 80's he still smokes and has since he was 15, Granted he only smokes a pack every three days..

    Im sorry to hear about your familys plite, my ex-wifes family was addicted to alcohol and the father died of the liver disorder.. Next we should ban alcohol... Im glad to see the post amused you [you]

    For Nate:

    Yes the STD's are on a severe rise for the 17-25 yr old crowd.. :(

    Again glan you enjoyed the posting ;)
  20. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Every time I hear this crap about clean air being a problem, you find out the complainer has a hidden agenda, like wanting to smoke everywhere they can.

    The louder and more beligerent smokers become, the tougher the anti-smoking laws will become in response.

    Come to Colorado and take a deep breath. Between the surging numbers or Prii and the anti-smoking laws, you can now breathe a bit easier.
