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Now this would be good on a Bumper Sticker!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by shona, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Sun__Tzu

    Sun__Tzu New Member

    May 4, 2004
    Bethesda, MD
    Wow, it just dawned on me now that the post was originally meant for Reagan. Yeah, I can see how that would tweak some people.

    When I first found the thread, I simply assumed it was directed at Bush. I had found the same Teddy R. quote myself a few weeks ago, and had a great laugh, since I thought it applied so perfectly to the supporters of Bush. I had the same thought as shona too: that this would've been great on a bumper sticker (maybe if it weren't quite so wordy; damn you TR for your eloquence).
  2. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Fine with me. I'm going on vacation anyway and I'll be off line.

    See you all in a week or two.
  3. Re: 180 degrees out of phase

    Now that's a heck of a note! Our fearless Admin doesn't desire personal attacks??? I guess that's OK, huh.
    How does our admin feel about a hard core, confused liberal using your Prius site for such a message about one of our US presidents? And a dead one at that. You state you think we should be civil. Do you think what Daniel said about our late President Reagan was civil?!!!
    How does our Admin feel about one of your site users posting a message titled:
    I think the Admin should be asking people like Daniel to properly state the name of their postings. Maybe you should hold your website to higher standards. Consider that.

    We can only be hopeful that sponsors don't notice such postings from Daniel or they will "pull back" and disappear.
    And, yes. I expect this to be deleted by the Admin. It would look far worse on the site than, let's say, Daniel's posting about OUR President Ronald Reagan. Heaven forbid we stand up for what's right. Heaven forbid we hold people to acceptable standards.
    It's OK to disagree politically. It would not be OK if I called Kerry the names used by Daniel about President Reagan.
    ....not a site I'll visit again. Take me off your list and have a chuckle on me when you delete this message.
    Admin, I wish you all the best. But do the right thing.

    Edited by Danny for personal attacks
  4. Thanks Mybrid & Stan.

    Stan and Mybrid...
    VERY happy to see your postings!!
    God bless you what you stand for. snip....
    I'm leaving this website. It's no longer about the car!
    What a shame.
    Admin Danny almost had a good thing going.

    Edited by Danny for personal attack
  5. aarons12

    aarons12 New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    long island, NY
    wow. nothing like a polite difference of opinion, eh?

    and, although i do not intend to discuss my opinion of reagan, i will say that i have obtained huge amounts of terrific information on this site, and if i didn't like what was being discussed in a particular thread, i simply didn't go there.

    as george carlin said, there are two knobs on the television. one turns it off, and the other changes the station
  6. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID

    [align=center:6261bbe6a2]PLEASE :crazyeyes: [/align:6261bbe6a2]
  7. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    huh, I can't wait to archive this page and show it to all the conservatives out there when Clinton dies and someone tries saying something nice about him. :p

    Politics will always divide people, forever and ever amen. If you feel the need to run away from this forum because people disagree with you, that's your loss, not the people here. Sharing your political views is one thing. Not allowing others to share theirs is just ignorant and childish. Freedom of speech allows us to bash anyone recently dead, whether in good taste or not. Deal with it and move on, or if not, call the ACLU and plead your case to them.

    And, this of course, is just my opinion - believe it or not as you will - but don't run from a respected and well studied car site because of it.

  8. suchham

    suchham New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Parkersburg, WV
    Try to keep an open mind about these things

    This IS a General Discusasion forum-not just Prius material. You are likely to read of any topic here. People have a right to their opinions even if different from yours. No reason to lose your cookies :pukeright: Political discussions frequently turn ugly. Just because a politician is dead does not make him/her a saint.
  9. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    M_A_M, I'm sorry, but you were warned. Your account has been deleted.

    Personal attacks against other members will not be tolerated on PriusChat. Last time I checked President Reagan is not a registered PriusChat member.

    Users are allowed to name their threads whatever they want. You could have simply chosen to ignore this thread, but instead you decided to personally attack many of our members instead of discussing their stances and illustrating your points.