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Anyone Notice The Bad Driving Around You?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Steve6745, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Steve6745

    Steve6745 New Member

    Jun 15, 2004
    Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the hostility from other drivers toward your Prius? Two days and two incidents of road rage from people unhappy about me driving the speed limit in front of them. The one yesterday, the guy actually cut me off, ran back to me and threatened to beat me up in front of my kids -- because I was doing 37 in a 35 MPH area and he (evidently) needed to get to a hospital or something to deliver a kidney for transplant. At least, that's what I'm figuring...how could someone get that angry over taking thirty seconds to get between stop lights instead of twenty-eight?
    Anyone else have similar incidents? Or, am I just (gasp) attracting jerks?
  2. mikepaul

    mikepaul Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Columbia, SC
    2004 Prius
    35MPH in a 35MPH zone usually has people passing me. However, most times I drive in the lane I need to be in up the road, so I'm in the left lane doing the speed limit a lot. Still no reason for them to pass me, but I can imagine they think I should be going 'slow' in the right lane...
  3. SAPrius

    SAPrius New Member

    May 19, 2004
    San Antonio, Texas
    2005 Prius
    You're not alone Steve6745.
    When coming to a "full stop" at the stop sign, I've actually had a couple of drivers behind me honk and make rude hand gestures just because I stopped and checked other crossing traffic at an intersection. Maybe I need to put a sign in my back truck window stating, "Caution, this vehicle actually stops at stop signs!"
    When our Prius does arrive, I wonder how many rude drivers will react aggressively just because I might be coasting or engaged in regenerative braking? I suppose some folks will always be in a hurry to rush through everything, including their own lives. Keep driving defensively and take time to smell the roses!
  4. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Presuming you are going with the flow of traffic, I can't imagine any reason other than the guy has some emotional problem with getting there 'NOW'.

    I see no reason to get to 35 mph in 3 seconds flat just because one's vehicle can do it. On the other hand, creeping up to 35 to maximize one's mpg is not warranted either. Traffic lights are generally synchronized (OK, SUPPOSED to be) so creeping off the line will affect the people behind you as they will miss the next signal, even though you make it.

    I know I tick some people off when I do my usual 'under 60' on the interstate (posted at 55) and am in the left lane ( we only have 2 lanes :) ). But I do that only at interchanges when you are SUPPOSED to be in the left/travel lane so those getting on and off don't have to play dodge-car with the people continuing on. Still, people do seem to think it is their right to go 65 or 70 if they like and you shouldn't be in their way.

    I wish they had a "aggressive driver patrol" job. You know, you don't have to chase felons or anything, just be able to pull over people who think the roads are theirs and the rules don't apply.
  5. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Gee, I was thinking just the opposite - I've been trying to figure out how to shoot a permanent yellow diamond caution sign onto cars that reads "Caution, driver runs red lights and stop signs" :)
  6. autoxic

    autoxic Commuter

    Mar 25, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    2004 Prius
    If you are going too slow, you should stay in the right lane.

    If people are piling up behind you, you should pull over to let them pass.

    If you are not moving with the flow of traffic, you are part of the hazard.

    You do not have a right to go slowly just to do your part to save gas if this creates a dangerous situation on the highway.

    You slowpokes give hybrids a bad name.
  7. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID

    But the guy who started this thread was going the speed limit plus 2! (and in the right hand lane I presume as the other guy was able to pull around and cut him off)
  8. autoxic

    autoxic Commuter

    Mar 25, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    2004 Prius
    I know. I was kidding a bit on some of that.

    I try to drive with the flow of traffic, though I will sometimes coast to a stop sign or make other subtle attempts to bump up my MPG.

  9. aarons12

    aarons12 New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    long island, NY
    i know i'm gonna have an MPG problem with my prius on the highway. i'm great at easy acceleration and coasting, but on the highway, if i'm not doing 72 i'm falling asleep (not literally, but bored to tears)
  10. Eug

    Eug Swollen Member

    Jan 13, 2004
    Earth (for now)
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    I get guys pulling up beside me and staring at the car instead of watching the road.
  11. DonDNH

    DonDNH Senior Member

    Feb 3, 2004
    Nashua, NH
    2016 Prius
    Four Touring
    I was thinking of putting a small LCD display showing my current MPG in the rear, lower window might be an idea.
  12. adrenalinwill

    adrenalinwill New Member

    Apr 17, 2004
    Irvine, CAlifornia
    As I posted previously, we should start the Prius racing team. Then we can jackrabbit our way to normality! :lol:

    In CA, the speed limit in most FWY is 65MPH. Doing 65 MPH in the slow lane all the way to the right usually brings on speed racers and tail gaters. Not wanting to end up with an SUV up my %@#@, I tend to drive normally during commute hours......70-85 MPH to keep up with the flow of traffic.

    The way I figured, a few less miles per gallon is better than whiplash, munched up car, and a few years dealing with insurance and courts. Although I may just end up with a couple of Prii after the fact! :mrgreen:

    Be safe! There are crazies out there! Just look at the cars they're driving!
  13. Medved

    Medved New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Willowick, Oh
    MPG vs. Speed

    I just wanted to add a quick comment.

    I have had my Prius for almost 1 month now. In my 3 tanks of fuel I have used, I have been averaging a little over 50 mpg. I drive pretty normal. If no one is around, I am usually just at or just over the speed limit. Otherwise, I generally go with the flow of traffic. weather you are doing 25 or 35, I have not seen much of a difference in MPG. If any thing, I have found that going faster, say around 40, I get even better millage, because you are still running at high efficency and traveling FARTHER, in the same amount of fuel that you would slower.

    This week, my fiance and I drove from Cleveland to Columbusd and back for a graduation party. About 150 miles each way. She drove down there pretty agressivly, around 75 average I would say. I was more just under 70 driving back. Quite honestly we averaged about the same on the display.

    I would agree, that it is more important to say with the flow of traffic when it is around. If you are alone, do as your heart contents.
  14. Steve6745

    Steve6745 New Member

    Jun 15, 2004
    Good Point...

    Good points on staying with the flow of traffic. I should elaborate a little bit, too...

    I alternate between the Prius and driving my 1989 Ford Bronco. I drive them both the same -- generally between two and four MPH above the speed limit, so I don't get run off the road and always OUT of the flow of the fast traffic. I live in San Diego and there's a helluva lot of it, at certain times of the day.

    Nobody honks, cuts me off, gives me hand signals (!), etc. when I drive my Bronco. Once I get in the Prius, however, it's like putting a 'Kick Me' sticker on my back! I was just wondering if this is common.
    I saw an article in the Honolulu Advertizer (don't ask why I was looking there), in which the author claims to be cut off much more frequently in his test-Prius.

    Thanks for the posts -- you're a helpful bunch!
  15. julio

    julio New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    I have also noticed the aggression of other drivers around my Prius, I think it makes them mad knowing that with the gas prices going sky high and rising I am not as affected as they are. I also believe in the "kick-me" theory, it may be because of the advertisement the Prius gets on the car magazines "car for geeks", "Techo geeks car" etc. I will have to put a sticker in the back "Driver carries less than $20 in ammo for his Glock .45" and maybe the other drivers will behave. Keep saving gas.
  16. terkar

    terkar New Member

    Jan 4, 2004
    Hendersonville, NC
    I started my driving career in 1956 and have noticed a lot of changes in the way we drive. Yes, people do seem to speed a lot more but what really gets me is the tailgating that goes on - see it everyplace - Driver going the speed limit or faster in left lane lots of traffic on right and sure enuf some Bozo will pull up next to his rear where can he go! Interesting thing is the most agressive drivers I see are Female- yep! didn't used to be so but sure is now. Seems women are getting all the bal...s and men are losing theirs (whoops, thats a whole different topic)

    MEDVED: Agree with the better mpg over 30 but defy you to prove that you get better mpg at 75 than at 63!!
  17. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    The ultimate ignorance in rude driving

    My best rude driving story comes from a former collegue who was moving back to Idaho from North Dakota. She and her husband were driving separately, one in the U-Haul and the other in their car.

    They were crossing Montana with no posted speed limit at the time. A state trooper was passing them when some kid came charging up from nowhere got on the troopers tail. :twisted: The kid kept riding it until the trooper had slowly passed the U-Haul and pulled into the right-hand lane. The kid then charged off only to have the cop hit the sirens and lights. :crazyeyes: A mile or so later... :guns:

    (hope I didn't overdo the emoticons)
  18. Prius Maximus

    Prius Maximus Senior Member

    May 3, 2004
    Northeastern IL
    2014 Prius
    In stop and go, I try to leave some coasting room, but invariably somebody pulls in and I lose my coast and have to jam the brakes. Hybrid only lanes sound awful good to me.

    But I don't think it's the hybrid that gets people aggravated. A lot of drivers are just plain bad drivers. They are inconsiderate. If you are in their way, too bad, look out. It didn't use to be like this. I've been driving for 35 years, and it just gets worse and worse. People used to wait for you to go by before pulling into traffic. Now, they pull in front of you, and you slam on the brakes. They go 100 feet, and make a left turn. You have to hit the brakes and wait again. If they waited 5 seconds for you to go by, there's nobody behind you, but no, that's 5 seconds. Another thing, even if I drive 75 to 80 mph, I'm passed by lots of people doing 90 or 100 or more. And they weave across 4 lanes at that speed. It's getting nuts out there.

    The ramp from NB DanRyan to west bound Ike is really bad. 2 long lanes with concrete walls to the right and left and no shoulder. the right lane is for an exit to LSD (Lake Shore Drive). The left lane is the exit for the Ike. Sorry about the names for people not in Chicago, but you 'll get the picture. So what happens? The Ike exit backs up because more people take it than the other exit. So THEN people use the right lane to get around everybody in the left lane, and force their way in to the left lane at the last second, just before the concrete median wall starts. What happens then is everybody in the right lane goes, everybody in the left lane is stuck, and the people who actually are exiting the right lane can't because they are behind the jerks trying to force there way in to a stopped line of cars. And they do it at 60 mph so you better get out of their way. It takes up to 5 minutes to go a half mile because of them.

    Oh, and let's not ignore the jerks in their Hummers who's God-given right is the ownership of every inch of asphalt or concrete. (Not gravel or dirt, God forbid they get a chip taken out of the paint or get dirt on it). I have been run off the road several times by Hummers. One time the guy was pulling a horse trailer. I was doing 60 in a 55, he made a left in front of me from a side road. I had nowhere to go except to try to pass him with oncoming traffic. Absolutely no other way to avoid rearending him. So what does he do when I'm passing? He pulls over into the oncoming lane and puts me on the gravel shoulder. On purpose. I saw him laughing as he twisted his head around to watch me.

    As mentioned above - do not ride the left lane. KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS is what the law says. And if people are behind you on a two-lane road, either let them pass or do not interfere with them by going slow or coasting too much. We don't want a bad image to get around for hybrids (like I have for Hummers). And yes, I know all Hummers aren't like that. My other car is a Ram 2500 4x4. Almost as big as a Hummer, and taller. But I use it as a vacation vehicle, not a run'em off the road vehicle.

    Sorry about the rant, but I just had a fun 2 hour drive home in rush hour and needed to vent.
  19. cmympg

    cmympg Who knows? Who cares?

    Apr 17, 2004
    Tidewater Virginia
    2004 Prius
    Just like Julio and Steve, I've just about decided that my Prius is invisible. I can't decide if everyone thinks my car has great stopping ability or thinks that my car is new so it is ok to cut me off because I won't hit them and damage my new car. Whatever the reason, I've noticed that I'm cut off more frequently now than I was in the old Acura.
  20. Henry

    Henry New Member

    May 27, 2004
    Bay Area
    I seem to drive a bit more slower in my Prius. I guess the car makes me much more calmer and happy! Just the other day, someone honked and gave me the finger because I didn't do a California stop. So they had to slam on their brakes. No mind you, I'm not your "typical" Prius owner. I've got tattoos and piercings and I won't take shit from anyone. I put my car in park, pressed the parking brake in, got out (as he saw my tattoos on my leg), opened the trunk, pulled out my baseball bat, walked up to his window and asked him what the f*ck did he say to me? He apologized and I left it at that. But the whole time I was calm because I didn't smash his window in :D

    Please don't go the extreme that I went, it's not worth it. Just keep your driving and know that they're pissed cause they're spending $45 to fill up their tanks :mrgreen: