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Noob trying to decide between two Prii and am nervous

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by SoAdorable, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius

    I am a long time VW owner and am looking at getting into a Prius. I've had my 2000 Beetle for 8 years and it was sadly totaled in an accident a few weekends ago. I knew my bug inside and out which makes jumping into a new hybrid car, which I know absolutely nothing about, a little scary. My bug was a bit of a diva and I swear loved my mechanic more than me. I put a lot of money into her over the years and am really not looking to relive the expense within the next 5 years. I have a lot of questions which stem from my experience with my bug so please forgive the long post.

    The Cars:

    I've narrowed my search down to two and don't know how to determine if one is better than the other. I am hoping to get your opinions to help me make this decision.

    The first is my preferred but for vanity reasons:
    2011 Prius Three - 83,067 miles - $16,999
    It has upgraded features, leather interior, navigation, solar roof (??? what does that do?), and is the color I like.

    The other:
    2012 Prius Two - 80,440 miles - $15,999
    No upgraded features, seems like the basic model. It is not a color that I like but I could live with it.

    I am going to be financing and the dealer is willing to discount both cars to $14,500, which seems like a good price? I should probably mention that I am purchasing from a Toyota dealer.

    My Questions:

    1. The high mileage concerns me; 80 thousand miles on a car that is 4-5 years old seems like a lot. How many miles can I expect to get out of this car over it's lifetime? I don't drive a lot; if i hit 3000 miles a year it means I did a lot of traveling. I've read that the Prius likes to be driven, if I drive my normal 8 miles a day is that enough for the car to do whatever it does?

    2. I like to keep my cars until they die and I am afraid that at 80k miles either car is going to have some major maintenance coming up. In the last year I put $6000 into my bug and I would like to avoid that cost for a little while. What can I expect maintenance wise shortly after purchasing? I've read a few posts about maintenance but I don't see anything about timing belts or other "typical" maintenance at the 100k mile mark? I see that a lot of people here seem to take their cars back to the dealer for maintenance. Why is this?

    3. The expensive battery is also another concern. At 80k miles am I going to be facing the $3000 battery purchase in the next 20k miles?

    4. Lastly, I would like to hear your experiences switching from one car type to the Prius. What did you like, how long did it take you to get used to it?

    Thank you so much to anyone who reads this! I really appreciate any answers/opinions that you give.
  2. luckyboy

    luckyboy Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    2007 Prius
    I came from a long line of VWs (owned several generations of Jettas, fox, passat, etc) I will tell you it took a while to get used to driving a prius as IMO it will never have the good drivability as you get in a german car. That said, you will love the maintenance. I have put exactly zero dollars in outside of routine maintenance into my prius over the last 8 years.
    Since you are in CA and if those used prius are original from CA the hybrid battery and main components have a 150K miles warrany.
    Now as far as your options even at $14.5K they seem pricey WHEN considering I just bought a brand new 2015 prius two (basic model) for $18.2K in the SF bay area this past weekend. Spending less than 4K for a brand new car seems like a no brainier even if you stretch your budget just a bit it will be offset with greater value down the line and less maintenance up front.
    #2 luckyboy, Oct 13, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
    SoAdorable and PLSPUSH like this.
  3. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius
    Thank you! I didn't even think to look outside of my area (face palm). I am up in Humboldt so thing tend to be more expensive. Going out of the area is a great idea. I would definitely prefer to pay a little more and get a new car over one that is older.
  4. Montgomery

    Montgomery Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Orange County, CA
    2015 Prius
    You should be ok with a prius that has 80,000 miles. They are built to go beyond 200,000 with little issues. I was looking at getting a used one, till I figured that the difference between a brand new and used was not that much, why not start fresh? The main thing to remember in driving a prius is that it is made to last. Less continual moving parts in the enginge (meaning that the gas motor isn't always running, so a prius with 80,000, may actually only have 60,000 on the gas engine). The water pumb is electrical and only turns as needed. The air conditioning condensor also runs separately from the engine, ....it only runs when you turn it on. I could go on and on about the Prius. The main point is you can't compare it to other regular gas engine cars. So, take your time and feel confident in whatever choice you make. I went and got a new one and boy am I happy!
    SoAdorable likes this.
  5. luckyboy

    luckyboy Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    2007 Prius
    The dealer in santa rosa (Freeman) was advertising a few for ~$18.5K new, I'd check those out.
    SoAdorable likes this.
  6. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    First thing's first.
    If you're trading FROM a VW to a Prius (even a used one) you have nothing to be nervous about unless you like hanging out in dealer service departments. I'm not a Prius fanboy.....I don't even own one, but there's NO WAY that i would drive a Vee Dubbaya.

    Actually, the first thing would be to welcome you aboard.

    The price from your dealer seems a bit high.
    Here's a thread from a PC member who is also a dealer.
    Dianne's 2015 model year Prius deals for fall 2015 | PriusChat
    Takeaway: If a "new" (left over) 2015 can be bought for $19,399 in SOCAL, why would you pay a few thou less for the same car with 80,000 miles on the clock?

    1. Determine your budget.
    2. If you need to borrow....DO NOT start at a dealership. You shop for cars at a dealership. You get money from a bank. Get preapproved for a car loan first. This will set a floor to your car deal. You can always let their "finance manager" try to beat the deal that the CU gives you if you like being on a lot of junk mail lists.
    3. Things to "just say no" to: GAP, any warranty or prepaid service, CPO unless it's a REAL factory CPO.

    ---get back with us later to show us the new wheels and/or ask some more questions!!

    Good Luck!
    Be not afraid!! :)
    #6 ETC(SS), Oct 13, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
    SoAdorable likes this.
  7. srellim234

    srellim234 Senior Member

    Jun 26, 2015
    Laughlin, Nevada
    2008 Prius
    Not so much to discourage you but just a question: Why a Prius if you're only driving up to 3,000 miles a year?

    Yes, the Prius is very dependable but there are other cars (Corolla, Yaris, Fit, Civic, etc.) you can find nicely equipped that are also very dependable and in the price range. At only 3,000 miles a year the difference is probably only about 2 or 3 gallons of gas a month. The Prius is great but yes, it does like to get regular miles put on it.

    It would be interesting to see how you arrived at the decision to get a Prius and the process of elimination that disqualified other cars from your short list.
    SoAdorable likes this.
  8. JimboPalmer

    JimboPalmer Tsar of all the Rushers

    Apr 14, 2009
    Greenwood MS USA
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I am unsure why you would own a hybrid only driving 3000 miles a year. A nice Corolla or Camry would serve you well. In an effort to comply with EPA rules, the Prius does not get astounding gas mileage until it warms up, your routine would never yield impressive mileage. If you did 30,000 I would be gung ho.
    You may have another 120,000 miles before you have repair issues. I do worry you do not drive enough to keep the battery charged. Dealer service is free for 25,000 miles. The only work I urge you to do at the dealer is Brake work.
    No. In CARB states, the warranty is 150,000 miles and 10 years, so if the cars were purchased and are registered in CA You will not be paying even if the battery fails from lack of use.

    There are minor imperfections in how the Prius emulates a normal car, but nothing major.
    SoAdorable likes this.
  9. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius
    Fuel economy is the biggest reason. I realize that I don't drive a lot but the majority of miles I drive in a year are to visit friends and family who live a good 400+ miles away. A large reason I don't visit them more is due to gas costs and the wear and tear on my bug. At $120 per oil change @ 3000 miles, one tends to think twice before putting in 800+ miles for a weekend visit. So the fuel economy and 10,000 miles between oil changes would really open the door to visiting my loved ones more or even just taking a road trip once in a while to a nice camping or river spot. Also, I have a gas perk through my work where they allow me $200 of gas per month on their fuel card. If I could stretch this out to cover mine and my SO's gas bill every month then there is even more incentive.

    There are other smaller reasons too. I've seen a lot of people "camping" in their Prius and this his hugely appealing to me. I go camping a lot and not having to set-up our house size tent is a win in my book. Also, when visiting my parents being able to sleep in the car comfortably would take away the need to get a hotel room; they have a cat and my SO is allergic.

    Sound is another thing. A Prius is silent. My bug has a turbo engine with some sort of crazy exhaust system and you can hear it rumbling 2 blocks away. Being able to have a conversation in the car without shouting at each other would seem unreal.

    I also like how they look over a Corolla or a Yaris. My friend has a Yaris and she loves it but I would really like something a step up from that. My first car was a '85 Corolla and that thing was a tank. We called it The Zombie because it just refused to die; the day they took it off to the junk yard it still started. However, recently I rented a new Corolla and found it to be really uncomfortable. I felt like I was stuffed into the driver's seat compared to my bug which has a huge amount of room in the front. I've heard great things about Honda as well but this time I would prefer to stick to Toyota.

    Also, and a really ridiculous reason, I take a lot of pride in the possessions that I have. My bug was old but I cared for it and put a lot of money into its upkeep. I believe in Quality over Quantity so the few things that I do have I put my heart into. I've had my bug for 8 years and I would have had it probably another 8. Again, Prius seems a set-up from a Yaris or Corolla.
    #9 SoAdorable, Oct 13, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
    usnavystgc, daisy555 and PLSPUSH like this.
  10. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius
    Thank you. I just emailed the dealer I met with last weekend asking him if he could match the deals I am seeing at other dealerships. If not, then going elsewhere seems like the thing to do.
  11. luckyboy

    luckyboy Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    2007 Prius
    I did miss the part about 3K miles a year. Though you should of course get the car you want I'm not so sure I would go for a hybrid either as the first few miles everyday are not run efficiently (gas engine is warming up all emission related components) and if you don't drive teh car for weeks at a time its supposed to be bad for the battery longevity. If I only did a few miles a day with the occasional big trip I would rent a car for the long distance trips (if under a week) and then buy a cheap but comfortable and reliable car for local use. A small SUV (CRV, rav4, CX-5 or wagon/hatch) or full sized car (accord, camry, etc) might suit your needs best and you could probably find one with a lot of miles for a good deal. But again, drive the car you want. My wife actually drives our prius to work only a few miles on normal days and I can tell you its usually less than 40mpg on those shorter trips

    Also good luck getting you local dealers to budge on price, the dealers I went to sell upwards of 100+ prius a month. Its hard for small dealers that only sell a few a month to compete with that volume pricing since their relative overhead will be much higher.
  12. srellim234

    srellim234 Senior Member

    Jun 26, 2015
    Laughlin, Nevada
    2008 Prius
    SoAdorable - Thank you for the explanation. The ability to visit family some distance away is very much the same reason we bought our used Prius this year. We too have family all across the country but the ones we try to visit with most often are 120 and 150 miles away.

    Don't plan on keeping your mileage down to the 3,000 a year. You may well find yourself making a lot more trips than you think because it's so easy and economical to do with the Prius. We only put 2,000 miles on our Buick Rendezvous last year and 3,000 the year before because we couldn't squeeze the extra gas into the budget. Our financial picture has improved a little but since June we've already put 5,000 on the Prius.

    I definitely understand your reasoning and agree with your choice of a Prius. Personally, I think if you can pull off a new one you'll be a very happy camper for a long time.
  13. Kramah313

    Kramah313 Active Member

    Oct 3, 2015
    Dallas, TX
    2012 Prius
    I just bought a used one because I wanted a four and those are not cheap brand new. However, mine only had 40K miles and was a 2012...maybe try to research the value of the solar roof one to see what it should be priced at. You seem willing to walk away or consider other options if it's too high which is very good.

    since you like to keep your cars a long time, I would get the features that you want on it, even if it means waiting a bit for a better deal or saving up for a new three with a solar roof (which by the way runs the fan when the sun is out and the car is off using the solar panel. It can keep the interior temp down and possibly result in less a/c use to cool it down once you start it. I can't speak to how well it works though because mine doesn't have one). If it was between the two you described, I wouldn't look twice at the two since the prices are the same. A Prius is a Toyota and 80,000 miles is just getting started.

    I love driving my Prius and had a Corolla and two Nissan maximas as my previous cars. I, like you, knew that I wanted a Prius for a few years and am very excited to finally own one. Good luck!
  14. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius
    This is my thought process exactly. 3000 miles a year is the limit I put on my bug and that was because of maintenance costs. I could pretty much count on 3000 miles a year equaling $1200 a year in maintenance (3 oil changes a year at $120 each and $800 for something that will break). I would love to visit family and friends more which, as you said, would put more than 3000 miles a year on the Prius.

    I spoke with my local dealer last night and I agree that new is the way to go. Especially with that shiny new warranty and 100% maintenance for 2 years. If I can get them to drop the price to under $20k I will be happy.
    #14 SoAdorable, Oct 14, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
    srellim234 likes this.
  15. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
  16. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius
    Thank you. The dealer is seriously being a stickler. They just don't want to come down despite showing them all of my research on fair market pricing and what other dealerships are pricing theirs for. They want $22,554 which includes the $3000 Toyota incentive and $2000 down. That just seems crazy.
  17. Munpot42

    Munpot42 Senior Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    Santa Monica, Ca. 90405
    Other Hybrid
    It is, travel some and buy it cheaper, you can still service it at your local dealer, and if you see the salesman there, you can remind him he lost a sale trying for extra profit.
  18. Xterra72

    Xterra72 Senior Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    2013 Prius
  19. luckyboy

    luckyboy Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    2007 Prius
    Dealer work different ways. They may only sell a couple prius a month and have to make their numbers work. They aren't going to care what you can get it for 2 hours away as that is not the customer they are looking for. Obviously that price is way high and to most it would be worth a couple hour drive to save thousands, you aren't going to convince the dealer otherwise.
  20. SoAdorable

    SoAdorable New Member

    Oct 13, 2015
    2012 Prius
    That is a beautiful car!