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Care to share any your special Driving tips?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by windstrings, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. j24816

    j24816 New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
    Los Angeles
    MPG Consistently in low 50's overall. MFD Estimated MPG very accurate so far, 99.7% accuracy (albeit over very small number of samples)

    1. How fast do you accelerate to get to the speed limit? "baby it, or do you get on with it?"
    Baby it.

    2. Do you have an EV switch and do you use it, and if so how? No EV Switch

    3. How far are your commutes? 30 minute/9 mile commute.

    4. At what speeds to you typically travel.....ie: over 60 or do you hang out and with flirt with grandma on the freeway? commutes max out at about 30-35 MPH, some stop & go.

    5. What is your terrain like? Basically flat. (300 ft. over 1 mile to get to/from house, flat, then 100 gain over 3 miles. reverse at end of day. )

    6. Are your commutes rural or city? City

    7. What Brand of Gas do you use? "and any special octane?" Cheapest available.

    8. Any modifications we need to know about?...like what type of gasoline additive or nitro do you use? No.

    9. Is your car broke in?.. how many miles are on it? Not broke in, only 550 miles.

    10. Do you typically drive alone, or are thier others in the car with you? alone during week, family of 4 on weekends.

    11. What tire psi pressure do you run? currently 39/37.

    12. Do you run your oil at the full mark or 1/4 inch below? whatever dealer fills it at.

    13. Do you use synthetic oil or other than typical 5W/30? "and what brand" typlcal, whatever dealer fills with.

    14. How long or how many years have you been working on your technique? 30 days.

    15. Weather temp is very important, but not something we can alter or change.. feel free to add that if you want for good to know info. Coastal Southern California. 60s-70s

    16. Whats your approx Elevation associated with your driving stats? Sea level.
  2. Rancid13

    Rancid13 Cool Chick with a Black Prius

    Aug 16, 2005
    Los Alamitos, Orange County, CA
    2006 Prius
    I'm currently flirting with my first 50+mpg tank (~290 miles, 51.2mpg) and almost got 50 on my last tank...

    1. How fast do you accelerate to get to the speed limit? "baby it, or do you get on with it?"
    I get on with it. I get up to the speed limit as quickly as possible without actually laying the pedal to the metal, then ease up off the accellerator and feather the pedal to maintain speed.

    2. Do you have an EV switch and do you use it, and if so how?

    3. How far are your commutes?
    ~15 miles to and from work

    4. At what speeds to you typically travel.....ie: over 60 or do you hang out and with flirt with grandma on the freeway?
    I travel at or just above the speed limit on any road I'm travelling. Unless there's a lot of traffic while I'm on the freeway, in which case I'll just stay in one of the slow lanes and cruise along with the flow of traffic.

    5. What is your terrain like?
    Mostly flat, but with some small gradual hills and more obvious hills going on overpasses of freeways/roads.

    6. Are your commutes rural or city?

    7. What Brand of Gas do you use? "and any special octane?"
    Usually whatever is cheapest: Arco, Thrifty, Valero...but sometimes Chevron

    8. Any modifications we need to know about?...like what type of gasoline additive or nitro do you use?
    None that affect mpgs

    9. Is your car broke in?.. how many miles are on it?
    It's getting there. I've put ~5400 miles on it in the almost 3 months that I've had it

    10. Do you typically drive alone, or are thier others in the car with you?
    90-95% of the time alone

    11. What tire psi pressure do you run?
    Whatever the dealer set it at

    12. Do you run your oil at the full mark or 1/4 inch below?
    Somewhere in there

    13. Do you use synthetic oil or other than typical 5W/30? "and what brand"
    Whatever the dealer puts in...

    14. How long or how many years have you been working on your technique?
    Almost 3 months now...mpgs seem to get better with every tank

    15. Weather temp is very important, but not something we can alter or change.. feel free to add that if you want for good to know info.
    I live in temperate Southern California, so we don't have very extreme weather here...temps seem to range somewhere in between 50 and 80 degrees F year round. Usually in the 50's at night, 70's during the day no matter time of year. Doesn't vary too too much...

    16. Whats your approx Elevation associated with your driving stats?
    At or slightly above (~5-20ft) sea level; do not know how it's associated with my driving stats
  3. finally_got_one

    finally_got_one New Member

    Mar 27, 2006
    Orange County, California
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 2 2006, 10:57 AM) [snapback]219135[/snapback]</div>
    EXTRA ITEM: My Honda Accord started giving out (oil in cylinders, oil idiot light on twice) over a year a go. At that time, I started babying the car by driving it like I would a Prius. Got better mileage on Accord (almost 30) before I bought & took receipt of Prius. Rest of the family wanted to know why I bought 'such an expensive car', but one of my nephews (just turning 13) REALLY likes it. :)
  4. rcf@eventide.com

    May 18, 2006
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Hi! I'm new here and I just wanted to share a tip that I haven't seen elsewhere. One way I save gas is by carefully controlling my speed between traffic lights, thus avoiding braking and unnecessary acceleration. However this might seem impossible to do for the first light after you get off a highway, since you don't know when it will change, and you must occasionally brake for it, right? NOT SO!

    If you figure out the timing of the traffic light, and use your GPS (which is accurate to the second), you can avoid braking for the first light, too. I figure this trick is good for an extra couple of miles per tank of gas. I've written an article about it here http://www.priups.com/riklblog/mar06/060312-gps-gas.htm
    if you are interested in the details.

    I have an '05 Prius and usually get in the low 50s with a 30-mile commute. My other tip is an obvious one: Stay at or near the speed limit! Not having to look for cops makes for a more enjoyable trip, too.

  5. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 2 2006, 01:57 PM) [snapback]219135[/snapback]</div>
    You don't learn to control your car, you learn to control yourself.
  6. miniracer

    miniracer New Member

    Feb 12, 2004
    Oakland, CA
    From all the above posts it seems that the common denominator for great mileage is running tire pressure at 42/40. I've tried that before but it always feels too bouncy and skittish and I go back to 37/35.
  7. furkidsnprius

    furkidsnprius New Member

    May 8, 2006
    I don't know that I have a typical tank yet, but I am getting 50 MPG or better.

    1. How fast do you accelerate to get to the speed limit? "baby it, or do you get on with it?"
    Depends on how tired/awake I am and flow of traffic.

    2. Do you have an EV switch and do you use it, and if so how?
    3. How far are your commutes?
    I go ~35 miles each way (I never just go one way *smirk*)

    4. At what speeds to you typically travel.....ie: over 60 or do you hang out and with flirt with grandma on the freeway?
    first 12 and last 2 miles 30-45 mph all the middle miles 65 mph
    5. What is your terrain like?
    foothills to rolling hills
    6. Are your commutes rural or city?
    Rural fer sure with some highway
    7. What Brand of Gas do you use? "and any special octane?"
    Haven't settled on any yet. In my last car I did best with Hess worst with Mobil + BJ's.

    8. Any modifications we need to know about?...like what type of gasoline additive or nitro do you use? :D
    no mods yet, but I am considering pinstripes and other decorations *smile*
    9. Is your car broke in?.. how many miles are on it?
    Nope only ~1100
    10. Do you typically drive alone, or are thier others in the car with you?
    alone or with my kid
    11. What tire psi pressure do you run?
    do not know haven't checked it yet-manufacturer set I reckin
    12. Do you run your oil at the full mark or 1/4 inch below?
    Whatever the dealer did.
    13. Do you use synthetic oil or other than typical 5W/30? "and what brand"
    0W-20 synthetic
    14. How long or how many years have you been working on your technique?
    Welllllll we don't really need to go there do we??????
    15. Weather temp is very important, but not something we can alter or change.. feel free to add that if you want for good to know info.
    Temps 40F- 50F in rain for over two weeks Today was gloriously sunny and 80F for the homeward commute
    16. Whats your approx Elevation associated with your driving stats?
    When I am uphill it is high and when I am down hill it is just over sea level (grin)
    Hopefully we can all compare. :)

  8. sub3marathonman

    sub3marathonman Active Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RichardF @ May 18 2006, 08:27 AM) [snapback]257414[/snapback]</div>
    This is scary. I started reading the first paragraph and thought, "This guy is another Richard Factor." Only to find out this guy IS Richard Factor.
  9. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Well there is one thing and I hesitate to mention it, but, there is a program called TOPO that is affiliated with National Geographic now. It comes with maps for specific states. It has been around for a while and is used and sold primarily for backpackers. It allows you to pick your route for a hike, print maps etc. It also lets you do elevation profiles, i.e. how much elevation you gain or loose in a trip. If you a walking with 50 lb. on your back this is not insignificant. Not sure do White pass to Chinook pass then do Chinook to White and you will see what I mean. One way good one way bad. The strange thing is that the topographical maps extend to cities. Bikers may use them, I would. And Prius drivers can to. If you are like me there are several routes you might take to and from work. You can trace the routes on the map and it will give you an elevation profile. Look at elevation gains and losses. Look at the profile. Up and down is better than say long up hills and short steep down hills. Also keep in mind speed limits 50 mph bad, 35 good. I now have a route that is .1 miles less than the one I typically used and all under 40 mph. It takes me 3 Min longer to get to work including light and improves my mpg by at least 5 mpg! You can get it at REI
  10. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    I use "Gilbert Shelton's Advanced Motoring Tips", available at all fine underground comix shops.
  11. snoggin

    snoggin New Member

    May 4, 2006
    Well I am only on my second tank but my average was 43 mpg calculated. i live north of San Francisco about 14 miles and commute in every day. a pretty good grade up to the bridge and then up and down hills all day between jobs. hence my poor mileage. I never checked but I am sure it is close to triple what i get in my Tundra.