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Hack the Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Frontporch, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. Frontporch

    Frontporch Member

    Dec 18, 2015
    2007 Prius
    Not sure if this is the right place, but can anyone provide any info about possibly messing with the innards of how the Prius decides what to do when? I am thinking software. Probably super complex, proprietary language, unable to be modified, and dangerous but at this point I am just thinking about it.

    It occurs to me that the Prius is good at everything except knowing what it is about to encounter in the road conditions ahead.

    If you drive the same way to work and home ever day, you might know that you have stretches were you are going uphill followed by a good opportunity to restore battery charge. The Prius must work within its internal guidelines to keep things in a relatively good state for whatever comes next. It doesn't know what you are about to do but you do.

    Another good example is Pulse and Glide. Would be cool if that was a mode on the Prius. I wouldn't have to pay as much attention to throttle pressure to hit the sweet spot between using/charging the battery to always be in neutral. The engineers could have made it so that pulse happens when you depress the accelerator pedal and guide happens when you take your foot off the pedal.

  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    they have added those features with each new iteration. idk if anyone has ever hacked and improved the software, not to my recollection.
  3. JimboPalmer

    JimboPalmer Tsar of all the Rushers

    Apr 14, 2009
    Greenwood MS USA
    2012 Prius v wagon
    You can watch the OBDII bus. You can even alter some parameters.
  4. valde3

    valde3 Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2014
    2004 Prius
    If somebody wanted to. They could create (with information already available) create a system that would allow the Prius to use more battery power when it would be beneficial (when long downhill is coming). Or the other way around if it would be beneficial to charge or conserve the power in the battery. These could be achieved with SOC spoofing through CAN. Basically you would build a computer connected to CAN-line that would receive the message about hybrid battery SOC and then use some kind of S-curve transformation to SOC number and send the message out. S-curve transformation would be needed because you only want to alter the SOC when it’s (about) between 48…78%. I don’t know if anybody has actually done this.

    Pulse and glide “cruze control” could be build out of just regular aftermarket cruze control that would be installed to pull down the gas pedal. But again I don’t know if anybody has actually done this.

    But I’m pretty sure that nobody outside Toyota has gotten into the Prius system enough that they could install those things directly into control unit(s).
  5. DonDNH

    DonDNH Senior Member

    Feb 3, 2004
    Nashua, NH
    2016 Prius
    Four Touring
    Complex, yes probably.

    Proprietary language, I'm pretty sure the Prius has COTS microprocessors and most likely programmers are using a standard language to develop the various apps and interfaces. It's very, very costly to develop and implement a proprietary language. Top notch programmers are too hard to find to make them learn languages they can't use outside their current job. Reminds me of one of my jobs, we were a finally an all-C# shop that had transitioned thru several languages from FORTRAN 25+ years ago. Well we had an app that someone forgot about; I, as the old fart, was the only one in the office that had ever used FORTRAN. Of course I got the task to rewrite the app.

    Dangerous, yeah probably not something I would want to drive after "tinkering" with any of the ECUs' logic.

    I'm guessing that one could read out EPROM contents, play it thru a disassembler, and come up with some understandable code. Good luck if you pursue such an endeavor.
  6. Kevin_Denver

    Kevin_Denver Active Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Denver, CO
    2009 Prius
    If I remember right, some of the Prius battery kits out there (Enginer IIRC) hack the Prius' system by sending a false state of charge reading during use. They tell the Prius' computer that the battery is at something like 75% state of charge most of the time, and then during acceleration it tells the computer 99% SOC to encourage even more amps to be drawn from the batteries. Generally this is done by running a variable power supply in series with the battery pack, which boosts the voltage up during use.

    The Prius is very optimized in how it manages charge. If you think about how it behaves, it already has a behavior pretty close to ideal - when you hit a hill you push the gas pedal down farther and the battery is discharged for extra power. When you go downhill, you back off on the gas pedal and the car uses extra engine power to charge the battery. Sure there are circumstances where this could be optimized (eg. coming to 1 bar at the top of a hill and 8 bars before you hit a big climb), but I doubt you're looking at large possible gains - probably on the order of 5% improvement in mpg in a typical commute.

    Therefore I don't see a lot of point in hacking the Prius' ECUs, except for in the case extra battery capacity is added and charged from the grid. In that case, it makes sense to fake a high state of charge to encourage the car to draw power from the batteries.

    A Prius can certainly benefit from most of the usual eco-mods. See this page if you haven't already: 65+ Vehicle modifications for better fuel economy - EcoModder.com. I think a Prius with a 0.17 coefficient of drag is possible, based on this guy who did it with a Honda Civic! Such a Prius could get ~30% better highway mpg.
    #6 Kevin_Denver, Oct 27, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
  7. Frontporch

    Frontporch Member

    Dec 18, 2015
    2007 Prius
    Thanks for the responses. I know I was jumping the gun here, but I wondered if there had already been an established effort regarding this. Seems like several others have considered it but there are some obvious reasons to proceed with caution.

    I like the idea of the pulse and guide cruise control. From what I have read, all of the components in modern cars will broadcast updates on the CAN bus and a throttle position might be able to be spoofed such that it adjusts to stay in the range of "neutral". That would be a neat feature. Controlled low speed acceleration to 30mph would be the icing on the cake. Sadly, I haven't found many roads around where i live where I can even manually try the pulse and glide, but it would be a cool project.

    Over time I will read any additional posts and post things that I find or any progress I have made.