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How old are the Prius owners here?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by fatale, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. 20 and under

  2. 21-25

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  10. 61-65

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  11. 66-70

  12. 71-75

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  13. 76-80

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  14. 81 and over

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  1. fatale

    fatale New Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Toronto, Canada.
    So how old are the Prius owners out there? I'm suprised this poll has not happened yet (i have seen a topic - but that does not provide a tally). I am quite interested in seeing how the younger generations have adopted this new(ish) technology. Is the new trend of being 'green and cool' influencing purchase? It's ovbious that times are changing... but are buying habits? Are grunty SUV's losing ground with certain generartions in particular?

    I put in 'owners only' as I want to see the true numbers.. as those who are simply registered and interested (those who are on waiting lists.. vote away!) may skew results. Don't worry... There is nothing against you future Prii owners. :)

    ALSO - please state your reason for buying a Prius! To look cool? Because its cost effective? Because you want to help the environment? You like techy toys? It just looked cool?

    Lets see!
  2. ScottY

    ScottY New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    2005 Prius
    Actually, there was a poll like this a while back. I'm 23 myself. As for the reason... I guess they r the same as many others here, great mileage, hybrid technology, the cool factor, emission, etc.
  3. fatale

    fatale New Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Toronto, Canada.
    Ah I did a search that didnt turn up anything... oh well :) I suppose we can get the updated numbers now.

    I am 24 myself and consider myself somewhat of an early adopter.

    I bought for a number of reasons.. one being the great mileage, another is that I am fairly 'green' and believe in living a sustainable lifestyle.
  4. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    OK, I really don't care about who else owns a Prius, or why, as long Toyota sells lots and people understand it's a good thing, as Martha says. We Earthlings have made a big mess of our environment, so anything we can do to reverse the trend helps. The Prius is a step in the right direction.
  5. marjam

    marjam Member

    Jun 17, 2006
    Silver Spring, MD
    I bought Gen 1 in 2001 when I was 48. Since I was a kid (and a car nut) I have always thought it would be better for cars to run on electricity and traction motors. When I had the chance to buy one I jumped for it. Environment is not a big concern for me but I love the technology and the excitement of being a part of the future of the auto. It is also still an attention getter in parking lots! :)
  6. bigj3347

    bigj3347 New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Hacienda Heights, Ca
    2005 Prius
    I turned 20 a few months back, I will be a junior this fall. I never really considered why I got a prius. I was driving my mom's old 84 mercedes turbo diesel and it was a servieable car and all but my parents were looking into getting me a new car. At the time, I thought a prius was such a "liberal car". I know this is going to sound very inflammatory but bear with me. Prius drivers, imo at the time, still had the tree hugging hippie stigma attached to it. I couldn't imagine driving one. I'm a pretty big kid and always thought my first car would be a SUV, H2 kind of car.

    One day, my mom said her friend got a prius and it was really cool. Asked me if i wanted to test drive one. I orignally felt reluctant, I thought I'd be caught dead driving a prius around school. I thought it'd be cool to test drive a new car so I went to the dealer and they gave me a demo of all the prius had, bluetooth, sks, nav, and the incredible fuel economy. Needless to say, I was very impressed. I especially loved the sks, no more digging thru the pockets while carryng heavy bags for the keys. It wa great.

    I told my mom I loved the car, she put down a sizeable down payment for me. And the rest is history. I gotta pay for my own gas so in hindsight, I couldn't have made a better choice. I'd be wrose than broke if i had to refuel a h2 every thee days.

    The most surprising thing by far, however, was the fact that I went to a few parties at my firend's house and they were all asking me all these questions about it. I had a great time showing off the sks and all the cool features. This was back in august of 05.

    The onyl complaint I would have now is that there are way too many millenium silver prii in so cal. Every parking lot I park at there are at least 2-3 other millenium silver prii. Now if only I had a 06 magnetic grey, now thats a beauty. :) But thats a different story.
  7. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    58 here. I did NOT like the looks of the Prius at first. I wanted it for the low-pollution, the high mileage, and the cool technology. Plus I wanted a car with ABS and air bags, which my old '89 Civic did not have. And I wanted a station wagon, hatchback, or liftback for the flexibility. -- Since then I have grown to like the odd look of the car. -- Now what I want is for it to be a PHEV. If EDrive Systems ever actually starts doing conversions I'd consider it pretty seriously.

    (PHEV = Plug-in Hybrid. EDrive promises 30-mile range in EV with their $12,000 conversion. But last I checked they had nt yet begun actually doing the conversions.)
  8. PriusRos

    PriusRos A Fairly Senior Member - 2016 Prius Owner

    Jun 22, 2006
    Rockville, MD
    2016 Prius
    Let's just say I'm in an older age bracket and I'm female. I bought the Prius because I'm one of the liberal-leaning former flower-child types who kind of wants to do the right thing. I had been considering getting a hybrid for a while, but hadn't really acted on it or done much research. I was always under the impression that a hybrid would lack power -- one thing that makes me really nervous is a sluggish car when trying to merge onto a busy highway. When I was ready to start thinking about buying a new car, I read the 2006 Consumer Reports new car issue and was impressed that the Prius had earned a 95% satisfaction rating from its owners, the highest rating for any car. Also, CR had many other positive things to say about it. After test driving one, I was immediately sold. Loved the cool technology and thought it drove just fine. Although in the past I had never liked the looks of hatchbacks/liftbacks, I thought this car has such a distinctive look it didn't bother me -- and it seemed really roomy and practical.
  9. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Here's a poll from a little more than a month back: Age of Prius Owners

    I'm 36 and bought the Prius because when I was researching cars I found Priuschat. There were so many great people that I decided to buy one for myself. If you were registered at Priuschat prior to August, 2004, you can stop reading now.

    Actually, I thought the poeple on Priuschat back then were mostly nerds and geeks. All the same, I thought the Prius was a great technological wonder and wanted to support the idea of hybrid technology.
  10. mrbigh

    mrbigh Prius Absolutum Dominium

    Sep 6, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Other Electric Vehicle
    I just turn 52!! Oh my God..................... ;)
    Because I'm a friggin techie nuts and I hate giving my money away to the Oil refineries.
  11. n2y2

    n2y2 New Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    I personally am 36 with a young family of 3 kids.

    Driving around town, we have noticed that most of the other Prius drivers are... How to say this delicately? ... More likely to by blue hair die and Grecian formula. You know, those that collect Social Security Benefits instead of building them. It is an interesting phenomena.

    The results of this poll show that most of the owners participating are at least 20 years younger. I wonder if the more experienced drivers are a local Northern Nevada thing or if it is just that the Internet is more the domain of the younger generations.

    I like the Prius because I hate waste. Theres plenty to go around in this big world if everyone takes only what they need. Normal cars throw away all of that breaking energy and idle gas away when stopped.
  12. tyrael

    tyrael Junior Member

    Jul 10, 2006
    San Diego
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm 24 turning 25 in a couple of days (July 28th)! :blink: I've been trying to convince everyone, even myself, to get a Hybrid and I finally did it! I test drove the Camry which was the same price as the Pkg 7 but it didnt' feel the same. I wasn't as excited with it. Maybe it was the cool little pictures in the Nav screen that got me, but I loved the Prius' feel much better.
  13. Three60guy

    Three60guy -->All around guy<-- (360 = round) get it?

    May 20, 2005
    Racine, Wisconsin
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I'm 59.

    Two quick stories....

    When I was around 21 I had a choice to make. To purchase a Mercedes 450SL for $10 grand or invest it. It was a damn hard choice. But I was told that your money would increase in the market and the car wouldn't. Well, I made a huge mistake. I put the money into options. I didn't know what I was doing and lost it all. Ten years later that 450SL was worth double what I would have paid for it. Ever since then I have been looking for something to replace that lousy experience. But I did learn.

    Story #2

    I have always been a geek/techie. Anyone who knows me knows that gadgets have been my weakness. It took me a year to "research" the Prius but I gotta tell ya that this car is the first car I ever purchased "new". AND this is that replacement Mercedes. It represents to me everything I have ever wanted in a car. The love affair with our cars is what drives our addiction to oil. It represents freedom. But this one allows us to enjoy it without the guilt factor. I am so glad I got the Prius.

  14. trillium

    trillium New Member

    Jun 23, 2006
    I'm 37 and had been thinking about a Prius for a couple of years before picking mine up on July 1. Although I really dislike car payments, it was time to replace my POS 2000 VW Jetta before the tranny fell out, and I had liked the Prius since the new body style came out in 2004. I also strongly considered the Acura TSX and TL but I just could not make myself buy an "outdated," inefficient car, no matter how beautiful. Here in Dallas, a.k.a. Plasticland, the Prius does not get much respect -- but thankfully, the older I get, the less I care what other people think. :p
  15. fphinney

    fphinney Member

    Jun 16, 2006
    Walnut Creek CA
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fatale @ Jul 8 2006, 09:38 PM) [snapback]283183[/snapback]</div>
  16. seanyob

    seanyob New Member

    Jun 25, 2006
    I'm 24, and as I drive around So. Cal, I see nothing but atleast 35+. Sorry if you're younger, but that's all I really see.

    After hearing the first quarter earnings of all big oil companies, I was so outraged, the next day I got on the internet and phone to track down a Prius. The day after test driving one, my sister gave birth to my first niece. Over the next couple of days I countined to hear stories about global warming, high levels of ozone, and the usual stories of pollution. As I waited for my Prius to come, I felt all these stories were a sign. Just a week after picking it up from the dealer, I heard a story on the radio (while driving) about how autism could occur from intaking high levels of pollution. After hearing that story, I was convinced that I made the right choice.
  17. Sapphra

    Sapphra New Member

    Apr 28, 2006
    33 years here. I wanted my Prius for the lower emissions and fuel economy. Also the tax ded and HOV access don't hurt! My car is doing pretty well, considering it has to drive around an eighties rock child. B)
  18. narussian

    narussian New Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    I am 32 and I just got my Prius a little over a month ago. I chose a Prius for a couple of reasons. The first being that about a year ago my boyfriend surprised me with a new car, a 9.3 Turbo convertible Saab Turbo something or another. He traded in my Pontiac Vibe in the deal. Although my friends were green with envy that my super great boyfriend bought me this super great car, I secretly felt sad about him having spent so much money on a car I knew wasn't for me. Yes, fancy in comparison to my Pontiac, but I am just not that into cars as decoration, more for functionality. Being that I live in Dallas with some of the dirtiest air in the country a convertible certianly wasn't enjoyable yet it was functional in that it prompted me to consider the air that we breathe. And since the 2 door Saab was WAY TO SMALL for what I needed I began to look for what I would get next.

    A PRIUS was the answer!! I like it a lot. I wouldn't say I am in love with it, I have never really cared much about cars at all. I do love that it is not completely oil dependent, Anything I can do to separate myself from needing George Bush and his War For Oil THRILLS ME TO NO END!!!!!!!!!!

    I am enjoying Prius Chat in a very uncharacteristic strange way. Thanks to everyone for the sharing of great knowledge and information!!
  19. Kross

    Kross New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
    Pittsbugh, PA
    I am 23, going on 24. Bought mine in April this year and it has thus far been an excellent decision.
  20. BenR

    BenR New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    2006 Prius
    I'm 30. The Prius was the only vehicle I considered when I decided to replace my old car. The Toyota name really speaks for itself, and the car's fuel economy and performance are great.