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i have a issue

Discussion in 'Other Cars' started by tristana, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. tristana

    tristana New Member

    Dec 15, 2017
    2008 Prius
    hi everyone
    I'm a member of a group called, Handpainted Cars of Seattle. There are clubs like this all over the country and they have a big ralley in Texas every year. There are two classes of cars: street legal and exhibition. The imagination involved is astounding.
    I've painted murals on the last four cars I've owned and will probably do a very subtle bamboo motif on the driver and front pax door of my new Prius when it gets here. I've been working on designs for whatever color I end up with.
    One of the cars that showed up at the big Texas rally was called, "I go-You Go". It was two Yugos (remember the Yugo? No waiting list!!) with their rear wheels removed, and bolted together back to back (end to end) to that there was a front end on each end of the car. It would drive in either direction and the inactive wheels on the "back end" would track along with the front wheels. I don't know how the mechanical systems were set up, as I only saw a photo. The post about fog lights in the back of a Prius made me think of this, as did my first impression sitting in a Prius driver seat where I felt I was looking out the back of a car rather than the front.
    Two Prii so fastened would be an interesting concept as each end would be "going before".
    My "car art" is on the "fine art" end of the handpainted car spectrum, rather than the glued on multi sculptural cars that comprise most of the membership. I'l post photos when I'm done. I wanted something to add a touch of unique color to my Prius, especially if I end up with silver or black. Something understated like a Japanese scroll painting.
    The Japanese have produced some fabulously beautiful art (including the Prius). It's embarassing sometimes to realize that what we get from them is fine art, well made cars, state of the art electronics and other high quality products, while what they get from us, apart from Boeing airplanes, is McDonalds, BurgerKing, other bad food influences, blue jeans, pop music and bad television. I'm more than willing to support any culture that can produce what the Japanese do....I just wish they would stop whaling.
    pilotgrrl likes this.
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i can read your issue between the lines, but i don't see where you stated it?

    to take this to fhopol, i would say we have much more to offer than what you stated, and the japanese are free to take what they want, and leave the rest behind, just as we are.
    however (COMMA:cool:) i see a lot more japanese living here, than i see americans living in japan.