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Prius died on me

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Bria Dorsey, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Bria Dorsey

    Bria Dorsey New Member

    Jul 6, 2018
    St louis mo
    2006 Prius
    I have a 2006 toyota prius. The air conditioner went hot then the triangle with the explanation point popped up and the car with warning light came on but it still drove so i drove it home but it died and no lights nothing works. When i took it to auto zone they said the code was throttle actuator control motor circuit high. Also my key would not unlock my door all day when i walked towards it like it usually does. I just bought a new battery. When we tried to jump it it did not jump. Im going to try to change the battery in the key to make sure its not the key.
  2. hchu1

    hchu1 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    Houston, Tx.
    2014 Prius v wagon
    You need a better code reader (mini-vci w/techstream enabled pc), get the hybrid specific dtc for better idea of your issues. One thing you can do yourself is to put the car in "ready" and check for fluid movement in the inverter coolant tank near the inverter. There should be ripples, if no movement you have a dead inverter coolant pump. When your ac when hot and you got the triangle of death, that points to a coolant pump failure among other things. Not knowing what codes are set there could be other problems.

    Don't drive the car if the coolant pump is out, you will eventually cause the inverter to die also. This will escalate your repair cost from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand(s). Did you get a reading on the 12v battery? It most likely needed to be replaced, but not knowing and just replacing parts will lighten your wallet. Since you bought a new battery did you check to see if it was charged up to proper level (12-13v+)? Additionally, if you got a new battery just replace the old one don't try to jump it. You run the risk of a error in jumping the battery and that could also cause you major issues and add more cost to your repairs.

    If you can't find someone outside of the dealership to read the proper codes, then go to the dealer. It should not cost more than $100-150, make sure you get all the codes written on your invoice summary, you paid for it make sure you get it. If you haven't resolved your issues those codes will be of great help when you come back to this forum. There are many more individuals here with much greater knowledge than I who will be more than willing to assist you.

    It would also be a favor to all if you do resolve your problems to come back and fill us in on what you found and what was done. Pay it forward to the next person who finds there way to your thread with the same issues. Good luck.

    TMR-JWAP Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius
    You do not need the car in ready to check the inverter pump. With your foot OFF the brake pedal, press the power button twice to place the car in "ig-on" mode; The pump should run and you should have ripples in the reservoir.

    OP-when you say no lights..etc, do you mean the dashboard is dead? Power button dead? MFD dead?

    If so, the pump probably seized and popped the AM2 fuse. If you remove the fuse cover on the driverside of the engine compartment, the AM2 fuse is the second fuse down on the driverside (should be 15 amp). If it's blown, you'll need to unplug the inverter cooling pump and then replace the fuse, otherwise it will probably blow again. Then replace the pump.
    ITBland likes this.
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    start with the 12v. if that is good, move on to the more complicated stuff.
    but to be honest, 2006 is right in the 'time to trade up' zone.

    all the best!(y)
    edthefox5 likes this.
  5. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    Well off hand sounds like the hybrid battery failed and you continued to drive it till the hybrid battery went completely dead and now it wont start the car. If the hybrid battery is dead the car will not start. The hybrid battery turns the engine over there is no starter. Dead jim.

    2005's and 2006's are dying like crazy now.

    Dead hybrid battery is the #1 post.

    TMR-JWAP Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius
    After reading this again, let's go through this step by step so we all have a clear picture.

    I have a 2006 toyota prius. WooHoooo..love Gen 2s

    The air conditioner went hot OK, the AC started blowing warm air instead of cold

    then the triangle with the explanation point popped up and the car with warning light came on OK...the dreaded triangle of doom

    but it still drove so i drove it home so the car continued to function but AC was hot and triangle was on. Did the engine run normally? how far was the drive to get home?

    but it died and no lights nothing works. explain this a bit more please. You drove it home, yet it died? Did it die in your driveway? Explain "no lights" Explain "nothing works" Can you provide a photo of the dash after pressing power button?

    When i took it to auto zone they said the code was throttle actuator control motor circuit high. How did you get it to AutoZone? How far was that drive?

    Also my key would not unlock my door all day when i walked towards it like it usually does. So the SKS doesn't work...

    I just bought a new battery. When we tried to jump it it did not jump. Can you explain how you attempted to jumped it? Any chance the leads/cables were reversed?

    Im going to try to change the battery in the key to make sure its not the key. OK