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Somebody please make me feel better ---UPDATE!!!!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by auart, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. Beryl Octet

    Beryl Octet New Member

    Aug 27, 2006
    Abingdon VA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(auart @ Sep 29 2006, 11:09 PM) [snapback]325896[/snapback]</div>
    It'll be ok, this happens a lot, and they should be able to remove it with no damage. I've helped people do this before using that clay stuff, probably a good waxing would have worked as well.
  2. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Oh, goodness, I'm sorry to hear about this.

    Years ago I bought a metallic silver Miata. There was a small imperfection in the paint on the left quarter panel; the dealer said they'd buff it out no problem.

    Well, they buffed too far and said they'd have to repaint the panel.
    Unfortunately, the panel didn't quite match the trunk and drivers door when the light hit it from certain angles; something about the metallic going down in a slightly different orientation due to a difference in air pressure (don't know if this is true or not, though, but there was something amiss).

    So they repainted it again, and blended into the driver side door and trunk. This time, however, the blend on the door was REALLY obvious. So they ended up painting the entire car.

    The car ended up looking pretty good (but not as good as when I'd driven off the lot that fateful night) but because all that work had been done, some of the trim pieces on the outside never fit as well as before. Also, the plastic on the driver's door never went on as tightly again; it always rattled after this incident.

    I suspect that in your case, they'll be able to make things right...but, in my opinion, the lesson is, don't accept the car until it's as you want it. NEVER trust the 'we'll take care of it' line.

    If there's a problem, have them fix it first, THEN pay the balance due, or just walk away and find another one. It's always a bummer when you have to start messing with a brand new car (except to modify it, of course).

    Worst case scenario with an unscrupulous dealer: you lose the $500 deposit. Sounds to me like that'd be a good trade to avoid all of this stress.
  3. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    Not to worry, the overspray will come right off with some detailing clay. I used to remove overspray all the time when I was a professional detailer, its very easy and you can do it yourself.

    Its almost impossible to be around a bodyshop and not catch SOME kind of overspray. Most shops clay overspray out when they trim out the car before delivery. Don't be too hard on your friend.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(filless @ Oct 2 2006, 03:11 PM) [snapback]327003[/snapback]</div>
    The claybar made this possible, the "xzilion" coating did not. All these dealer applied "paint systems" are bull, they're just bulk applied polymer sealant. You could get better protection from Zaino yourself, and I don't even like Zaino. The profit margins on these systems are unreal, total cost to them is like $1.00 per car, they turn around and sell you the crap for $500-$1000. Total scam.

    In fact, I'm 80% sure the coating was removed by the claybar, and it will have worn off the paint in 3 months tops.
  4. auart

    auart Junior Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SW03ES @ Oct 2 2006, 04:22 PM) [snapback]327135[/snapback]</div>

    I went by the body shop today, and scheduled to drop it off in the morning tomorrow to get it fixed up... He assured me I would be happy when done, and I expressed my concern about them using buffers and leaving swirl marks or making my NEW car even worse.... I was assured they knew what they are doing... The body shop owner (My Friend) said they would use some type of stuff to get it off then a coat of something else, and come back with a type of handWax after it is all off....
    I really didn't pay much attention to the details of what the stuff was....
    I just know I don't have 2 days to do the claybar myself... Since it took me 3 hours to do the drivers side doors to get 90% off.

    What do you think? Anything I should make sure they don't do?
  5. auart

    auart Junior Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    OK... UPDATE time.....
    I let them have my car last Wednesday late afternoon. ..
    Friday evening they still don't have it finsihed.
    The owner (My friend) called and gave me some crap about waiting for some kind of different stuff to use with the claybar.... Which I suspect is bull since all they really needed was a claybar and the lubricant stuff to go with it that is available at any Auto parts store.
    So finally today, MONDAY, I get my car back... They did fix the buffer marks on each fender, and got most of the primer off with claybar, although not 100% of it.
    So now I have my car back and it still has a few tiny dots of primer or whatever overspray they got on it in various spots on the car.
    Normally I would refuse to accept this, but at this point, I don't want them to touch my car again ever. I will finish the spots myself and feel much more confident doing the claybar myself.
    The sad part is that the hood (the reason I had it in the shop to begin with) is really no better off than to start with.... the original problem is fixed , but now my hood has "fisheye" tiny spots in two places and a little run in another spot. I am no body person, but if I can notice the crappy paint work anybody else sure could easily.
    I feel terrible about it, but have learned a real lesson... NEVER EVER EVER take your Prius to someone you are friends with or do business with.....
    This body shop I have recommended many times over to my clients (Insurance) and have never had a complaint.. Now I would not recommend them to anyone.
    I have a 7 week old Prius with a crappy paint job on the hood and swirl marks all over it and to make matters worse, I think the idiots left the power on most of the time they had it pulled in to work on it, because I stopped to fillup and my 52 MPG average is killed with 9.5 gallons going in with I think it was 370 miles--that is 38 mpg !!! They must have left it powered on for long periods and the AC running, it would have kept running the ICE to charge the battery back up ....
    Totally unbelievable situation!!!!!!
  6. bee13

    bee13 Member

    Aug 13, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Sep 30 2006, 12:06 PM) [snapback]326031[/snapback]</div>
    I couldn't agree more, Tony. For most circumstances, business and personal relationships are like oil and water; they don't mix well.

    Best of luck
  7. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    I'm really sorry, auart, that you had to learn these life lessons on your new car. But I'm an optimist. Now you can use the final clay-barring and polishing to become even closer to your Prius. You can make that baby glow!

    I, too, recommend having a look at Zaino polish and clay-bar. They make a product to erase fine scratches and swirls, and the shine on black will be terrific! Finish working with the claybar you have, then get the Zaino and make your car really shine. Show your "friend" what a car should look like!

    Good luck.
  8. bhaynnes

    bhaynnes Member

    Jul 14, 2006
    Belmont CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Merchant @ Oct 9 2006, 10:12 PM) [snapback]330480[/snapback]</div>
    Ouch! My ears..
  9. auart

    auart Junior Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Merchant @ Oct 10 2006, 12:12 AM) [snapback]330480[/snapback]</div>
    THANKS Bill

    I am about to order the ZAINO stuff tonight and hope to spend sunday afternoon on it. Funny thing is when other people see the car they think it looks good, until I point out it still has some of the tiny little specks of that overspray (Primer or paint or whatever it is).
    I went by a friends house around lunch today and washed the car...The ladies in my office wondered why my pants were a little dirty when I got back to the office.... I couldn't resist washing the car so I could see how much I will have to do myself.... Boy the swirl marks and clear coat scratches are bad , especially on a 8 week old car, but I wouldn't let the body shop touch this Prius again ever.
    I am going to baby her and have her shined up, and move on!
    THANKS To everybody for the encouragement!
  10. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hang in there; sometimes it seems worse when you've been looking at all the problems for a while, and get to know the imperfections and where to look for them. I suspect there might have been other, smaller imperfections which you were never attuned to...but now, that's all you can see

    I know this is true for me...but if you can get through the initial shock and upset, time *will* make it seem better. You'll probably also get a parking lot ding or whatever, and (if you're like me) will obsess about that instead.

    It's a never ending story.

    I think Bill is right; take the opportunity to get to know your car better and reclaim it for yourself! Everyone has been pawing her...now it's your turn!

    Your car may not ever be perfect, but I'm hoping that the trauma will diminsh more quickly than you might suspect

    My thoughts are with you!
  11. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I've been thinking more about what you're going through, since I've just gotten the windshield replaced after a bit of stupidity on my part. And now, of course, I'm searching for anything that wasn't done right (and finding things that probably weren't right in the first place that I never noticed until thinking that something might be wrong and looking so closely)...

    I hope everyone doesn't mind (too much) but I have a few more thoughts about the trauma of damage to our fair Prii (please consider this fair warning to move onto a less verbose reply if you're so inclined).

    Of course, in your specific case, I haven't actually seen for myself what happened, so it's possible that what I'm thinking doesn't apply quite so much. And I'm in NO WAY mitigating the responsibility of the body shop or the seriousness of their error.

    But I'm hoping that this little tale is more of an example.

    In *my* case, I'd like to share something which I went through right after picking up Buzz with the lowered suspension.

    A bit of background: my car is now about two months old, and right after I bought it, I had the TRD suspension installed, which lowers the ride height. Anyhow, I was leaving the dealer's lot and did my best to be careful about scraping the front end, but of course it just touched the pavement anyway.

    Naturally, as soon as I got home, I rushed out of the car to assess the damage (or, hopefully, confirm that there wasn't any). In all honesty, the scrape was fortunately fairly minor, and didn't seem to damage any of the front end pieces, fasteners, etc.


    In the process of getting down on my hands and knees and shining a spotlight on the underside of the car, I had the opportunity to notice that the bottom of the front fascia, where (on the '06) it meets that little black lower plastic spoiler/strip, was somewhat wavy.

    FYI, my car is white, and there's a lot of contrast at the edge where the two meet. And one piece is hard plastic, the other flexible. So it's not that surprising that any imperfections would be noticable, if one wanted to look for them.

    Anyhow, once I'd figured out the best angles to fully reveal the degree of waviness, it became *lots* easier to see from other angles, too. Soon I found myself parking the car so I could have the best view of the front end to see how bad it looked...(!!!)

    My point is not to confirm that I have manifold issues (just ask the battery of psychotherapists catering exclusively to me 24/7/365), but that sometimes, once you notice a flaw, it has a way of making itself worse.

    That's not to say that your car shouldn't look new when it is new, but my hope is that your concern is manifesting itself in a heightened awareness of the 'wrong' at the expense of what's 'right.' I know that this must seem terribly frustrating, but, as I said, try to get through it. And do think about spending a little alone time...just you, the car, and a claybar. You CAN make it yours again!!!

    Well, have to go...I have an "appointment."
  12. PA

    PA Member

    Aug 9, 2006
    Raleigh, NC
    2019 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(auart @ Sep 29 2006, 11:09 PM) [snapback]325896[/snapback]</div>
    Probably curl up in a ball and cry, if you must know.

    I'm so sorry to hear about the incident but am relieved that it is getting better.
  13. auart

    auart Junior Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Oct 12 2006, 12:57 PM) [snapback]331794[/snapback]</div>
    Pinto Girl...
    If I ever make it out to Cal. I will have to sit on your couch!
    Seriously, I have enjoyed your kind and well thought out comments, and it has made me feel much better every time I read them.
    The car will get better, I have a bunch of ZAINO stuff coming in tomorrow by UPS and plan to spend sunday afternoon working on the car. (I would do it Saturday, but I will be spending my day tailgating and getting ready for my beloved AUBURN TIGERS play Florida Saturday night...We tailgate all day and the game is Saturday night--- so if you see the Auburn vs. Florida football game on ESPN saturday night think of me and if Auburn somehow pulls out a win... Everything will be a lot better!!!)

    Thanks Again!
    War Eagle! (watch ESPN at 6:30 sat night and you will understand what our battle cry means!)
  14. yakky

    yakky New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(auart @ Oct 12 2006, 10:45 PM) [snapback]332091[/snapback]</div>
    Zaino is great stuff. I've been using it for 7 years now. If you ordered ZPC is may make the surface a bit better but I'd take it to a GOOD professional detailer to get the issue resolved. 90% is surface prep and the last 10% is product. Zaino is good but its not magic and in some cases will make blemishes appear worse. A good detailer may even be able to fix up the run on the hood. The fisheyes will be there to stay though. Check autopia.org to find a good detailer in your area or post up for some better advice.
  15. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(auart @ Oct 12 2006, 09:45 PM) [snapback]332091[/snapback]</div>
    Oh, gosh, really...you were on my mind, and just wanted to share my random thoughts. I'm so glad I might have helped, and I do appreciate your saying so.
  16. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    I'm sorry I wasn't able to get back to you until now, I'm not on here everyday.

    Yikes, it sounds like this guy's shop isn't stellar. Fisheyes and runs are inexcusable with modern bodywork techologies. I'd demand a refund.

    As for the swirls and scratches, you probably should take it to a COMPETENT detailer. I say COMPETENT because as with body shops most detailers aren't. They will need to use a machine polisher to prep the paint, unless you want to devote the time towards learning how to do that you may as well have a professional do that.

    If you insist on using Zaino, you have to be sure 99% of the surface blemishes are gone, because you can't use any rich polishes to hide defects in the paint when using Zaino.

    Good luck!